void AbstractMidiEditor::writePartList(int level, Xml& xml) const/*{{{*/ { for (ciPart p = _pl->begin(); p != _pl->end(); ++p) { Part* part = p->second; MidiTrack* track = part->track(); int trkIdx = song->artracks()->index(track); int partIdx = track->parts()->index(part); if ((trkIdx == -1) || (partIdx == -1)) printf("AbstractMidiEditor::writePartList error: trkIdx:%d partIdx:%d\n", trkIdx, partIdx); xml.put(level, "<part>%d:%d</part>", trkIdx, partIdx); } }/*}}}*/
void TrackListView::selectionChanged(const QModelIndex current, const QModelIndex)/*{{{*/ { if(!current.isValid()) return; int row = current.row(); m_selectedIndex = row; QStandardItem* item = m_model->item(row); if(item) { int type = item->data(TrackRole).toInt(); qint64 tid = item->data(TrackIdRole).toLongLong(); bool checked = (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked); //QString trackName = item->data(TrackNameRole).toString(); MidiTrack* track = song->findTrackById(tid); if(!track || !m_editor || type == 1 || !checked) return; PartList* list = track->parts(); int sn = item->data(PartRole).toInt(); unsigned tick = item->data(TickRole).toInt(); Part* part = list->find(tick, sn); updatePartSelection(part); } }/*}}}*/
void Audio::preloadControllers()/*{{{*/ { midiBusy = true; MidiTrackList* tracks = song->midis(); for (iMidiTrack it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) { MidiTrack* track = *it; //activePorts[track->outPort()] = true; QList<ProcessList*> pcevents; int port = track->outPort(); int channel = track->outChannel(); int defaultPort = port; MidiDevice* md = midiPorts[port].device(); if (!md) { continue; } MPEventList* playEvents = md->playEvents(); playEvents->erase(playEvents->begin(), playEvents->end()); PartList* pl = track->parts(); for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) { MidiPart* part = (MidiPart*) (p->second); EventList* events = part->events(); unsigned partTick = part->tick(); //unsigned partLen = part->lenTick(); int delay = track->delay; unsigned offset = delay + partTick; for (iEvent ie = events->begin(); ie != events->end(); ++ie) { Event ev = ie->second; port = defaultPort; unsigned tick = ev.tick() + offset; //unsigned frame = tempomap.tick2frame(tick) + frameOffset; switch (ev.dataA()) { case CTRL_PROGRAM: { ProcessList *pl = new ProcessList; pl->port = port; pl->channel = channel; pl->dataB = ev.dataB(); bool addEvent = true; for(int i = 0; i < pcevents.size(); ++i) { ProcessList* ipl = pcevents.at(i); if(ipl->port == pl->port && ipl->channel == pl->channel && ipl->dataB == pl->dataB) { addEvent = false; break; } } if(addEvent) { printf("Audio::preloadControllers() Loading event @ tick: %d - on channel: %d - on port: %d - dataA: %d - dataB: %d\n", tick, channel, port, ev.dataA(), ev.dataB()); pcevents.append(pl); playEvents->add(MidiPlayEvent(tick, port, channel, ev)); } } break; default: break; } } } md->setNextPlayEvent(playEvents->begin()); } midiBusy = false; }/*}}}*/
void TrackListView::toggleTrackPart(QStandardItem* item)/*{{{*/ { if(!item) return; m_editing = true; int type = item->data(TrackRole).toInt(); int column = item->column(); bool checked = (item->checkState() == Qt::Checked); qint64 tid = item->data(TrackIdRole).toLongLong(); QString trackName = item->data(TrackNameRole).toString(); QString partName; m_selectedIndex = item->row(); QString newName = item->text(); if(type == 1) { if(trackName == newName) column = 0; else column = 1; } else { partName = item->data(PartNameRole).toString(); if(partName == newName) column = 0; else column = 1; } MidiTrack* track = song->findTrackById(tid); if(!track || !m_editor) { m_editing = false; return; } PartList* list = track->parts(); if(list->empty()) { m_editing = false; updateCheck(); return; } switch(type) { case 1: //Track { if(!column) { if(checked) { m_editor->addParts(list); m_selectedTracks.append(track->id()); if(!list->empty()) { updatePartSelection(list->begin()->second); updateCheck(list, checked); } } else { m_editor->removeParts(list); m_editor->updateCanvas(); m_selectedTracks.removeAll(track->id()); updateCheck(); song->update(SC_SELECTION); } } else { bool valid = true; if(newName.isEmpty()) { valid = false; } if(valid) { for (iMidiTrack i = song->tracks()->begin(); i != song->tracks()->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == newName) { valid = false; break; } } } if(!valid) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("LOS: bad trackname"), tr("please choose a unique track name"), QMessageBox::Ok, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton); m_model->blockSignals(true); item->setText(item->data(TrackNameRole).toString()); m_model->blockSignals(false); update(); m_editing = false; return; } m_model->blockSignals(true); item->setData(newName, TrackNameRole); m_model->blockSignals(false); Track* newTrack = track->clone(false); newTrack->setName(newName); track->setName(newName); audio->msgChangeTrack((MidiTrack*)newTrack, track); } } break; case 2: //Part { int sn = item->data(PartRole).toInt(); unsigned tick = item->data(TickRole).toInt(); Part* part = list->find(tick, sn); if(part) { if(!column) { if(checked) { m_editor->addPart(part); updatePartSelection(part); } else { m_editor->removePart(sn); m_editor->updateCanvas(); updateCheck(); song->update(SC_SELECTION); } } else { if(partName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("LOS: Invalid part name"), tr("Please choose a name with at least one charactor"), QMessageBox::Ok, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton); m_model->blockSignals(true); item->setText(item->data(PartNameRole).toString()); m_model->blockSignals(false); update(); m_editing = false; return; } m_model->blockSignals(true); item->setData(newName, PartNameRole); m_model->blockSignals(false); Part* newPart = part->clone(); newPart->setName(newName); // Indicate do undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts. audio->msgChangePart(part, newPart, true, true, false); song->update(SC_PART_MODIFIED); } } } break; } update(); if(m_selectedIndex < m_model->rowCount()) { m_table->selectRow(m_selectedIndex); m_table->scrollTo(m_model->index(m_selectedIndex, 0)); } m_editing = false; }/*}}}*/
void TrackListView::contextPopupMenu(QPoint pos)/*{{{*/ { QModelIndex mindex = m_table->indexAt(pos); if(!mindex.isValid()) return; //int row = mindex.row(); QStandardItem* item = m_model->itemFromIndex(mindex); if(item) { m_selectedIndex = item->row(); //Make it works even if you rightclick on the checkbox QString trackName = item->data(TrackNameRole).toString(); int type = item->data(TrackRole).toInt(); MidiTrack* track = song->findTrack(trackName); if(!track || !m_editor) return; QMenu* p = new QMenu(this); QString title(tr("Part Color")); int index = track->getDefaultPartColor(); Part* npart = 0; if(type == 1) title = QString(tr("Default Part Color")); else { PartList* list = track->parts(); int sn = item->data(PartRole).toInt(); unsigned tick = item->data(TickRole).toInt(); npart = list->find(tick, sn); if(npart) index = npart->colorIndex(); } QMenu* colorPopup = p->addMenu(title); QMenu* colorSub; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTCOLORS; ++i) { QString colorname(config.partColorNames[i]); if(colorname.contains("menu:", Qt::CaseSensitive)) { colorSub = colorPopup->addMenu(colorname.replace("menu:", "")); } else { if(index == i) { colorname = QString(config.partColorNames[i]); colorPopup->setIcon(partColorIconsSelected.at(i)); colorPopup->setTitle(colorSub->title()+": "+colorname); colorname = QString("* "+config.partColorNames[i]); QAction *act_color = colorSub->addAction(partColorIconsSelected.at(i), colorname); act_color->setData(20 + i); } else { colorname = QString(" "+config.partColorNames[i]); QAction *act_color = colorSub->addAction(partColorIcons.at(i), colorname); act_color->setData(20 + i); } } } p->addAction(tr("Add Part"))->setData(1); p->addAction(tr("Add Part and Select"))->setData(2); if(type == 2) p->addAction(tr("Delete Part"))->setData(3); QAction* act = p->exec(QCursor::pos()); if (act) { int selection = act->data().toInt(); switch(selection) { case 1: { CItem *citem = los->composer->addCanvasPart(track); if(citem) { Part* mp = citem->part(); populateTable();//update check state //Select and scroll to the added part if(mp) { int psn = mp->sn(); for(int i = 0; i < m_model->rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem* item = m_model->item(i, 0); if(item) { int type = item->data(TrackRole).toInt(); if(type == 1) {//TrackMode continue; } else {//PartMode int sn = item->data(PartRole).toInt(); if(psn == sn) { //m_tempColor = item->foreground(); m_model->blockSignals(true); item->setForeground(QColor(99, 36, 36)); m_model->blockSignals(false); update(); m_selectedIndex = item->row(); m_table->selectRow(m_selectedIndex); m_table->scrollTo(m_model->index(m_selectedIndex, 0)); m_colorRows.append(m_selectedIndex); QTimer::singleShot(350, this, SLOT(updateColor())); break; } } } } } } } break; case 2: { CItem* citem = los->composer->addCanvasPart(track); if(citem) { Part* mp = citem->part(); if(mp) { m_editor->addPart(mp); populateTable();//update check state updatePartSelection(mp); } } break; } case 3: { if(npart) { audio->msgRemovePart(npart); populateTable();//update check state scrollPos = pos; /*if(row < m_model->rowCount()) { QModelIndex rowIndex = m_table->indexAt(pos); m_table->scrollTo(rowIndex, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtTop); }*/ } break; } case 20 ... NUM_PARTCOLORS + 20: { int curColorIndex = selection - 20; if(npart) { npart->setColorIndex(curColorIndex); song->update(SC_PART_COLOR_MODIFIED); } else { track->setDefaultPartColor(curColorIndex); } populateTable();//update check state break; } } } delete p; } }/*}}}*/
void TrackListView::populateTable()/*{{{*/ { if(debugMsg) printf("TrackListView::populateTable\n"); QScrollBar *bar = m_table->verticalScrollBar(); int barPos = 0; if(bar) barPos = bar->sliderPosition(); m_model->clear(); for(iMidiTrack i = song->artracks()->begin(); i != song->artracks()->end(); ++i) { MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)(*i); PartList* pl = track->parts(); if(m_displayRole == PartRole && pl->empty()) { continue; } QStandardItem* trackName = new QStandardItem(); trackName->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(205,209,205))); trackName->setBackground(QBrush(QColor(20,20,20))); trackName->setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 10, QFont::Bold)); trackName->setText(track->name()); trackName->setCheckable(true); trackName->setCheckState(m_selectedTracks.contains(track->id()) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); trackName->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); trackName->setData(1, TrackRole); trackName->setData(track->name(), TrackNameRole); trackName->setData(track->id(), TrackIdRole); trackName->setEditable(true); m_model->appendRow(trackName); for(iPart ip = pl->begin(); ip != pl->end(); ++ip) { Part* part = ip->second; QStandardItem* partName = new QStandardItem(); partName->setFont(QFont("fixed-width", 9, QFont::Bold)); partName->setText(part->name()); partName->setData(part->sn(), PartRole); partName->setData(2, TrackRole); partName->setData(track->name(), TrackNameRole); partName->setData(part->name(), PartNameRole); partName->setData(part->tick(), TickRole); partName->setData(track->id(), TrackIdRole); partName->setEditable(true); partName->setCheckable(true); partName->setCheckState(m_editor->hasPart(part->sn()) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); if(!partColorIcons.isEmpty() && part->colorIndex() < partColorIcons.size()) partName->setIcon(partColorIcons.at(part->colorIndex())); m_model->appendRow(partName); } } m_model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(m_headers); if(m_selectedIndex < m_model->rowCount()) { m_table->selectRow(m_selectedIndex); m_table->scrollTo(m_model->index(m_selectedIndex, 0)); } if(bar) bar->setSliderPosition(barPos); }/*}}}*/
void CanvasNavigator::updateParts()/*{{{*/ { m_editing = true; m_playhead = 0; m_start = 0; m_canvasBox = 0; m_punchIn = 0; m_punchOut = 0; m_parts.clear(); m_markers.clear(); m_scene->clear(); /*foreach(PartItem* i, m_parts) m_scene->removeItem(i); while(m_parts.size()) delete m_parts.takeFirst();*/ m_heightList.clear(); m_scene->setSceneRect(QRectF()); int index = 1; //QList<QGraphicsItem*> group; MidiTrackList* tl = song->visibletracks(); ciMidiTrack ci = tl->begin(); for(; ci != tl->end(); ci++) { m_heightList.append((*ci)->height()); } ci = tl->begin(); if(ci != tl->end()) { int mh = (*ci)->height(); double partHeight = (mh * 8)/100; m_start = m_scene->addRect(0.0, 0.0, calcSize(song->len()), partHeight); m_start->setBrush(QColor(63, 63, 63)); m_start->setPen(QPen(QColor(63, 63, 63))); m_start->setZValue(-50); ci++;//Special case for master } for(; ci != tl->end(); ci++) { MidiTrack* track = *ci; if(track) { QList<int> list = m_heightList.mid(0, index); int ypos = 0; foreach(int i, list) ypos += i; ypos = (ypos * 8)/100; int ih = m_heightList.at(index); double partHeight = (ih * 8)/100; //qDebug("CanvasNavigator::updateParts: partHeight: %2f, ypos: %d", partHeight, ypos); PartList* parts = track->parts(); if(parts && !parts->empty()) { for(iPart p = parts->begin(); p != parts->end(); p++) { Part *part = p->second; int tick, len; if(part) { tick = part->tick(); len = part->lenTick(); } double w = calcSize(len); double pos = calcSize(tick); PartItem* item = new PartItem(pos, ypos, w, partHeight); item->setPart(part); m_parts.append(item); //group.append((QGraphicsItem*)item); int i = part->colorIndex(); QColor partWaveColor(config.partWaveColors[i]); QColor partColor(config.partColors[i]); //partWaveColor.setAlpha(150); partColor.setAlpha(150); item->setBrush(part->selected() ? partWaveColor : partColor); item->setPen(part->selected() ? partColor : partWaveColor); m_scene->addItem(item); } } ++index; } } QColor colTimeLine = QColor(0, 186, 255); int kpos = 0; foreach(int i, m_heightList) kpos += i; //kpos = ((kpos + 400) * 8)/100; kpos = ((kpos + 400) * 8)/100; m_playhead = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, kpos); m_playhead->setBrush(colTimeLine); m_playhead->setPen(Qt::NoPen); m_playhead->setZValue(124001.0f); m_playhead->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); m_scene->addItem(m_playhead); QColor loopColor(139, 225, 69); QColor markerColor(243,191,124); MarkerList* markers = song->marker(); for (iMarker m = markers->begin(); m != markers->end(); ++m) { //double xp = calcSize(m->second.tick()); QGraphicsRectItem *marker = m_scene->addRect(0, 0, 1, kpos); marker->setData(Qt::UserRole, m->second.id()); m_markers[m->second.id()] = marker; marker->setPen(Qt::NoPen); marker->setBrush(markerColor); marker->setZValue(124002.0f); marker->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); m_updateMarkers = true; } m_punchIn = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, kpos); m_punchIn->setBrush(loopColor); m_punchIn->setPen(Qt::NoPen); m_punchIn->setZValue(124003.0f); m_punchIn->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); m_scene->addItem(m_punchIn); m_punchIn->setVisible(song->loop() || song->punchin()); m_punchOut = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 1, kpos); m_punchOut->setBrush(loopColor); m_punchOut->setPen(Qt::NoPen); m_punchOut->setZValue(124003.0f); m_punchOut->setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations); m_scene->addItem(m_punchOut); m_punchOut->setVisible(song->loop() || song->punchout()); createCanvasBox(); //group.append((QGraphicsItem*)m_start); //group.append((QGraphicsItem*)m_playhead); //if(group.size()) //{ // m_partGroup = m_scene->createItemGroup(group); //} //else m_partGroup = 0; updateSpacing(); m_editing = false; }/*}}}*/