int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QApplication app{argc, argv}; QWidget w; QFormLayout layout{&w}; QLineEdit address; layout.addRow("Address to look up", &address); QLabel result; layout.addRow("Result", &result); QPushButton lookup{"Lookup"}; layout.addRow(&lookup); lookup.setDefault(true);; IfLookup ifLookup; QObject::connect(&lookup, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]{ result.clear(); ifLookup.lookup(address.text()); }); QObject::connect(&ifLookup, &IfLookup::hasResult, [&](IfLookup::Result r){ static const QMap<IfLookup::Result, QString> msgs = { { IfLookup::Local, "Local" }, { IfLookup::NonLocal, "Non-Local" }, { IfLookup::TimedOut, "Timed Out" }, { IfLookup::Error, "Lookup Error" } }; result.setText(msgs.value(r)); }); return app.exec(); }
void BinCalcWidget::clearButtonClicked() { QLineEdit *lineEdit = findChild<QLineEdit *>(); if( lineEdit == 0 ) return; QLabel *label = findChild<QLabel *>(); if( label == 0 ) return; lineEdit->clear(); label->clear(); m_operator.clear(); m_value = 0; }
void LapTimeComparisonDialog::updateCharts() { DriverData *driverData[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; QString driver; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { int idx = eventData.getDriverId(getNumber(i)); if (idx > 0) { driver = eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getDriverName(); driverData[i] = &eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1]; // carIdx = (eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getNumber() > 13 ? // eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getNumber() - 2 : // eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getNumber() - 1) / 2; QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->chartsTableWidget->item(0, i); item->setText(driver); item->setTextColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getCarColor(driverData[i]->getNumber())); // if (carIdx >= 0) { QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->chartsTableWidget->cellWidget(1, i)); if (!lab) { lab = new QLabel(); lab->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); lab->setPixmap(ImagesFactory::getInstance().getCarThumbnailsFactory().getCarThumbnail(driverData[i]->getNumber(), thumbnailsSize));//eventData.carImages[carIdx].scaledToWidth(120, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); ui->chartsTableWidget->setCellWidget(1, i, lab); } else lab->setPixmap(ImagesFactory::getInstance().getCarThumbnailsFactory().getCarThumbnail(driverData[i]->getNumber(), thumbnailsSize));//eventData.carImages[carIdx].scaledToWidth(120, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } } else { QTableWidgetItem *item = ui->chartsTableWidget->item(0, i); item->setText(""); QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->chartsTableWidget->cellWidget(1, i)); if (lab) lab->clear(); } } lapCompChart->setData(driverData); lapCompChart->repaint(); }
void FormGame::updateTankReborn() { ITank* tank = (ITank*)sender(); int index = _tanks.indexOf(tank); if(index > -1) { int index_of_player = _match_players.value(index); QLabel* label = findChild<QLabel*>(QString("_l_time_to_reborn_%1").arg(index_of_player)); label->clear(); label->hide(); } if(tank == _tank) { updateTankView(); } }
QWidget *AppAboutPage::createPage(QWidget *parent) { QWidget *w = new QWidget(parent); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(w); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setMargin(0); // Splash label QWidget *sw = new QWidget(w); QHBoxLayout *swLayout = new QHBoxLayout(sw); sw->setLayout(swLayout); QLabel *splash = new QLabel(w); splash->setPixmap(theme()->splashScreenPixmap(settings()->path(Core::ISettings::SplashScreen))); splash->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); swLayout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); swLayout->addWidget(splash); swLayout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); layout->addWidget(sw); QFrame *line = new QFrame(w); line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); layout->addWidget(line); layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); // Welcome label QLabel *label = new QLabel(w); label->setWordWrap(true); label->setOpenExternalLinks(true); layout->addWidget(label); layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(20,20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); label->clear(); Utils::UpdateChecker *up = Core::ICore::instance()->updateChecker(); QString tmp = tkTr(Trans::Constants::APPLICATION_ABOUT_YEAR_1_WEB_2) .arg(QDate::currentDate().year()) .arg(qApp->organizationDomain()); if (up->hasUpdate()) { tmp.append(tkTr(Trans::Constants::UPDATE_AVAILABLE)); } else { tmp.append(tkTr(Trans::Constants::VERSION_UPTODATE)); } label->setText(tmp); return w; }
void LapTimeComparisonDialog::show(int currentCarId) { // if (comboBox[0]->itemText(1) == "") // { // comboBox[0]->addItems(SeasonData::getInstance().getDriversList()); // comboBox[1]->addItems(SeasonData::getInstance().getDriversList()); // comboBox[2]->addItems(SeasonData::getInstance().getDriversList()); // comboBox[3]->addItems(SeasonData::getInstance().getDriversList()); // } setCurrentDriver(currentCarId); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->tableWidget->cellWidget(0, i+1)); if (lab) lab->clear(); } updateData(); updateCharts(); QDialog::show(); }
QWidget *AppAboutPage::createPage(QWidget *parent) { QWidget *w = new QWidget(parent); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(w); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setMargin(0); QLabel *label = new QLabel(w); label->setWordWrap(true); label->setOpenExternalLinks(true); layout->addWidget(label); layout->addSpacerItem(new QSpacerItem(20,20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); label->clear(); Utils::UpdateChecker *up = Core::ICore::instance()->updateChecker(); QString tmp = tr(ABOUT_TEXT).arg(qApp->applicationName(), qApp->organizationDomain()).arg(QDate::currentDate().year()); if (up->hasUpdate()) { tmp.append("<br /><br />" + tkTr(Trans::Constants::UPDATE_AVAILABLE)); } else { tmp.append("<br /><br />" + tkTr(Trans::Constants::VERSION_UPTODATE)); } label->setText(tmp); return w; }
/** * 五组原图显示函数 */ bool ImageViewer::updateImages() { if (!hasinitmodel) return false; QString tmpcamid; bool ret = true; QString tmpcamimgdir; QLabel * tmpcamimg1 = NULL; QLabel * tmpcamimg2 = NULL; QLabel * tmpcamimg3 = NULL; QLabel * tmpcamimg4 = NULL; QLabel * tmpcamimg5 = NULL; QLabel * tmpcamimg = NULL; tmphasfc1 = false; tmphasfc2 = false; tmphasfc3 = false; tmphasfc4 = false; tmphasfc5 = false; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: tmpcamid = ui->cam1->currentText(); tmpcamimg1 = ui->cam1img1; tmpcamimg2 = ui->cam1img2; tmpcamimg3 = ui->cam1img3; tmpcamimg4 = ui->cam1img4; tmpcamimg5 = ui->cam1img5; break; case 1: tmpcamid = ui->cam2->currentText(); tmpcamimg1 = ui->cam2img1; tmpcamimg2 = ui->cam2img2; tmpcamimg3 = ui->cam2img3; tmpcamimg4 = ui->cam2img4; tmpcamimg5 = ui->cam2img5; break; case 2: tmpcamid = ui->cam3->currentText(); tmpcamimg1 = ui->cam3img1; tmpcamimg2 = ui->cam3img2; tmpcamimg3 = ui->cam3img3; tmpcamimg4 = ui->cam3img4; tmpcamimg5 = ui->cam3img5; break; case 3: tmpcamid = ui->cam4->currentText(); tmpcamimg1 = ui->cam4img1; tmpcamimg2 = ui->cam4img2; tmpcamimg3 = ui->cam4img3; tmpcamimg4 = ui->cam4img4; tmpcamimg5 = ui->cam4img5; break; case 4: tmpcamid = ui->cam5->currentText(); tmpcamimg1 = ui->cam5img1; tmpcamimg2 = ui->cam5img2; tmpcamimg3 = ui->cam5img3; tmpcamimg4 = ui->cam5img4; tmpcamimg5 = ui->cam5img5; break; default:break; } __int64 & tmpcurrentfc = getTmpCurrentfc(i); if (tmpcamid.trimmed().compare("") == 0) { tmpcamimg1->clear(); tmpcamimg2->clear(); tmpcamimg3->clear(); tmpcamimg4->clear(); tmpcamimg5->clear(); continue; } tmpcamimgdir = currenttmpimgpath + "_" + tmpcamid + "/"; // 每个相机的5张图 for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++) { switch (j) { case -2: tmpcamimg = tmpcamimg1; break; case -1: tmpcamimg = tmpcamimg2; break; case 0: tmpcamimg = tmpcamimg3; break; case 1: tmpcamimg = tmpcamimg4; break; case 2: tmpcamimg = tmpcamimg5; break; default:break; } QString filename3 = (QString("%1/%2.jpg").arg(tmpcamimgdir).arg(tmpcurrentfc + j)); if (!QFile(filename3).exists()) { // 清空显示 tmpcamimg->clear(); qDebug() << QObject::tr("图片目录:") << filename3 << QObject::tr("不存在!"); ret = false; continue; } qDebug() << QObject::tr("图片目录:") << filename3; bool & tmphasfc = getTmphasfc(j + 2); tmphasfc = true; // 做图像增强处理 QByteArray tmpba = filename3.toLocal8Bit(); cv::Mat img = cv::imread(tmpba.constData(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); float sclae = 0.3; // 缩放比例 cv::Size size = cv::Size(img.size().width * sclae, img.size().height * sclae); cv::resize(img, img, size); //cv::imshow("win1",img); //cv::waitKey(0); if (ifimgenhance == 2) { double alpha = 2; double beta = 50; // 调整对比度,RGB调整,速度慢 /* result = Mat::zeros(img.size(),img.type()); for (int i = 0;i<img.rows;++i) for(int j= 0;j<img.cols;++j) for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++),j)[k] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(,j)[k]*alpha+beta); cv::cvtColor(result,result, CV_BGRA2GRAY); */ // 调整对比度,灰度调整,速度快 cv::Mat result = cv::Mat(size, CV_8U); for( int i=0;i<img.rows;i++) { uchar* dataimg = img.ptr<uchar>(i); uchar* dataresult = result.ptr<uchar>(i); for(int j=0;j<img.cols;j++) { dataresult[j] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>(dataimg[j]*alpha+beta); } } bigpm = MatToQImage(result); // 直方图均衡化---效果较差 //cv::equalizeHist(img, result); //cv::imwrite("D:\\2.png", result); //cv::imshow("win1",result); //cv::waitKey(0); } else if (ifimgenhance == 1) { // 直方图规定化处理---By Ding cv::Mat result; LzCalculator::argument(img, result); //cv::GaussianBlur(result, result, Size(5,5), 1.5, 1.5); bigpm = MatToQImage(result); } else { bigpm = MatToQImage(img); } smallpm = bigpm.scaled(TN_WIDTH, TN_HEIGHT, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); tmpcamimg->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(smallpm)); tmpcamimg->show(); } } qDebug() << "has fc?: " << tmphasfc1 << tmphasfc2 << tmphasfc3 << tmphasfc4 << tmphasfc5; QLabel * tmpfclabel = NULL; QLabel * tmpmilelabel = NULL; // 每个相机的masterfc号 for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++) { switch (j) { case -2: tmpfclabel = ui->fc1; tmpmilelabel = ui->mile1; break; case -1: tmpfclabel = ui->fc2; tmpmilelabel = ui->mile2; break; case 0: tmpfclabel = ui->fc3; tmpmilelabel = ui->mile3; break; case 1: tmpfclabel = ui->fc4; tmpmilelabel = ui->mile4; break; case 2: tmpfclabel = ui->fc5; tmpmilelabel = ui->mile5; break; default:break; } bool & tmphasfc = getTmphasfc(j + 2); if (tmphasfc) { tmpfclabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(current_fc_master + j)); tmpmilelabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(current_fc_master + j)); } else { tmpfclabel->setText(QString("%1无数据").arg(current_fc_master + j)); tmpmilelabel->setText(QString("%1无数据").arg(current_fc_master + j)); } } // 强制更新显示 this->repaint(); return ret; }
void LapTimeComparisonDialog::updateData() { int scrollBarPosition = ui->tableWidget->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition(); QItemSelectionModel * selection = ui->tableWidget->selectionModel(); // for (int i = ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1; i >= 0; --i) // ui->tableWidget->removeRow(i); QTableWidgetItem *item; int firstLap = 99, lastLap = 0; int index[4]; QString wTitle = "Lap time comparison: "; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { index[i] = 0; int idx = eventData.getDriverId(getNumber(i)); if (idx > 0) { if (i > 0) wTitle += " - "; wTitle += eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getDriverName(); if(!eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData().isEmpty()) { if (eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData()[0].getLapNumber() < firstLap) firstLap = eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData()[0].getLapNumber(); if (eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData().last().getLapNumber() > lastLap) lastLap = eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData().last().getLapNumber(); } DriverData &dd = eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1]; QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->tableWidget->cellWidget(0, i+1)); lab->setPixmap(ImagesFactory::getInstance().getCarThumbnailsFactory().getCarThumbnail(dd.getNumber(), thumbnailsSize));//eventData.carImages[idx].scaledToWidth(120, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->tableWidget->cellWidget(0, i+1)); lab->clear(); } } setWindowTitle(wTitle); // ui->tableWidget->insertRow(0); // ui->tableWidget->setRowHeight(0, 50); int j = 0, k = firstLap; for (; k <= lastLap; ++k, ++j) { int lapNo = lastLap - k + firstLap; LapTime laps[4]; if (ui->tableWidget->rowCount() <= j+1) ui->tableWidget->insertRow(j+1); item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, 0); if (!item) { item = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1.").arg(lapNo)); // item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); item->setTextColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getColor(LTPackets::DEFAULT)); ui->tableWidget->setItem(j+1, 0, item); } else item->setText(QString("%1.").arg(lapNo)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { int idx = eventData.getDriverId(getNumber(i)); if (idx > 0 && !eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1].getLapData().isEmpty()) { //int lapIndex = (reversedOrder ? eventData.driversData[idx-1].lapData.size() - index[i] - 1 : index[i]); DriverData &dd = eventData.getDriversData()[idx-1]; LapData ld = dd.getLapData(lapNo); // if (j == 0) // { // int idx = (dd.number > 13 ? dd.number-2 : dd.number-1) / 2; // QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->tableWidget->cellWidget(0, i+1)); // lab->setPixmap(smallCarImg[idx]);//eventData.carImages[idx].scaledToWidth(120, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); // } if (dd.getLapData().size() > index[i] && ld.getLapNumber() == lapNo && ld.getCarID() != -1) { laps[i] = ld.getTime(); item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, i+1); if (!item) { item = new QTableWidgetItem(ld.getTime()); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); ui->tableWidget->setItem(j+1, i+1, item); } else item->setText(ld.getTime()); if (ld.getTime().toString() == "IN PIT") item->setText(item->text() + " (" + dd.getPitTime(ld.getLapNumber()) + ")"); ++index[i]; } else { item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, i+1); if (item) item->setText(""); } } else { if (j == 0) { // QLabel *lab = qobject_cast<QLabel*>(ui->tableWidget->cellWidget(0, i+1)); // if (lab) // lab->clear(); } item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, i+1); if (item) item->setText(""); } } int bestIdx = DriverData::lapDiff(laps); if (bestIdx != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (i != bestIdx && laps[i].toString() != "" && laps[i].toString() != "IN PIT" && laps[i].toString() != "RETIRED" && !laps[i].toString().contains("LAP")) { item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, i+1); if (item) { item->setText(item->text() + " (+"+QString::number(laps[i].toDouble(), 'f', 3)+")"); double msecs[3]; int ji = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { if (j != bestIdx) { if (laps[j].toString() != "") msecs[ji++] = laps[j].toMsecs(); else msecs[ji++] = 1000000; } } double maxGap = std::max(std::max(msecs[0], msecs[1]), msecs[2]); double minGap = std::min(std::min(msecs[0], msecs[1]), msecs[2]); LTPackets::Colors color = LTPackets::YELLOW; if (laps[i].toMsecs() == minGap) color = LTPackets::WHITE; else if (laps[i].toMsecs() == maxGap) color = LTPackets::RED; item->setTextColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getColor(color)); } } else if (laps[i].toString() == "IN PIT" || laps[i].toString() == "RETIRED" || laps[i].toString().contains("LAP")) { item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, i+1); item->setTextColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getColor(LTPackets::RED)); } } item = ui->tableWidget->item(j+1, bestIdx+1); if (item && laps[bestIdx].toString() != "IN PIT" && laps[bestIdx].toString() != "RETIRED" && !laps[bestIdx].toString().contains("LAP")) item->setTextColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getColor(LTPackets::GREEN)); } ui->tableWidget->setRowHeight(j+1, 20); } for (int i = ui->tableWidget->rowCount()-1; i >= j+1; --i) ui->tableWidget->removeRow(i); ui->tableWidget->setSelectionModel(selection); ui->tableWidget->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(scrollBarPosition); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Vals vals; /* the application */ QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setApplicationName(APP_NAME); app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icon")); Window window; /* translations */ QTranslator qtr; if (qtr.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QTR_PATH)) app.installTranslator(&qtr); QTranslator htr; if (htr.load("H4KvT_" + QLocale::system().name(), ":/")) app.installTranslator(&htr); /* display information */ QTextEdit *text = new QTextEdit; text->setReadOnly(true); text->setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit::NoWrap); text->setToolTip(Window::tr("Drop any file for hashing")); QObject::connect(&window, &Window::idle, text, &QWidget::setEnabled); /* compare hash */ QLineEdit *test = new QLineEdit; HexVal hexval; test->setValidator(&hexval); test->installEventFilter(&window); test->setToolTip(Window::tr("Compare hashes")); QObject::connect(test, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [&](const QString &newValue) { if ( != "") { std::string hashVal = newValue.toStdString(); std::transform(hashVal.begin(), hashVal.end(), hashVal.begin(), ::tolower); std::stringstream html; if (hashVal != "") html << "<style>.h" << hashVal << "{color:green}</style>"; html << "<div style='margin-bottom:2; font-size:27px'><i><b>" << << "</b></i></div>"; html << "<div style='margin-bottom:7; margin-left:23; font-size:13px'>" << vals.path << "</div>"; if (!ALL(vals,"")) { html << "<div style='font-size:13px'><table>"; if (vals.md5 != "") html << "<tr><td>md5: </td><td class='h" << vals.md5 << "'>" << vals.md5 << "</td</tr>"; if (vals.sha1 != "") html << "<tr><td>sha1: </td><td class='h" << vals.sha1 << "'>" << vals.sha1 << "</td</tr>"; if (vals.sha224 != "") html << "<tr><td>sha224: </td><td class='h" << vals.sha224 << "'>" << vals.sha224 << "</td</tr>"; if (vals.sha256 != "") html << "<tr><td>sha256: </td><td class='h" << vals.sha256 << "'>" << vals.sha256 << "</td</tr>"; if (vals.sha384 != "") html << "<tr><td>sha384: </td><td class='h" << vals.sha384 << "'>" << vals.sha384 << "</td</tr>"; if (vals.sha512 != "") html << "<tr><td>sha512: </td><td class='h" << vals.sha512 << "'>" << vals.sha512 << "</td</tr>"; html << "</table></div>"; } int horizontal = text->horizontalScrollBar()->value(); int vertical = text->verticalScrollBar()->value(); text->setHtml(QString::fromStdString(html.str())); text->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(horizontal); text->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(vertical); test->setStyleSheet(ANY(vals,hashVal) ? "color:green" : ""); }}); /* error messages */ QLabel *error = new QLabel; error->setStyleSheet("color:red"); /* test or error */ QStackedWidget *stack = new QStackedWidget; delete stack->layout(); stack->setLayout(new Stack); stack->addWidget(error); stack->addWidget(test); stack->setCurrentIndex(1); /* toggle test or error */ QPushButton *hash = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/icon"), ""); hash->setCheckable(true); hash->setChecked(true); hash->setToolTip(Window::tr("Compare hashes")); QObject::connect(hash, &QPushButton::toggled, stack, &QStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex); /* store method */ QSettings settings("H4KvT", "H4KvT"); /* more methods */ bool more; try { settings.setValue("MoreHashingMethods", more = moreOrLess()); } catch (...) { more = settings.value("MoreHashingMethods", false).toBool(); } /* hashing method */ QComboBox *meth = new QComboBox; meth->addItem("md5"); meth->addItem("sha1"); if (more) meth->addItem("sha224"); meth->addItem("sha256"); if (more) meth->addItem("sha384"); meth->addItem("sha512"); meth->setToolTip(Window::tr("Hashing method")); meth->setCurrentText(settings.value("HashingMethod", "md5").toString()); QObject::connect(&window, &Window::idle, meth, &QWidget::setEnabled); QObject::connect(meth, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [&](const QString &text) { settings.setValue("HashingMethod", text); }); /* toolbar */ QHBoxLayout *pane = new QHBoxLayout; pane->addWidget(hash, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); pane->addWidget(stack); pane->addWidget(meth, 0, Qt::AlignRight); /* main layout */ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(text); layout->addLayout(pane); /* the window */ window.centralWidget()->setLayout(layout);; /* future hashing */ QFutureWatcher<Vals> zu; QObject::connect(&zu, &QFutureWatcher<Vals>::finished, [&]() { Vals valsi = zu.future().result(); window.idle(true); if (valsi.path == "") { error->setText(QString::fromStdString(; hash->setChecked(false); } else { error->clear(); vals += valsi; test->textChanged(test->text()); } }); QObject::connect(meth, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [&](const QString &text) { if ( != "") { window.idle(false); zu.setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(&update, text, vals)); }}); QObject::connect(&window, &Window::fileDroped, [&](const QString &name, const QString &path) { window.idle(false); zu.setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(&update, meth->currentText(), Vals(name, path))); }); /* hashing info */ QGraphicsBlurEffect blur; blur.setBlurHints(QGraphicsBlurEffect::AnimationHint); QPropertyAnimation anim(&blur, "blurRadius"); anim.setDuration(2000); anim.setLoopCount(-1); anim.setKeyValueAt(0, 0); anim.setKeyValueAt(0.5, 3); anim.setKeyValueAt(1, 0); QLabel *hashing = new QLabel; hashing->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/icon")); hashing->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); hashing->setGraphicsEffect(&blur); hashing->hide(); (new QHBoxLayout(text))->addWidget(hashing, 0, Qt::AlignCenter); QObject::connect(&blur, &QGraphicsBlurEffect::blurRadiusChanged, hashing, static_cast<void(QWidget::*)()>(&QWidget::update)); QObject::connect(&window, &Window::idle, [&](bool idle) { if (idle) { hashing->hide(); anim.stop(); } else { hashing->show(); anim.start(); } }); /* about app */ QMenu about; QAction *action = about.addAction(QIcon(":/icon"), Window::tr("About %1").arg(APP_NAME)); action->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutRole); QObject::connect(action, &QAction::triggered, &window, &Window::about); error->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu); hash->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu); meth->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu); window.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(&window, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, [&about, &window](const QPoint &pos) { about.popup(window.mapToGlobal(pos)); }); text->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(text, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, [action, text](const QPoint &pos) { if (QMenu *m = text->createStandardContextMenu()) { m->insertAction(m->insertSeparator(m->actions()[0]), action); m->popup(text->mapToGlobal(pos)); } }); test->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(test, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, [action, test](const QPoint &pos) { if (QMenu *m = test->createStandardContextMenu()) { m->insertAction(m->insertSeparator(m->actions()[0]), action); m->popup(test->mapToGlobal(pos)); } }); return app.exec(); }