static void restoreOldTime(MTime &start, MTime &end, MTime &curr, MTime &minT, MTime &maxT) { const double st =, en =, cu =, mi =, ma =; MString inst = "playbackOptions -ast "; inst += st; inst += " -aet "; inst += en; inst += " -min "; inst += mi; inst += " -max "; inst += ma; inst += ";\ncurrentTime "; inst += cu; inst += ";"; MGlobal::executeCommand(inst); }
bool atomExport::setUpCache(MSelectionList &sList, std::vector<atomCachedPlugs *> &cachedPlugs,atomAnimLayers &animLayers, bool sdk, bool constraint, bool layers, std::set<std::string> &attrStrings, atomTemplateReader &templateReader, MTime &startTime, MTime &endTime, MAngle::Unit angularUnit, MDistance::Unit linearUnit) { if(endTime<startTime) return false; //should never happen but just in case. unsigned int numObjects = sList.length(); cachedPlugs.resize(numObjects); double dStart = startTime.value(); double dEnd = endTime.value() + (.0000001); //little nudge in case of round off errors MTime::Unit unit = startTime.unit(); double tickStep = MTime(1.0,unit).value(); unsigned int numItems = ((unsigned int)((dEnd - dStart)/tickStep)) + 1; bool somethingIsCached = false; //if nothing get's cached no reason to run computation loop for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { atomCachedPlugs *plug = NULL; //make sure it's a NULL, and preset it in case we skip this node cachedPlugs[i] = plug; MDagPath path; MObject node; MString name; if (sList.getDagPath (i, path) == MS::kSuccess) { node = path.node(); name = path.partialPathName(); } else if (sList.getDependNode (i, node) == MS::kSuccess) { if (!node.hasFn (MFn::kDependencyNode)) { continue; } MFnDependencyNode fnNode (node); name =; } if(node.isNull()==false) { if(i< animLayers.length()) { MPlugArray plugs; animLayers.getPlugs(i,plugs); std::set<std::string> tempAttrStrings; atomTemplateReader tempTemplateReader; plug = new atomCachedPlugs(name,node,plugs,sdk,constraint,layers, tempAttrStrings,tempTemplateReader,numItems,angularUnit, linearUnit); if(plug->hasCached() ==false) delete plug; else { cachedPlugs[i] = plug; somethingIsCached = true; } } else { if(templateReader.findNode(name)== false) { continue; } MSelectionList localList; localList.add(node); MPlugArray animatablePlugs; MAnimUtil::findAnimatablePlugs(localList,animatablePlugs); plug = new atomCachedPlugs(name,node,animatablePlugs,sdk,constraint,layers,attrStrings,templateReader,numItems,angularUnit, linearUnit); if(plug->hasCached() ==false) delete plug; else { cachedPlugs[i] = plug; somethingIsCached = true; } } } } bool computationFinished = true; //if no interrupt happens we will finish the computation if(somethingIsCached) { bool hasActiveProgress = false; if (MProgressWindow::reserve()) { hasActiveProgress = true; MProgressWindow::setInterruptable(true); MProgressWindow::startProgress(); MProgressWindow::setProgressRange(0, numObjects); MProgressWindow::setProgress(0); MStatus stringStat; MString msg = MStringResource::getString(kBakingProgress, stringStat); if(stringStat == MS::kSuccess) MProgressWindow::setTitle(msg); } unsigned int count =0; for(double tick = dStart; tick <= dEnd; tick += tickStep) { if(hasActiveProgress) MProgressWindow::setProgress(count); MTime time(tick,unit); MDGContext ctx(time); for(unsigned int z = 0; z< cachedPlugs.size(); ++z) { if(cachedPlugs[z]) cachedPlugs[z]->calculateValue(ctx,count); } if (hasActiveProgress && MProgressWindow::isCancelled()) { computationFinished = false; break; } ++count; } if(hasActiveProgress) MProgressWindow::endProgress(); } return computationFinished; }