コード例 #1
ファイル: ounitb.cpp プロジェクト: 112212/7k2
//------------ Begin of function Unit::can_move2 -------------------//
// check a specific location can be walk, taking care that if that location is occupied
// by a walking or waiting unit, that location will later on be freed.
// <int> locX - x-coordinate
// <int> locY - y-coordinate
// return: <bool> - true if the location ccan be walked to
//					false otherwise
bool UnitB::can_move2(int locX, int locY)
	Location* locPtr;
	int occRecno;
	Unit* unitPtr;
	int i, j;

	for(i=0; i<obj_loc_width(); i++)
		for(j=0; j<obj_loc_height(); j++)
			locPtr = world.get_loc(locX+i, locY+j);
			if(locX+i>= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locX+i <0 || locY+j >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC || locY+j < 0 )
				return false;
			else if(!locPtr->can_move(mobile_type))
				occRecno = locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type);
				if(!occRecno) //not a unit
					return false;
				else if(occRecno != sprite_recno)
					unitPtr = unit_array[occRecno];
					if(unitPtr->cur_action == SPRITE_WAIT || unitPtr->cur_action == SPRITE_MOVE)
						return false;
	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OUNITS.cpp プロジェクト: Stummi/7kaa
//--------- Begin of function Unit::ship_leave_beach ---------//
void Unit::ship_leave_beach(int shipOldXLoc, int shipOldYLoc)
	err_when(cur_x!=next_x || cur_y!=next_y);

	UnitMarine *shipPtr = (UnitMarine*) this;
	err_when(!shipPtr->in_beach && shipPtr->extra_move_in_beach==EXTRA_MOVE_FINISH);

	// scan for location to leave the beach
	int curXLoc = next_x_loc();
	int curYLoc = next_y_loc();
	int xShift, yShift, checkXLoc, checkYLoc, found=0;
	Location *locPtr;

	//------------- find a location to leave the beach ------------//
	for(int i=2; i<=9; i++)
		misc.cal_move_around_a_point(i, 3, 3, xShift, yShift);
		checkXLoc = curXLoc + xShift;
		checkYLoc = curYLoc + yShift;

		if(checkXLoc<0 || checkXLoc>=MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || checkYLoc<0 || checkYLoc>=MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC)
		if(checkXLoc%2 || checkYLoc%2)

		locPtr = world.get_loc(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);
		if(terrain_res[locPtr->terrain_id]->average_type==TERRAIN_OCEAN &&

		return; // no suitable location, wait until finding suitable location

	//---------------- leave now --------------------//
	set_dir(shipOldXLoc, shipOldYLoc, checkXLoc, checkYLoc);
	go_x = checkXLoc*ZOOM_LOC_WIDTH;
	go_y = checkYLoc*ZOOM_LOC_HEIGHT;
	err_when(cur_x==go_x && cur_y==go_y);
コード例 #3
ファイル: OUNITHB.cpp プロジェクト: brianV/7kaa
//--------- Begin of function Unit::search_or_stop ---------//
// process searching or stop the units
// <int>		destX				-	x location to move to
// <int>		destY				-	y location to move to
// <int>		preserveAction	-	preserve action when calling to stop
// <short>	searchMode		-	search mode for searching
// <short>	miscNo			-	miscenllaneous information
void Unit::search_or_stop(int destX, int destY, int preserveAction, short searchMode, short miscNo)
	Location *locPtr = world.get_loc(destX, destY);
		stop(KEEP_PRESERVE_ACTION); // let reactivate..() call searching later
		//waiting_term = MAX_SEARCH_OT_STOP_WAIT_TERM;
		search(destX, destY, preserveAction, searchMode, miscNo);
			search(destX, destY, preserveAction, searchMode, miscNo);
			waiting_term = 0;*/
コード例 #4
ファイル: ounitb.cpp プロジェクト: mecirt/7k2
//------------ Begin of function Unit::can_move -------------------//
// check whether a specific location can go walk to 
// <int> locX - x-coordinate
// <int> locY - y-coordinate
// return: <bool> - return true if the lcoation can be walk
//					return false if the location cannot be walk
bool UnitB::can_move(int locX, int locY)
	// ###### begin Gilbert 20/4 ##########//
	Location* locPtr;
//	int i, j;

//	for(i=0; i<obj_loc_width(); i++)
//	{
//		for(j=0; j<obj_loc_height(); j++)
//		{
//			locPtr = world.get_loc(locX+i, locY+j);
//			if(locX+i>= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locX+i <0 || locY+j >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC || locY+j < 0 || (!locPtr->can_move(obj_mobile_type()) && (locPtr->unit_recno(obj_mobile_type()) != sprite_recno)))
//				return false;
//		}
//	}

	if( loc_width == 1 )
		err_when( loc_height != 1);
		if( locX<0 || locY<0 || locX >= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locY >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC )
			return false;
		if( !(locPtr=world.get_loc(locX, locY))->can_move(mobile_type)
			&& locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type) != sprite_recno )
			return false;
		int i, j;
		if( locX<0 || locY<0 || locX+loc_width > MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locY+loc_height > MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC )
			return false;

		for( j = 0; j < loc_height; ++j )
			locPtr = world.get_loc( locX, locY+j);
			for( i = 0; i < loc_width; ++i, ++locPtr )
				if( !locPtr->can_move(mobile_type)
					&& locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type) != sprite_recno )
					return false;
	// ###### end Gilbert 20/4 ##########//

	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: OBATTLE.cpp プロジェクト: MicroVirus/7kaa
//-------- Begin of static function is_space --------//
// Check whether all locations in the given area are space
// return : <int> 1 - all are space
//                0 - not all are space
static int is_space(int xLoc1, int yLoc1, int xLoc2, int yLoc2, char mobileType)
   int       xLoc, yLoc;
   Location* locPtr;

   for( yLoc=yLoc1 ; yLoc<=yLoc2 ; yLoc++ )
      locPtr = world.get_loc(xLoc1, yLoc);

      for( xLoc=xLoc1 ; xLoc<=xLoc2 ; xLoc++, locPtr++ )
			if( !locPtr->can_move(mobileType) )
				return 0;

   return 1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: OUNITAI.cpp プロジェクト: MicroVirus/7kaa
//--------- Begin of function Unit::ai_escape_fire --------//
// Move away if the unit currently stands on a burning ground.
int Unit::ai_escape_fire()
		return 0;

		return 0;

	Location *locPtr = world.get_loc(next_x_loc(), next_y_loc());

	if( !locPtr->fire_str() )
		return 0;


	int checkLimit = 400; // checking for 400 location
	int xShift, yShift, checkXLoc, checkYLoc;
	int curXLoc = next_x_loc();
	int curYLoc = next_y_loc();

	for(int i=2; i<checkLimit; i++)
		misc.cal_move_around_a_point(i, 20, 20, xShift, yShift);

		checkXLoc = curXLoc + xShift;
		checkYLoc = curYLoc + yShift;

		if(checkXLoc<0 || checkXLoc>=MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || checkYLoc<0 || checkYLoc>=MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC)


		locPtr = world.get_loc(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);

		if( locPtr->fire_str()==0 )		// move to a safe place now
			move_to(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);
			return 1;

	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: opreuse.cpp プロジェクト: 112212/7k2
static int is_location_walkable(int xLoc, int yLoc)
	err_when(xLoc < 0);
	err_when(xLoc >= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC);
	err_when(yLoc < 0);
	err_when(yLoc >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC);

	Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(xLoc, yLoc);

	if( handle_power_nation_flag )
		int powerNationRecno=locPtr->power_nation_recno;

		if( powerNationRecno && !nation_passable[powerNationRecno] )
			return 0;

	return locPtr->can_move(mobile_type);
コード例 #8
ファイル: OU_MARI.cpp プロジェクト: spippolatore/7kaa
//--------- Begin of function UnitMarine::unloading_unit ---------//
//	<int> isAll			- 1 for unload all the units
//							- otherwise 0
// <int>	unitSeqId	- if(isAll==0) unitSeqId+1 is the recno of the
//							  selected unit in unit_recno_array[]
int UnitMarine::unloading_unit(int isAll, int unitSeqId)
	if( !is_on_coast() )
		return 0;

	// return if no territory is nearby the ship

	int curXLoc = next_x_loc();	// ship location
	int curYLoc = next_y_loc();
	int unprocess = isAll ? unit_count : 1;
	Unit *unitPtr = isAll ? unit_array[unit_recno_array[unprocess-1]] : unit_array[unit_recno_array[unitSeqId]];
	Location *locPtr;
	int xShift, yShift, checkXLoc, checkYLoc;
	int regionId = 0; // unload all the units in the same territory
	int found, i = 2;
	int sqtSize = 3, sqtArea = sqtSize*sqtSize;

	#ifdef DEBUG
		long debugCount = 0L;

	if(isAll &&  nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno )		// for player's camp, patrol() can only be called when the player presses the button.

	while(unprocess) // using the calculated 'i' to reduce useless calculation
		err_when(debugCount++ > 4*long(MAX_WORLD_X_LOC*MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC));

		m.cal_move_around_a_point(i, MAX_WORLD_X_LOC, MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC, xShift, yShift);
		checkXLoc = curXLoc+xShift;
		checkYLoc = curYLoc+yShift;
		if(checkXLoc<0 || checkXLoc>=MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || checkYLoc<0 || checkYLoc>=MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC)
		locPtr = world.get_loc(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);
		// check for space to unload the unit
		if(!regionId || locPtr->region_id == regionId)
				found = 1;

				regionId = locPtr->region_id;

				unitPtr->init_sprite(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);

				if( isAll && nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno )		// for player's camp, patrol() can only be called when the player presses the button.
					unitPtr->selected_flag = 1; // mark selected if unload all

					if( !unit_array.selected_recno )
						unit_array.selected_recno = unitPtr->sprite_recno;


					unitPtr = unit_array[unit_recno_array[unprocess-1]]; // point to next unit
					break;	// finished, all have been unloaded

		// stop checking if there is totally bouned by unacessible location
				found = 0;	// reset found
				sqtSize += 2;
				sqtArea = sqtSize*sqtSize;
			else // no continuous location for the unit to unload, some units can't be unloaded
				return 0;


	//-------- display info --------//

	if( nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno )		// for player's camp, patrol() can only be called when the player presses the button.

	return 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: OUNITS.cpp プロジェクト: Stummi/7kaa
//--------- Begin of function Unit::ship_to_beach_path_edit ---------//
// find a path to the beach
// <int&>	resultXLoc	-	reference to return final x location the ship move to
// <int&>	resultYLoc	-	reference to return final y location the ship move to
// <UCHAR>	regionId		-	region id of the destination location
// return 1 if normal execution
// return 0 if calling move_to() instead
int Unit::ship_to_beach_path_edit(int& resultXLoc, int& resultYLoc, UCHAR regionId)
	int curXLoc = next_x_loc();
	int curYLoc = next_y_loc();
	if(abs(curXLoc-resultXLoc)<=1 && abs(curYLoc-resultYLoc)<=1)
		return 1;

	//--------------- find a path to land area -------------------//
	UnitMarine *shipPtr = (UnitMarine*) this;
	int result = search(resultXLoc, resultYLoc, 1, SEARCH_MODE_TO_LAND_FOR_SHIP, regionId);
		return 1;

	//----------- update cur location --------//
	curXLoc = next_x_loc();
	curYLoc = next_y_loc();
	// edit the result path to get a location for embarking
	err_when(result_node_array==NULL && result_node_count);

	if(result_node_array && result_node_count)
		ResultNode *curNodePtr = result_node_array;
		ResultNode *nextNodePtr = curNodePtr + 1;
		int moveScale = move_step_magn();
		int nodeCount = result_node_count;
		Location *locPtr;
		int i, j, found, pathDist;
		int preXLoc, preYLoc;
		int checkXLoc = curXLoc;
		int checkYLoc = curYLoc;
		int hasMoveStep = 0;
		if(checkXLoc!=curNodePtr->node_x || checkYLoc!=curNodePtr->node_y)
			err_when(abs(checkXLoc-curNodePtr->node_x)>moveScale || abs(checkYLoc-curNodePtr->node_y)>moveScale);
			hasMoveStep += moveScale;
			checkXLoc = curNodePtr->node_x;
			checkYLoc = curNodePtr->node_y;
		// find the pair of points that one is in ocean and one in land
		err_when(terrain_res[world.get_loc(curNodePtr->node_x, curNodePtr->node_y)->terrain_id]->average_type!=TERRAIN_OCEAN);
		int vecX, vecY, xMagn, yMagn, magn;

		#ifdef DEBUG
			int debugLoop1=0, debugLoop2=0;
		for(pathDist=0, found=0, i=1; i<nodeCount; ++i, curNodePtr++, nextNodePtr++)
			#ifdef DEBUG
			vecX = nextNodePtr->node_x - curNodePtr->node_x;
			vecY = nextNodePtr->node_y - curNodePtr->node_y;
			magn = ((xMagn=abs(vecX)) > (yMagn=abs(vecY))) ? xMagn : yMagn;
			if(xMagn) {	vecX /= xMagn;	vecX *= moveScale; }
			if(yMagn) {	vecY /= yMagn;	vecY *= moveScale; }
			err_when(abs(vecX)>moveScale && abs(vecY)>moveScale);

			//------------- check each location bewteen editNode1 and editNode2 -------------//
			for(j=0; j<magn; j+=moveScale)
				#ifdef DEBUG

				preXLoc = checkXLoc;
				preYLoc = checkYLoc;
				checkXLoc += vecX;
				checkYLoc += vecY;

				locPtr =  world.get_loc(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);
				if(terrain_res[locPtr->terrain_id]->average_type!=TERRAIN_OCEAN) // found

				//------------ a soln is found ---------------//
				if(!j) // end node should be curNodePtr pointed at
					pathDist -= hasMoveStep;
					result_node_count = i;
					result_path_dist = pathDist;
					nextNodePtr->node_x = checkXLoc;
					nextNodePtr->node_y = checkYLoc;

					if(i==1) // first editing
						ResultNode *firstNodePtr = result_node_array;
						if(cur_x==firstNodePtr->node_x*ZOOM_LOC_WIDTH && cur_y==firstNodePtr->node_y*ZOOM_LOC_HEIGHT)
							go_x = checkXLoc * ZOOM_LOC_WIDTH;
							go_y = checkYLoc * ZOOM_LOC_HEIGHT;

					pathDist += (j+moveScale);
					pathDist -= hasMoveStep;
					result_node_count = i+1;
					result_path_dist = pathDist;

				move_to_x_loc = preXLoc;
				move_to_y_loc = preYLoc;
				locPtr = world.get_loc((preXLoc+checkXLoc)/2, (preYLoc+checkYLoc)/2);
					resultXLoc = (preXLoc+checkXLoc)/2;
					resultYLoc = (preYLoc+checkYLoc)/2;
					resultXLoc = checkXLoc;
					resultYLoc = checkYLoc;
				pathDist += magn;

			ResultNode *endNodePtr = result_node_array + result_node_count - 1;
			if(abs(endNodePtr->node_x-resultXLoc)>1 || abs(endNodePtr->node_y-resultYLoc)>1)
				move_to(resultXLoc, resultYLoc, -1);
				return 0;
		//------------- scan for the surrounding for a land location -----------//
		int xShift, yShift, checkXLoc, checkYLoc;
		Location *locPtr;
		for(int i=2; i<=9; ++i)
			misc.cal_move_around_a_point(i, 3, 3, xShift, yShift);
			checkXLoc = curXLoc + xShift;
			checkYLoc = curYLoc + yShift;
			if(checkXLoc<0 || checkXLoc>=MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || checkYLoc<0 || checkYLoc>=MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC)

			locPtr = world.get_loc(checkXLoc, checkYLoc);

			if(terrain_res[locPtr->terrain_id]->average_type!=TERRAIN_OCEAN && locPtr->can_move(UNIT_LAND))
				resultXLoc = checkXLoc;
				resultYLoc = checkYLoc;
				return 1;

		return 0;
	return 1;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ounitb.cpp プロジェクト: mecirt/7k2
//--------- Begin of function UnitB::set_next --------//
//	set the next coordinates to move to
// <int> newNextX, newNextY	- next coordinate to move to
// <int> para						- used to count the result_path_dist
// <int> ignoreBlockCheck		- whether ignore blocking check or not
int UnitB::set_next(int newNextX, int newNextY, int para, int ignoreBlockCheck)
	static char callingCount=0;

	int curNextXLoc = next_x_loc();
	int curNextYLoc = next_y_loc();
	int newNextXLoc = newNextX >> ZOOM_X_SHIFT_COUNT;
	int newNextYLoc = newNextY >> ZOOM_Y_SHIFT_COUNT;
	//------begin Juliet 14/10-----//
	int tempEndX = newNextXLoc+obj_loc_width()-1;
	int tempEndY = newNextYLoc+obj_loc_height()-1;
	//------end Juliet 14/10-------//
	short w, h, x, y;

	callingCount++;          // this function is being called, prevent recursive calling

	if(curNextXLoc!=newNextXLoc || curNextYLoc!=newNextYLoc)
			return 1;

	//----------- blocking check ---------//

	if( !ignoreBlockCheck )
		int isBlocked=0;

		for(h=0, y=newNextYLoc; h<loc_height && !isBlocked ; h++, y++)
			for(w=0, x=newNextXLoc; w<loc_width; w++, x++)
				Location* locPtr = world.get_loc(x,y);

				if( locPtr->can_move(mobile_type) )

				//--- this location is occupied by the unit itself ---//

				if( locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type) == sprite_recno )

				isBlocked = 1;

		if( isBlocked )
			//----- if we have already reach the destination -----//

			int rangeX1, rangeY1, rangeX2, rangeY2;

			get_object_range(move_to_loc_x, move_to_loc_y, rangeX1, rangeY1, rangeX2, rangeY2);

			if( m.is_touch( rangeX1, rangeY1, rangeX2, rangeY2,
								 newNextXLoc, newNextYLoc, newNextXLoc+loc_width-1, newNextYLoc+loc_height-1 ) )
			else //------- otherwise wait ---------//
			return 0;

	//--------- set the sprite_recno in new locations -----------//

	for(h=0, y=curNextYLoc; h<loc_height; h++, y++)
		for(w=0, x=curNextXLoc; w<loc_width; w++, x++)

	for(h=0, y=newNextYLoc; h<loc_height; h++, y++)
		for(w=0, x=newNextXLoc; w<loc_width; w++, x++)

	//----- set the new next coordinate ------//

	next_x = newNextX;
	next_y = newNextY;


	if( steps_remaining > 0 )		// steps_remaining can be decreased to negative as set_next() is called when stopping a unit, which is an addition to the steps it is supposed to move 

	// --------- explore map ---------//

	if( cast_to_Unit() )
		cast_to_Unit()->explore_on_move(curNextXLoc, curNextYLoc, newNextXLoc, newNextYLoc );

	return 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ounitb.cpp プロジェクト: mecirt/7k2
//------------ Begin of function Unit::can_move2 -------------------//
// check a specific location can be walk, taking care that if that location is occupied
// by a walking or waiting unit, that location will later on be freed.
// <int> locX - x-coordinate
// <int> locY - y-coordinate
// return: <bool> - true if the location ccan be walked to
//					false otherwise
bool UnitB::can_move2(int locX, int locY)
	Location* locPtr;
	int occRecno;
	Unit* unitPtr;
	int i, j;

	// ####### begin Gilbert 20/4 ########//

//	for(i=0; i<obj_loc_width(); i++)
//	{
//		for(j=0; j<obj_loc_height(); j++)
//		{
//			locPtr = world.get_loc(locX+i, locY+j);
//			if(locX+i>= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locX+i <0 || locY+j >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC || locY+j < 0 )
//				return false;
//			else if(!locPtr->can_move(mobile_type))
//			{
//				occRecno = locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type);
//				if(!occRecno) //not a unit
//					return false;
//				else if(occRecno != sprite_recno)
//				{
//					unitPtr = unit_array[occRecno];
//					if(unitPtr->cur_action == SPRITE_WAIT || unitPtr->cur_action == SPRITE_MOVE)
//						continue;
//					else
//						return false;
//				}
//			}
//		}
//	}

	if( locX < 0 || locY < 0 || locX+loc_width > MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locY+loc_height > MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC )
		return false;

	for(i=0; i<loc_width; i++)
		for(j=0; j<loc_height; j++)
			locPtr = world.get_loc(locX+i, locY+j);

				occRecno = locPtr->unit_recno(mobile_type);
				if(!occRecno) //not a unit
					return false;

				if(occRecno != sprite_recno)
					unitPtr = unit_array[occRecno];
					if(unitPtr->cur_action != SPRITE_WAIT && unitPtr->cur_action != SPRITE_MOVE)
						return false;
	// ####### end Gilbert 20/4 ########//

	return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ounitb.cpp プロジェクト: 112212/7k2
//------------ Begin of function Unit::can_move -------------------//
// check whether a specific location can go walk to 
// <int> locX - x-coordinate
// <int> locY - y-coordinate
// return: <bool> - return true if the lcoation can be walk
//					return false if the location cannot be walk
bool UnitB::can_move(int locX, int locY)
	Location* locPtr;
	int i, j;

	for(i=0; i<obj_loc_width(); i++)
		for(j=0; j<obj_loc_height(); j++)
			locPtr = world.get_loc(locX+i, locY+j);
			if(locX+i>= MAX_WORLD_X_LOC || locX+i <0 || locY+j >= MAX_WORLD_Y_LOC || locY+j < 0 || (!locPtr->can_move(obj_mobile_type()) && (locPtr->unit_recno(obj_mobile_type()) != sprite_recno)))
				return false;

	return true;