コード例 #1
void LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread::createAndInsertMultiColumnSet(LayoutBox* insertBefore)
    LayoutBlockFlow* multicolContainer = multiColumnBlockFlow();
    LayoutMultiColumnSet* newSet = LayoutMultiColumnSet::createAnonymous(*this, multicolContainer->styleRef());
    multicolContainer->LayoutBlock::addChild(newSet, insertBefore);

    // We cannot handle immediate column set siblings (and there's no need for it, either).
    // There has to be at least one spanner separating them.
    ASSERT(!newSet->previousSiblingMultiColumnBox() || !newSet->previousSiblingMultiColumnBox()->isLayoutMultiColumnSet());
    ASSERT(!newSet->nextSiblingMultiColumnBox() || !newSet->nextSiblingMultiColumnBox()->isLayoutMultiColumnSet());
コード例 #2
void LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread::createAndInsertSpannerPlaceholder(LayoutBox* spannerObjectInFlowThread, LayoutObject* insertedBeforeInFlowThread)
    LayoutBox* insertBeforeColumnBox = nullptr;
    LayoutMultiColumnSet* setToSplit = nullptr;
    if (insertedBeforeInFlowThread) {
        // The spanner is inserted before something. Figure out what this entails. If the
        // next object is a spanner too, it means that we can simply insert a new spanner
        // placeholder in front of its placeholder.
        insertBeforeColumnBox = insertedBeforeInFlowThread->spannerPlaceholder();
        if (!insertBeforeColumnBox) {
            // The next object isn't a spanner; it's regular column content. Examine what
            // comes right before us in the flow thread, then.
            LayoutObject* previousLayoutObject = previousInPreOrderSkippingOutOfFlow(this, spannerObjectInFlowThread);
            if (!previousLayoutObject || previousLayoutObject == this) {
                // The spanner is inserted as the first child of the multicol container,
                // which means that we simply insert a new spanner placeholder at the
                // beginning.
                insertBeforeColumnBox = firstMultiColumnBox();
            } else if (LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* previousPlaceholder = containingColumnSpannerPlaceholder(previousLayoutObject)) {
                // Before us is another spanner. We belong right after it then.
                insertBeforeColumnBox = previousPlaceholder->nextSiblingMultiColumnBox();
            } else {
                // We're inside regular column content with both feet. Find out which column
                // set this is. It needs to be split it into two sets, so that we can insert
                // a new spanner placeholder between them.
                setToSplit = mapDescendantToColumnSet(previousLayoutObject);
                ASSERT(setToSplit == mapDescendantToColumnSet(insertedBeforeInFlowThread));
                insertBeforeColumnBox = setToSplit->nextSiblingMultiColumnBox();
                // We've found out which set that needs to be split. Now proceed to
                // inserting the spanner placeholder, and then insert a second column set.
        ASSERT(setToSplit || insertBeforeColumnBox);

    LayoutBlockFlow* multicolContainer = multiColumnBlockFlow();
    LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* newPlaceholder = LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder::createAnonymous(multicolContainer->styleRef(), *spannerObjectInFlowThread);
    ASSERT(!insertBeforeColumnBox || insertBeforeColumnBox->parent() == multicolContainer);
    multicolContainer->LayoutBlock::addChild(newPlaceholder, insertBeforeColumnBox);

    if (setToSplit)