コード例 #1
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the state vector at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluatePointwiseState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		const Time & time,
		double dZp,
		double dXp,
		double dYp,
		double * dState,
		double * dTracer
	) const {
		const double dG = phys.GetG();
		const double dCv = phys.GetCv();
		const double dCp = phys.GetCp();
		const double dRd = phys.GetR();
		const double dP0 = phys.GetP0();

		// The Brunt-Vaisala frequency
		const double dNbar = dG / sqrt(dCp * m_dT0);

		// Base potential temperature field
		const double dTheta0 = m_dT0;
		double dThetaBar = dTheta0 * exp(dNbar * dNbar / dG * dZp);

		// Set the uniform U, V, W field for all time
		dState[0] = m_dU0;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[3] = 0.0;

		// Set the initial potential temperature field
		dState[2] = dThetaBar;

		// Set the initial density based on the Exner pressure
		double dExnerP = exp(-dG / (dCp * m_dT0) * dZp);
		double dRho = dP0 / (dRd * dThetaBar) * pow(dExnerP,(dCv / dRd));
		dState[4] = dRho;
コード例 #2
	///	<summary>
	///		Calculate the geopotential and temperature at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	void CalculateGeopotentialTemperature(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		double dEta,
		double dXp,
		double dYp,
		double & dGeopotential,
		double & dTemperature
	) const {
		// Get some constants
		const double dG = phys.GetG();
		const double dCv = phys.GetCv();
		const double dCp = phys.GetCp();
		const double dRd = phys.GetR();
		const double dP0 = phys.GetP0();
		const double dae = phys.GetEarthRadius();
		const double df0 = 2 * phys.GetOmega() * sin(m_dRefLat);
		//const double df0 = 0.0;
		const double dbeta0 = 2 * phys.GetOmega() * cos(m_dRefLat) / dae;
		//const double dbeta0 = 0.0;
		const double dLy = m_dGDim[3] - m_dGDim[2];

		// Horizontally averaged temperature
		double dAvgTemperature =
			m_dT0 * pow(dEta, dRd * m_ddTdz / dG);

		// Horizontally averaged geopotential
		double dAvgGeopotential =
			m_dT0 * dG / m_ddTdz * 
			(1.0 - pow(dEta, dRd * m_ddTdz / dG));

		// Horizontal variation geopotential function
		double dXYGeopotential = 0.5 * m_dU0 * 
			((df0 - dbeta0 * m_dY0) * (dYp - m_dY0 - 
			m_dY0 / m_dpiC * sin(2 * m_dpiC * dYp / dLy)) + 
			0.5 * dbeta0 * 
			(dYp * dYp - dLy * dYp / m_dpiC * sin(2 * m_dpiC * dYp / dLy) - 
			0.5 * dLy * dLy / (m_dpiC * m_dpiC) * cos(2 * m_dpiC * dYp / dLy) -
			dLy * dLy / 3 - 0.5 * dLy * dLy / (m_dpiC * m_dpiC)));

		double dExpDecay = exp(-(log(dEta) / m_dbC) * (log(dEta) / m_dbC));
		double dRefProfile1 = log(dEta);
		double dRefProfile2 = 2 / (m_dbC * m_dbC) * log(dEta) * log(dEta) - 1.0;

		// Total geopotential distribution
		dGeopotential = dAvgGeopotential + dXYGeopotential*
			dRefProfile1 * dExpDecay;
		// Total temperature distribution
		dTemperature = dAvgTemperature + dXYGeopotential / dRd *
			dRefProfile2 * dExpDecay;
コード例 #3
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the reference state at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluateReferenceState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		double dZp,
		double dXp,
		double dYp,
		double * dState
	) const {
		const double dG = phys.GetG();
		const double dCv = phys.GetCv();
		const double dCp = phys.GetCp();
		const double dRd = phys.GetR();
		const double dP0 = phys.GetP0();

		// Base potential temperature field
		double dThetaBar = m_dTheta0 * exp(m_dNbar * m_dNbar / dG * dZp);

		// Set the uniform U, V, W field for all time
		dState[0] = m_dU0;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[3] = 0.0;

		// Zero gravity case
		if (dG == 0.0) {
			static double dT0 = 300.0;

			dState[2] = dT0 * pow(dP0, (dRd / dCp));
			dState[4] = dP0 / (dRd * dT0);

		// Stratification with gravity
		} else {
			// Set the initial density based on the Exner pressure
			double dExnerP = (dG * dG) / (dCp * m_dTheta0 * m_dNbar * m_dNbar);
			dExnerP *= (exp(-m_dNbar * m_dNbar / dG * dZp) - 1.0);
			dExnerP += 1.0;
			double dRho = dP0 / (dRd * dThetaBar) * pow(dExnerP,(dCv / dRd));
			dState[4] = dRho;

			// Set the initial potential temperature field
			//dState[2] = phys.PressureFromRhoTheta(dThetaBar * dRho);
			//dState[2] = (dThetaBar * dRho);
			dState[2] = dThetaBar;
コード例 #4
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the state vector at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluatePointwiseState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		const Time & time,
		double dZp,
		double dXp,
		double dYp,
		double * dState,
		double * dTracer
	) const {
		const double dG = phys.GetG();
		const double dCv = phys.GetCv();
		const double dCp = phys.GetCp();
		const double dRd = phys.GetR();
		const double dP0 = phys.GetP0();

		// Base potential temperature field
		double dThetaBar = m_dTheta0 * exp(m_dNbar * m_dNbar / dG * dZp);

		// Set the uniform U, V, W field for all time
		dState[0] = m_dU0;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[3] = 0.0;
		dState[3] = sin(M_PI * dZp / m_dGDim[5]);

		// Set the initial density based on the Exner pressure
		double dExnerP = (dG * dG) / (dCp * m_dTheta0 * m_dNbar * m_dNbar);
		dExnerP *= (exp(-m_dNbar * m_dNbar / dG * dZp) - 1.0);
		dExnerP += 1.0;
		double dRho = dP0 / (dRd * dThetaBar) * pow(dExnerP,(dCv / dRd));
		dState[4] = dRho;

		// Set the initial theta field
		//dState[2] = phys.PressureFromRhoTheta(dThetaBar * dRho);
		//dState[2] = (dThetaBar * dRho);
		dState[2] = dThetaBar;