コード例 #1
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the reference state at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluateReferenceState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		double dZ,
		double dLon,
		double dLat,
		double * dState
	) const {

		// 3D temperature
		double dT = m_dT0 - m_dGamma * dZ;

		// 3D pressure
		double dPressure = phys.GetP0()
			* pow(1.0 - m_dGamma / m_dT0 * dZ,
				phys.GetG() / (phys.GetR() * m_dGamma));

		// 3D density
		double dRho = dPressure / (phys.GetR() * dT);

		// Store the state
		dState[0] = 0.0;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[2] = phys.RhoThetaFromPressure(dPressure) / dRho;
		dState[3] = 0.0;
		dState[4] = dRho;
コード例 #2
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the reference state at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluateReferenceState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		double dZp,
		double dXp,
		double dYp,
		double * dState
	) const {
		const double dLy = m_dGDim[3] - m_dGDim[2];

		// Pressure coordinate
		double dGeopotential;
		double dTemperature;

		double dEta = EtaFromRLL(
			phys, dZp, dXp, dYp, dGeopotential, dTemperature);

		// Calculate zonal velocity and set other velocity components
		double dExpDecay = exp(-(log(dEta) / m_dbC) * (log(dEta) / m_dbC));
		double dUlon =
			-m_dU0 * sin(m_dpiC * dYp / dLy) * sin(m_dpiC * dYp / dLy) *
			 log(dEta) * dExpDecay;

		dState[0] = dUlon;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[3] = 0.0;

		// Calculate rho and theta
		double dPressure = phys.GetP0() * dEta;
		//std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << "Z = " << dZp << " Eta = " << dEta << "\n";

		double dRho = dPressure / (phys.GetR() * dTemperature);

		double dRhoTheta = phys.RhoThetaFromPressure(dPressure);

		dState[2] = dRhoTheta / dRho;
		dState[4] = dRho;
コード例 #3
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the state vector at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluatePointwiseState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		const Time & time,
		double dZ,
		double dLon,
		double dLat,
		double * dState,
		double * dTracer
	) const {

		// Radius
		double dR = dZ + phys.GetEarthRadius();

		// Calculate parameters
		double dT0 = 0.5 * (ParamT0E + ParamT0P);

		double dConstA = 1.0 / ParamLapseRate;

		double dConstB = (dT0 - ParamT0P) / (dT0 * ParamT0P);

		double dConstC = 0.5 * (ParamK + 2.0)
			* (ParamT0E - ParamT0P) / (ParamT0E * ParamT0P);

		double dConstH = phys.GetR() * dT0 / phys.GetG();

		// Computed quantities
		double dScaledZ = dZ / (ParamB * dConstH);

		// Calculate tau values
		double dTau1 =
			dConstA * ParamLapseRate / dT0
				* exp(ParamLapseRate / dT0 * dZ)
			+ dConstB
				* (1.0 - 2.0 * dScaledZ * dScaledZ)
				* exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dTau2 =
			dConstC * (1.0 - 2.0 * dScaledZ * dScaledZ)
				* exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dIntTau1 =
			dConstA * (exp(ParamLapseRate / dT0 * dZ) - 1.0)
			+ dConstB * dZ * exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dIntTau2 =
			dConstC * dZ * exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		// Calculate utility terms
		double dRRatio;
		if (m_fDeepAtmosphere) {
			dRRatio = dR / phys.GetEarthRadius();
		} else {
			dRRatio = 1.0;

		double dInteriorTerm = pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK)
			- ParamK / (ParamK + 2.0) * pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK + 2.0);

		// Calculate temperature
		double dTemperature = 1.0
			/ (dRRatio * dRRatio)
			/ (dTau1 - dTau2 * dInteriorTerm);

		// Calculate hydrostatic pressure
		double dPressure = phys.GetP0() * exp(
			- phys.GetG() / phys.GetR()
				* (dIntTau1 - dIntTau2 * dInteriorTerm));

		// Calculate hydrostatic density
		double dRho = dPressure / (phys.GetR() * dTemperature);

		// Velocity field
		double dInteriorTermU =
			  pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK - 1.0)
			- pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK + 1.0);

		double dBigU = phys.GetG() / phys.GetEarthRadius() * ParamK
			* dIntTau2 * dInteriorTermU * dTemperature;

		double dRCosLat;
		if (m_fDeepAtmosphere) {
			dRCosLat = dR * cos(dLat);
		} else {
			dRCosLat = phys.GetEarthRadius() * cos(dLat);

		double dOmegaRCosLat = phys.GetOmega() * dRCosLat;

		if (dOmegaRCosLat * dOmegaRCosLat + dRCosLat * dBigU < 0.0) {
			_EXCEPTIONT("Negative discriminant detected.");

		double dUlon = - dOmegaRCosLat +
			sqrt(dOmegaRCosLat * dOmegaRCosLat + dRCosLat * dBigU);

		double dUlat = 0.0;

		// Calculate velocity perturbation
		double dUlonPert;
		double dUlatPert;

			phys, dZ, dLon, dLat,
			dUlonPert, dUlatPert);

		dUlon += dUlonPert;
		dUlat += dUlatPert;

		// Store the state
		dState[0] = dUlon;
		dState[1] = dUlat;
		dState[2] = phys.RhoThetaFromPressure(dPressure) / dRho;
		dState[3] = 0.0;
		dState[4] = dRho;

コード例 #4
	///	<summary>
	///		Evaluate the reference state at the given point.
	///	</summary>
	virtual void EvaluateReferenceState(
		const PhysicalConstants & phys,
		double dZ,
		double dLon,
		double dLat,
		double * dState
	) const {

		// Radius
		double dR = dZ + phys.GetEarthRadius();

		// Calculate parameters
		double dT0 = 0.5 * (ParamT0E + ParamT0P);

		double dConstA = 1.0 / ParamLapseRate;

		double dConstB = (dT0 - ParamT0P) / (dT0 * ParamT0P);

		double dConstC = 0.5 * (ParamK + 2.0)
			* (ParamT0E - ParamT0P) / (ParamT0E * ParamT0P);

		double dConstH = phys.GetR() * dT0 / phys.GetG();

		// Computed quantities
		double dScaledZ = dZ / (ParamB * dConstH);

		// Calculate tau values
		double dTau1 =
			dConstA * ParamLapseRate / dT0
				* exp(ParamLapseRate / dT0 * dZ)
			+ dConstB
				* (1.0 - 2.0 * dScaledZ * dScaledZ)
				* exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dTau2 =
			dConstC * (1.0 - 2.0 * dScaledZ * dScaledZ)
				* exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dIntTau1 =
			dConstA * (exp(ParamLapseRate / dT0 * dZ) - 1.0)
			+ dConstB * dZ * exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		double dIntTau2 =
			dConstC * dZ * exp(- dScaledZ * dScaledZ);

		// Calculate utility terms
		double dRRatio;
		if (m_fDeepAtmosphere) {
			dRRatio = dR / phys.GetEarthRadius();
		} else {
			dRRatio = 1.0;

		double dInteriorTerm = pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK)
			- ParamK / (ParamK + 2.0) * pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK + 2.0);

		// Calculate temperature
		double dTemperature = 1.0
			/ (dRRatio * dRRatio)
			/ (dTau1 - dTau2 * dInteriorTerm);

		// Calculate hydrostatic pressure
		double dPressure = phys.GetP0() * exp(
			- phys.GetG() / phys.GetR()
				* (dIntTau1 - dIntTau2 * dInteriorTerm));
		// Calculate pressure derivative
		double dDrPressure;
		if (m_fDeepAtmosphere) {
			dDrPressure =
				dPressure * phys.GetG() / phys.GetR() * (
					- dTau1 + dTau2 * dInteriorTerm
					+ dIntTau2 * ParamK / dR
						* (pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK)
							- pow(dRRatio * cos(dLat), ParamK + 2.0)));

		} else {
			dDrPressure =
				dPressure * phys.GetG() / phys.GetR() * (
					- dTau1 + dTau2 * dInteriorTerm);

		// Calculate hydrostatic density
		double dHydroRho = - dRRatio * dRRatio / phys.GetG() * dDrPressure;
		// Calculate exact density
		double dRho = dPressure / (phys.GetR() * dTemperature);

		// Store the state
		dState[0] = 0.0;
		dState[1] = 0.0;
		dState[2] = phys.RhoThetaFromPressure(dPressure) / dRho;
		dState[3] = 0.0;
		dState[4] = dRho;