コード例 #1
ファイル: Render.cpp プロジェクト: ZacWalk/ImageWalker
void IW::CRender::DrawToDC(HDC hdc, const Page &page, const CRect & rectDstIn)
	CRect rDst, rSrc;
	::GetClipBox(hdc, &rDst);

	const CRect rectSrc(0, 0, page.GetWidth(), page.GetHeight());

	if (rDst.IsRectEmpty())
		rDst = rectDstIn;
		rDst.IntersectRect(&rDst, &rectDstIn);

	int cxIn = rectDstIn.right - rectDstIn.left;
	int cyIn = rectDstIn.bottom - rectDstIn.top;

	int cxImage = page.GetWidth();
	int cyImage = page.GetHeight();

	rSrc.left = MulDiv(rDst.left - rectDstIn.left, cxImage, cxIn);
	rSrc.top = MulDiv(rDst.top - rectDstIn.top, cyImage, cyIn);
	rSrc.right = MulDiv(rDst.right - rectDstIn.left, cxImage, cxIn);
	rSrc.bottom = MulDiv(rDst.bottom - rectDstIn.top, cyImage, cyIn);

	const CSize sizeDst(rDst.Size());
	const CSize sizeSrc(rSrc.Size());

	if (sizeDst.cx < 1 || sizeDst.cy < 1)

	int nNewMode = COLORONCOLOR;

	// If the imageOut is large dont Stretch
	if (!App.Options.m_bDontUseHalfTone &&
		sizeSrc.cx > sizeDst.cx && sizeSrc.cy > sizeDst.cy &&
		(sizeSrc.cx * sizeSrc.cy) < 2000000)
		nNewMode = HALFTONE;

	int nOldMode = SetStretchBltMode(hdc, nNewMode);
	DWORD dwFlags = page.GetFlags();
	IW::PixelFormat pf = page.GetPixelFormat();

	if (pf.HasAlpha() || dwFlags & IW::PageFlags::HasTransparent)
		IW::CRender render;

		if (render.Create(hdc, rDst))
			render.DrawImage(page, rDst);			
		IW::CImageBitmapInfoHeader info(page);
		const BITMAPINFO *pbmi = info;

		LONG lAdjustedSourceTop = rSrc.top;
		// if the origin of bitmap is bottom-left, adjust soruce_rect_top
		// to be the bottom-left corner instead of the top-left.
		if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight > 0) 
			lAdjustedSourceTop = pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight - rSrc.bottom;

			rDst.left,                        // Destination x
			rDst.top,                        // Destination y
			sizeDst.cx,           // Destination nWidth
			sizeDst.cy,              // Destination nHeight
			rSrc.left,                        // Source x
			lAdjustedSourceTop,        // Source y
			sizeSrc.cx,              // Source nWidth
			sizeSrc.cy,             // Source nHeight
			page.GetBitmap(),         // Pointer to bits
			pbmi,   // BITMAPINFO
			DIB_RGB_COLORS,           // Options
			SRCCOPY);                 // Raster operation code (ROP)

	SetStretchBltMode(hdc, nOldMode);