コード例 #1
ファイル: RenderVideo.cpp プロジェクト: kcomkar/webkit
void RenderVideo::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    MediaPlayer* mediaPlayer = mediaElement()->player();
    bool displayingPoster = videoElement()->shouldDisplayPosterImage();

    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    if (!displayingPoster && !mediaPlayer) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    LayoutRect rect = videoBox();
    if (rect.isEmpty()) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, rect);

    if (displayingPoster)
        paintIntoRect(paintInfo.context, rect);
    else if (document()->view() && document()->view()->paintBehavior() & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers)
        mediaPlayer->paintCurrentFrameInContext(paintInfo.context, pixelSnappedIntRect(rect));
        mediaPlayer->paint(paintInfo.context, pixelSnappedIntRect(rect));
コード例 #2
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitely disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow handling
    childPaintInfo.context->clip(pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, paintInfo.renderRegion)));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering)
            RenderBox::paint(childPaintInfo, LayoutPoint());

コード例 #3
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Page* page = frame().page();

    if (isPluginUnavailable()) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());
        RenderReplaced::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    RenderWidget::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
コード例 #4
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    if (showsUnavailablePluginIndicator()) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());
        RenderReplaced::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    RenderPart::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
コード例 #5
void RenderEmbeddedObject::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    Page* page = frame().page();

    // The relevant repainted object heuristic is not tuned for plugin documents.
    bool countsTowardsRelevantObjects = page && !document().isPluginDocument() && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground;

    if (isPluginUnavailable()) {
        if (countsTowardsRelevantObjects)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());
        RenderReplaced::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (countsTowardsRelevantObjects)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    RenderWidget::paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
コード例 #6
void RenderVideo::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    MediaPlayer* mediaPlayer = videoElement().player();
    bool displayingPoster = videoElement().shouldDisplayPosterImage();

    Page* page = frame().page();

    if (!displayingPoster && !mediaPlayer) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    LayoutRect rect = videoBox();
    if (rect.isEmpty()) {
        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, rect);

    LayoutRect contentRect = contentBoxRect();
    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
    bool clip = !contentRect.contains(rect);
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(context, clip);
    if (clip)

    if (displayingPoster)
        paintIntoRect(context, rect);
    else if (!videoElement().isFullscreen() || !mediaPlayer->supportsAcceleratedRendering()) {
        if (view().frameView().paintBehavior() & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers)
            mediaPlayer->paintCurrentFrameInContext(context, rect);
            mediaPlayer->paint(context, rect);
コード例 #7
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
    LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
    LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
    LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    if (!m_imageResource->hasImage() || m_imageResource->errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            context->setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, style()->colorSpace());
            context->setFillColor(Color::transparent, style()->colorSpace());
            context->drawRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight)));

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2;

            RefPtr<Image> image = m_imageResource->image();

            if (m_imageResource->errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                float deviceScaleFactor = WebCore::deviceScaleFactor(frame());
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = m_imageResource->cachedImage()->brokenImage(deviceScaleFactor);
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                IntSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + 1, topBorder + topPad + centerY + 1);
                context->drawImage(image.get(), style()->colorSpace(), pixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize)), CompositeSourceOver, shouldRespectImageOrientation());
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
                String text = document()->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
                context->setFillColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style()->colorSpace());
                const Font& font = style()->font();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint altTextOffset = paintOffset;
                altTextOffset.move(leftBorder + leftPad, topBorder + topPad + ascent);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
                LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && cHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
                    context->drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
    } else if (m_imageResource->hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        RefPtr<Image> img = m_imageResource->image(cWidth, cHeight);
        if (!img || img->isNull()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        if (style()->highlight() != nullAtom && !paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())
            paintCustomHighlight(toPoint(paintOffset - location()), style()->highlight(), true);

        LayoutSize contentSize(cWidth, cHeight);
        LayoutPoint contentLocation = paintOffset;
        contentLocation.move(leftBorder + leftPad, topBorder + topPad);
        paintIntoRect(context, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
        if (cachedImage() && page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            // For now, count images as unpainted if they are still progressively loading. We may want 
            // to refine this in the future to account for the portion of the image that has painted.
            if (cachedImage()->isLoading())
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
                page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, LayoutRect(contentLocation, contentSize));
コード例 #8
ファイル: RenderSVGRoot.cpp プロジェクト: cheekiatng/webkit
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitly disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // SVG outlines are painted during PaintPhaseForeground.
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline)

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    if (svgSVGElement().hasEmptyViewBox())

    Page* page = frame().page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        auto* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderer(*this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip
    if (shouldApplyViewportClip())
        childPaintInfo.context->clip(snappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, currentRenderNamedFlowFragment())));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(*this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering) {
            for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderElement>(*this))
                child.paint(childPaintInfo, location());

コード例 #9
ファイル: RenderImage.cpp プロジェクト: rhythmkay/webkit
void RenderImage::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    LayoutUnit cWidth = contentWidth();
    LayoutUnit cHeight = contentHeight();
    LayoutUnit leftBorder = borderLeft();
    LayoutUnit topBorder = borderTop();
    LayoutUnit leftPad = paddingLeft();
    LayoutUnit topPad = paddingTop();

    GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
    float deviceScaleFactor = document().deviceScaleFactor();

    Page* page = frame().page();

    if (!imageResource().hasImage() || imageResource().errorOccurred()) {
        if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)

        if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
            page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        if (cWidth > 2 && cHeight > 2) {
            LayoutUnit borderWidth = LayoutUnit(1 / deviceScaleFactor);

            // Draw an outline rect where the image should be.
            context.setStrokeColor(Color::lightGray, style().colorSpace());
            context.setFillColor(Color::transparent, style().colorSpace());
            context.drawRect(snapRectToDevicePixels(LayoutRect(paintOffset.x() + leftBorder + leftPad, paintOffset.y() + topBorder + topPad, cWidth, cHeight), deviceScaleFactor), borderWidth);

            bool errorPictureDrawn = false;
            LayoutSize imageOffset;
            // When calculating the usable dimensions, exclude the pixels of
            // the ouline rect so the error image/alt text doesn't draw on it.
            LayoutUnit usableWidth = cWidth - 2 * borderWidth;
            LayoutUnit usableHeight = cHeight - 2 * borderWidth;

            RefPtr<Image> image = imageResource().image();

            if (imageResource().errorOccurred() && !image->isNull() && usableWidth >= image->width() && usableHeight >= image->height()) {
                // Call brokenImage() explicitly to ensure we get the broken image icon at the appropriate resolution.
                std::pair<Image*, float> brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor = imageResource().cachedImage()->brokenImage(document().deviceScaleFactor());
                image = brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.first;
                FloatSize imageSize = image->size();
                imageSize.scale(1 / brokenImageAndImageScaleFactor.second);
                // Center the error image, accounting for border and padding.
                LayoutUnit centerX = (usableWidth - imageSize.width()) / 2;
                if (centerX < 0)
                    centerX = 0;
                LayoutUnit centerY = (usableHeight - imageSize.height()) / 2;
                if (centerY < 0)
                    centerY = 0;
                imageOffset = LayoutSize(leftBorder + leftPad + centerX + borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + centerY + borderWidth);

                ImageOrientationDescription orientationDescription(shouldRespectImageOrientation());
                context.drawImage(*image, style().colorSpace(), snapRectToDevicePixels(LayoutRect(paintOffset + imageOffset, imageSize), deviceScaleFactor), orientationDescription);
                errorPictureDrawn = true;

            if (!m_altText.isEmpty()) {
                String text = document().displayStringModifiedByEncoding(m_altText);
                context.setFillColor(style().visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style().colorSpace());
                const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
                const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics();
                LayoutUnit ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
                LayoutPoint altTextOffset = paintOffset;
                altTextOffset.move(leftBorder + leftPad + (paddingWidth / 2) - borderWidth, topBorder + topPad + ascent + (paddingHeight / 2) - borderWidth);

                // Only draw the alt text if it'll fit within the content box,
                // and only if it fits above the error image.
                TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(this, font, text, style());
                LayoutUnit textWidth = font.width(textRun);
                if (errorPictureDrawn) {
                    if (usableWidth >= textWidth && fontMetrics.height() <= imageOffset.height())
                        context.drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
                } else if (usableWidth >= textWidth && usableHeight >= fontMetrics.height())
                    context.drawText(font, textRun, altTextOffset);
    } else if (imageResource().hasImage() && cWidth > 0 && cHeight > 0) {
        RefPtr<Image> img = imageResource().image(cWidth, cHeight);
        if (!img || img->isNull()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

        LayoutRect contentBoxRect = this->contentBoxRect();
        LayoutRect replacedContentRect = this->replacedContentRect(intrinsicSize());
        bool clip = !contentBoxRect.contains(replacedContentRect);
        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(context, clip);
        if (clip)

        paintIntoRect(context, snapRectToDevicePixels(replacedContentRect, deviceScaleFactor));
        if (cachedImage() && page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            // For now, count images as unpainted if they are still progressively loading. We may want 
            // to refine this in the future to account for the portion of the image that has painted.
            LayoutRect visibleRect = intersection(replacedContentRect, contentBoxRect);
            if (cachedImage()->isLoading())
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visibleRect);
                page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visibleRect);