//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tst_QTcpServer::clientServerLoop() { QTcpServer server; QSignalSpy spy(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection())); QVERIFY(!server.isListening()); QVERIFY(!server.hasPendingConnections()); QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 11423)); QVERIFY(server.isListening()); QTcpSocket client; QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; if (!(server.serverAddress() == QHostAddress::Any)) serverAddress = server.serverAddress(); client.connectToHost(serverAddress, server.serverPort()); QVERIFY(client.waitForConnected(5000)); QVERIFY(server.waitForNewConnection(5000)); QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections()); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); QTcpSocket *serverSocket = server.nextPendingConnection(); QVERIFY(serverSocket != 0); QVERIFY(serverSocket->write("Greetings, client!\n", 19) == 19); serverSocket->flush(); QVERIFY(client.waitForReadyRead(5000)); QByteArray arr = client.readAll(); QCOMPARE(arr.constData(), "Greetings, client!\n"); QVERIFY(client.write("Well, hello to you!\n", 20) == 20); client.flush(); QVERIFY(serverSocket->waitForReadyRead(5000)); arr = serverSocket->readAll(); QCOMPARE(arr.constData(), "Well, hello to you!\n"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tst_QTcpServer::ipv4LoopbackPerformanceTest() { QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy); if (setProxy) return; QTcpServer server; QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost)); QVERIFY(server.isListening()); QTcpSocket clientA; clientA.connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, server.serverPort()); QVERIFY(clientA.waitForConnected(5000)); QVERIFY(clientA.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState); QVERIFY(server.waitForNewConnection()); QTcpSocket *clientB = server.nextPendingConnection(); QVERIFY(clientB); QByteArray buffer(16384, '@'); QTime stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); qlonglong totalWritten = 0; while (stopWatch.elapsed() < 5000) { QVERIFY(clientA.write(buffer.data(), buffer.size()) > 0); clientA.flush(); totalWritten += buffer.size(); while (clientB->waitForReadyRead(100)) { if (clientB->bytesAvailable() == 16384) break; } clientB->read(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); clientB->write(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); clientB->flush(); totalWritten += buffer.size(); while (clientA.waitForReadyRead(100)) { if (clientA.bytesAvailable() == 16384) break; } clientA.read(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); } qDebug("\t\t%s: %.1fMB/%.1fs: %.1fMB/s", server.serverAddress().toString().toLatin1().constData(), totalWritten / (1024.0 * 1024.0), stopWatch.elapsed() / 1000.0, (totalWritten / (stopWatch.elapsed() / 1000.0)) / (1024 * 1024)); delete clientB; }
bool CHttpServer::Listen(int Port) { QTcpServer* pListener = new QTcpServer(this); pListener->listen(QHostAddress::Any, Port); if (!pListener->isListening()) { delete pListener; return false; } connect(pListener, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(OnConnection())); m_Listners.insert(Port, pListener); return true; }
void tst_QTcpServer::constructing() { QTcpServer socket; // Check the initial state of the QTcpSocket. QCOMPARE(socket.isListening(), false); QCOMPARE((int)socket.serverPort(), 0); QCOMPARE(socket.serverAddress(), QHostAddress()); QCOMPARE(socket.maxPendingConnections(), 30); QCOMPARE(socket.hasPendingConnections(), false); QCOMPARE(socket.socketDescriptor(), -1); QCOMPARE(socket.serverError(), QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError); // Check the state of the socket layer? }
QTcpServer* DccCommon::createServerSocketAndListen( QObject* parent, QString* failedReason, int minPort, int maxPort ) { QTcpServer* socket = new QTcpServer( parent ); if ( minPort > 0 && maxPort >= minPort ) // ports are configured manually { // set port bool found = false; // whether succeeded to set port for ( int port = minPort; port <= maxPort ; ++port ) { bool success = socket->listen( QHostAddress::Any, port ); if ( ( found = ( success && socket->isListening() ) ) ) break; socket->close(); } if ( !found ) { if ( failedReason ) *failedReason = i18n( "No vacant port" ); delete socket; return 0; } } else { // Let the operating system choose a port if ( !socket->listen() ) { if ( failedReason ) *failedReason = i18n( "Could not open a socket" ); delete socket; return 0; } } return socket; }
//Thread run void ViewerHandler::run() { WDEF; pSocket = 0; int i; //Request and voiceClient creation and initialization (using ViewerHandler::requestQueue) //TalkingThread tt(this->request); this->tt = new TalkingThread(*this); this->connection = new Connection(*this, *(this->tt)); this->request = new Request(*this, requestQueue, *connection); //VoiceClient deals with messages originated in the client VoiceClient voiceClient(requestQueue); voiceClient.start(); WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: whisper started"); //Server listening to localhost:44125 QTcpServer server; server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, (quint16)44125); WDEBUG3("ViewerHandler: waiting for connection to %s:%d", "", 44125); //Timeout if(!server.waitForNewConnection(10000)) WTHROW1("no connection found"); // Getting ViewerHandler::pSocket pSocket = server.nextPendingConnection(); if (!pSocket) WTHROW1("ViewerHandler: invalid socket - terminating"); WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: entering main loop"); initialized(); // Main request processing loop for(;;) { if (pSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0 || pSocket->waitForReadyRead(10000)) { WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: reading data from buffer"); //Reads the whole buffer QString qsData = pSocket->readAll(); // TODO: it might be that this is not the only request in the string // -> the request should be handled properly if(qsData.contains("Connector.InitiateShutdown.1")) { WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: Connector.InitiateShutdown.1 received - doing nothing"); //break; } //Splits the buffer in several requests QStringList& rlRequests = qsData.split("\n\n\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); //Counts number of requests int count = rlRequests.size(); WDEBUG2("ViewerHandler: %d request(s) received", count); //For each request for (i=0; i<count; i++) { WDEBUG3("ViewerHandler: Sending request %d to be handled: \n%s\n", i, rlRequests[i].toAscii().data()); //handles it if(this->request->handle(rlRequests[i])) { WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: error while handling request - next request"); continue; } } //If there're no requests received } else { //Checks if socket is still valid and disconnect if not WDEBUG2("Socket state: %d", (int) pSocket->state()); if(pSocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) { WDEBUG1("Socket is no more connected - closing program"); WWRITE1 ("Socket no more connected - shutting down"); break; } } } WEND: WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: sending quit to the main application"); qApp->quit(); while (!is_shutdown()) { //wait to receive shutdown from main thread WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: waiting to receive shutdown"); QThread::msleep(1000); //vhSleep(1000); } WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: shutdown received"); WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: stopping VoiceClient..."); voiceClient.end(); voiceClient.wait(); WDEBUG1("Viewer Handler: VoiceClient has terminated"); //WDEBUG1("Stopping talkingThread..."); //if(this->tt->isRunning())this->tt->quit(); WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: stopping TalkingThread..."); //voiceClient.end(); if(tt != 0) { tt->end(); tt->wait(); delete tt; tt=0; WDEBUG1("Viewer Handler: TalkingThread has terminated"); } WDEBUG1("ViewerHandler: finishing..."); if (pSocket){ pSocket->close(); WDEBUG2("ViewerHandler: pSocket status: %s", pSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState ? "Unconnected" : "Still Up"); pSocket = 0; } server.close(); WDEBUG2("ViewerHandler: server status: %s", server.isListening() ? "Listening" : "Shutdown"); return; }