コード例 #1
void AddRadialForceToPxRigidBody_AssumesLocked(PxRigidBody& PRigidBody, const FVector& Origin, float Radius, float Strength, uint8 Falloff, bool bAccelChange)
	if (!(PRigidBody.getRigidBodyFlags() & PxRigidBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC))
		float Mass = PRigidBody.getMass();
		PxTransform PCOMTransform = PRigidBody.getGlobalPose().transform(PRigidBody.getCMassLocalPose());
		PxVec3 PCOMPos = PCOMTransform.p; // center of mass in world space
		PxVec3 POrigin = U2PVector(Origin); // origin of radial impulse, in world space
		PxVec3 PDelta = PCOMPos - POrigin; // vector from

		float Mag = PDelta.magnitude(); // Distance from COM to origin, in Unreal scale : @todo: do we still need conversion scale?

		// If COM is outside radius, do nothing.
		if (Mag > Radius)


		// If using linear falloff, scale with distance.
		float ForceMag = Strength;
		if (Falloff == RIF_Linear)
			ForceMag *= (1.0f - (Mag / Radius));

		// Apply force
		PxVec3 PImpulse = PDelta * ForceMag;
		PRigidBody.addForce(PImpulse, bAccelChange ? PxForceMode::eACCELERATION : PxForceMode::eFORCE);
#endif // WITH_PHYSX
void PxRigidBodyExt::computeVelocityDeltaFromImpulse(const PxRigidBody& body, const PxVec3& impulsiveForce, const PxVec3& impulsiveTorque, PxVec3& deltaLinearVelocity, PxVec3& deltaAngularVelocity)
		const PxF32 recipMass = body.getInvMass();
		deltaLinearVelocity = impulsiveForce*recipMass;

		const PxTransform globalPose = body.getGlobalPose();
		const PxTransform cmLocalPose = body.getCMassLocalPose();
		const PxTransform body2World = globalPose*cmLocalPose;
		PxMat33 M(body2World.q);

		const PxVec3 recipInertiaBodySpace = body.getMassSpaceInvInertiaTensor();

		PxMat33 recipInertiaWorldSpace;
		const float	axx = recipInertiaBodySpace.x*M(0,0), axy = recipInertiaBodySpace.x*M(1,0), axz = recipInertiaBodySpace.x*M(2,0);
		const float	byx = recipInertiaBodySpace.y*M(0,1), byy = recipInertiaBodySpace.y*M(1,1), byz = recipInertiaBodySpace.y*M(2,1);
		const float	czx = recipInertiaBodySpace.z*M(0,2), czy = recipInertiaBodySpace.z*M(1,2), czz = recipInertiaBodySpace.z*M(2,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(0,0) = axx*M(0,0) + byx*M(0,1) + czx*M(0,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(1,1) = axy*M(1,0) + byy*M(1,1) + czy*M(1,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(2,2) = axz*M(2,0) + byz*M(2,1) + czz*M(2,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(0,1) = recipInertiaWorldSpace(1,0) = axx*M(1,0) + byx*M(1,1) + czx*M(1,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(0,2) = recipInertiaWorldSpace(2,0) = axx*M(2,0) + byx*M(2,1) + czx*M(2,2);
		recipInertiaWorldSpace(1,2) = recipInertiaWorldSpace(2,1) = axy*M(2,0) + byy*M(2,1) + czy*M(2,2);

		deltaAngularVelocity = recipInertiaWorldSpace*(impulsiveTorque);
コード例 #3
void AddRadialImpulseToPxRigidBody_AssumesLocked(PxRigidBody& PRigidBody, const FVector& Origin, float Radius, float Strength, uint8 Falloff, bool bVelChange)
	if (!(PRigidBody.getRigidBodyFlags() & PxRigidBodyFlag::eKINEMATIC))
		float Mass = PRigidBody.getMass();
		PxTransform PCOMTransform = PRigidBody.getGlobalPose().transform(PRigidBody.getCMassLocalPose());
		PxVec3 PCOMPos = PCOMTransform.p; // center of mass in world space
		PxVec3 POrigin = U2PVector(Origin); // origin of radial impulse, in world space
		PxVec3 PDelta = PCOMPos - POrigin; // vector from origin to COM

		float Mag = PDelta.magnitude(); // Distance from COM to origin, in Unreal scale : @todo: do we still need conversion scale?

		// If COM is outside radius, do nothing.
		if (Mag > Radius)


		// Scale by U2PScale here, because units are velocity * mass. 
		float ImpulseMag = Strength;
		if (Falloff == RIF_Linear)
			ImpulseMag *= (1.0f - (Mag / Radius));

		PxVec3 PImpulse = PDelta * ImpulseMag;

		PxForceMode::Enum Mode = bVelChange ? PxForceMode::eVELOCITY_CHANGE : PxForceMode::eIMPULSE;
		PRigidBody.addForce(PImpulse, Mode);
#endif // WITH_PHYSX
void PxRigidBodyExt::computeLinearAngularImpulse(const PxRigidBody& body, const PxTransform& globalPose, const PxVec3& point, const PxVec3& impulse, const PxReal invMassScale, 
														const PxReal invInertiaScale, PxVec3& linearImpulse, PxVec3& angularImpulse)
	const PxVec3 centerOfMass = globalPose.transform(body.getCMassLocalPose().p);
	linearImpulse = impulse * invMassScale;
	angularImpulse = (point - centerOfMass).cross(impulse) * invInertiaScale;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ExtRigidBodyExt.cpp プロジェクト: 120pulsations/SDK
PxVec3 PxRigidBodyExt::getVelocityAtOffset(const PxRigidBody& body, const PxVec3& point)
	const PxTransform globalPose = body.getGlobalPose();
	const PxVec3 centerOfMass    = globalPose.rotate(body.getCMassLocalPose().p);
	const PxVec3 rpoint          = point - centerOfMass;

	return getVelocityAtPosInternal(body, rpoint);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ExtRigidBodyExt.cpp プロジェクト: 120pulsations/SDK
PxVec3 PxRigidBodyExt::getLocalVelocityAtLocalPos(const PxRigidBody& body, const PxVec3& point)
	const PxTransform globalPose = body.getGlobalPose();
	const PxVec3 centerOfMass    = globalPose.transform(body.getCMassLocalPose().p);
	const PxVec3 rpoint          = globalPose.transform(point) - centerOfMass;

	return getVelocityAtPosInternal(body, rpoint);
void PxRigidBodyExt::computeVelocityDeltaFromImpulse(const PxRigidBody& body, const PxTransform& globalPose, const PxVec3& point, const PxVec3& impulse, const PxReal invMassScale, 
														const PxReal invInertiaScale, PxVec3& linearVelocityChange, PxVec3& angularVelocityChange)
	const PxVec3 centerOfMass = globalPose.transform(body.getCMassLocalPose().p);
	const PxReal invMass = body.getInvMass() * invMassScale;
	const PxVec3 invInertiaMS = body.getMassSpaceInvInertiaTensor() * invInertiaScale;

	PxMat33 invInertia;
	transformInertiaTensor(invInertiaMS, PxMat33(globalPose.q), invInertia);
	linearVelocityChange = impulse * invMass;
	const PxVec3 rXI = (point - centerOfMass).cross(impulse);
	angularVelocityChange = invInertia * rXI;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ExtRigidBodyExt.cpp プロジェクト: 120pulsations/SDK
PX_INLINE void addForceAtPosInternal(PxRigidBody& body, const PxVec3& force, const PxVec3& pos, PxForceMode::Enum mode, bool wakeup)
	if(mode == PxForceMode::eACCELERATION || mode == PxForceMode::eVELOCITY_CHANGE)
		Ps::getFoundation().error(PxErrorCode::eINVALID_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 
			"PxRigidBodyExt::addForce methods do not support eACCELERATION or eVELOCITY_CHANGE modes");

	const PxTransform globalPose = body.getGlobalPose();
	const PxVec3 centerOfMass = globalPose.transform(body.getCMassLocalPose().p);

	const PxVec3 torque = (pos - centerOfMass).cross(force);
	body.addForce(force, mode, wakeup);
	body.addTorque(torque, mode, wakeup);