void createUi(PlotViewInterpolation* plot_view) { _b1_rbtn = new QRadioButton("no boundary", plot_view); _b2_rbtn = new QRadioButton("c1 boundary", plot_view); _b3_rbtn = new QRadioButton("c2 boundary", plot_view); _b1_rbtn->setDown(true); _lbl_weight = new QLabel("lambda", plot_view); _lbl_weight->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); _lbl_weight->adjustSize(); _sld_precision = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, plot_view); _sld_precision->setMinimum(1); _sld_precision->setMaximum(1000); _sld_precision->setTickInterval(1); _sld_precision->setValue(20); _sld_precision->adjustSize(); _sld_alpha = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, plot_view); _sld_alpha->setMinimum(1); _sld_alpha->setMaximum(1000); _sld_alpha->setTickInterval(1); _sld_alpha->setValue(50); _sld_alpha->adjustSize(); _lbl_knot = new QLabel("initial knots", plot_view); _lbl_knot->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); _lbl_knot->adjustSize(); _lbl_level = new QLabel("level", plot_view); _lbl_level->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); _lbl_knot->adjustSize(); _sld_level = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, plot_view); _sld_level->setMinimum(1); _sld_level->setMaximum(10); _sld_level->setTickInterval(1); _sld_level->setValue(1); _sld_level->adjustSize(); QSignalMapper* signal_map = new QSignalMapper(plot_view); signal_map->setMapping(_b1_rbtn, 0); // no boundary signal_map->setMapping(_b2_rbtn, 1); // c1 boundary signal_map->setMapping(_b3_rbtn, 2); // c2 boundary QObject::connect(_b1_rbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), signal_map, SLOT(map())); QObject::connect(_b2_rbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), signal_map, SLOT(map())); QObject::connect(_b3_rbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), signal_map, SLOT(map())); QObject::connect(signal_map, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), plot_view, SLOT(setBoundary(int))); QObject::connect(_sld_precision, &QSlider::valueChanged, plot_view, &PlotViewInterpolation::changePrecision); QObject::connect(_sld_alpha, &QSlider::valueChanged, plot_view, &PlotViewInterpolation::changeAlpha); QObject::connect(_sld_level, &QSlider::valueChanged, plot_view, &PlotViewInterpolation::changeLevel); }
bool ImagePlugin::initialize( KIO::RenameDlg_Mode mode, const QString &_src, const QString &_dest, const QString &/*mimeSrc*/, const QString &/*mimeDest*/, KIO::filesize_t /*sizeSrc*/, KIO::filesize_t /*sizeDest*/, time_t /*ctimeSrc*/, time_t /*ctimeDest*/, time_t /*mtimeSrc*/, time_t /*mtimeDest*/ ) { QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout(this, 2, 3, 5 ); if( mode & KIO::M_OVERWRITE ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel(this ); label->setText(i18n("You want to overwrite the left picture with the one on the right.") ); label->adjustSize(); lay->addMultiCellWidget(label, 1, 1, 0, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter ); adjustSize(); } ImageVisualizer *left= new ImageVisualizer(this, "Visualizer Left", _dest ); ImageVisualizer *right = new ImageVisualizer( this, "Visualizer Right", _src ); lay->addWidget(left, 2, 0 ); lay->addWidget(right, 2, 2 ); adjustSize(); return true; }
void PlotScene::displayLabels(const QPointF& mousePos, const QPointF& scenePos) { QPalette palette; PlotCurve* currentCurve = NULL; for (int i(0); i < this->curves.count(); i++) { currentCurve = this->curves.at(i); /* Get the CoordinateItem which abscisse is the nearest * to the mouse position abscisse */ CoordinateItem* itemAtMousePos = currentCurve->nearestCoordinateitemsOfX(scenePos.x()); if (itemAtMousePos == NULL) continue; // Get the label associate to the curve QLabel* curveLabel = this->curveLabels.at(i); if (curveLabel == NULL) continue; // Change the text color of the label associate to the curve palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, currentCurve->getPen().color()); curveLabel->setPalette(palette); // Change the text of the label associate to the curve curveLabel->setText(QString("%1, %2").arg( itemAtMousePos->x(), 6, 'f', 2).arg( itemAtMousePos->y(), 6, 'f', 2)); curveLabel->adjustSize(); // Move the label curveLabel->move(mousePos.x(), mousePos.y() - (i * 12)); } }
void MessageBar::show( const QString& message, const QString& id ) { QLabel* label = findChild<QLabel*>( id ); if (label && id.size()) { if (message.isEmpty()) { QProgressBar* p = label->findChild<QProgressBar*>(); if (p) p->setRange( 0, 1 ), p->setValue( 1 ); QTimer::singleShot( 3000, label, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); } else label->setText( message ); return; } label = new QLabel( message, ui.papyrus ); label->setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Base ); label->setMargin( 8 ); label->setIndent( 4 ); label->setTextFormat( Qt::RichText ); label->setOpenExternalLinks( true ); label->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse | Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse ); ImageButton* close = new ImageButton( ":/buckets/radio_clear_all_x.png" ); QHBoxLayout* h = new QHBoxLayout( label ); h->addStretch(); if (id.size()) { label->setObjectName( id ); QProgressBar* p; h->addWidget( p = new QProgressBar ); p->setRange( 0, 0 ); p->setFixedWidth( 90 ); } h->addWidget( close ); h->setMargin( 4 ); label->setFixedWidth( width() ); label->adjustSize(); label->show(); ui.papyrus->move( 0, -label->height() ); doLayout(); connect( close, SIGNAL(clicked()), label, SLOT(deleteLater()) ); connect( label, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(onLabelDestroyed()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); m_timeline->setFrameRange( height(), ui.papyrus->height() ); m_timeline->start(); }
/** * @brief MapManager::printVictimImage slot chiamato quando il robot trova una vittima * @param cvImage l'immagine da mostrare */ void MapManager::printVictimImage(cv::Mat cvImage) { QImage image = Mat2QImage(cvImage); QLabel *victimImage = new QLabel(); victimImage->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage((image))); victimImage->adjustSize(); layout->addWidget(victimImage); }
void GCOutputWindow::computationCompleted(QImage result) { QLabel* imagelabel = new QLabel(this); imagelabel->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Base); imagelabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored); imagelabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(result)); imagelabel->adjustSize(); QScrollArea* scrollview = new QScrollArea(this); scrollview->setWidget(imagelabel); m_OutputTabView->addTab(scrollview, "Mask"); m_OutputTabView->setCurrentWidget(scrollview); m_OutputStackView->setCurrentIndex(1); }
PasswordDialog *PasswordDialog::getPassword(QWidget *parent, const QString &windowTitle, const QString &description, const QString &errorMessage) { auto d = new PasswordDialog(parent); d->setWindowTitle(windowTitle); d->ui.descriptionLabel->setText(description); d->ui.passwordLineEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); // fight the word wrapping beast, also see below int l,r,t,b; // we're gonna need the horizontal margins d->ui.verticalLayout->getContentsMargins(&l,&t,&r,&b); QList<QLabel*> fixedLabels; // and the labels we adjusted // 1. fix the dialog width, assuming to be wanted. d->setMinimumWidth(d->width()); // 2. fix the label width fixedLabels << d->ui.descriptionLabel; // NOTICE: d->ui.descriptionLabel is inside a grid layout, which however has 0 margins d->ui.descriptionLabel->setMinimumWidth(d->width() - (l+r)); // 3. have QLabel figure the size for that width and the content d->ui.descriptionLabel->adjustSize(); // 4. make the label a fixed size element d->ui.descriptionLabel->setFixedSize(d->ui.descriptionLabel->size()); d->adjustSize(); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) { QLabel *errorLabel = new QLabel(d); d->ui.verticalLayout->insertWidget(0, errorLabel); errorLabel->setWordWrap(true); errorLabel->setText(errorMessage + QLatin1String("\n<hr>")); errorLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); // wordwrapping labels are a problem of its own fixedLabels << errorLabel; errorLabel->setMinimumWidth(d->width() - (l+r)); errorLabel->adjustSize(); errorLabel->setFixedSize(errorLabel->size()); } d->adjustSize(); d->setMinimumWidth(0); foreach(QLabel *label, fixedLabels) { label->setMinimumSize(0, 0); label->setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); }
void se_kbmwidget::initUI() { this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/img/Logo")); //this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); this->setGeometry(QRect(380,140,650,400)); this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); this->setModal(true); m_backgroundWidget = new Kbmbasewidget(this); m_backgroundWidget->setGeometry(rect()); m_backgroundWidget->lower(); QLabel *logoLabel = new QLabel; logoLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/img/logo"));//logo QLabel *textLabel = new QLabel; textLabel->setText("OS 测评之家 1.0");//界面tital textLabel->setStyleSheet("color:white;"); textLabel->adjustSize(); QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout;//左上角布局 hLayout->addWidget(logoLabel); hLayout->addWidget(textLabel); stack = new QStackedWidget; buttonGroup = new SysButtonGroup;//右上角按钮组 connect(buttonGroup, SIGNAL(closeWidget()), this, SIGNAL(closeWidget())); QWidget *title = new QWidget;//顶部第一页面 title->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); title->setLayout(hLayout); kbm = new MainKBMview;//显示页面 wait = new LoadingDialog;//等待页面 stack->addWidget(wait); stack->addWidget(kbm); QHBoxLayout *titleLayout = new QHBoxLayout; titleLayout->addWidget(title, 0, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); titleLayout->addStretch(); titleLayout->addWidget(buttonGroup, 0, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop); titleLayout->setContentsMargins(10, 0, 0, 0); QVBoxLayout *vLayout = new QVBoxLayout; vLayout->addLayout(titleLayout); vLayout->addWidget(stack); vLayout->setSpacing(0); vLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); this->setLayout(vLayout); }
void ImagePlugin::handle( KIO::RenameDialog_Mode mode, const KIO::RenameDialogPlugin::FileItem& src, const KIO::RenameDialogPlugin::FileItem& dst ) { QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout( this ); if( mode & KIO::M_OVERWRITE ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel(this ); label->setText(i18n("You want to overwrite the left picture with the one on the right.") ); label->adjustSize(); lay->addWidget(label, 1, 0, 1, 3, Qt::AlignHCenter ); adjustSize(); } ImageVisualizer *left= new ImageVisualizer(this, dst.url() ); ImageVisualizer *right = new ImageVisualizer( this, src.url() ); lay->addWidget(left, 2, 0 ); lay->addWidget(right, 2, 2 ); adjustSize(); }
QLabel *HUD2::InitLabel( int x, int y, int h, QString text, QColor c ) { QLabel *lab = new QLabel( this ); //QFont f = QFont( "Courier", h ); QFont f = QFont( "Vera", h ); f.setBold( true ); QPalette p = lab->palette(); p.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, c ); lab->setGeometry( x, y, 0, 0 ); lab->setPalette( p ); lab->setFont(f); lab->setText(text); lab->adjustSize(); return lab; }
void Progression::updateProgressBar(QString file, qint64 pos, QString currentFile){ ProgressBars[file]->setValue((int) pos); qDebug() << "Update" << vbl->count(); if(currentFile != "") { for(int i = 0; i < vbl->count(); i++) { QLayoutItem* item = vbl->itemAt(i); QWidget* widget = item->widget(); if (widget) { QLabel *label = qobject_cast<QLabel *>(widget); if(label->text().contains(file)) { label->setText(file + " -> " + currentFile); label->adjustSize(); } } } } this->adjustSize(); }
void JanelaOpcoes::escreve() { QLabel *lbl; lbl = new QLabel("Curva:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(10, 15, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("Cor:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 45, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("R:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(85, 45, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("G:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(180, 45, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("B:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(275, 45, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { sb_corcurva[i] = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_corcurva[i]->setRange(0, 255); sb_corcurva[i]->setValue(def->cor_curva[i]); sb_corcurva[i]->setGeometry(100 + 95*i, 40, 0, 0); sb_corcurva[i]->adjustSize(); } lbl = new QLabel("Largura:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 85, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); sb_larguracurva = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_larguracurva->setRange(0, 10); sb_larguracurva->setValue(def->w_curva); sb_larguracurva->setGeometry(107, 80, 0, 0); sb_larguracurva->adjustSize(); lbl = new QLabel("Ponto:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(10, 125, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("Cor:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 155, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("R:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(85, 155, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("G:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(180, 155, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("B:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(275, 155, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { sb_corponto[i] = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_corponto[i]->setRange(0, 255); sb_corponto[i]->setValue(def->cor_ponto[i]); sb_corponto[i]->setGeometry(100 + 95*i, 150, 0, 0); sb_corponto[i]->adjustSize(); } lbl = new QLabel("Largura:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 195, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); sb_larguraponto = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_larguraponto->setRange(0, 10); sb_larguraponto->setValue(def->w_ponto); sb_larguraponto->setGeometry(107, 190, 0, 0); sb_larguraponto->adjustSize(); lbl = new QLabel("Ponto Tangente:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(10, 235, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("Cor:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 265, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("R:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(85, 265, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("G:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(180, 265, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("B:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(275, 265, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { sb_cortangente[i] = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_cortangente[i]->setRange(0, 255); sb_cortangente[i]->setValue(def->cor_tangente[i]); sb_cortangente[i]->setGeometry(100 + 95*i, 260, 0, 0); sb_cortangente[i]->adjustSize(); } lbl = new QLabel("Largura:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 305, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); sb_larguratangente = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_larguratangente->setRange(0, 10); sb_larguratangente->setValue(def->w_tangente); sb_larguratangente->setGeometry(107, 300, 0, 0); sb_larguratangente->adjustSize(); lbl = new QLabel("Reta Tangente:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(10, 345, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("Cor:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 375, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("R:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(85, 375, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("G:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(180, 375, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("B:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(275, 375, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { sb_corretatangente[i] = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_corretatangente[i]->setRange(0, 255); sb_corretatangente[i]->setValue(def->cor_retatangente[i]); sb_corretatangente[i]->setGeometry(100 + 95*i, 370, 0, 0); sb_corretatangente[i]->adjustSize(); } lbl = new QLabel("Largura:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 415, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); sb_larguraretatangente = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_larguraretatangente->setRange(0, 10); sb_larguraretatangente->setValue(def->w_retatangente); sb_larguraretatangente->setGeometry(107, 410, 0, 0); sb_larguraretatangente->adjustSize(); lbl = new QLabel("Fundo:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(10, 455, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("Cor:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(40, 485, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("R:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(85, 485, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("G:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(180, 485, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); lbl = new QLabel("B:", tela); lbl->setGeometry(275, 485, 0, 0); lbl->adjustSize(); lbl->show(); for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { sb_corfundo[i] = new QSpinBox(tela); sb_corfundo[i]->setRange(0, 255); sb_corfundo[i]->setValue(def->cor_fundo[i]); sb_corfundo[i]->setGeometry(100 + 95*i, 480, 0, 0); sb_corfundo[i]->adjustSize(); } ok = new QPushButton("&Ok", tela); ok->setGeometry(110, 540, 0, 0); ok->adjustSize(); cancela = new QPushButton("&Cancela", tela); cancela->setGeometry(210, 540, 0, 0); cancela->adjustSize(); tela->adjustSize(); }
PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QLabel *databaseFilterLabel; QLineEdit *databaseFilter; databaseFilterLabel = new QLabel(); databaseFilterLabel->setText( "Search" ); databaseFilterLabel->setMinimumWidth( 125 ); databaseFilterLabel->adjustSize(); databaseFilter = new QLineEdit(); QHBoxLayout *searchbar = new QHBoxLayout(); searchbar->addWidget( databaseFilterLabel ); searchbar->addWidget( databaseFilter ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this->playlistTableModel = new PlaylistTableModel(); this->playlistTableView = new PlaylistTableView(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TrackDelegate * trackDelegate = new TrackDelegate(); trackDelegate->setPlayIcon( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::SP_MediaPlay ) ); trackDelegate->setPauseIcon( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::SP_MediaPause ) ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this->playlistTableView->setItemDelegate( trackDelegate ); this->playlistTableView->setModel( this->playlistTableModel ); this->playlistTableView->setAlternatingRowColors( true ); this->playlistTableView->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); this->playlistTableView->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers ); // D&D this->playlistTableView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection ); this->playlistTableView->setDragEnabled( true ); this->playlistTableView->setAcceptDrops( true ); this->playlistTableView->setDropIndicatorShown( true ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connect( this->playlistTableView, SIGNAL( playTrack( const Track * ) ), playerengine, SLOT( slotPlayTrack( const Track * ) ) ); connect( playerengine, SIGNAL( updateTrack( const Track * ) ), this->playlistTableView, SLOT( slotDisplayTrack( const Track * ) ) ); connect( this->playlistTableModel, SIGNAL( scrollToCurrentTrack(const QModelIndex &) ), this, SLOT( slotScrollToCurrentTrack(const QModelIndex &) ) ); connect( eventmanager, SIGNAL( internetEvent(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT( slotInternetEvent(QVariantMap))); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// connect( databaseFilter, SIGNAL( textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT( slotTextEdited(QString))); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); mainLayout->addWidget( this->playlistTableView ); mainLayout->addLayout( searchbar ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this->setLayout( mainLayout ); // HOTKEYS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
/** * Constructor of the class * @param parent * @param name * @return */ NMGModuleToolBoxItem::NMGModuleToolBoxItem( QWidget *parent, QString modName, const QColor & backgroundColor ) : QWidget( parent ) { setObjectName( modName ); setMouseTracking( true ); QPalette palette; palette.setColor( backgroundRole(), backgroundColor ); setPalette( palette ); moduleName = modName; QVBoxLayout * layoutVertical = new QVBoxLayout( this ); layoutVertical->setMargin( 0 ); layoutVertical->setSpacing( 0 ); layoutVertical->setObjectName( moduleName + "LayoutVertical" ); QHBoxLayout * layoutHoritzontal = new QHBoxLayout( 0 ); layoutHoritzontal->setMargin( 0 ); layoutHoritzontal->setSpacing( 0 ); layoutHoritzontal->setObjectName( moduleName + "LayoutHoritzontal" ); QSpacerItem * leftSpacer = new QSpacerItem( 1, 21, QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); layoutHoritzontal->addItem( leftSpacer ); QString toolTip = (( NMGModuleParent * ) NMGModuleManager::self()->getModule( moduleName ) )->getModuleToolTip().c_str(); QLabel * pixmapLabel1 = new QLabel( this ); pixmapLabel1->setMaximumSize( QSize( 64, 64 ) ); pixmapLabel1->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter ); pixmapLabel1->setObjectName( moduleName + "Label" ); if ( !toolTip.isEmpty() ) { pixmapLabel1->setToolTip( toolTip ); pixmapLabel1->setWhatsThis( toolTip ); } QString iconFile = (( NMGModuleParent * ) NMGModuleManager::self()->getModule( moduleName ) )->getModuleIcon().c_str(); if ( iconFile.isEmpty() ) iconFile = DEFAULT_ICON_NAME; pixmapLabel1->setPixmap( * ( NMGImageManager::loadPixmap( iconFile ) ) ); pixmapLabel1->setScaledContents( TRUE ); layoutHoritzontal->addWidget( pixmapLabel1 ); pixmapLabel1->setMouseTracking( true ); QSpacerItem * rightSpacer = new QSpacerItem( 1, 21, QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); layoutHoritzontal->addItem( rightSpacer ); layoutVertical->addLayout( layoutHoritzontal ); QLabel * txtModuleLabel = new QLabel( "<p align=\"center\">" + moduleName + "</p>", this ); txtModuleLabel->setObjectName( moduleName + "Label" ); if ( !toolTip.isEmpty() ) { txtModuleLabel->setToolTip( toolTip ); txtModuleLabel->setWhatsThis( toolTip ); } QSizePolicy policy1( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); policy1.setHorizontalStretch( 0 ); policy1.setVerticalStretch( 0 ); policy1.setHeightForWidth( txtModuleLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ); txtModuleLabel->setSizePolicy( policy1 ); /** Size of the label for the plugin's name at toolbar **/ txtModuleLabel->adjustSize(); //setMaximumSize( QSize( 100, 150 ) ); QPalette palettelabel; palettelabel.setColor( txtModuleLabel->backgroundRole(), backgroundColor ); txtModuleLabel->setPalette( palettelabel ); txtModuleLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignVCenter ); //how to 'or' with Qt::TextWordWrap ?? layoutVertical->addWidget( txtModuleLabel ); }
KFontChooser::KFontChooser( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { int i; fnt = QFont( "helvetica", 12 ); changed = False; QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 10, 5 ); topLayout->addStretch( 5 ); QBoxLayout *stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 ); topLayout->addLayout( stackLayout ); cmbFont = new QComboBox( false, this ); cmbFont->setFixedHeight( cmbFont->sizeHint().height() ); getFontList( fixedList, true ); getFontList( fontList ); cmbFont->insertStrList( &fontList ); QStrListIterator it( fontList ); for ( i = 0; it.current(); ++it, i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( fnt.family(), it.current() ) ) cmbFont->setCurrentItem( i ); } connect( cmbFont, SIGNAL( activated( const char * ) ), SLOT( slotSelectFont( const char * ) ) ); QLabel *label = new QLabel( cmbFont, i18n("&Typeface"), this ); label->adjustSize(); label->setMinimumSize( label->size() ); stackLayout->addWidget( label ); stackLayout->addWidget( cmbFont ); cbBold = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Bold"), this ); cbBold->setMinimumSize( cbBold->sizeHint() ); cbBold->setChecked( fnt.bold() ); connect( cbBold, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotFontBold( bool ) ) ); topLayout->addWidget( cbBold ); cbItalic = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Italic"), this ); cbItalic->setMinimumSize( cbItalic->sizeHint() ); cbItalic->setChecked( fnt.italic() ); connect( cbItalic, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotFontItalic( bool ) ) ); topLayout->addWidget( cbItalic ); QBoxLayout *pushLayout = new QHBoxLayout( 2 ); topLayout->addLayout( pushLayout ); stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 ); pushLayout->addLayout( stackLayout, 10 ); pushLayout->addSpacing( 10 ); sbSize = new KNumericSpinBox( this ); sbSize->setStep( 1 ); sbSize->setRange( 8, 16 ); sbSize->setValue( 12 ); sbSize->adjustSize(); connect( sbSize, SIGNAL( valueDecreased() ), SLOT( slotFontSize() ) ); connect( sbSize, SIGNAL( valueIncreased() ), SLOT( slotFontSize() ) ); label = new QLabel( sbSize, i18n("&Size"), this ); label->setMinimumSize( label->sizeHint() ); cmbCharset = new QComboBox( false, this ); cmbCharset->adjustSize(); cmbCharset->setInsertionPolicy( QComboBox::NoInsertion ); connect( cmbCharset, SIGNAL( activated( const char * ) ), SLOT( slotCharset( const char * ) ) ); sbSize->setFixedHeight( cmbCharset->height() ); sbSize->setMinimumWidth(sbSize->width()); cmbCharset->setFixedHeight( cmbCharset->height() ); cmbCharset->setMinimumWidth( cmbCharset->width()); stackLayout->addWidget( label ); stackLayout->addWidget( sbSize ); stackLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 4 ); pushLayout->addLayout( stackLayout, 30 ); label = new QLabel( cmbCharset, i18n("&Character set"), this ); label->adjustSize(); label->setMinimumSize( label->size() ); stackLayout->addWidget( label ); stackLayout->addWidget( cmbCharset ); topLayout->activate(); fillCharsetCombo(); }
GUI::GUI() { mStreamingMode = STREAMING_MODE_STORE_ALL_FRAMES; QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(); menuWidth = screen->geometry().width()*(1.0f/6.0f); mPipelineWidget = nullptr; mStreamer = ImageFileStreamer::New(); QVBoxLayout* viewLayout = new QVBoxLayout; View* view = createView(); view->set2DMode(); view->setBackgroundColor(Color::Black()); setWidth(screen->geometry().width()); setHeight(screen->geometry().height()); enableMaximized(); setTitle("FAST - Viewer"); viewLayout->addWidget(view); menuLayout = new QVBoxLayout; menuLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); // Logo QImage* image = new QImage; image->load((Config::getDocumentationPath() + "images/FAST_logo_square.png").c_str()); QLabel* logo = new QLabel; logo->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image->scaled(menuWidth, ((float)menuWidth/image->width())*image->height(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation))); logo->adjustSize(); menuLayout->addWidget(logo); // Title label QLabel* title = new QLabel; title->setText("Viewer"); QFont font; font.setPixelSize(24 * getScalingFactor()); font.setWeight(QFont::Bold); title->setFont(font); title->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); menuLayout->addWidget(title); // Quit button QPushButton* quitButton = new QPushButton; quitButton->setText("Quit (q)"); quitButton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-color: red; color: white; }"); quitButton->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); menuLayout->addWidget(quitButton); // Connect the clicked signal of the quit button to the stop method for the window QObject::connect(quitButton, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&Window::stop, this)); QLabel* inputListLabel = new QLabel; //inputListLabel->setFixedHeight(24); inputListLabel->setText("Input data"); inputListLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-weight: bold; }"); menuLayout->addWidget(inputListLabel); mList = new QListWidget; mList->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); mList->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); mList->setFixedHeight(200); mList->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); // Allow multiple items to be selected QObject::connect(mList, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, std::bind(&GUI::selectInputData, this)); menuLayout->addWidget(mList); QPushButton* addButton = new QPushButton; addButton->setText("Add input data"); addButton->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); QObject::connect(addButton, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&GUI::addInputData, this)); menuLayout->addWidget(addButton); QLabel* selectPipelineLabel = new QLabel; selectPipelineLabel->setText("Active pipeline"); selectPipelineLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-weight: bold; }"); //selectPipelineLabel->setFixedHeight(24); menuLayout->addWidget(selectPipelineLabel); mSelectPipeline = new QComboBox; mSelectPipeline->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); mPipelines = getAvailablePipelines(); int index = 0; int counter = 0; for(auto pipeline : mPipelines) { mSelectPipeline->addItem((pipeline.getName() + " (" + pipeline.getDescription() + ")").c_str()); if(pipeline.getName() == "Image renderer") { index = counter; } ++counter; } mSelectPipeline->setCurrentIndex(index); menuLayout->addWidget(mSelectPipeline); QObject::connect(mSelectPipeline, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::activated), std::bind(&GUI::selectPipeline, this)); QPushButton* refreshPipeline = new QPushButton; refreshPipeline->setText("Refresh pipeline"); refreshPipeline->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-color: blue; color: white; }"); refreshPipeline->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); QObject::connect(refreshPipeline, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&GUI::selectPipeline, this)); menuLayout->addWidget(refreshPipeline); QPushButton* editPipeline = new QPushButton; editPipeline->setText("Edit pipeline"); editPipeline->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-color: blue; color: white; }"); editPipeline->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); QObject::connect(editPipeline, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&GUI::editPipeline, this)); menuLayout->addWidget(editPipeline); QPushButton* newPipeline = new QPushButton; newPipeline->setText("New pipeline"); newPipeline->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-color: blue; color: white; }"); newPipeline->setFixedWidth(menuWidth); QObject::connect(newPipeline, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&GUI::newPipeline, this)); menuLayout->addWidget(newPipeline); // Playback QHBoxLayout* playbackLayout = new QHBoxLayout; mPlayPauseButton = new QPushButton; mPlayPauseButton->setText("Play"); mPlayPauseButton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton { background-color: green; color: white; }"); //mPlayPauseButton->setFixedHeight(100); QObject::connect(mPlayPauseButton, &QPushButton::clicked, std::bind(&GUI::playPause, this)); playbackLayout->addWidget(mPlayPauseButton); mTimestepSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal); // Improve style of slider mTimestepSlider->setStyleSheet("QSlider:horizontal { min-height: 50px; } QSlider::groove:horizontal {\n" " border: 1px solid #999999;\n" " height: 10px; /* the groove expands to the size of the slider by default. by giving it a height, it has a fixed size */\n" " background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #B1B1B1, stop:1 #c4c4c4);\n" " margin: 2px 0;\n" "}\n" "\n" "QSlider::handle:horizontal {\n" " background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1, stop:0 #81BEF7, stop:1 #2E9AFE);\n" " border: 1px solid #5c5c5c;\n" " width: 18px;\n" " height: 25px;\n" " margin: -10px 0; /* handle is placed by default on the contents rect of the groove. Expand outside the groove */\n" " border-radius: 3px;\n" "}"); playbackLayout->addWidget(mTimestepSlider); mTimestepSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::NoTicks); mTimestepSlider->setRange(0, 1234); mTimestepSlider->setPageStep(1); mTimestepSlider->setSingleStep(1); mTimestepSlider->setStyle(new MyStyle(mTimestepSlider->style())); // Fixes issues with direct jump with slider QObject::connect(mTimestepSlider, &QSlider::sliderMoved, std::bind(&GUI::setTimestep, this)); QObject::connect(mTimestepSlider, &QSlider::sliderPressed, std::bind(&GUI::setTimestep, this)); viewLayout->addLayout(playbackLayout); // Add menu and view to main layout QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addLayout(menuLayout); layout->addLayout(viewLayout); mWidget->setLayout(layout); std::cout << "Finished viewer setup" << std::endl; }
void KKbdAccessExtensions::displayAccessKeys() { // Build a list of valid access keys that don't collide with shortcuts. QString availableAccessKeys = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890"; QPtrList<KXMLGUIClient> allClients = d->mainWindow->factory()->clients(); QPtrListIterator<KXMLGUIClient> it( allClients ); KXMLGUIClient *client; while( (client=it.current()) !=0 ) { ++it; KActionPtrList actions = client->actionCollection()->actions(); for (int j = 0; j < (int)actions.count(); j++) { KAction* action = actions[j]; KShortcut sc = action->shortcut(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)sc.count(); i++) { KKeySequence seq = sc.seq(i); if (seq.count() == 1) { QString s = seq.toString(); if (availableAccessKeys.contains(s)) availableAccessKeys.remove(s); } } } } // Find all visible, focusable widgets and create a QLabel for each. Don't exceed // available list of access keys. QWidgetList* allWidgets = kapp->allWidgets(); QWidget* widget = allWidgets->first(); int accessCount = 0; int maxAccessCount = availableAccessKeys.length(); int overlap = 20; QPoint prevGlobalPos = QPoint(-overlap, -overlap); while (widget && (accessCount < maxAccessCount)) { if (widget->isVisible() && widget->isFocusEnabled() ) { QRect r = widget->rect(); QPoint p(r.x(), r.y()); // Don't display an access key if within overlap pixels of previous one. QPoint globalPos = widget->mapToGlobal(p); QPoint diffPos = globalPos - prevGlobalPos; if (diffPos.manhattanLength() > overlap) { accessCount++; QLabel* lab=new QLabel(widget, "", widget, 0, Qt::WDestructiveClose); lab->setPalette(QToolTip::palette()); lab->setLineWidth(2); lab->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain); lab->setMargin(3); lab->adjustSize(); lab->move(p); if (!d->accessKeyLabels) { d->accessKeyLabels = new QPtrList<QLabel>; d->accessKeyLabels->setAutoDelete(true); } d->accessKeyLabels->append(lab); prevGlobalPos = globalPos; } } widget = allWidgets->next(); } if (accessCount > 0) { // Sort the access keys from left to right and down the screen. QValueList<KSortedLabel> sortedLabels; for (int i = 0; i < accessCount; i++) sortedLabels.append(KSortedLabel(d->accessKeyLabels->at(i))); qHeapSort( sortedLabels ); // Assign access key labels. for (int i = 0; i < accessCount; i++) { QLabel* lab = sortedLabels[i].label(); QChar s = availableAccessKeys[i]; lab->setText(s); lab->adjustSize(); lab->show(); } } }
void InteractiveService::processCommand(int code) { gui->setText("Command code " + QString::number(code)); gui->adjustSize(); }
/* Most important function of an interactor component When an event arrive on your interactor : this function is call You have to process it and return true. If the event do nothing in your interactor : this function return false; */ bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *e) { /* If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible. And if you use the wheel of the mouse we hide the information widget */ if (_informationWidgetItem->isVisible() && e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { _informationWidgetItem->setVisible(false); return false; } /* Check if the event is a mouse event */ QMouseEvent *qMouseEv = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e); if (qMouseEv != nullptr) { GlMainView *glMainView = static_cast<GlMainView *>(view()); /* Check if event is a left mouse button press */ if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && qMouseEv->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { /* If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible. And if you reclick : hide it */ if (_informationWidgetItem->isVisible()) { _informationWidgetItem->setVisible(false); } else { /* Select entities under the mouse cursor The result of selection is stored in SelectedEntity And pickNodesEdges return true if you click on node or edge */ SelectedEntity selectedEntity; if (glMainView->getGlMainWidget()->pickNodesEdges(qMouseEv->x(), qMouseEv->y(), selectedEntity)) { /* Change text of the information label with - If you click on a node : "Click on node id : nodeId" - If you click on an edge : "Click on edge id : edgeId" */ QString text("Click on "); if (selectedEntity.getEntityType() == SelectedEntity::NODE_SELECTED) text += "node "; else text += "edge "; text += " id : " + QString::number(selectedEntity.getComplexEntityId()); /* - Update QLabel with new text - Auto resize QLabel - Set position of the label at mouse position - Display it */ _informationLabel->setText(text); _informationLabel->adjustSize(); _informationWidgetItem->setPos(qMouseEv->pos()); _informationWidgetItem->setVisible(true); /* Here we just add a small smooth animation on the label pop */ QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(_informationWidgetItem, "opacity"); animation->setDuration(100); animation->setStartValue(0.); animation->setEndValue(0.99); animation->start(); /* We have treated the event so we return true */ return true; } } } } /* We don't have treated the event se we return false */ return false; }
void BuildFontDialog::pickLetter(const QPoint & p) { if (selectionArbitrary->isChecked()) { if(arbitraryLastPoint.x() < 0) { arbitraryLastPoint = p; } else { QRect rect(arbitraryLastPoint, p); if(rect.height() <= 0) rect.setHeight(10); if(rect.width() <= 0) rect.setWidth(10); //TODO Code smell!! QImage picked = originalPage.copy(rect); QLabel* label = radio2label[this->buttonGroup->checkedButton()]; //TODO duplicate code!!! label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(picked)); label->adjustSize(); FontLetterInfo info; info.img = QPixmap::fromImage(picked); info.topLeft = QPoint(-1,-picked.height()) ; info.width = info.img.width(); char letter = radioBtn2Char[(QRadioButton*)(this->buttonGroup->checkedButton())]; builtFont[letter] = info; QRadioButton *next= (QRadioButton *)(this->buttonGroup->button(this->buttonGroup->id(this->buttonGroup->checkedButton())-1)); if(next != NULL) { next->setChecked(true); } arbitraryLastPoint.setX(-1); } return; } for(int i = 0; i < letterRects.size(); i++) { QRect rect = letterRects[i]; if(p.x() >= rect.left() && p.x() <= rect.right() && p.y() >= rect.top() && p.y() <= rect.bottom()) { //qDebug() << "wrapped in" << p << rect; QImage picked = originalPage.copy(rect); QLabel* label = radio2label[this->buttonGroup->checkedButton()]; label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(picked)); label->adjustSize(); int baseline = baselines[i]; //TODO : vulnerable!!! char letter = radioBtn2Char[(QRadioButton*)(this->buttonGroup->checkedButton())]; FontLetterInfo info; info.img = QPixmap::fromImage(picked); qDebug() << "baseline" << info.img.height() << baseline; info.topLeft = QPoint(-1,-baseline) ; info.width = info.img.width(); builtFont[letter] = info; qDebug() << "add to map" << letter; QRadioButton *next= (QRadioButton *)(this->buttonGroup->button(this->buttonGroup->id(this->buttonGroup->checkedButton())-1)); if(next != NULL) { next->setChecked(true); } break; } } }
void BasicInfoRpt::initUI(const QString& titletext) { this->setFixedSize(900, 600); QLabel* title = new QLabel(titletext, this); title->adjustSize(); title->move(900 / 2 - title->width() / 2, 17); QLabel* icon = new QLabel(this); icon->setPixmap(QPixmap(":image/detailreport/logo")); icon->adjustSize(); icon->move(900 / 2 - title->width() / 2 - 3 - icon->width(), 12); returnbtn = new StaticButton(":image/detailreport/returnbtn", 3, this); returnbtn->move(0, 0); osInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/osInfoBtn", this); osInfoBtn->move(27, 60); cpuInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/cpuInfoBtn", this); cpuInfoBtn->move(27 + 142, 60); biosInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/biosInfoBtn", this); biosInfoBtn->move(27 + 142 * 2, 60); motherBoardInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/motherBoardInfoBtn", this); motherBoardInfoBtn->move(27 + 142 * 3, 60); memoryInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/memoryInfoBtn", this); memoryInfoBtn->move(27 + 142 * 4, 60); graphicsCardInfoBtn = new TaskButton(":image/detailreport/basicinfo/graphicsCardInfoBtn", this); graphicsCardInfoBtn->move(27 + 142 * 5, 60); taskbtnlist << osInfoBtn << cpuInfoBtn << biosInfoBtn << motherBoardInfoBtn << memoryInfoBtn << graphicsCardInfoBtn; for (TaskButton* task : taskbtnlist) { task->running_movie->move((task->running_defaultstatus->width()) / 2 - 10, 50); } osView = new QTableView(this); //hardDiskInfoView->setModel(hardDiskInfoMod); initViewDetail(osView); cpuInfoView = new QTableView(this); //virtualMachineInfoView->setModel(virtualMachineInfoMod); initViewDetail(cpuInfoView); biosInfoView = new QTableView(this); //netConfigView->setModel(netConfigMod); initViewDetail(biosInfoView); motherBoardInfoView = new QTableView(this); //adapterDeviceView->setModel(adapterDeviceMod); initViewDetail(motherBoardInfoView); memoryInfoView = new QTableView(this); //printDeviceView->setModel(printDeviceMod); initViewDetail(memoryInfoView); graphicsCardInfoView = new QTableView(this); //blueToothDeviceView->setModel(blueToothDeviceMod); initViewDetail(graphicsCardInfoView); //osView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); //connect(osView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), // SLOT(showFileCheckContextMenu(const QPoint&))); viewlist << osView << cpuInfoView << biosInfoView << motherBoardInfoView << memoryInfoView << graphicsCardInfoView; contextmenu = new QMenu(this); openfile = new QAction("打开文件", contextmenu); connect(openfile, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QStringList argo; QProcess* exec ; exec = new QProcess(); argo << "xdg-open" << openfile->data().toString(); exec->start("/bin/bash", argo); connect(exec, static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished), this, [=](int exitCode) { qDebug()<<exitCode; delete exec; }); }); openfilepath = new QAction("打开文件所在文件夹", contextmenu); connect(openfilepath, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QStringList argo; QProcess* exec ; exec = new QProcess(); argo << "xdg-open" << openfilepath->data().toString(); exec->start("/bin/bash", argo); connect(exec, static_cast<void (QProcess::*)(int)>(&QProcess::finished), this, [=](int exitCode) { delete exec; qDebug()<<exitCode; }); }); contextmenu->addAction(openfile); contextmenu->addAction(openfilepath); }
PasswordDialog::PasswordDialog(const char *head, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags wflags) : QDialog(parent, name, modal, wflags) { debugT("Here we go!!\n"); _head = head; // (David) Layout management QVBoxLayout *vLay = new QVBoxLayout(this, 10 /* border */, 5); // // Bei Bedarf einen kleinen Kommentar als Label einfuegen // English please !!! David. if (_head) { QLabel *l; l = new QLabel(_head, this); l->adjustSize(); l->setMinimumSize(l->size()); vLay->addWidget(l); // l->setGeometry( 10, 10, 200, 20 ); } // The horizontal layout for label + lineedit QHBoxLayout *hLay = new QHBoxLayout(5); vLay->addLayout(hLay); // // Die eine oder zwei Zeile(n) mit der Passwortabfrage // QLabel *l_password = new QLabel(klocale->translate("Password"), this); l_password->adjustSize(); l_password->setMinimumSize(l_password->size()); hLay->addWidget(l_password,0); //l_password->setGeometry( 10, 40, 80, 30 ); _w_password = new QLineEdit( this ); //_w_password->setGeometry( 90, 40, 100, 30 ); _w_password->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password ); _w_password->adjustSize(); _w_password->setFixedHeight(_w_password->height()); hLay->addWidget(_w_password,10); // // Connect vom LineEdit herstellen und Accelerator // QAccel *ac = new QAccel(this); ac->connectItem( ac->insertItem(Key_Escape), this, SLOT(reject()) ); connect( _w_password, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(accept()) ); // // Eine vertikale Linie erzeugen // QFrame *f = new QFrame(this); f->setLineWidth(1); f->setMidLineWidth(1); f->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine|QFrame::Raised); //f->setGeometry( 10, 80, 180, 2 ); f->setMinimumHeight(5); vLay->addWidget(f,0); // // Die Buttons "OK" & "Cancel" erzeugen // QHBoxLayout *hBLay = new QHBoxLayout(5); vLay->addLayout(hBLay); hBLay->addStretch(); QPushButton *b1, *b2; b1 = new QPushButton(klocale->translate("OK"), this); //b1->setGeometry( 10, 90, 80, 30 ); b1->adjustSize(); b1->setFixedSize(b1->size()); hBLay->addWidget(b1); hBLay->addStretch(); //or hBLay->addSpacing(10); b2 = new QPushButton(klocale->translate("Cancel"), this); //b2->setGeometry( 110, 90, 80, 30 ); b2->adjustSize(); b2->setFixedSize(b2->size()); hBLay->addWidget(b2); hBLay->addStretch(); // Buttons mit Funktionaliataet belegen connect( b1, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept()) ); connect( b2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject()) ); // Fenstertitel setCaption(klocale->translate("Password")); // Focus _w_password->setFocus(); vLay->activate(); setMinimumSize(200, 50); setMaximumSize(300, 100); debugT("Hi folks, thats it\n"); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KMFolderDialog::KMFolderDialog(KMFolder* aFolder, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMFolderDialogInherited(parent, name, TRUE) { KMAccount* acct; QLabel *label; QString type; folder = (KMAcctFolder*)aFolder; label = new QLabel(this); label->setGeometry(20,20,60,25); label->setText(i18n("Name:")); label->setAlignment(290); nameEdit = new QLineEdit(this); nameEdit->setGeometry(90,20,320,25); nameEdit->setFocus(); nameEdit->setText(folder ? folder->name().data() : i18n("unnamed")); if (folder) { type = folder->type(); if (!type.isEmpty() && type!="plain") nameEdit->setEnabled(false); } label = new QLabel(this); label->setText(i18n("Associated with")); label->adjustSize(); label->move(20,74); assocList = new QListBox(this); assocList->setGeometry(20,95,160,140); connect(assocList,SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,SLOT(doAssocHighlighted(int))); connect(assocList,SIGNAL(selected(int)),this,SLOT(doAssocSelected(int))); label = new QLabel(this); label->setText(i18n("Unassociated Accounts")); label->adjustSize(); label->move(250,74); accountList = new QListBox(this); accountList->setGeometry(250,95,160,140); connect(accountList,SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,SLOT(doAccountHighlighted(int))); connect(accountList,SIGNAL(selected(int)),this,SLOT(doAccountSelected(int))); addButton = new QPushButton(this); addButton->setGeometry(190,115,50,40); addButton->setText("<<"); addButton->setEnabled(FALSE); connect(addButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(doAdd())); removeButton = new QPushButton(this); removeButton->setGeometry(190,175,50,40); removeButton->setText(">>"); removeButton->setEnabled(FALSE); connect(removeButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(doRemove())); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(this); button->setGeometry(190,260,100,30); button->setText(i18n("OK")); connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(doAccept())); if (type=="Out" || type=="St") button->setEnabled(false); button = new QPushButton(this); button->setGeometry(310,260,100,30); button->setText(i18n("Cancel")); connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reject())); resize(430,340); setFixedSize(430,340); if (folder) { // Grab the list of accounts associated with the given folder. for (acct=folder->account(); acct; acct=folder->nextAccount()) { assocList->inSort(acct->name()); } } // insert list of available accounts that are not associated with // any account for (acct=acctMgr->first(); acct; acct=acctMgr->next()) { if (!acct->folder()) accountList->inSort(acct->name()); } }