void DBusBackendWrapper::launch() { Q_D(DBusBackendWrapper); if (identifier().isEmpty()) { setLastError("No identifier was set"); setStatus(Invalid); return; } QByteArray object = QCryptographicHash::hash(identifier().toLocal8Bit(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString dbusIdentifier = QString::fromLocal8Bit(object.toHex()); // Register to DBus d->dbusObjectPath = DBUS_BACKEND_PATH_PREFIX; d->dbusObjectPath.append(dbusIdentifier); new Pt2Adaptor(this); if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(d->dbusObjectPath, this)) { setLastError(QString("Failed to register object on path %1").arg(d->dbusObjectPath)); setStatus(Invalid); return; } // Launch the backend setStatus(Launching); d->process->setWorkingDirectory(APPLICATION_FOLDER); QString trueExecutable = executable(); trueExecutable.replace("$PROVIDER", QString(PROVIDER_PATH) + " --plugin "); trueExecutable.append(QString(" --identifier %1 ").arg(dbusIdentifier)); debug("dbus-backend-wrapper") << "starting" << trueExecutable; d->process->start(trueExecutable); }
void EmbeddedFilesDock::fillInfo() { m_table->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( QStringList() << tr("Name") << tr("Description") << tr("Size") << tr("Creation date") << tr("Modification date") << tr("Checksum")); if (!document()->hasEmbeddedFiles()) { m_table->setItem(0, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("No files"))); return; } const QList<Poppler::EmbeddedFile*> files = document()->embeddedFiles(); m_table->setRowCount(files.count()); int i = 0; Q_FOREACH(Poppler::EmbeddedFile *file, files) { m_table->setItem(i, 0, new QTableWidgetItem(file->name())); m_table->setItem(i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(file->description())); m_table->setItem(i, 2, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(file->size()))); m_table->setItem(i, 3, new QTableWidgetItem(file->createDate().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleDate))); m_table->setItem(i, 4, new QTableWidgetItem(file->modDate().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleDate))); const QByteArray checksum = file->checksum(); const QString checksumString = !checksum.isEmpty() ? QString::fromAscii(checksum.toHex()) : QString::fromLatin1("n/a"); m_table->setItem(i, 5, new QTableWidgetItem(checksumString)); ++i; }
void Settings::save() { QSettings settings; settings.setValue("settings/configFileName", m_configFileName); settings.setValue("settings/multipleconfig", m_multipleConfigs); if ( multipleConfigs() && !configFileName().isEmpty() ) { QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash( configFileName().toLocal8Bit(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); settings.beginGroup( hash.toHex() ); } settings.setValue("buildPath", m_buildPath); settings.setValue("includePath", m_includePath); settings.setValue("installPath", m_installPath); settings.setValue("sourceDirectory", m_sourceDir); settings.setValue("applicationDirectory", m_appDir); settings.setValue("targetPlatform", m_targetPlatform); settings.setValue("toolPath", m_toolPath); settings.setValue("programmer", m_programmer); settings.setValue("absolutePathInSamples", m_absolutePathInSamples); settings.setValue("clearLogBeforeBuild", m_clearLogBeforeBuild); settings.setValue("verboseBuild", m_verboseBuild); }
QString TDownlad::CalcSha1(QString Path) { QFile FileToHash(Path); QByteArray ba; QString HashOutput; QCryptographicHash CPU(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); if (FileToHash.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { while (!FileToHash.atEnd()) { ba = FileToHash.read(1024); CPU.addData(ba); } FileToHash.close(); ba = CPU.result(); HashOutput = ba.toHex(); return HashOutput; } else { HashOutput = "ERR"; return HashOutput; } }
Ztamp::Ztamp(QByteArray const& ztampID) { // Check ztamps folder QDir ztampsDir = QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); if (!ztampsDir.cd("ztamps")) { if (!ztampsDir.mkdir("ztamps")) { LogError("Unable to create ztamps directory !\n"); exit(-1); } ztampsDir.cd("ztamps"); } id = ztampID; configFileName = ztampsDir.absoluteFilePath(ztampID.toHex()+".dat"); // Check if config file exists and load it if (QFile::exists(configFileName)) LoadConfig(); saveTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(saveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(SaveConfig())); saveTimer->start(5*60*1000); // 5min }
void PacketTable::insert_row_in_table(QByteArray data) { bool isOk; int i, length; QString mac_dst, mac_src, stream; qDebug() << "[data]" << data.toHex(); if (data.size() <= 14) return; int row = ui->tableWidget->rowCount(); ui->tableWidget->insertRow(row); mac_dst = QString::number(data.mid(0,6).toHex().toLongLong(&isOk,16), 16).toUpper(); qDebug() << mac_dst; mac_src = QString::number(data.mid(6,6).toHex().toLongLong(&isOk,16), 16).toUpper(); qDebug() << mac_src; length = data.mid(12,2).toHex().toInt(&isOk,16); qDebug() << length; for(i = 14; (i < 14 + length) && (i<data.size()); i++ ) stream.append(QString::number((uchar)data[i], 16)); qDebug() << stream; QTableWidgetItem *newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(mac_dst); ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 0, newItem); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(mac_src); ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 1, newItem); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::number(length)); ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 2, newItem); newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(stream); ui->tableWidget->setItem(row, 3, newItem); }
static QString variantToTextValue(const QVariant &value, const QString &typeNs, const QString &type) { switch (value.userType()) { case QVariant::Char: // fall-through case QVariant::String: return value.toString(); case QVariant::Url: // xmlpatterns/data/qatomicvalue.cpp says to do this: return value.toUrl().toString(); case QVariant::ByteArray: { const QByteArray data = value.toByteArray(); if (typeNs == KDSoapNamespaceManager::xmlSchema1999() || typeNs == KDSoapNamespaceManager::xmlSchema2001()) { if (type == QLatin1String("hexBinary")) { const QByteArray hb = data.toHex(); return QString::fromLatin1(hb.constData(), hb.size()); } } // default to base64Binary, like variantToXMLType() does. const QByteArray b64 = value.toByteArray().toBase64(); return QString::fromLatin1(b64.constData(), b64.size()); } case QVariant::Int: // fall-through case QVariant::LongLong: // fall-through case QVariant::UInt: return QString::number(value.toLongLong()); case QVariant::ULongLong: return QString::number(value.toULongLong()); case QVariant::Bool: case QMetaType::Float: case QVariant::Double: return value.toString(); case QVariant::Time: { const QTime time = value.toTime(); if (time.msec()) { // include milli-seconds return time.toString(QLatin1String("hh:mm:ss.zzz")); } else { return time.toString(Qt::ISODate); } } case QVariant::Date: return value.toDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); case QVariant::DateTime: // http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime return KDDateTime(value.toDateTime()).toDateString(); case QVariant::Invalid: qDebug() << "ERROR: Got invalid QVariant in a KDSoapValue"; return QString(); default: if (value.canConvert<KDDateTime>()) { return value.value<KDDateTime>().toDateString(); } if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<float>()) { return QString::number(value.value<float>()); } qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("QVariants of type %1 are not supported in " "KDSoap, see the documentation").arg(QLatin1String(value.typeName())); return value.toString(); } }
void TCS34725Driver::getID() { QByteArray result = writeThenRead(TCS34725Address_, ID, 1); qDebug() << QString(result.toHex()); }
void FastoHexEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { if (mode_ == HEX_MODE) { QPainter painter(viewport()); QSize areaSize = viewport()->size(); QSize widgetSize = fullSize(); const int charW = charWidth(); const int charH = charHeight(); int firstLineIdx = verticalScrollBar()->value(); int lastLineIdx = firstLineIdx + areaSize.height() / charH; const QRect rect = stableRect(event->rect()); const int yPosStart = rect.top(); const int xPosStart = rect.left(); const int yPosEnd = rect.bottom(); const int xPosEnd = rect.right(); const int wid = xPosEnd - xPosStart; const int height = yPosEnd - yPosStart; const int widchars = wid - TextMarginXY * 2; const int acharInLine = asciiCharInLine(widchars); if (acharInLine <= 0) { return; } const int xPosAscii = widchars/4 * 3; // line pos const int xPosAsciiStart = xPosAscii + TextMarginXY; int indexCount = data_.size() / acharInLine; if (lastLineIdx > indexCount) { lastLineIdx = indexCount; if (data_.size() % acharInLine) { lastLineIdx++; } } verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(areaSize.height() / charH); verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, (widgetSize.height() - areaSize.height()) / charH + 1); painter.setPen(Qt::gray); painter.drawLine(xPosAscii, yPosStart, xPosAscii, yPosEnd); painter.setPen(Qt::black); int size = data_.size(); for (int lineIdx = firstLineIdx, yPos = yPosStart; lineIdx < lastLineIdx; lineIdx += 1, yPos += charH) { QByteArray part = data_.begin() + (lineIdx * acharInLine); int part_size = size / acharInLine ? acharInLine : size % acharInLine; part.resize(part_size); size -= part_size; QByteArray hex = part.toHex(); painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode); for (int xPos = xPosStart, i = 0; i < hex.size(); i++, xPos += 3 * charW) { QString val = hex.mid(i * 2, 2); QRect hexrect(xPos, yPos, 3 * charW, charH); painter.drawText(hexrect, Qt::AlignLeft, val); char ch = part[i]; if ((ch < 0x20) || (ch > 0x7e)) { part[i] = '.'; } } painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); QRect asciirect(xPosAsciiStart, yPos, acharInLine * charW, charH); painter.drawText(asciirect, Qt::AlignLeft, part); } } else { base_class::paintEvent(event); } }
/* md5 of string */ inline QString md5( const QByteArray& src ) { QByteArray const digest = QCryptographicHash::hash( src, QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); return QString::fromLatin1( digest.toHex() ).rightJustified( 32, '0' ).toLower(); }
void WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames(QTcpSocket *socket) { while (m_isRunning && socket && socket->bytesAvailable() >= 2) // No header? Return and wait for more { uint8_t headerSize = 2; // Smallest possible header size is 2 bytes, greatest is 14 bytes QByteArray header = socket->peek(headerSize); // Read header to establish validity and size of frame WebSocketFrame frame; // FIN frame.finalFrame = (bool)(header[0] & 0x80); // Reserved bits if (header.at(0) & 0x70) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames() " "- Invalid data in reserved fields"); SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Invalid data in reserved fields"); return; } // Operation code uint8_t opCode = (header.at(0) & 0xF); if ((opCode > WebSocketFrame::kOpBinaryFrame && opCode < WebSocketFrame::kOpClose) || (opCode > WebSocketFrame::kOpPong)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames() " "- Invalid OpCode (%1)") .arg(QString::number(opCode, 16))); SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Invalid OpCode"); return; } frame.opCode = (WebSocketFrame::OpCode)opCode; frame.isMasked = (header.at(1) >> 7) & 0xFE; if (frame.isMasked) headerSize += 4; // Add 4 bytes for the mask frame.payloadSize = (header.at(1) & 0x7F); // Handle 16 or 64bit payload size headers if (frame.payloadSize >= 126) { uint8_t payloadHeaderSize = 2; // 16bit payload size if (frame.payloadSize == 127) payloadHeaderSize = 8; // 64bit payload size headerSize += payloadHeaderSize; // Add bytes for extended payload size if (socket->bytesAvailable() < headerSize) return; // Return and wait for more header = socket->peek(headerSize); // Peek the entire header QByteArray payloadHeader = header.mid(2,payloadHeaderSize); frame.payloadSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < payloadHeaderSize; i++) { frame.payloadSize |= ((uint8_t)payloadHeader.at(i) << ((payloadHeaderSize - (i + 1)) * 8)); } } else { if (socket->bytesAvailable() < headerSize) return; // Return and wait for more header = socket->peek(headerSize); // Peek the entire header including mask } while ((uint64_t)socket->bytesAvailable() < (frame.payloadSize + header.length())) { if (!socket->waitForReadyRead(2000)) // Wait 2 seconds for the next chunk of the frame { m_errorCount++; if (m_errorCount == 5) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames() - Timed out waiting for rest of frame to arrive."); SendClose(kCloseBadData); } return; } } if (frame.opCode == WebSocketFrame::kOpContinuation) m_readFrame.payloadSize += frame.payloadSize; LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Read Header: %1").arg(QString(header.toHex()))); LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Final Frame: %1").arg(frame.finalFrame ? "Yes" : "No")); LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Op Code: %1").arg(QString::number(frame.opCode))); LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Payload Size: %1 Bytes").arg(QString::number(frame.payloadSize))); LOG(VB_HTTP, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Total Payload Size: %1 Bytes").arg(QString::number( m_readFrame.payloadSize))); if (!m_fuzzTesting && frame.payloadSize > qPow(2,20)) // Set 1MB limit on payload per frame { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames() - Frame payload larger than limit of 1MB"); SendClose(kCloseTooLarge, "Frame payload larger than limit of 1MB"); return; } if (!m_fuzzTesting && m_readFrame.payloadSize > qPow(2,22)) // Set 4MB limit on total payload { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::ProcessFrames() - Total payload larger than limit of 4MB"); SendClose(kCloseTooLarge, "Total payload larger than limit of 4MB"); return; } socket->read(headerSize); // Discard header from read buffer frame.payload = socket->read(frame.payloadSize); // Unmask payload if (frame.isMasked) { frame.mask = header.right(4); for (uint i = 0; i < frame.payloadSize; i++) frame.payload[i] = frame.payload.at(i) ^ frame.mask[i % 4]; } if (m_readFrame.fragmented && frame.opCode > WebSocketFrame::kOpContinuation && frame.opCode < WebSocketFrame::kOpClose) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker - Incomplete multi-part frame? Expected continuation."); SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Incomplete multi-part frame? Expected continuation."); return; } // Check control frame validity if (frame.opCode >= 0x08) { if (!frame.finalFrame) { SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Control frames MUST NOT be fragmented"); return; } else if (frame.payloadSize > 125) { SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Control frames MUST NOT have payload greater than 125 bytes"); return; } } switch (frame.opCode) { case WebSocketFrame::kOpContinuation: if (!m_readFrame.fragmented) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker - Received Continuation Frame out of sequence"); SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Received Continuation Frame out of sequence"); return; } m_readFrame.payload.append(frame.payload); if (m_readFrame.fragmented && frame.finalFrame) { m_readFrame.finalFrame = true; frame = m_readFrame; // Fall through to appropriate handler for complete payload } else break; [[clang::fallthrough]]; case WebSocketFrame::kOpTextFrame: case WebSocketFrame::kOpBinaryFrame: HandleDataFrame(frame); break; case WebSocketFrame::kOpPing: SendPong(frame.payload); break; case WebSocketFrame::kOpPong: break; case WebSocketFrame::kOpClose: if (!frame.finalFrame) SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Control frames MUST NOT be fragmented"); else HandleCloseConnection(frame.payload); break; default: LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker - Received Unknown Frame Type"); break; } frame.reset(); } }
void NfcWorker::doIso7816Test(const QVariant &aid, const QVariant &hex_cla, const QVariant &hex_ins, const QVariant &hexp1p2, const QVariant &hex_lc, const QVariant &hex_command, const QVariant &hex_le) { emit message(QString("ISO7816-4 test starts")); QString _aid = aid.toString(); QString _hex_cla = hex_cla.toString(); QString _hex_ins = hex_ins.toString(); QString _hex_p1p2 = hexp1p2.toString(); QString _hex_lc = hex_lc.toString(); QString _hex_command = hex_command.toString(); QString _hex_le = hex_le.toString(); emit message(QString("Le: '%1'").arg(_hex_le)); emit message(QString("COMMAND: '%1'").arg(_hex_command)); emit message(QString("Lc: '%1'").arg(_hex_lc)); emit message(QString("P1 P2: '%1'").arg(_hex_p1p2)); emit message(QString("INS: '%1'").arg(_hex_ins)); emit message(QString("CLA: '%1'").arg(_hex_cla)); emit message(QString("AID: '%1'").arg(_aid)); emit message(QString("ISO7816-4 request APDU:")); // variables for handles uint32_t hSESession; uint32_t seChannel; uint32_t uiccSeReaderID; // variables for retrieving the Readers, holders of possible secure elements uint32_t numberOfReaders = 0; uint32_t *phReaders = NULL; static int DEF_LEN = 10; char readerName[DEF_LEN]; uint32_t len = 10; //variables for opening and exchanging data fcp_type_t fcpResponseType; int32_t openResponseLen; uint32_t exchangeResponseLen; uint32_t nReceiveAPDUBufferSize; uint8_t* result; QByteArray hex_encoded = QByteArray(aid.toByteArray()); QByteArray the_aid = QByteArray::fromHex(hex_encoded); uint8_t fixed_aid[14] = { 0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00, 0x65, 0x63, 0x68, 0x6F, 0x00 }; uint8_t command_apdu_len = 5; uint8_t command_apdu[5] = { 0x10, 0x41, 0x11, 0x22, 0x00 }; // loop variable uint32_t i; // Call nfc_se_service_get_num_readers() with the handle acquired in previous step to get the number of available Readers in the system CHECK(nfc_se_service_get_num_readers(&numberOfReaders)); emit message(QString("number of readers=%1").arg(numberOfReaders)); // Allocate space for the readers phReaders = (uint32_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * numberOfReaders); emit message(QString("space allocated for readers")); // get the handles for the readers CHECK(nfc_se_service_get_readers(phReaders, &numberOfReaders)); emit message(QString("got handles for readers")); // Iterate through the readers to find the SIM reader. for (i = 0; i < numberOfReaders; i++) { len = 10; CHECK(nfc_se_reader_get_name(phReaders[i], readerName, &len)); if ((len == 3) && (strcmp(readerName, "SIM") == 0)) { uiccSeReaderID = phReaders[i]; emit message(QString("got handle to UICC SE reader")); break; } } // Deallocate the array for holding the readers. free(phReaders); emit message(QString("deallocated space allocated for readers")); // Open a session with the SIM Reader // Note: You may hold onto this session for the lifetime // of you application. CHECK(nfc_se_reader_open_session( uiccSeReaderID,&hSESession )); emit message(QString("opened session with UICC reader")); // Open a channel to AID fcpResponseType = OPEN_NO_FCP_INFO; openResponseLen = 0; // uint8_t[] aid_as_int = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(the_aid.data()); CHECK(nfc_se_session_open_logical_channel(hSESession, fixed_aid, 12, fcpResponseType, &seChannel, &openResponseLen)); emit message(QString("opened logical channel")); // send APDU command QByteArray apduBytes = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(command_apdu), command_apdu_len); QString apduBytesAsHex = QString::fromAscii(apduBytes.toHex()); emit message(QString("transmit:%1").arg(apduBytesAsHex)); CHECK(nfc_se_channel_transmit_apdu( seChannel, command_apdu, command_apdu_len, &exchangeResponseLen )); // response length not working on Dev Alpha at present // so hard coding length which should be 7 for my test SIM (temporary code) exchangeResponseLen = 7; // uint8_t is an 8 bit unsigned type result = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * exchangeResponseLen); //get the response of the open call nReceiveAPDUBufferSize = exchangeResponseLen; if (exchangeResponseLen >= 2) { CHECK(nfc_se_channel_get_transmit_data(seChannel, &result[0], &nReceiveAPDUBufferSize)); emit message(QString("got response APDU. Len=%1").arg(nReceiveAPDUBufferSize)); QByteArray responseData = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(result), nReceiveAPDUBufferSize); QString responseAsHex = QString::fromAscii(responseData.toHex()); emit message(QString("APDU response: %1").arg(responseAsHex)); } free(result); // Close the channel if (NFC_RESULT_SUCCESS != nfc_se_channel_close_channel(seChannel)) { emit message(QString("nfc_se_channel_close_channel failed")); return; } emit message(QString("ISO7816-4 test ends")); }
void HexDump::dump(QByteArray* raw, const char* func, int line) { qDebug() << func << line << "RawDump: BEGIN"; //qDebug() << raw->size() << raw->toHex(); unsigned int size = raw->size(); int ze = 0; while(size!=0 && ze < 8) { size /= 10; ze++; } int lines = ceil(raw->size()/8.0); //qDebug() << lines; int pos=0; QByteArray part; QString out; for( int i=0 ; i<lines ; i++ ) { out.clear(); part.clear(); part = raw->mid(pos, 8); out.append("0x"); out.append(QString("%1").arg(pos,ze,16,QChar('0'))); out.append(" / "); out.append(QString("%1").arg(pos,ze,10,QChar('0'))); out.append(" - "); out.append(part.toHex()); if(part.size() != 8) { int padd = 8-part.size(); while(padd!=0) { out.append(" "); padd--; } } out.append(" - "); for( int p=0 ; p<part.size() ; p++ ) { char c = part[p]; if(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E) { out.append(c); } else { out.append(' '); } } //qDebug() << out << part.toHex(); qDebug() << out; pos +=8; } qDebug() << func << line << "RawDump: END"; }
void UdpManager::readUDP() { QByteArray Temp; Temp.resize(socket->pendingDatagramSize()); QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; socket->readDatagram(Temp.data(),Temp.size(),&sender,&senderPort); QString debugMessage = "Got \"" + QString(Temp.data()) + "\" from " + sender.toString() + ":"+ QString::number(senderPort) + " (UDP)"; emit updateClientGUIConsole(debugMessage); QString compareString = "BLENDER"; QString message; if(Temp.data() == compareString) { if (workerIsBusy) message = "BLENDER0"; //is busy else{ if (isGPUWorker) message = "BLENDER2"; // is available GPU-Worker else message = "BLENDER1"; // is available CPU-Worker } writeUDP(message, sender); } else if( QString(Temp.data()).at(0) == '#' && !workerIsBusy ) { message = ""; QString filepathToBlend = QDir::currentPath() + "/awesome.blend"; QByteArray fileData; QFile file( filepathToBlend ); //e.g.: /.../build/awesome.blend if( file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) { fileData = file.readAll(); file.close(); //Generate MD5 Hash QByteArray hashData = QCryptographicHash::hash(fileData, QCryptographicHash::Md5); file_hash = hashData.toHex(); qDebug() << "Hex-Hash: " << hashData.toHex(); } else { //Error file_hash = "Th15I5Th3DummymD5HasH0fGSORF.0RG"; } //Send UDP Response writeUDP( "#" + file_hash, sender ); if(file_hash==QString(Temp.data()).remove('#') ) { emit setFileCached(true); } else { emit setFileCached(false); } } else if( QString(Temp.data()).startsWith("killall")) { qDebug()<<"Bye Bye Blender"; QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(this); myProcess->start("killall blender"); myProcess->waitForFinished(); } emit setServerAddress(sender); }
coex::typeOS detectOS(QString inputFolder) { QList<fileos> listfiles; QList<fileos> checkfiles; // Windows XP listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.1.2600.5512", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "d612ee36f95da6d1179f7567b2b77d77"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.1.2600.5512", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "800937D2446728367B713F5AC0B9BAC0"); // ?? listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.1.2600.5781", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "E1E261C6D29F87FAFCC88F94952ED8D5"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.1.2600.6293", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "9CB5C708CFBD8B007BE2C8A44A3DDE25"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.1.2600.6293", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "D056B67FCC32221681438A6240DB3E1A"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.2.3790.4480", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "43301E4453581691B791855934BFF7C5"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.2.3790.4480", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "B4B82A9E888B1A8964D136AD227C6428"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.2.3790.5069", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "23A6C522DF754CAD344D737AA45CBD03"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.2.3790.5069", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "B6D45BB7311512B268064C1A203C003E"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsXP, "5.2.3790.5069", "/WINDOWS/system32/kernel32.dll", "2836EF1A4A12D5149D085833AC84A006"); // Windows Vista listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18704", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "A02EB771DAE80667E3C877CF19E3F6EE"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18449", "/Windows/system32/KERNEL32.dll", "2299078C1E59FE69ADDF49897D6A373A"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18449", "/Windows/syswow64/kernel32.dll", "7F4CAEAC24592FA9F574E1F8CD1D0604"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18740", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "14EED915B63F7AB64A1E367BCB6973D0"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18740", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "12A16A6E0883D403FA78D1D825BB9824"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindowsVista , "6.0.6002.18740", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "A8EAB98AC1E987C925EF518E6065A36C"); // Windows 7 listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.16385", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "5b4b379ad10deda4eda01b8c6961b193"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.16385", "/Windows/SYSTEM32/kernel32.dll", "4605F7EE9805F7E1C98D6C959DD2949C"); // ?? HW32.Laneul.xkyw listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.16385", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "606ECB76A424CC535407E7A24E2A34BC"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.16850", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "DDBD24DC04DA5FD0EDF45CF72B7C01E2"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.17206", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "43DB3433F141F01E53D1C5AA0F434098"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7600.17206", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "385BE92E3106491BBB542F8F1C06C606"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17514", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "7A6326D96D53048FDEC542DF23D875A0"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17514", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "e80758cf485db142fca1ee03a34ead05"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17651", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "B9B42A302325537D7B9DC52D47F33A73"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17651", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "99C3F8E9CC59D95666EB8D8A8B4C2BEB"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17932", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "EAF41CFBA5281834CBC383C710AC7965"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17932", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "9B98D47916EAD4F69EF51B56B0C2323C"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17965", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "1DC3504CA4C57900F1557E9A3F01D272"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.17965", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "D4F3176082566CEFA633B4945802D4C4"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.18015", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "65C113214F7B05820F6D8A65B1485196"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.18015", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "AE09B85158C66E2C154C5C9B3C0027B3"); // HW32.Laneul.gqke listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.18015", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "AC0B6F41882FC6ED186962D770EBF1D2"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.18229", "/Windows/system32/kernel32.dll", "D8973E71F1B35CD3F3DEA7C12D49D0F0"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows7 , "6.1.7601.18229", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "365A5034093AD9E04F433046C4CDF6AB"); // windows 8 listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows8 , "6.2.9200.16384", "/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll", "3C6933B638BB812F4084CF44AE698704"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows8 , "6.2.9200.16384", "/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll", "744B34F13E730805E63076622418CCB8"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows8 , "6.2.9200.16384", "/Windows/SysWOW64/kernel32.dll", "1C5F50F98291B7545391BB57C406E615"); listfiles << fileos( coex::ceWindows8 , "6.2.9200.16627", "/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll", "e1ff9d65e6b86f7ebb531ae36c5af635"); for(int i = 0; i < listfiles.size(); i++) { QFileInfo fi(inputFolder + listfiles[i].filePath); if(fi.exists()) { QFile file(fi.absoluteFilePath()); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray fileData = file.readAll(); QByteArray hashData = QCryptographicHash::hash(fileData, QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString str = hashData.toHex(); if(str.toLower() == listfiles[i].hash.toLower()) checkfiles << listfiles[i]; } } } if(checkfiles.size() == 0) return coex::ceUnknown; coex::typeOS os_result = coex::ceUnknown; // check on conflicts { int nCounter = 0; for(int x = 0; x < checkfiles.size()-1; x++) for(int y = x+1; y < checkfiles.size(); y++) { if(checkfiles[x].os != checkfiles[y].os) { std::cout << " conflict between: \n\t " << checkfiles[x].toString().toStdString() << "\n\t and " << checkfiles[y].toString().toStdString() << "\n"; nCounter++; }; }; if(nCounter == 0) { std::cout << "\n OS was detected"; std::cout << checkfiles[0].toBigString().toStdString() << "\n"; os_result = checkfiles[0].os; } }; return os_result; };
QPCSCReader::Result QPCSCReader::transferCTL(const QByteArray &apdu, bool verify, quint16 lang, quint8 minlen, quint8 newPINOffset, bool requestCurrentPIN) const { bool display = false; QHash<DRIVER_FEATURES,quint32> features = d->features(); if( DWORD ioctl = features.value(FEATURE_IFD_PIN_PROPERTIES) ) { DWORD size = 0; BYTE recv[256]; LONG rv = SC(Control, d->card, ioctl, nullptr, 0u, recv, DWORD(sizeof(recv)), &size); if( rv == SCARD_S_SUCCESS ) { PIN_PROPERTIES_STRUCTURE *caps = (PIN_PROPERTIES_STRUCTURE *)recv; display = caps->wLcdLayout > 0; } } quint8 PINFrameOffset = 0, PINLengthOffset = 0; #define SET() \ data->bTimerOut = 30; \ data->bTimerOut2 = 30; \ data->bmFormatString = FormatASCII|AlignLeft|quint8(PINFrameOffset << 4)|PINFrameOffsetUnitBits; \ data->bmPINBlockString = PINLengthNone << 5|PINFrameSizeAuto; \ data->bmPINLengthFormat = PINLengthOffsetUnitBits|PINLengthOffset; \ data->wPINMaxExtraDigit = quint16(minlen << 8) | 12; \ data->bEntryValidationCondition = ValidOnKeyPressed; \ data->wLangId = lang; \ data->bTeoPrologue[0] = 0x00; \ data->bTeoPrologue[1] = 0x00; \ data->bTeoPrologue[2] = 0x00; \ data->ulDataLength = quint32(apdu.size()) QByteArray cmd( 255, 0 ); if( verify ) { PIN_VERIFY_STRUCTURE *data = (PIN_VERIFY_STRUCTURE*)cmd.data(); SET(); data->bNumberMessage = display ? CCIDDefaultInvitationMessage : NoInvitationMessage; data->bMsgIndex = NoInvitationMessage; cmd.resize( sizeof(PIN_VERIFY_STRUCTURE) - 1 ); } else { PIN_MODIFY_STRUCTURE *data = (PIN_MODIFY_STRUCTURE*)cmd.data(); SET(); data->bNumberMessage = display ? ThreeInvitationMessage : NoInvitationMessage; data->bInsertionOffsetOld = 0x00; data->bInsertionOffsetNew = newPINOffset; data->bConfirmPIN = ConfirmNewPin; if(requestCurrentPIN) { data->bConfirmPIN |= RequestCurrentPin; data->bMsgIndex1 = NoInvitationMessage; data->bMsgIndex2 = OneInvitationMessage; data->bMsgIndex3 = TwoInvitationMessage; } else { data->bMsgIndex1 = OneInvitationMessage; data->bMsgIndex2 = TwoInvitationMessage; data->bMsgIndex3 = ThreeInvitationMessage; } cmd.resize( sizeof(PIN_MODIFY_STRUCTURE) - 1 ); } cmd += apdu; DWORD ioctl = features.value( verify ? FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_START : FEATURE_MODIFY_PIN_START ); if( !ioctl ) ioctl = features.value( verify ? FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_DIRECT : FEATURE_MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT ); qCDebug(APDU).nospace() << 'T' << d->proto - 1 << "> " << apdu.toHex().constData(); qCDebug(APDU).nospace() << "CTL" << "> " << cmd.toHex().constData(); QByteArray data( 255 + 3, 0 ); DWORD size = DWORD(data.size()); LONG err = SC(Control, d->card, ioctl, cmd.constData(), DWORD(cmd.size()), LPVOID(data.data()), DWORD(data.size()), &size); if( DWORD finish = features.value( verify ? FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_FINISH : FEATURE_MODIFY_PIN_FINISH ) ) { size = DWORD(data.size()); err = SC(Control, d->card, finish, nullptr, 0u, LPVOID(data.data()), DWORD(data.size()), &size); } Result result = { data.mid(int(size - 2), 2), data.left(int(size - 2)), quint32(err) }; qCDebug(APDU).nospace() << 'T' << d->proto - 1 << "< " << result.SW.toHex().constData(); if(!result.data.isEmpty()) qCDebug(APDU).nospace() << data.left(int(size)).toHex().constData(); return result; }
void MainServeur::ProcessData() { QDataStream in(m_Client); if(taillePacket == 0) { if(m_Client->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof(quint16)) return; in >> taillePacket; } if(m_Client->bytesAvailable() < taillePacket) return; quint8 header; in >> header; emit message(tr("Données reçues pour Header(%1) et pour taille(%2)").arg(QString::number(header), QString::number(taillePacket))); bool Authentified = m_Authentification->State() == AuthentificationSystem::Accepted; switch(header) { case CMSG_MESSAGE_LEGER: { QString messageRecu; in >> messageRecu; QString messageSecondRecu; in >> messageSecondRecu; QByteArray encryptedPassword; in >> encryptedPassword; emit message(tr("Message léger reçu depuis un client : %1\n%2\n%3").arg(messageRecu, messageSecondRecu, encryptedPassword.toHex())); break; } case CMSG_MESSAGE_CUSTOM: { /** Créer un comportement de test. **/ break; } case CMSG_PING: { if(Authentified) emit message(tr("Ping reçu de %1.").arg(m_Authentification->GetUserName())); else emit message(tr("Ping reçu d'un client non authentifié.")); Reponse(SMSG_PONG); break; } case CMSG_PONG: { if(Authentified) emit message(tr("Pong! Reçu de %1").arg(m_Authentification->GetUserName())); else emit message(tr("Pong! Reçu d'un client non authentifié.")); break; } case CMSG_MESSAGE_AUTH: { QString userName; in >> userName; QByteArray password; in >> password; m_Authentification = AuthentificationSystem::Authentificate(userName, password); if(m_Authentification->Error() == AuthentificationSystem::NoError) { emit message(tr("Tentative d'authentification de %1 réussi !").arg(userName)); emit newClient(m_Authentification->GetUserName(), m_Authentification->GetClasse()); Reponse(SMSG_AUTHENTIFICATION_SUCCESS); } else if(m_Authentification->Error() == AuthentificationSystem::Double_Account_Detected) { emit message(tr("Tentative d'authentification de %1 raté car double compte détectée.").arg(userName)); Reponse(SMSG_AUTHENTIFICATION_FAILED); // Kick("AuthentificationSystem: another account is already connected."); } else if(m_Authentification->Error() == AuthentificationSystem::Password_Incorrect) { emit message(tr("Tentative d'authentification de %1 raté car le mot de passe est incorrecte.").arg(userName)); Reponse(SMSG_AUTHENTIFICATION_FAILED); } else if(m_Authentification->Error() == AuthentificationSystem::UserName_Not_Available) { emit message(tr("Tentative d'authentification de %1 raté car le nom de compte n'existe pas.").arg(userName)); Reponse(SMSG_AUTHENTIFICATION_FAILED); } else { emit message(tr("Tentative d'authentification de %1 raté, raison inconnue !").arg(userName)); Reponse(SMSG_AUTHENTIFICATION_FAILED); } break; } case CMSG_MESSAGE_HOMEWORKFOR: { if(!Authentified) { Reponse(SMSG_YOU_ARE_NOT_AUTHENTIFIED); emit message(tr("Demande de devoir de la part d'un client non authentifié !! (Refusé)")); break; } QString matiere = tr("all"); bool needOnlyMatiere; in >> needOnlyMatiere; if(needOnlyMatiere) in >> matiere; emit message(tr("Demande de devoir reçu de la part de %1 en classe de %2").arg(m_Authentification->GetUserName(), m_Authentification->GetClasse())); QList<Devoir> devoirs = SQLServerSupervisor::GetInstance()->LoadHomeworks(m_Authentification, matiere); SendHomeworks(devoirs); break; } case CMSG_MESSAGE_LISTMATIERE: { if(Authentified) { QStringList listMatiere = SQLServerSupervisor::GetInstance()->GetAllMatiereFromClasse(m_Authentification); emit message(tr("Demande des matières disponibles pour la classe %1 de %2").arg(m_Authentification->GetClasse(), m_Authentification->GetUserName())); SendMatieres(listMatiere); } else { emit message(tr("Demande des matières disponibles d'un utilisateur inconnu.")); } break; } default: { emit message(tr("Header inconnu détecté : 0x%1").arg(QString::number(header, 16).toUpper())); break; } } taillePacket = 0; }
QString hash(const QString& string) { QByteArray data = string.toUtf8(); QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5); return hash.toHex(); }
void PacketsSplitter::addReadedBytes(const QByteArray &bytes) { #ifdef DEBUG0 qDebug() << "!!\n!!" << bytes.toHex() << "!!\n!!"; #endif switch (m_byteIndex) { case 0: case 1: if(bytes.at(0) == 0xFF - 0x100) { ++m_byteIndex; m_packet.append(bytes); } else { m_byteIndex = 0; m_packet.clear(); } break; case 2: if(bytes.at(0) == 0x16) { ++m_byteIndex; m_packet.append(bytes); } else { m_byteIndex = 0; m_packet.clear(); } break; case 3: ++m_byteIndex; m_packetLength = bytes.at(0); m_packet.append(bytes); break; case 4: if(bytes.at(0) == 0x04) { ++m_byteIndex; m_packet.append(bytes); } else { m_byteIndex = 0; m_packet.clear(); } break; default: if(m_byteIndex == m_packetLength - 1) { #ifdef DEBUG0 qDebug() << QString("pas #%1").arg(QString::number(m_byteIndex)); #endif m_byteIndex = 0; m_packet.append(bytes); char checkSum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_packetLength - 1; ++i) { checkSum += m_packet.at(i); } #ifdef DEBUG qDebug() << "Calculated checksum:" << (int)checkSum; qDebug() << "Received checksum:" << (int)m_packet.at(m_packetLength - 1); #endif if(checkSum == m_packet.at(m_packetLength - 1)) { #ifdef DEBUG qDebug() << "Readed packet" << m_packet.toHex().toUpper(); #endif emit packetIsReaded(true); emit readedPacket(m_packet); } else { emit packetIsReaded(false); } m_packet.clear(); m_packetLength = 0; } else { #ifdef DEBUG0 qDebug() << QString("pas #%1").arg(QString::number(m_byteIndex)); #endif ++m_byteIndex; m_packet.append(bytes); } break; } }
void CDataParser::DataMayRead() { Sleep( 4 ); int nMinLen = 8; Win_QextSerialPort& winSerial = *( Win_QextSerialPort* ) sender( ); int nValided = winSerial.bytesAvailable( ); if ( nMinLen > nValided ) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug( ) << QString( " Data Length less than 8 ( %1 )") .arg( nValided ) << endl; #endif return; } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug( ) << "Time " << QDateTime::currentDateTime( ).toMSecsSinceEpoch( ) << endl; #endif QByteArray byData = winSerial.readAll( ); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG QString strData( byData.toHex( ) ); qDebug( ) << "Read Serial Port Cmd : " << strData << endl; #endif if ( byData.count( ) < nMinLen ) { return; } char cEnd = 0x55; char cStart = 0xAA; int nIndex = -1; QByteArray bySingle; int nDataLen = 0; do { nIndex = byData.indexOf( cStart ); if ( -1 == nIndex ) { // No 0xAA break; } else if ( 0 < nIndex ) { // First 0xAA byData.remove( 0, nIndex ); if ( nMinLen > byData.count( ) ) { break; } } nDataLen = ( BYTE ) byData[ 1 ] + ( ( ( BYTE ) byData[ 2 ] ) << 8 ); nDataLen += 4; if ( nDataLen >= byData.count( ) ) { break; } if ( cEnd != byData[ nDataLen ] ) { nDataLen += 1; byData.remove( 0, nDataLen ); continue; } nDataLen += 1; bySingle = byData.left( nDataLen ); byData.remove( 0, nDataLen ); ParseSerialData( bySingle ); } while ( nMinLen <= byData.count( ) ); }
void ClientHeavyLoad::askLogin(const quint8 &query_id,const QString &login,const QByteArray &hash) { if(player_informations->isFake) { askLoginBot(query_id); return; } QString queryText; switch(GlobalServerData::serverSettings.database.type) { default: case ServerSettings::Database::DatabaseType_Mysql: queryText=QString("SELECT id,pseudo,skin,position_x,position_y,orientation,map_name,type,clan,cash,rescue_map,rescue_x,rescue_y,rescue_orientation FROM player WHERE login=\"%1\" AND password=\"%2\"") .arg(SqlFunction::quoteSqlVariable(login)) .arg(SqlFunction::quoteSqlVariable(QString(hash.toHex()))); break; case ServerSettings::Database::DatabaseType_SQLite: queryText=QString("SELECT id,pseudo,skin,position_x,position_y,orientation,map_name,type,clan,cash,rescue_map,rescue_x,rescue_y,rescue_orientation FROM player WHERE login=\"%1\" AND password=\"%2\"") .arg(SqlFunction::quoteSqlVariable(login)) .arg(SqlFunction::quoteSqlVariable(QString(hash.toHex()))); break; } QSqlQuery loginQuery(queryText); if(loginQuery.size()==0) loginIsWrong(query_id,"Bad login","Bad login for: "+login+", hash: "+hash.toHex()); else { if(!loginQuery.next()) loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong login/pass",QString("No login/pass found into the db, login: \"%1\", pass: \"%2\"").arg(login).arg(QString(hash.toHex()))); else if(GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.connected_players_id_list.contains(loginQuery.value(0).toUInt())) loginIsWrong(query_id,"Already logged","Already logged"); else if(simplifiedIdList.size()<=0) loginIsWrong(query_id,"Not free id to login","Not free id to login"); else { bool ok; player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.clan=loginQuery.value(8).toUInt(&ok); if(!ok) { emit message(QString("clan id is not an number, clan disabled")); player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.clan=0;//no clan } player_informations->id=loginQuery.value(0).toUInt(&ok); if(!ok) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong account data",QString("Player is is not a number: %1").arg(loginQuery.value(0).toString())); return; } player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.pseudo=loginQuery.value(1).toString(); QString skinString=loginQuery.value(2).toString(); if(GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.skinList.contains(skinString)) player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.skinId=GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.skinList[skinString]; else { emit message(QString("Skin not found, or out of the 255 first folder, default of the first by order alphabetic if have")); player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.skinId=0; } QString type=loginQuery.value(7).toString(); if(type=="normal") player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.type=Player_type_normal; else if(type=="premium") player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.type=Player_type_premium; else if(type=="gm") player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.type=Player_type_gm; else if(type=="dev") player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.type=Player_type_dev; else { emit message(QString("Mysql wrong type value").arg(type)); player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.type=Player_type_normal; } player_informations->public_and_private_informations.cash=loginQuery.value(9).toUInt(&ok); if(!ok) { emit message(QString("cash id is not an number, cash set to 0")); player_informations->public_and_private_informations.cash=0; } player_informations->public_and_private_informations.public_informations.speed=CATCHCHALLENGER_SERVER_NORMAL_SPEED; if(!loadTheRawUTF8String()) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Convert into utf8 have wrong size","Convert into utf8 have wrong size"); return; } QString orientationString=loginQuery.value(5).toString(); Orientation orentation; if(orientationString=="top") orentation=Orientation_top; else if(orientationString=="bottom") orentation=Orientation_bottom; else if(orientationString=="left") orentation=Orientation_left; else if(orientationString=="right") orentation=Orientation_right; else { orentation=Orientation_bottom; emit message(QString("Wrong orientation corrected with bottom")); } //id(0),login(1),skin(2),position_x(3),position_y(4),orientation(5),map_name(6),type(7),clan(8),cash(9),rescue_map(10),rescue_x(11),rescue_y(12),rescue_orientation(13) //all is rights if(GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.map_list.contains(loginQuery.value(6).toString())) { quint8 x=loginQuery.value(3).toUInt(&ok); if(!ok) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong account data","x coord is not a number"); return; } quint8 y=loginQuery.value(4).toUInt(&ok); if(!ok) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong account data","y coord is not a number"); return; } if(x>=GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.map_list[loginQuery.value(6).toString()]->width) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong account data","x to out of map"); return; } if(y>=GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.map_list[loginQuery.value(6).toString()]->height) { loginIsWrong(query_id,"Wrong account data","y to out of map"); return; } loginIsRightWithRescue(query_id, player_informations->id, GlobalServerData::serverPrivateVariables.map_list[loginQuery.value(6).toString()], x, y, (Orientation)orentation, loginQuery.value(10), loginQuery.value(11), loginQuery.value(12), loginQuery.value(13) ); } else loginIsWrong(query_id,"Map not found","Map not found: "+loginQuery.value(6).toString()); } } }
const QByteArray Auth::calculateAuthKey() { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database ( m_db ); bool ok = false; QSqlQuery query(db); ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT Value from Config where Name = 'ZM_AUTH_HASH_SECRET'") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: error getting zm_auth_hash_secret from db %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } QString auth_key = query.value(0).toString(); // HASH Secret ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT Value from Config where Name = 'ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS'") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: error getting zm_auth_hash_ips from db %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } bool use_remote_addr = query.value(0).toBool(); // Include remote addr? ok = query.exec( QString("SELECT now()") ); if (!ok || !query.next()) { qDebug("Hash Error: Can not read Server Time. now() function doesn't work %s", qPrintable(query.lastError().text())); return QByteArray(); } QDateTime dateTime = query.value(0).toDateTime(); auth_key += m_userName; auth_key += m_hashPassword; if ( use_remote_addr ) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost( db.hostName(), ConnectionManager::connectionWebPort( m_db ), QIODevice::ReadOnly ); //if we can get ip address from the socket in 3000 ms if ( socket.waitForConnected( 3000 ) ){ auth_key += socket.localAddress().toString(); } else { //else try with HostInfo QHostInfo hinfo = QHostInfo::fromName ( QHostInfo::localHostName() ); QHostInfo checkLocalHost = QHostInfo::fromName ( db.hostName() ); if ( ! checkLocalHost.addresses().isEmpty() ) if ( checkLocalHost.addresses().first().toString() == "" ) hinfo = checkLocalHost; if ( !hinfo.addresses().isEmpty() ) { //TODO: fix this. Use the correct interface address and not the first QHostAddress address = hinfo.addresses().first(); auth_key += address.toString(); } } } dateTime = dateTime.toTimeSpec( Qt::LocalTime ); auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.time().hour() ); //hour auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().day() ); //day of month auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().month() -1 ); //month auth_key += QString::number( dateTime.date().year() - 1900 ); //years since 1900 qDebug ( qPrintable("authkey: " + auth_key) ); QByteArray ret = QCryptographicHash::hash( auth_key.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); //qDebug ( qPrintable(QString (auth_key.toUtf8())) ); qDebug ( qPrintable("authkey hex: " + ret.toHex()) ); m_authKey = ret.toHex(); return m_authKey; }
//============================================================================== void GameServer::HandlePutPlayer_(const QVariantMap& request, QVariantMap& response) { if (!testingStageActive_) { WriteResult_(response, EFEMPResult::BAD_ACTION); return; } if (!request["x"].toFloat() || !request["y"].toFloat()) { WriteResult_(response, EFEMPResult::BAD_PLACING); return; } float x = request["x"].toFloat(); float y = request["y"].toFloat(); Player* player = CreateActor_<Player>(); SetActorPosition_(player, Vector2(x, y)); if (IsPositionWrong(x, y, player)) { KillActor_(player); WriteResult_(response, EFEMPResult::BAD_PLACING); return; } auto inventory = request["inventory"].toList(); for (auto elem: inventory) { Item* item = CreateActor_<Item>(); SetItemDescription(elem.toMap(), item); item->SetOnTheGround(false); player->items_.push_back(item); actors_.erase(std::remove(actors_.begin(), actors_.end(), item), actors_.end()); //idToActor_.erase(item->GetId()); } auto stats = request["stats"].toMap(); for (auto s = stats.begin(); s != stats.end(); s++) { EStatConst stat = StringToStat[s.key()]; QVariant val = s.value(); player->SetStat(stat, val.toFloat()); } if (stats.size() == 0) { player->SetSpeed(playerVelocity_); } QVariantList items; for (auto& elem: player->items_) { QVariantMap item; item["id"] = elem->GetId(); item["name"] = elem->Getname(); item["type"] = elem->GetTypeItem(); item["class"] = elem->GetClass(); item["subtype"] = elem->GetSubtype(); item["weight"] = elem->GetWeight(); items << item; } response["inventory"] = items; auto slot = request["slots"].toMap(); QVariantMap id_slot; for (auto i = SlotToString.begin(); i != SlotToString.end(); i++) { if (slot.find(i.key()) != slot.end()) { Item* item = CreateActor_<Item>(); SetItemDescription(slot[i.key()].toMap(), item); player->items_.push_back(item); player->SetSlot(i.value(), item); player->SetStat(true, item); id_slot[i.key()] = item->GetId(); } } response["slots"] = id_slot; response["id"] = player->GetId(); QByteArray sid; do { QByteArray id = QString::number(qrand()).toLatin1(); sid = QCryptographicHash::hash(id, QCryptographicHash::Sha1); } while (sidToPlayer_.find(sid) != sidToPlayer_.end()); sid = sid.toHex(); sidToPlayer_.insert(sid, player); response["sid"] = sid; response["fistId"] = FistId_; }
/* * Given a buffer containing what is hopefully a MIDI message, * return a string describing the MIDI message. */ QString Bridge::describeMIDI(QByteArray &buf) { uint8_t msg = buf[0]; uint8_t tag = msg & TAG_MASK; uint8_t channel = msg & CHANNEL_MASK; const char *desc= 0; // Work out what we have switch(tag) { case TAG_PROGRAM: desc = "Ch %1: Program change %2"; break; case TAG_CHANNEL_PRESSURE: desc = "Ch %1: Pressure change %2"; break; case TAG_NOTE_ON: desc = "Ch %1: Note %2 on velocity %3"; break; case TAG_NOTE_OFF: desc = "Ch %1: Note %2 off velocity %3"; break; case TAG_KEY_PRESSURE: desc = "Ch %1: Note %2 pressure %3"; break; case TAG_CONTROLLER: desc = "Ch %1: Controller %2 value %3"; break; case TAG_PITCH_BEND: desc = "Ch %1: Pitch bend %2"; break; case TAG_SPECIAL: if(msg == MSG_SYSEX_START) { QString res = "SysEx Message: "; for(int i = 1; i < buf.length(); i++) { uint8_t val = buf[i]; if(val == MSG_SYSEX_END) break; res.append(QString("0x%1 ").arg(val,0,16)); } return res; } if(channel < 3) { desc = "System Message #%1: %2 %3"; } else if (channel < 6) { desc = "System Message #%1: %2"; } else { desc = "System Message #%1"; } break; default: return QString("Unknown MIDI message %1").arg(QString(buf.toHex())); } // Format the output QString qdesc = QString(desc).arg((int) channel+(tag==TAG_SPECIAL?0:1)); if(tag == TAG_PITCH_BEND && buf.length() == 3) { // recombine LSB/MSB for pitch bend return qdesc.arg((int) ((uint8_t)buf[1]) | ((uint8_t) buf[2])<<7 ); } int i = 1; while(qdesc.contains("%") && i < buf.length()) { qdesc = qdesc.arg((int) buf[i++]); } return qdesc; }
QString YandexmusicApi::getTrackUrl(const QString &storageDir) { FileDownloader *fd = new FileDownloader(QUrl(QString("https://storage.mds.yandex.net/download-info/%1/2?format=json").arg(storageDir))); QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fd->downloadedData()); fd->~FileDownloader(); QByteArray h = QCryptographicHash::hash("XGRlBW9FXlekgbPrRHuSiA" + jsonDoc.object().value("path").toString().mid(1).toUtf8() + jsonDoc.object().value("s").toString().toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); return QString("https://") + jsonDoc.object().value("host").toString() + "/get-mp3/" + QString(h.toHex()) + QString("/") + jsonDoc.object().value("ts").toString() + jsonDoc.object().value("path").toString(); }
bool OwnUserInfoTask::take( Transfer* transfer ) { if ( forMe( transfer ) ) { SnacTransfer* st = dynamic_cast<SnacTransfer*>( transfer ); if ( !st ) return false; Buffer* b = transfer->buffer(); if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x0F ) { UserDetails ud; ud.fill( b ); m_details = ud; emit gotInfo(); setSuccess( 0, QString() ); return true; } else { bool needUpload = false; Oscar::WORD infoType = b->getWord(); if ( infoType == 0x0000 || infoType == 0x0001 ) { Oscar::BYTE flags = b->getByte(); if ( flags == 0x41 ) //we need to do a buddy upload when bit 8 = 1 needUpload = true; QByteArray qba; if ( b->bytesAvailable() != 0 ) { //buffer might be empty if flags bit 8 = 1 Oscar::BYTE checksumLength = b->getByte(); qba = b->getBlock( checksumLength ); kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Self icon checksum: " << qba.toHex(); } if ( needUpload ) { kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Buddy icon upload requested"; emit buddyIconUploadRequested(); } else { kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "no item for hash found"; } } if ( infoType == 0x0002 ) { QString availableMsg( b->getBSTR() ); kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "self available message: "; } setSuccess( 0, QString() ); return true; } } return false; }
void Options::set_opt ( const QString &opt, const QByteArray &val ) { QString opt_str = option( opt ); if ( settings_p ) settings_p->setValue ( opt_str, QString::fromLatin1(val.toHex()) ); }
QString ToString(const QByteArray &Hash) noexcept { return QString::fromLatin1(Hash.toHex()); }
bool Brut_Test::run(){ QString sOrigHash = "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055"; // QString sReverseHash0 = "c19173c3d173cc7e07cf5f19c28d0083"; QString sReverseText = "6467756476606062606262606000404000000000000000001000000000220000000000002080000000000002002000004200140202515b"; QByteArray text = QByteArray::fromHex(sReverseText.toLatin1()); // text = QString(text).toLatin1(); QByteArray md5Text = QCryptographicHash::hash(text, QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString sMd5Text = QString(md5Text.toHex()); int nPrevResult = BNACalculateBinDistance(BNAConvertHexToBin(sOrigHash), BNAConvertHexToBin(sMd5Text)); std::cout << "Start: " << nPrevResult << "\n"; // bool bool bExists = true; while(bExists){ bExists = false; QByteArray textNew = BNATryBrutFast1(text, sOrigHash); textNew = BNATryBrutFast2(textNew, sOrigHash); QByteArray md5TextNew = QCryptographicHash::hash(textNew, QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString sMd5TextNew = QString(md5TextNew.toHex()); QString sText_bin = BNAConvertHexToBin(sOrigHash); QString sTextNew_bin = BNAConvertHexToBin(sMd5TextNew); int nNewResult = BNACalculateBinDistance(sText_bin, sTextNew_bin); if(nNewResult > nPrevResult){ bExists = true; text = QByteArray(textNew); nPrevResult = nNewResult; std::cout << "Distance: " << nPrevResult << "\n"; } } text = QString(text).toLatin1(); md5Text = QCryptographicHash::hash(text, QCryptographicHash::Md5); sMd5Text = QString(md5Text.toHex()); nPrevResult = BNACalculateBinDistance(BNAConvertHexToBin(sOrigHash), BNAConvertHexToBin(sMd5Text)); std::cout << "Start: " << nPrevResult << "\n"; bExists = true; while(bExists){ bExists = false; QByteArray textNew = BNATryBrutFast1(text, sOrigHash); textNew = BNATryBrutFast2(textNew, sOrigHash); QByteArray md5TextNew = QCryptographicHash::hash(textNew, QCryptographicHash::Md5); QString sMd5TextNew = QString(md5TextNew.toHex()); QString sText_bin = BNAConvertHexToBin(sOrigHash); QString sTextNew_bin = BNAConvertHexToBin(sMd5TextNew); int nNewResult = BNACalculateBinDistance(sText_bin, sTextNew_bin); if(nNewResult > nPrevResult){ bExists = true; text = QByteArray(textNew); nPrevResult = nNewResult; std::cout << "Distance: " << nPrevResult << "\n"; } } std::cout << "Original: " << sReverseText.toStdString() << "\n"; std::cout << "Reverted: " << QString(text.toHex()).toStdString() << "\n"; return false; }
void BabyMEGClient::HescDisplay(double a) { QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromRawData((char *)&a,8); qDebug() << data.toHex(); }