bool QQnxButtonEventNotifier::parsePPS(const QByteArray &ppsData, QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> *messageFields) const { // tokenize pps data into lines QList<QByteArray> lines = ppsData.split('\n'); // validate pps object if (lines.size() == 0 || !"@status"))) { qWarning("QQNX: unrecognized pps object, data=%s", ppsData.constData()); return false; } // parse pps object attributes and extract values for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { // tokenize current attribute const QByteArray &attr =; qButtonDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "attr=" << attr; int doubleColon = attr.indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("::")); if (doubleColon == -1) { // abort - malformed attribute continue; } QByteArray key = attr.left(doubleColon); QByteArray value = attr.mid(doubleColon + 2); messageFields->insert(key, value); } return true; }
TSession TSessionCookieStore::find(const QByteArray &id) { TSession session; if (id.isEmpty()) return session; QList<QByteArray> balst = id.split('_'); if (balst.count() == 2 && !balst.value(0).isEmpty() && !balst.value(1).isEmpty()) { QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromHex(balst.value(0)); QByteArray digest = QCryptographicHash::hash(ba + Tf::appSettings()->value(Tf::SessionSecret).toByteArray(), QCryptographicHash::Sha1); if (digest != QByteArray::fromHex(balst.value(1))) { tSystemWarn("Recieved a tampered cookie or that of other web application."); //throw SecurityException("Tampered with cookie", __FILE__, __LINE__); return session; } QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); ds >> *static_cast<QVariantMap *>(&session); if (ds.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { tSystemError("Unable to load a session from the cookie store."); session.clear(); } }
QUrl LocalRedirectServer::ParseUrlFromRequest(const QByteArray& request) const { QList<QByteArray> lines = request.split('\r'); const QByteArray& request_line = lines[0]; QByteArray path = request_line.split(' ')[1]; QUrl base_url = url(); QUrl request_url(base_url.toString() + path.mid(1), QUrl::StrictMode); return request_url; }
/** * for now our data is just the MAC address of the default gateway */ NetworkLocation NetworkLocation::currentLocation() { QProcess ip; ip.start("/sbin/ip", QStringList() << "route"); if (!ip.waitForStarted()) return NetworkLocation(); if (!ip.waitForFinished()) return NetworkLocation(); QByteArray gwIp; while (ip.canReadLine()) { QByteArray line = ip.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("default")) { QList<QByteArray> parts = line.split(' '); gwIp = parts[2]; break; } } if (gwIp.isEmpty()) return NetworkLocation(); QProcess arp; arp.start("/sbin/arp", QStringList() << "-a"); if (!arp.waitForStarted()) return NetworkLocation(); if (!arp.waitForFinished()) return NetworkLocation(); QByteArray gwMAC; while (arp.canReadLine()) { QByteArray line = arp.readLine(); if (line.contains(gwIp)) { QList<QByteArray> parts = line.split(' '); gwMAC = parts[3]; break; } } if (gwMAC.isEmpty()) return NetworkLocation(); return NetworkLocation(gwMAC); }
Exchange_Bitstamp::Exchange_Bitstamp(QByteArray pRestSign, QByteArray pRestKey) : Exchange() { checkDuplicatedOID=true; accountFee=0.0; balanceDisplayAvailableAmount=false; minimumRequestIntervalAllowed=1200; calculatingFeeMode=1; isLastTradesTypeSupported=false; exchangeSupportsAvailableAmount=true; lastBidAskTimestamp=0; lastTradesDate=0; lastTickerDate=0; baseValues.exchangeName="Bitstamp";"BTC/USD"; baseValues.currentPair.setSymbol("BTCUSD"); baseValues.currentPair.currRequestPair="BTCUSD"; baseValues.currentPair.priceDecimals=2; baseValues.currentPair.priceMin=qPow(0.1,baseValues.currentPair.priceDecimals); baseValues.currentPair.tradeVolumeMin=0.01; baseValues.currentPair.tradePriceMin=0.1; depthAsks=0; depthBids=0; forceDepthLoad=false; julyHttp=0; tickerOnly=false; privateRestSign=pRestSign; privateRestKey=pRestKey.split(':').last(); privateClientId=pRestKey.split(':').first(); currencyMapFile="Bitstamp"; defaultCurrencyParams.currADecimals=8; defaultCurrencyParams.currBDecimals=5; defaultCurrencyParams.currABalanceDecimals=8; defaultCurrencyParams.currBBalanceDecimals=5; defaultCurrencyParams.priceDecimals=2; defaultCurrencyParams.priceMin=qPow(0.1,baseValues.currentPair.priceDecimals); supportsLoginIndicator=true; supportsAccountVolume=false; supportsExchangeLag=false; moveToThread(this); authRequestTime.restart(); privateNonce=(static_cast<quint32>(time(NULL))-1371854884)*10; }
bool RecvFileTransfer::parseHeader(QByteArray &recvBlock, struct TransferFile &transferFile) { bool ok; int headerSize = recvBlock.left(TRANSFER_FILE_HEADER_SIZE_LENGTH).toInt(&ok, 16); if (!ok) { m_errorString = "RecvFileTransfer::parseHeader: get headerSize error"; return false; } QByteArray header = recvBlock.left(headerSize); QList<QByteArray> list = header.split(':'); #define TRANSFERFILE_NAME_POS 1 #define TRANSFERFILE_SIZE_POS 2 #define TRANSFERFILE_TYPE_POS 3 #define TRANSFERFILE_ATTR_BEGIN_POS 4 // XXX NOTE: canParseHeader() make sure we have enough items in list, // so we do not need to check size of list before call // = Macai::transferCodec->codec()->toUnicode(; QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("SYSTEM"); = codec->toUnicode(; transferFile.size =, 16); if (!ok) { m_errorString = "RecvFileTransfer::parseHeader: get file size error"; return false; } transferFile.type =, 16); if (!ok) { m_errorString = "RecvFileTransfer::parseHeader: get file type error"; return false; } // Extended file attribution like mtime, atime... for (int i = TRANSFERFILE_ATTR_BEGIN_POS; i < list.size(); ++i) { QString s =; QStringList l = s.split(QChar('=')); if (l.size() == 2) { int i =, 16); if (ok) { transferFile.extendAttr.insert(i,; } } } recvBlock.remove(0, headerSize); return true; }
virtual void main() { //init bool v = getFlag("v"); //load ids and lengths QHash<QByteArray, int> ids; QSharedPointer<QFile> file = Helper::openFileForReading(getInfile("ids")); while (!file->atEnd()) { QByteArray line = file->readLine().trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty() || line[0]=='#') continue; QList<QByteArray> parts = line.split('\t'); int length = -1; if (parts.count()>1) { length = Helper::toInt(parts[1], "length value"); } ids.insert(parts[0], length); } //open output stream FastqOutfileStream outfile(getOutfile("out"), false); //parse input and write output FastqFileStream stream(getInfile("in")); FastqEntry entry; while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream.readEntry(entry); QByteArray id = entry.header.trimmed(); id = id.mid(1); int comment_start = id.indexOf(' '); if (comment_start!=-1) id = id.left(comment_start); int length = ids.value(id, -2); if (length==-2) //id not in list { if (!v) continue; outfile.write(entry); } else if (length==-1) //id is in list, but no length given { if (v) continue; outfile.write(entry); } else if (length>=1) //id is in list and length given { if (v) continue; entry.bases.resize(length); entry.qualities.resize(length); outfile.write(entry); } } }
bool EglWaylandBackend::initRenderingContext() { initBufferConfigs(); #ifdef KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES const EGLint context_attribs[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE }; m_context = eglCreateContext(m_display, m_config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attribs); #else const EGLint context_attribs_31_core[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR, 3, EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR, 1, EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR, EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_KHR, EGL_NONE }; const EGLint context_attribs_legacy[] = { EGL_NONE }; const QByteArray eglExtensions = eglQueryString(m_display, EGL_EXTENSIONS); const QList<QByteArray> extensions = eglExtensions.split(' '); // Try to create a 3.1 core context if (options->glCoreProfile() && extensions.contains("EGL_KHR_create_context")) m_context = eglCreateContext(m_display, m_config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attribs_31_core); if (m_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) m_context = eglCreateContext(m_display, m_config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attribs_legacy); #endif if (m_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { qCritical() << "Create Context failed"; return false; } if (!m_wayland->surface()) { return false; } const QSize &size = m_wayland->shellSurfaceSize(); m_overlay = wl_egl_window_create(m_wayland->surface(), size.width(), size.height()); if (!m_overlay) { qCritical() << "Creating Wayland Egl window failed"; return false; } m_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(m_display, m_config, m_overlay, NULL); if (m_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { qCritical() << "Create Window Surface failed"; return false; } return makeContextCurrent(); }
void FramePlaybackWindow::loadFilters() { QString filename; QFileDialog dialog(this); QStringList filters; filters.append(QString(tr("Filter List (*.ftl)"))); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); dialog.setNameFilters(filters); dialog.setViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0]; //right now there is only one file type that can be loaded here so just do it. QFile *inFile = new QFile(filename); QByteArray line; int ID; bool checked = false; if (!inFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; btnSelectNoneClick(); while (!inFile->atEnd()) { line = inFile->readLine().simplified(); if (line.length() > 2) { QList<QByteArray> tokens = line.split(','); ID = tokens[0].toInt(NULL, 16); if (tokens[1].toUpper() == "T") checked = true; else checked = false; if (checked) { QHash<int,bool>::iterator it; for (it = currentSeqItem->idFilters.begin(); it != currentSeqItem->idFilters.end(); ++it) { if (it.key() == ID) { it.value() = true; } } for (int c = 0; c < ui->listID->count(); c++) { QListWidgetItem *item = ui->listID->item(c); if (item->text().toInt(NULL, 16) == ID) { item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } } } } } inFile->close(); } }
void DataLayer::loadDataFromFile() { QFile file(_DATAFILE); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return; QList<QObject*> Appointments; QString nextDay; QString prevDay; if(!file.atEnd()) { QByteArray otherDayLine = file.readLine(); QList<QByteArray> otherDays = otherDayLine.split('\t'); if (otherDays.size()==2) { nextDay =; prevDay =; } else { return; } while (!file.atEnd()) { QString desc,time,place,link; QByteArray line = file.readLine(); QList<QByteArray> data = line.split('\t'); if (data.size()>=4) { desc = QString(; time = QString(; place = QString(; link = QString(; Appointments.push_back(new Termin(desc,time,place,link)); } } } setDataModel(new Day(Appointments,nextDay,prevDay)); }
static jboolean startQtApplication(JNIEnv *env, jobject /*object*/, jstring paramsString, jstring environmentString) { m_mainLibraryHnd = NULL; const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(environmentString, 0); QByteArray string = nativeString; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(environmentString, nativeString); m_applicationParams=string.split('\t'); foreach (string, m_applicationParams) { if (!string.isEmpty() && putenv(string.constData())) qWarning() << "Can't set environment" << string; } nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(paramsString, 0); string = nativeString; env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(paramsString, nativeString); m_applicationParams=string.split('\t'); // Go home QDir::setCurrent(QDir::homePath()); //look for main() if (m_applicationParams.length()) { // Obtain a handle to the main library (the library that contains the main() function). // This library should already be loaded, and calling dlopen() will just return a reference to it. m_mainLibraryHnd = dlopen(m_applicationParams.first().data(), 0); if (m_mainLibraryHnd == NULL) { qCritical() << "dlopen failed:" << dlerror(); return false; } m_main = (Main)dlsym(m_mainLibraryHnd, "main"); } else { qWarning() << "No main library was specified; searching entire process (this is slow!)"; m_main = (Main)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "main"); } if (!m_main) { qCritical() << "dlsym failed:" << dlerror(); qCritical() << "Could not find main method"; return false; } pthread_t appThread; return pthread_create(&appThread, NULL, startMainMethod, NULL) == 0; }
uint RedisClient::Response::getRedirectionPort() const { if (!isMovedRedirect() && !isAskRedirect()) return 0; QByteArray hostAndPort = m_responseSource.split(' ')[2]; return QString(hostAndPort.split(':')[1]).toUInt(); }
void CMakeValidator::parseFunctionOutput(const QByteArray &output) { QList<QByteArray> cmakeFunctionsList = output.split('\n'); m_functions.clear(); if (!cmakeFunctionsList.isEmpty()) { cmakeFunctionsList.removeFirst(); //remove version string foreach (const QByteArray &function, cmakeFunctionsList) m_functions << QString::fromLocal8Bit(function.trimmed()); }
void FixProtocol::transform(const QByteArray &input, QByteArray &output) { QList<QByteArray> fields = input.split(0x01); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { output.append(translateField(; if (!output.isEmpty()) output.append('\n'); } }
void FindUtils::locate_process_finished() { QByteArray output = locate_process->readAllStandardOutput().trimmed(); QList<QByteArray> matches = output.split('\n'); filter_results(matches); emit locate_finished(search_results); }
void THttpRequest::parseBody(const QByteArray &body, const THttpRequestHeader &header) { switch (method()) { case Tf::Post: { QString ctype = QString::fromLatin1(header.contentType().trimmed()); if (ctype.startsWith("multipart/form-data", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // multipart/form-data d->multipartFormData = TMultipartFormData(body, boundary()); d->formItems = d->multipartFormData.formItems(); } else if (ctype.startsWith("application/json", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 d->jsonData = QJsonDocument::fromJson(body); #else tSystemWarn("unsupported content-type: %s", qPrintable(ctype)); #endif } else { // 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if (!body.isEmpty()) { QList<QByteArray> formdata = body.split('&'); for (QListIterator<QByteArray> i(formdata); i.hasNext(); ) { QList<QByteArray> nameval ='='); if (!nameval.value(0).isEmpty()) { // URL decode QString key = THttpUtility::fromUrlEncoding(nameval.value(0)); QString val = THttpUtility::fromUrlEncoding(nameval.value(1)); d->formItems.insertMulti(key, val); tSystemDebug("POST Hash << %s : %s", qPrintable(key), qPrintable(val)); } } } } /* FALL THROUGH */ } case Tf::Get: { // query parameter QList<QByteArray> data = d->header.path().split('?'); QString getdata = data.value(1); if (!getdata.isEmpty()) { QStringList pairs = getdata.split('&', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringListIterator i(pairs); i.hasNext(); ) { QStringList s ='='); if (!s.value(0).isEmpty()) { QString key = THttpUtility::fromUrlEncoding(s.value(0).toLatin1()); QString val = THttpUtility::fromUrlEncoding(s.value(1).toLatin1()); d->queryItems.insertMulti(key, val); tSystemDebug("GET Hash << %s : %s", qPrintable(key), qPrintable(val)); } } } break; } default: // do nothing break; } }
QByteArray RedisClient::Response::getRedirectionHost() const { if (!isMovedRedirect() && !isAskRedirect()) return QByteArray(); QByteArray hostAndPort = m_responseSource.split(' ')[2]; return hostAndPort.split(':')[0]; }
qint64 ValgrindRunner::runMassif(const QString &qbsCommand, const QString &buildDir, bool dryRun, const QString &outFile) { runProcess(valgrindCommandLine(qbsCommand, buildDir, dryRun, "massif", outFile)); QByteArray ms_printOutput; runProcess(QStringList() << "ms_print" << outFile, QString(), &ms_printOutput); QBuffer buffer(&ms_printOutput);; QByteArray peakSnapshot; const QString exceptionStringPattern = QString::fromLatin1("Failed to extract peak memory " "usage from file '%1': %2").arg(outFile); while (!buffer.atEnd()) { const QByteArray line = buffer.readLine(); static const QByteArray magicString = " (peak)"; const int magicStringOffset = line.indexOf(magicString); if (magicStringOffset == -1) continue; int delimiterOffset = line.lastIndexOf(',', magicStringOffset); if (delimiterOffset == -1) delimiterOffset = line.lastIndexOf('[', magicStringOffset); if (delimiterOffset == -1) { const QString details = QString::fromLatin1("Failed to extract peak snapshot from " "line '%1'.").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(line)); throw Exception(exceptionStringPattern.arg(details)); } peakSnapshot = line.mid(delimiterOffset + 1, magicStringOffset - delimiterOffset).trimmed(); break; } if (peakSnapshot.isEmpty()) throw Exception(exceptionStringPattern.arg("No peak marker found")); while (!buffer.atEnd()) { const QByteArray line = buffer.readLine().simplified(); if (!line.startsWith(peakSnapshot + ' ')) continue; const QList<QByteArray> entries = line.split(' '); if (entries.size() != 6) { const QString details = QString::fromLatin1("Expected 6 entries in line '%1', but " "there are %2.").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(line)).arg(entries.size()); throw Exception(exceptionStringPattern.arg(details)); } QByteArray peakMemoryString =; peakMemoryString.replace(',', QByteArray()); bool ok; qint64 peakMemoryUsage = peakMemoryString.toLongLong(&ok); if (!ok) { const QString details = QString::fromLatin1("Failed to parse peak memory value '%1' " "as a number.").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(peakMemoryString)); throw Exception(exceptionStringPattern.arg(details)); } return peakMemoryUsage; } const QString details = QString::fromLatin1("Failed to find snapshot '%1'.") .arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(peakSnapshot)); throw Exception(exceptionStringPattern.arg(details)); }
void getTitleOutput(int exitCode) { if (exitCode == 0) { QByteArray out = titleProcess.readAllStandardOutput(); QList<QByteArray> outputList = out.split('\n'); qDebug() << "Called the C++ slot and got following url:" << outputList[0]; streamTitle = outputList[0]; sTitleChanged(streamTitle); } }
static QMap<char, QByteArray> parseGS2(const QByteArray &ba) { QMap<char, QByteArray> map; foreach (const QByteArray &keyValue, ba.split(',')) { if (keyValue.size() >= 2 && keyValue[1] == '=') { map[keyValue[0]] = keyValue.mid(2); } } return map; }
bool StreamNegotiation::parse(QByteArray decodedResponse) { QList<QByteArray> m_clientFirstResponseMapList = decodedResponse.split(','); foreach (QByteArray data, m_clientFirstResponseMapList) { QString key = QString(data.left(data.indexOf('='))); QByteArray value = data.mid(data.indexOf('=') + 1).replace(QByteArray("\""), QByteArray("")); m_map.insert(key, value); }
/*! Parses the cookie string \a cookieString as received from a server response in the "Set-Cookie:" header. If there's a parsing error, this function returns an empty list. Since the HTTP header can set more than one cookie at the same time, this function returns a QList<QNetworkCookie>, one for each cookie that is parsed. \sa toRawForm() */ QList<QNetworkCookie> QNetworkCookie::parseCookies(const QByteArray &cookieString) { // cookieString can be a number of set-cookie header strings joined together // by \n, parse each line separately. QList<QNetworkCookie> cookies; QList<QByteArray> list = cookieString.split('\n'); for (int a = 0; a < list.size(); a++) cookies += QNetworkCookiePrivate::parseSetCookieHeaderLine(; return cookies; }
void VpncUiPluginPrivate::gotCiscoDecryptOutput() { QByteArray output = ciscoDecrypt->readAll(); if (!output.isEmpty()) { QList<QByteArray> lines = output.split('\n'); if (!lines.isEmpty()) { decryptedPasswd = QString::fromUtf8(lines.first()); } } }
QStringList byteArrayToStringList(const QByteArray& r) { QStringList items; foreach ( const QByteArray& item, r.split('\n') ) { items <<; } if ( r.endsWith('\n') ) { items.pop_back(); } return items; }
void TcfEngine::handleResponse(const QByteArray &response) { static QTime lastTime; //emit tcfOutputAvailable(_(" "), currentTime()); QList<QByteArray> parts = response.split('\0'); if (parts.size() < 2 || !parts.last().isEmpty()) { SDEBUG("WRONG RESPONSE PACKET LAYOUT" << parts); //if (response.isEmpty()) acknowledgeResult(); return; } parts.removeLast(); // always empty QByteArray tag =; int n = parts.size(); if (n == 2 && tag == "N") { // unidentified command int token =; TcfCommand tcf = m_cookieForToken[token]; SDEBUG("COMMAND NOT RECOGNIZED FOR TOKEN" << token << tcf.toString()); emit tcfOutputAvailable(LogOutput, QString::number(token) + "^" + "NOT RECOQNIZED: " + quoteUnprintableLatin1(response)); acknowledgeResult(); } else if (n == 2 && tag == "F") { // flow control m_congestion =; SDEBUG("CONGESTION: " << m_congestion); } else if (n == 4 && tag == "R") { // result data acknowledgeResult(); int token =; QByteArray message =; JsonValue data(; emit tcfOutputAvailable(LogOutput, QString("%1^%2%3").arg(token) .arg(quoteUnprintableLatin1(response)) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(data.toString()))); TcfCommand tcf = m_cookieForToken[token]; JsonValue result(data); SDEBUG("GOOD RESPONSE: " << quoteUnprintableLatin1(response)); if (tcf.callback) (this->*(tcf.callback))(result, tcf.cookie); } else if (n == 3 && tag == "P") { // progress data (partial result) //int token =; QByteArray data =; SDEBUG(_("\nTCF PARTIAL:") << quoteUnprintableLatin1(response)); } else if (n == 4 && tag == "E") { // an event QByteArray service =; QByteArray eventName =; JsonValue data(; if (eventName != "peerHeartBeat") SDEBUG(_("\nTCF EVENT:") << quoteUnprintableLatin1(response) << data.toString()); if (service == "Locator" && eventName == "Hello") { m_services.clear(); foreach (const JsonValue &service, data.children()) m_services.append(; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startDebugging())); }
/* tokens: 0 = timestamp 1 = Transmission direction 2 = ID 3 = Data byte length 4-x = The data bytes */ bool FrameFileIO::loadMicrochipFile(QString filename, QVector<CANFrame>* frames) { QFile *inFile = new QFile(filename); CANFrame thisFrame; QByteArray line; bool inComment = false; long long timeStamp = Utility::GetTimeMS(); int lineCounter = 0; if (!inFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { delete inFile; return false; } //line = inFile->readLine(); //read out the header first and discard it. while (!inFile->atEnd()) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter > 100) { qApp->processEvents(); lineCounter = 0; } line = inFile->readLine(); if (line.length() > 2) { if (line.startsWith("//")) { inComment = !inComment; } else { if (!inComment) { QList<QByteArray> tokens = line.split(';'); timeStamp += 5; thisFrame.timestamp = timeStamp; thisFrame.ID = Utility::ParseStringToNum(tokens[2]); if (thisFrame.ID <= 0x7FF) thisFrame.extended = false; else thisFrame.extended = true; thisFrame.bus = 0; thisFrame.len = tokens[3].toInt(); for (int d = 0; d < thisFrame.len; d++)[d] = (unsigned char)Utility::ParseStringToNum(tokens[4 + d]); frames->append(thisFrame); } } } } inFile->close(); delete inFile; return true; }
void client::readMessage() { QByteArray message = socket->readAll(); qDebug() << "reading..."; //qDebug() << message; QList<QByteArray> message_list= message.split('\n'); qDebug() << message_list; QJsonDocument json_document; QJsonObject json_object; QJsonValue type; for (int i=0; i<message_list.size(); i++){ json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(; json_object = json_document.object(); type = json_object.value("type"); if (type == "login"){ player_id = json_object.value("id").toInt(); emit on_login(); } else if (type == "response"){ if (json_object.value("object") == "rooms"){ rooms = json_object.value("data").toArray(); emit on_refresh_rooms(rooms); } else if (json_object.value("object") == "players"){ players = json_object.value("data").toArray(); emit on_refresh_players(players); } else if (json_object.value("object") == "board"){ board = json_object.value("data").toArray(); emit on_refresh_board(board); } } else if (type == "newroom"){ emit on_create_room(json_object.value("rid").toInt()); } else if (type == "join"){ emit on_join(json_object.value("rid").toInt()); } else if (type == "closegame") { emit on_close_game(); } else if (type == "startgame") { emit on_start_game(); } else if (type == "play") { emit on_update_game(json_object); } else if (type == "win") { emit on_game_over(json_object); } else if (type == "highlight") { emit on_highlight(json_object); } else if (type == "chat") { emit on_chat(json_object); } else if (type == "spectate") { emit on_spectate(json_object.value("rid").toInt()); } } }
// used by mapplauncherd to bring a binary to the front void WindowModel::launchProcess(const QString &binaryName) { LipstickCompositor *c = LipstickCompositor::instance(); if (!m_complete || !c) return; QStringList binaryParts = binaryName.split(QRegExp(QRegExp("\\s+"))); for (QHash<int, LipstickCompositorWindow *>::ConstIterator iter = c->m_mappedSurfaces.begin(); iter != c->m_mappedSurfaces.end(); ++iter) { LipstickCompositorWindow *win = iter.value(); if (!approveWindow(win)) continue; QString pidFile = QString::fromLatin1("/proc/%1/cmdline").arg(win->processId()); QFile f(pidFile); if (! { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Cannot open cmdline for " << pidFile; continue; } // Command line arguments are split by '\0' in /proc/*/cmdline QStringList proc; QByteArray data = f.readAll(); Q_FOREACH (const QByteArray &array, data.split('\0')) { QString part = QString::fromUtf8(array); if (part.size() > 0) { proc << part; } } // Cannot match, as the cmdline has less arguments than then binary part if (binaryParts.size() > proc.size()) { continue; } bool match = true; // All parts of binaryName must be contained in this order in the // process command line to match the given process for (int i=0; i<binaryParts.count(); i++) { if (proc[i] != binaryParts[i]) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { win->surface()->raiseRequested(); break; } } }
QList<Utils::Port> usedPorts(const QByteArray &output) const override { QList<Utils::Port> ports; const QList<QByteArray> lines = output.split('\n'); for (const QByteArray &line : lines) { const Port port(Utils::parseUsedPortFromNetstatOutput(line)); if (port.isValid() && !ports.contains(port)) ports.append(port); } return ports; }
void CLbsPositionLogger::readNextPosition() { QByteArray line = m_logFile.readLine().trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty()) { LOG_MODEL_ERROR("CLbsPositionLogger", "no readlien"); return; } QList<QByteArray> data = line.split(','); QGeoCoordinate coordinate; QGeoPositionInfo info; bool hasTimestamp = false; QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::fromTime_t(data.value(0).toLong(&hasTimestamp), Qt::UTC); if(hasTimestamp && timestamp.isValid()) info.setTimestamp(timestamp); double latitude; bool hasLatitude = false; latitude = data.value(1).toDouble(&hasLatitude); if(hasLatitude) coordinate.setLatitude(latitude); double longitude; bool hasLongitude = false; longitude = data.value(2).toDouble(&hasLongitude); if(hasLongitude) coordinate.setLongitude(longitude); double altitude; bool hasAltitude = false; altitude = data.value(3).toDouble(&hasAltitude); if(hasAltitude) coordinate.setAltitude(altitude); info.setCoordinate(coordinate); double HorizontalAccuracy; bool hasHorizontalAccuracy = false; HorizontalAccuracy = data.value(4).toDouble(&hasHorizontalAccuracy); if(hasHorizontalAccuracy) info.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy, HorizontalAccuracy); double Direction; bool hasDirection = false; Direction = data.value(5).toDouble(&hasDirection); if(hasDirection) info.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::Direction, Direction); double GroundSpeed; bool hasGroundSpeed = false; GroundSpeed = data.value(6).toDouble(&hasGroundSpeed); if(hasGroundSpeed) info.setAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::GroundSpeed, GroundSpeed); if (info.isValid()) { m_lastPosition = info; emit positionUpdated(info); } }