コード例 #1
// Discard |def| and mine its operands for any subsequently dead defs.
ValueNumberer::discardDef(MDefinition* def)
    JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Discarding %s %s%u",
            def->block()->isMarked() ? "unreachable" : "dead",
            def->opName(), def->id());
#ifdef DEBUG
    MOZ_ASSERT(def != nextDef_, "Invalidating the MDefinition iterator");
    if (def->block()->isMarked()) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(!def->hasUses(), "Discarding def that still has uses");
    } else {
        MOZ_ASSERT(IsDiscardable(def), "Discarding non-discardable definition");
        MOZ_ASSERT(!values_.has(def), "Discarding a definition still in the set");

    MBasicBlock* block = def->block();
    if (def->isPhi()) {
        MPhi* phi = def->toPhi();
        if (!releaseAndRemovePhiOperands(phi))
             return false;
    } else {
        MInstruction* ins = def->toInstruction();
        if (MResumePoint* resume = ins->resumePoint()) {
            if (!releaseResumePointOperands(resume))
                return false;
        if (!releaseOperands(ins))
             return false;

    // If that was the last definition in the block, it can be safely removed
    // from the graph.
    if (block->phisEmpty() && block->begin() == block->end()) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(block->isMarked(), "Reachable block lacks at least a control instruction");

        // As a special case, don't remove a block which is a dominator tree
        // root so that we don't invalidate the iterator in visitGraph. We'll
        // check for this and remove it later.
        if (block->immediateDominator() != block) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Block block%u is now empty; discarding", block->id());
            blocksRemoved_ = true;
        } else {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Dominator root block%u is now empty; will discard later",

    return true;
コード例 #2
ion::BuildPhiReverseMapping(MIRGraph &graph)
    // Build a mapping such that given a basic block, whose successor has one or
    // more phis, we can find our specific input to that phi. To make this fast
    // mapping work we rely on a specific property of our structured control
    // flow graph: For a block with phis, its predecessors each have only one
    // successor with phis. Consider each case:
    //   * Blocks with less than two predecessors cannot have phis.
    //   * Breaks. A break always has exactly one successor, and the break
    //             catch block has exactly one predecessor for each break, as
    //             well as a final predecessor for the actual loop exit.
    //   * Continues. A continue always has exactly one successor, and the
    //             continue catch block has exactly one predecessor for each
    //             continue, as well as a final predecessor for the actual
    //             loop continuation. The continue itself has exactly one
    //             successor.
    //   * An if. Each branch as exactly one predecessor.
    //   * A switch. Each branch has exactly one predecessor.
    //   * Loop tail. A new block is always created for the exit, and if a
    //             break statement is present, the exit block will forward
    //             directly to the break block.
    for (MBasicBlockIterator block(graph.begin()); block != graph.end(); block++) {
        if (block->numPredecessors() < 2) {

        // Assert on the above.
        for (size_t j = 0; j < block->numPredecessors(); j++) {
            MBasicBlock *pred = block->getPredecessor(j);

#ifdef DEBUG
            size_t numSuccessorsWithPhis = 0;
            for (size_t k = 0; k < pred->numSuccessors(); k++) {
                MBasicBlock *successor = pred->getSuccessor(k);
                if (!successor->phisEmpty())
            JS_ASSERT(numSuccessorsWithPhis <= 1);

            pred->setSuccessorWithPhis(*block, j);

    return true;
コード例 #3
// Visit all the blocks in the graph.
    // Due to OSR blocks, the set of blocks dominated by a blocks may not be
    // contiguous in the RPO. Do a separate traversal for each dominator tree
    // root. There's always the main entry, and sometimes there's an OSR entry,
    // and then there are the roots formed where the OSR paths merge with the
    // main entry paths.
    for (ReversePostorderIterator iter(graph_.rpoBegin()); ; ) {
        MOZ_ASSERT(iter != graph_.rpoEnd(), "Inconsistent dominator information");
        MBasicBlock* block = *iter;
        if (block->immediateDominator() == block) {
            if (!visitDominatorTree(block))
                return false;

            // Normally unreachable blocks would be removed by now, but if this
            // block is a dominator tree root, it has been special-cased and left
            // in place in order to avoid invalidating our iterator. Now that
            // we've finished the tree, increment the iterator, and then if it's
            // marked for removal, remove it.
            if (block->isMarked()) {
                JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "      Discarding dominator root block%u",
                MOZ_ASSERT(block->begin() == block->end(),
                           "Unreachable dominator tree root has instructions after tree walk");
                           "Unreachable dominator tree root has phis after tree walk");
                blocksRemoved_ = true;

            MOZ_ASSERT(totalNumVisited_ <= graph_.numBlocks(), "Visited blocks too many times");
            if (totalNumVisited_ >= graph_.numBlocks())
        } else {
            // This block a dominator tree root. Proceed to the next one.
    totalNumVisited_ = 0;
    return true;