// If input of the form "/20foo" or "/20 foo", returns "foo" and channel 20. // Otherwise returns input and channel 0. LLWString LLChatBar::stripChannelNumber(const LLWString &mesg, S32* channel) { if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] == '/') { // This is a "repeat channel send" *channel = mLastSpecialChatChannel; return mesg.substr(2, mesg.length() - 2); } else if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] && ( LLStringOps::isDigit(mesg[1]) // <edit> || mesg[1] == '-' )) // </edit> { // This a special "/20" speak on a channel S32 pos = 0; // <edit> if(mesg[1] == '-') pos++; // </edit> // Copy the channel number into a string LLWString channel_string; llwchar c; do { c = mesg[pos+1]; channel_string.push_back(c); pos++; } while(c && pos < 64 && LLStringOps::isDigit(c)); // Move the pointer forward to the first non-whitespace char // Check isspace before looping, so we can handle "/33foo" // as well as "/33 foo" while(c && iswspace(c)) { c = mesg[pos+1]; pos++; } mLastSpecialChatChannel = strtol(wstring_to_utf8str(channel_string).c_str(), NULL, 10); // <edit> if(mesg[1] == '-') mLastSpecialChatChannel = -mLastSpecialChatChannel; // </edit> *channel = mLastSpecialChatChannel; return mesg.substr(pos, mesg.length() - pos); } else { // This is normal chat. *channel = 0; return mesg; } }
void LLConsole::addQueuedLines() { for (line_queue_t::iterator iter = mLineQueue.begin(); iter != mLineQueue.end(); ++iter) { LineInfo& line_info = *iter; LLWString wline = line_info.wline; //F32 size = line_info.size; LLColor4 color = line_info.color; if (!wline.empty() && mFont != NULL) { // Wrap lines that are longer than the view is wide. S32 offset = 0; while( offset < (S32)wline.length() ) { S32 skip_chars; // skip '\n' // Figure out if a word-wrapped line fits here. LLWString::size_type line_end = wline.find_first_of(llwchar('\n'), offset); if (line_end != LLWString::npos) { skip_chars = 1; // skip '\n' } else { line_end = wline.size(); skip_chars = 0; } U32 drawable = mFont->maxDrawableChars(wline.c_str()+offset, (F32)mRect.getWidth(), line_end-offset, TRUE); if (drawable != 0) { LLFixedBuffer::addLine(wline.substr(offset, drawable)); mAddTimes[mAddTimes.size()-1] = line_info.add_time; } else { // force a blank line LLFixedBuffer::addLine(" "); } mColors.push_back(color); offset += (drawable + skip_chars); } } } mLineQueue.clear(); }
void LLClipboard::copyFromPrimarySubstring(const LLWString &src, S32 pos, S32 len, const LLUUID& source_id ) { mSourceID = source_id; mString = src.substr(pos, len); LLView::getWindow()->copyTextToPrimary( mString ); }
// If input of the form "/20foo" or "/20 foo", returns "foo" and channel 20. // Otherwise returns input and channel 0. LLWString FSNearbyChat::stripChannelNumber(const LLWString &mesg, S32* channel, S32* last_channel, bool* is_set) { *is_set = false; if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] == '/') { // This is a "repeat channel send" *is_set = true; *channel = *last_channel; return mesg.substr(2, mesg.length() - 2); } else if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] //<FS:TS> FIRE-11412: Allow saying /-channel for negative numbers // (this code was here; documenting for the future) //&& LLStringOps::isDigit(mesg[1])) && (LLStringOps::isDigit(mesg[1]) || (mesg[1] == '-' && mesg[2] && LLStringOps::isDigit(mesg[2])))) //</FS:TS> FIRE-11412 { // This a special "/20" speak on a channel *is_set = true; S32 pos = 0; //<FS:TS> FIRE-11412: Allow saying /-channel for negative numbers // (this code was here; documenting for the future) if (mesg[1] == '-') { pos++; } //</FS:TS> FIRE-11412 // Copy the channel number into a string LLWString channel_string; llwchar c; do { c = mesg[pos + 1]; channel_string.push_back(c); pos++; } while (c && pos < 64 && LLStringOps::isDigit(c)); // Move the pointer forward to the first non-whitespace char // Check isspace before looping, so we can handle "/33foo" // as well as "/33 foo" while (c && iswspace(c)) { c = mesg[pos+1]; pos++; } *last_channel = strtol(wstring_to_utf8str(channel_string).c_str(), NULL, 10); //<FS:TS> FIRE-11412: Allow saying /-channel for negative numbers // (this code was here; documenting for the future) if (mesg[1] == '-') { *last_channel = -(*last_channel); } //</FS:TS> FIRE-11412 *channel = *last_channel; return mesg.substr(pos, mesg.length() - pos); } else { // This is normal chat. *channel = 0; return mesg; } }
// Concatenate the input string to the LL and the system clipboard bool LLClipboard::addToClipboard(const LLWString &src, S32 pos, S32 len, bool use_primary) { mString = src.substr(pos, len); return (use_primary ? LLView::getWindow()->copyTextToPrimary(mString) : LLView::getWindow()->copyTextToClipboard(mString)); }
void LLProgressView::draw() { static LLTimer timer; if (gNoRender) { return; } // Make sure the progress view always fills the entire window. S32 width = gViewerWindow->getWindowWidth(); S32 height = gViewerWindow->getWindowHeight(); if( (width != getRect().getWidth()) || (height != getRect().getHeight()) ) { reshape( width, height ); } // Paint bitmap if we've got one glPushMatrix(); if (gStartImageGL) { LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; LLViewerImage::bindTexture(gStartImageGL); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, mFadeTimer.getStarted() ? clamp_rescale(mFadeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(), 0.f, FADE_IN_TIME, 1.f, 0.f) : 1.f); F32 image_aspect = (F32)gStartImageWidth / (F32)gStartImageHeight; F32 view_aspect = (F32)width / (F32)height; // stretch image to maintain aspect ratio if (image_aspect > view_aspect) { glTranslatef(-0.5f * (image_aspect / view_aspect - 1.f) * width, 0.f, 0.f); glScalef(image_aspect / view_aspect, 1.f, 1.f); } else { glTranslatef(0.f, -0.5f * (view_aspect / image_aspect - 1.f) * height, 0.f); glScalef(1.f, view_aspect / image_aspect, 1.f); } gl_rect_2d_simple_tex( getRect().getWidth(), getRect().getHeight() ); gStartImageGL->unbindTexture(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D); } else { LLGLSNoTexture gls_no_texture; gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); gl_rect_2d(getRect()); } glPopMatrix(); // Handle fade-in animation if (mFadeTimer.getStarted()) { LLView::draw(); if (mFadeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > FADE_IN_TIME) { gFocusMgr.removeTopCtrlWithoutCallback(this); LLView::setVisible(FALSE); gStartImageGL = NULL; } return; } S32 line_x = getRect().getWidth() / 2; S32 line_one_y = getRect().getHeight() / 2 + 64; const S32 LINE_SPACING = 25; S32 line_two_y = line_one_y - LINE_SPACING; const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::sSansSerif; LLUIImagePtr shadow_imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("rounded_square_soft.tga"); LLUIImagePtr bar_fg_imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("progressbar_fill.tga"); LLUIImagePtr bar_bg_imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("progressbar_track.tga"); LLUIImagePtr bar_imagep = LLUI::getUIImage("rounded_square.tga"); LLColor4 background_color = gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBarBgColor"); F32 alpha = 0.5f + 0.5f*0.5f*(1.f + (F32)sin(3.f*timer.getElapsedTimeF32())); // background_color.mV[3] = background_color.mV[3]*alpha; std::string top_line = LLAppViewer::instance()->getSecondLifeTitle(); S32 bar_bottom = line_two_y - 30; S32 bar_height = 18; S32 bar_width = getRect().getWidth() * 2 / 3; S32 bar_left = (getRect().getWidth() / 2) - (bar_width / 2); // translucent outline box S32 background_box_left = ( ( ( getRect().getWidth() / 2 ) - ( bar_width / 2 ) ) / 4 ) * 3; S32 background_box_top = ( getRect().getHeight() / 2 ) + LINE_SPACING * 5; S32 background_box_right = getRect().getWidth() - background_box_left; S32 background_box_bottom = ( getRect().getHeight() / 2 ) - LINE_SPACING * 5; S32 background_box_width = background_box_right - background_box_left + 1; S32 background_box_height = background_box_top - background_box_bottom + 1; // shadow_imagep->draw( background_box_left + 2, // background_box_bottom - 2, // background_box_width, // background_box_height, // gColors.getColor( "LoginProgressBoxShadowColor" ) ); // bar_outline_imagep->draw( background_box_left, // background_box_bottom, // background_box_width, // background_box_height, // gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxBorderColor") ); bar_imagep->draw( background_box_left + 1, background_box_bottom + 1, background_box_width - 2, background_box_height - 2, gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxCenterColor") ); // we'll need this later for catching a click if it looks like it contains a link if ( mMessage.find( "http://" ) != std::string::npos ) mOutlineRect.set( background_box_left, background_box_top, background_box_right, background_box_bottom ); else mOutlineRect.set( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // draw loading bar font->renderUTF8(top_line, 0, line_x, line_one_y, //LLColor4::white, gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxTextColor"), LLFontGL::HCENTER, LLFontGL::BASELINE, LLFontGL::DROP_SHADOW); font->renderUTF8(mText, 0, line_x, line_two_y, //LLColor4::white, gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxTextColor"), LLFontGL::HCENTER, LLFontGL::BASELINE, LLFontGL::DROP_SHADOW); // shadow_imagep->draw( // bar_left + 2, // bar_bottom - 2, // bar_width, // bar_height, // gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxShadowColor")); // bar_imagep->draw( // bar_left, // bar_bottom, // bar_width, // bar_height, // LLColor4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 1.0f)); bar_bg_imagep->draw( bar_left + 2, bar_bottom + 2, bar_width - 4, bar_height - 4, background_color); LLColor4 bar_color = gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBarFgColor"); bar_color.mV[3] = alpha; bar_fg_imagep->draw( bar_left + 2, bar_bottom + 2, llround((bar_width - 4) * (mPercentDone / 100.f)), bar_height - 4, bar_color); S32 line_three_y = line_two_y - LINE_SPACING * 3; // draw the message if there is one if(!mMessage.empty()) { LLColor4 text_message_color = gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxTextColor"); LLWString wmessage = utf8str_to_wstring(mMessage); const F32 MAX_PIXELS = 640.0f; S32 chars_left = wmessage.length(); S32 chars_this_time = 0; S32 msgidx = 0; while(chars_left > 0) { chars_this_time = font->maxDrawableChars(wmessage.substr(msgidx).c_str(), MAX_PIXELS, MAX_STRING - 1, TRUE); LLWString wbuffer = wmessage.substr(msgidx, chars_this_time); font->render(wbuffer, 0, (F32)line_x, (F32)line_three_y, //LLColor4::white, gColors.getColor("LoginProgressBoxTextColor"), LLFontGL::HCENTER, LLFontGL::BASELINE, LLFontGL::DROP_SHADOW); msgidx += chars_this_time; chars_left -= chars_this_time; line_three_y -= LINE_SPACING; } } // draw children LLView::draw(); }