void Piece::addMoves( Location current, Board& board, set<Location>& moves, int rowDiff, int colDiff) const { Location next = Location(current.row() + rowDiff, current.column() + colDiff); while(true) { if (!next.isValid()) break; if (board.at(next) != NULL) { if (board.at(next)->color() != this->color()) { moves.insert(next); } break; } else { moves.insert(next); } next = Location(next.row() + rowDiff, next.column() + colDiff); } }
bool operator< (const Location & left, const Location & right) { if (left.row() < right.row()) { return true; } if (left.row() == right.row() && left.column() < right.column()) { return true; } return false; }
bool QueryJob::locationToString(Location location, const std::function<void(LocationPiece, const String &)> &cb, Flags<WriteFlag> writeFlags) { if (location.isNull()) return false; Flags<Location::ToStringFlag> kf = locationToStringFlags(); kf &= ~Location::ShowContext; cb(Piece_Location, location.toString(kf, &mContextCache)); if (!(writeFlags & NoContext) && !(queryFlags() & QueryMessage::NoContext)) cb(Piece_Context, location.context(kf, &mContextCache)); const bool containingFunction = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::ContainingFunction; const bool containingFunctionLocation = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::ContainingFunctionLocation; const bool cursorKind = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::CursorKind; const bool displayName = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::DisplayName; if (containingFunction || containingFunctionLocation || cursorKind || displayName || !mKindFilters.isEmpty()) { int idx; Symbol symbol = project()->findSymbol(location, &idx); if (symbol.isNull()) { error() << "Somehow can't find" << location << "in symbols"; } else { if (!mKindFilters.filter(symbol)) return false; if (displayName) cb(Piece_SymbolName, symbol.displayName()); if (cursorKind) cb(Piece_Kind, symbol.kindSpelling()); if (containingFunction || containingFunctionLocation) { const uint32_t fileId = location.fileId(); const unsigned int line = location.line(); const unsigned int column = location.column(); auto fileMap = project()->openSymbols(location.fileId()); if (fileMap) { while (idx > 0) { symbol = fileMap->valueAt(--idx); if (symbol.location.fileId() != fileId) break; if (symbol.isDefinition() && RTags::isContainer(symbol.kind) && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.startLine, symbol.startColumn) >= 0 && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.endLine, symbol.endColumn) <= 0) { if (containingFunction) cb(Piece_ContainingFunctionName, symbol.symbolName); if (containingFunctionLocation) cb(Piece_ContainingFunctionLocation, symbol.location.toString(locationToStringFlags() & ~Location::ShowContext)); break; } } } } } } return true; }
bool QueryJob::write(const Location &location, Flags<WriteFlag> flags) { if (location.isNull()) return false; if (!(flags & Unfiltered)) { if (!filterLocation(location)) return false; flags |= Unfiltered; } String out = location.key(keyFlags()); const bool containingFunction = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::ContainingFunction; const bool cursorKind = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::CursorKind; const bool displayName = queryFlags() & QueryMessage::DisplayName; if (containingFunction || cursorKind || displayName || !mKindFilters.isEmpty()) { int idx; Symbol symbol = project()->findSymbol(location, &idx); if (symbol.isNull()) { error() << "Somehow can't find" << location << "in symbols"; } else { if (!filterKind(symbol.kind)) return false; if (displayName) out += '\t' + symbol.displayName(); if (cursorKind) out += '\t' + symbol.kindSpelling(); if (containingFunction) { const uint32_t fileId = location.fileId(); const unsigned int line = location.line(); const unsigned int column = location.column(); auto fileMap = project()->openSymbols(location.fileId()); if (fileMap) { while (idx > 0) { symbol = fileMap->valueAt(--idx); if (symbol.location.fileId() != fileId) break; if (symbol.isDefinition() && RTags::isContainer(symbol.kind) && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.startLine, symbol.startColumn) >= 0 && comparePosition(line, column, symbol.endLine, symbol.endColumn) <= 0) { out += "\tfunction: " + symbol.symbolName; break; } } } } } } return write(out, flags); }
CXChildVisitResult DumpThread::visit(const CXCursor &cursor) { if (isAborted()) return CXChildVisit_Break; const Location location = createLocation(cursor); if (!location.isNull()) { if (mQueryFlags & QueryMessage::DumpCheckIncludes) { checkIncludes(location, cursor); return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } else { Flags<Location::ToStringFlag> locationFlags; if (mQueryFlags & QueryMessage::NoColor) locationFlags |= Location::NoColor; CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(cursor); CXSourceLocation rangeEnd = clang_getRangeEnd(range); unsigned int endLine, endColumn; clang_getPresumedLocation(rangeEnd, 0, &endLine, &endColumn); if (!(mQueryFlags & QueryMessage::DumpIncludeHeaders) && location.fileId() != mSource.fileId) { return CXChildVisit_Continue; } String message; message.reserve(256); if (!(mQueryFlags & QueryMessage::NoContext)) { message = location.context(locationFlags); } if (endLine == location.line()) { message += String::format<32>(" // %d-%d, %d: ", location.column(), endColumn, mIndentLevel); } else { message += String::format<32>(" // %d-%d:%d, %d: ", location.column(), endLine, endColumn, mIndentLevel); } message += RTags::cursorToString(cursor, RTags::AllCursorToStringFlags); message.append(" " + RTags::typeName(cursor));; if (clang_getCursorKind(cursor) == CXCursor_VarDecl) { const std::shared_ptr<RTags::Auto> autoResolved = RTags::resolveAuto(cursor); if (autoResolved && !clang_equalCursors(autoResolved->cursor, nullCursor)) { message += "auto resolves to " + RTags::cursorToString(autoResolved->cursor, RTags::AllCursorToStringFlags); } } CXCursor ref = clang_getCursorReferenced(cursor); if (clang_equalCursors(ref, cursor)) { message.append("refs self"); } else if (!clang_equalCursors(ref, nullCursor)) { message.append("refs "); message.append(RTags::cursorToString(ref, RTags::AllCursorToStringFlags)); } CXCursor canonical = clang_getCanonicalCursor(cursor); if (!clang_equalCursors(canonical, cursor) && !clang_equalCursors(canonical, nullCursor)) { message.append("canonical "); message.append(RTags::cursorToString(canonical, RTags::AllCursorToStringFlags)); } CXCursor specialized = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(cursor); if (!clang_equalCursors(specialized, cursor) && !clang_equalCursors(specialized, nullCursor)) { message.append("specialized "); message.append(RTags::cursorToString(specialized, RTags::AllCursorToStringFlags)); } writeToConnetion(message); } } ++mIndentLevel; clang_visitChildren(cursor, DumpThread::visitor, this); if (isAborted()) return CXChildVisit_Break; --mIndentLevel; return CXChildVisit_Continue; }
bool operator== (const Location & left, const Location & right) { return left.column() == right.column() && left.row() == right.row(); }
void ClangIndexer::superclassTemplateMemberFunctionUgleHack(const CXCursor &cursor, CXCursorKind kind, const Location &location, const CXCursor &ref, const CXCursor &parent) { // This is for references to superclass template functions. Awful awful // shit. See https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags/issues/62 and commit // for details. I really should report this as a bug. if (kind == CXCursor_MemberRefExpr && clang_getCursorKind(parent) == CXCursor_CallExpr) { const CXCursor templateRef = RTags::findChild(cursor, CXCursor_TemplateRef); if (templateRef == CXCursor_TemplateRef) { const CXCursor classTemplate = clang_getCursorReferenced(templateRef); if (classTemplate == CXCursor_ClassTemplate) { FILE *f = fopen(location.path().constData(), "r"); if (f) { const CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(cursor); const CXSourceLocation end = clang_getRangeEnd(range); unsigned offset; clang_getSpellingLocation(end, 0, 0, 0, &offset); String name; while (offset > 0) { fseek(f, --offset, SEEK_SET); char ch = static_cast<char>(fgetc(f)); if (isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '~') { name.prepend(ch); } else { break; } } fclose(f); if (!name.isEmpty()) { RTags::Filter out; out.kinds.insert(CXCursor_MemberRefExpr); const int argCount = RTags::children(parent, RTags::Filter(), out).size(); RTags::Filter in(RTags::Filter::And); in.names.insert(name); in.argumentCount = argCount; const List<CXCursor> alternatives = RTags::children(classTemplate, in); switch (alternatives.size()) { case 1: // ### not sure this is correct with line/col handleReference(cursor, kind, Location(location.fileId(), location.line(), location.column() + 1), alternatives.first(), parent); break; case 0: break; default: warning() << "Can't decide which of these cursors are right for me" << cursor << alternatives << "Need to parse types"; break; } } } } } } }