static int slot_QPolygonF___contains__(PyObject *sipSelf,PyObject *sipArg) { QPolygonF *sipCpp = reinterpret_cast<QPolygonF *>(sipGetCppPtr((sipSimpleWrapper *)sipSelf,sipType_QPolygonF)); if (!sipCpp) return -1; PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL; { const QPointF* a0; int a0State = 0; if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArg, "1J1", sipType_QPointF, &a0, &a0State)) { int sipRes = 0; #line 515 "C:\\Users\\marcus\\Downloads\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\sip/QtGui/qpolygon.sip" // It looks like you can't assign QBool to int. sipRes = bool(sipCpp->contains(*a0)); #line 1023 "C:\\Users\\marcus\\Downloads\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\PyQt-gpl-5.4\\QtGui/sipQtGuiQPolygonF.cpp" sipReleaseType(const_cast<QPointF *>(a0),sipType_QPointF,a0State); return sipRes; } } /* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */ sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QPolygonF, sipName___contains__, NULL); return -1; }
QPainterPath QFontEngineS60Extensions::glyphOutline(glyph_t glyph) const { QPainterPath result; QPolygonF polygon; TInt glyphIndex = glyph; TInt pointNumber = 0; TInt x, y; while (m_shapingExtension->GlyphPointInFontUnits(glyphIndex, pointNumber++, x, y)) { const QPointF point(qreal(x) / 0xffff, qreal(y) / 0xffff); if (polygon.contains(point)) { result.addPolygon(polygon); result.closeSubpath(); polygon.clear(); } else { polygon.append(point); } } return result; }