void MSRouteHandler::openVehicleTypeDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; myCurrentVTypeDistributionID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (ok) { myCurrentVTypeDistribution = new RandomDistributor<MSVehicleType*>(); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES) || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES__DEPRECATED)) { std::string vTypes; if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVTypes && attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES__DEPRECATED)) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVTypes = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated, please use '" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES) + "' instead."); vTypes = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES__DEPRECATED, myCurrentVTypeDistributionID.c_str(), ok); } else { vTypes = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES, myCurrentVTypeDistributionID.c_str(), ok); } StringTokenizer st(vTypes); while (st.hasNext()) { std::string vtypeID = st.next(); MSVehicleType* type = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().getVType(vtypeID); if (type == 0) { throw ProcessError("Unknown vtype '" + vtypeID + "' in distribution '" + myCurrentVTypeDistributionID + "'."); } myCurrentVTypeDistribution->add(type->getDefaultProbability(), type); } } } }
bool NIXMLEdgesHandler::setNodes(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) throw() { // the names and the coordinates of the beginning and the end node // may be found, try bool ok = true; std::string begNodeID = myIsUpdate ? myCurrentEdge->getFromNode()->getID() : ""; std::string endNodeID = myIsUpdate ? myCurrentEdge->getToNode()->getID() : ""; begNodeID = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROMNODE) ? attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROMNODE, "edge", 0, ok) : begNodeID; endNodeID = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TONODE) ? attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TONODE, "edge", 0, ok) : endNodeID; if (!ok) { return false; } // or their positions !!! deprecated SUMOReal begNodeXPos = tryGetPosition(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_XFROM, "XFrom"); SUMOReal begNodeYPos = tryGetPosition(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_YFROM, "YFrom"); SUMOReal endNodeXPos = tryGetPosition(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_XTO, "XTo"); SUMOReal endNodeYPos = tryGetPosition(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_YTO, "YTo"); if (begNodeXPos!=SUMOXML_INVALID_POSITION&&begNodeYPos!=SUMOXML_INVALID_POSITION) { Position2D pos(begNodeXPos, begNodeYPos); GeoConvHelper::x2cartesian(pos); begNodeXPos = pos.x(); begNodeYPos = pos.y(); } if (endNodeXPos!=SUMOXML_INVALID_POSITION&&endNodeYPos!=SUMOXML_INVALID_POSITION) { Position2D pos(endNodeXPos, endNodeYPos); GeoConvHelper::x2cartesian(pos); endNodeXPos = pos.x(); endNodeYPos = pos.y(); } // check the obtained values for nodes myFromNode = insertNodeChecking(Position2D(begNodeXPos, begNodeYPos), begNodeID, "from"); myToNode = insertNodeChecking(Position2D(endNodeXPos, endNodeYPos), endNodeID, "to"); return myFromNode!=0&&myToNode!=0; }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addConnection(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string fromID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, 0, ok); if (myEdges.count(fromID) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Unknown edge '" + fromID + "' given in connection."); return; } EdgeAttrs* from = myEdges[fromID]; Connection conn; conn.toEdgeID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, 0, ok); unsigned int fromLaneIdx = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, 0, ok); conn.toLaneIdx = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, 0, ok); conn.tlID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, 0, ok, ""); conn.mayDefinitelyPass = false; // (attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, 0, ok, "") == "M"); if (conn.tlID != "") { conn.tlLinkNo = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok); } if (from->lanes.size() <= (size_t) fromLaneIdx) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid lane index '" + toString(fromLaneIdx) + "' for connection from '" + fromID + "'."); return; } from->lanes[fromLaneIdx]->connections.push_back(conn); }
void MSRouteHandler::openRouteDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // check whether the id is really necessary bool ok = true; if (myVehicleParameter != 0) { // ok, a vehicle is wrapping the route, // we may use this vehicle's id as default myCurrentRouteDistributionID = "!" + myVehicleParameter->id; // !!! document this } else { myCurrentRouteDistributionID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } } myCurrentRouteDistribution = new RandomDistributor<const MSRoute*>(); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ROUTES)) { bool ok = true; StringTokenizer st(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ROUTES, myCurrentRouteDistributionID.c_str(), ok)); while (st.hasNext()) { std::string routeID = st.next(); const MSRoute* route = MSRoute::dictionary(routeID); if (route == 0) { throw ProcessError("Unknown route '" + routeID + "' in distribution '" + myCurrentRouteDistributionID + "'."); } myCurrentRouteDistribution->add(1., route, false); } } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addLane(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (!myCurrentEdge) { WRITE_ERROR("Found lane '" + id + "' not within edge element"); return; } myCurrentLane = new LaneAttrs; if (myCurrentEdge->func == toString(EDGEFUNC_INTERNAL)) { return; // skip internal lanes } if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_MAXSPEED__DEPRECATED)) { myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_MAXSPEED__DEPRECATED, id.c_str(), ok); if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedMaxSpeed) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedMaxSpeed = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_MAXSPEED__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated, please use '" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED) + "' instead."); } } else { myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, id.c_str(), ok); } myCurrentLane->allow = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentLane->disallow = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentLane->width = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH); myCurrentLane->offset = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET); myCurrentLane->shape = GeomConvHelper::parseShapeReporting( attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok), attrs.getObjectType(), id.c_str(), ok, false); // lane coordinates are derived (via lane spread) do not include them in convex boundary NILoader::transformCoordinates(myCurrentLane->shape, false, myLocation); }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addConnection(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string fromID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, 0, ok); if (myEdges.count(fromID) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Unknown edge '" + fromID + "' given in connection."); return; } EdgeAttrs* from = myEdges[fromID]; Connection conn; conn.toEdgeID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, 0, ok); unsigned int fromLaneIdx = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, 0, ok); conn.toLaneIdx = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, 0, ok); conn.tlID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, 0, ok, ""); conn.mayDefinitelyPass = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PASS, 0, ok, false); const size_t suffixSize = NBRampsComputer::ADDED_ON_RAMP_EDGE.size(); if (!conn.mayDefinitelyPass && conn.toEdgeID.size() > suffixSize && conn.toEdgeID.substr(conn.toEdgeID.size() - suffixSize) == NBRampsComputer::ADDED_ON_RAMP_EDGE) { WRITE_MESSAGE("Infering connection attribute pass=\"1\" from to-edge id '" + conn.toEdgeID + "'"); conn.mayDefinitelyPass = true; } if (conn.tlID != "") { conn.tlLinkNo = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok); } if (from->lanes.size() <= (size_t) fromLaneIdx) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid lane index '" + toString(fromLaneIdx) + "' for connection from '" + fromID + "'."); return; } from->lanes[fromLaneIdx]->connections.push_back(conn); }
void NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::NodesHandler::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { ++myHierarchyLevel; if (element == SUMO_TAG_NODE) { bool ok = true; if (myHierarchyLevel != 2) { WRITE_ERROR("Node element on wrong XML hierarchy level (id='" + toString(attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok)) + "', level='" + toString(myHierarchyLevel) + "')."); return; } int id = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); std::string action = attrs.hasAttribute("action") ? attrs.getStringSecure("action", "") : ""; if (action == "delete") { return; } if (!ok) { return; } myLastNodeID = -1; if (myToFill.find(id) == myToFill.end()) { myLastNodeID = id; // assume we are loading multiple files... // ... so we won't report duplicate nodes bool ok = true; double tlat, tlon; std::istringstream lon(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LON, toString(id).c_str(), ok)); if (!ok) { return; } lon >> tlon; if (lon.fail()) { WRITE_ERROR("Node's '" + toString(id) + "' lon information is not numeric."); return; } std::istringstream lat(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LAT, toString(id).c_str(), ok)); if (!ok) { return; } lat >> tlat; if (lat.fail()) { WRITE_ERROR("Node's '" + toString(id) + "' lat information is not numeric."); return; } NIOSMNode* toAdd = new NIOSMNode(); toAdd->id = id; toAdd->tlsControlled = false; toAdd->lat = tlat; toAdd->lon = tlon; myIsInValidNodeTag = true; std::set<NIOSMNode*, CompareNodes>::iterator similarNode = myUniqueNodes.find(toAdd); if (similarNode == myUniqueNodes.end()) { myUniqueNodes.insert(toAdd); } else { delete toAdd; toAdd = *similarNode; WRITE_MESSAGE("Found duplicate nodes. Substituting " + toString(id) + " with " + toString(toAdd->id)); } myToFill[id] = toAdd; }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addSuccEdge(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string edge_id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_EDGE, 0, ok); myCurrentEdge = 0; if (myEdges.count(edge_id) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Unknown edge '" + edge_id + "' given in succedge."); return; } myCurrentEdge = myEdges[edge_id]; std::string lane_id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LANE, 0, ok); myCurrentLane = getLaneAttrsFromID(myCurrentEdge, lane_id); }
void NIXMLTrafficLightsHandler::removeTlConnection(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string tlID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, 0, ok); // does the traffic light still exist? const std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>& programs = myTLLCont.getPrograms(tlID); if (programs.size() > 0) { // parse identifying attributes NBEdge* from = retrieveEdge(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_FROM, ok); NBEdge* to = retrieveEdge(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_TO, ok); if (!ok) { return; } int fromLane = retrieveLaneIndex(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_FROM_LANE, from, ok); int toLane = retrieveLaneIndex(attrs, SUMO_ATTR_TO_LANE, to, ok); if (!ok) { return; } int tlIndex = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok); NBConnection conn(from, fromLane, to, toLane, tlIndex); // remove the connection from all definitions std::map<std::string, NBTrafficLightDefinition*>::const_iterator it; for (it = programs.begin(); it != programs.end(); it++) { NBLoadedSUMOTLDef* tlDef = dynamic_cast<NBLoadedSUMOTLDef*>(it->second); if (tlDef) { tlDef->removeConnection(conn, false); } else { throw ProcessError("Corrupt traffic light definition '" + tlID + "' (program '" + it->first + "')"); } } } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addEdge(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } myCurrentEdge = new EdgeAttrs(); myCurrentEdge->builtEdge = 0; myCurrentEdge->id = id; // get the function myCurrentEdge->func = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FUNCTION, id.c_str(), ok, "normal"); if (myCurrentEdge->func == toString(EDGEFUNC_INTERNAL)) { return; // skip internal edges } // get the type myCurrentEdge->type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok, ""); // get the origin and the destination node myCurrentEdge->fromNode = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentEdge->toNode = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentEdge->priority = attrs.getOptIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, id.c_str(), ok, -1); myCurrentEdge->type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentEdge->shape = GeomConvHelper::parseShapeReporting( attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok, ""), attrs.getObjectType(), id.c_str(), ok, true); NILoader::transformCoordinates(myCurrentEdge->shape, true, myLocation); myCurrentEdge->length = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, id.c_str(), ok, NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH); myCurrentEdge->maxSpeed = 0; myCurrentEdge->streetName = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, id.c_str(), ok, ""); std::string lsfS = toString(LANESPREAD_RIGHT); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADFUNC__DEPRECATED)) { lsfS = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADFUNC__DEPRECATED, id.c_str(), ok); if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedSpreadType) { WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADFUNC__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated; please use '" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE) + "'."); myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedSpreadType = true; } } else { lsfS = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADTYPE, id.c_str(), ok, lsfS); } if (SUMOXMLDefinitions::LaneSpreadFunctions.hasString(lsfS)) { myCurrentEdge->lsf = SUMOXMLDefinitions::LaneSpreadFunctions.get(lsfS); } else { WRITE_ERROR("Unknown spreadType '" + lsfS + "' for edge '" + id + "'."); } }
void MSRouteHandler::openRoute(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // check whether the id is really necessary std::string rid; if (myCurrentRouteDistribution != 0) { myActiveRouteID = myCurrentRouteDistributionID + "#" + toString(myCurrentRouteDistribution->getProbs().size()); // !!! document this rid = "distribution '" + myCurrentRouteDistributionID + "'"; } else if (myVehicleParameter != 0) { // ok, a vehicle is wrapping the route, // we may use this vehicle's id as default myActiveRouteID = "!" + myVehicleParameter->id; // !!! document this if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ID)) { WRITE_WARNING("Ids of internal routes are ignored (vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "')."); } } else { bool ok = true; myActiveRouteID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok, false); if (!ok) { return; } rid = "'" + myActiveRouteID + "'"; } if (myVehicleParameter != 0) { // have to do this here for nested route distributions rid = "for vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'"; } bool ok = true; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES)) { MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, rid); } myActiveRouteRefID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_REFID, myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok, ""); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_REFID__DEPRECATED)) { myActiveRouteRefID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_REFID__DEPRECATED, myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok, ""); if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedRefID) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedRefID = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_REFID__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated, please use '" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_REFID) + "' instead."); } } if (myActiveRouteRefID != "" && MSRoute::dictionary(myActiveRouteRefID) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid reference to route '" + myActiveRouteRefID + "' in route " + rid + "."); } myActiveRouteProbability = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PROB, myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok, DEFAULT_VEH_PROB); myActiveRouteColor = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR) ? RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR), attrs.getObjectType(), myActiveRouteID.c_str(), true, ok) : RGBColor::getDefaultColor(); }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addJunction(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (id[0] == ':') { // internal node return; } SumoXMLNodeType type = NODETYPE_UNKNOWN; std::string typeS = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok); if (SUMOXMLDefinitions::NodeTypes.hasString(typeS)) { type = SUMOXMLDefinitions::NodeTypes.get(typeS); if (type == NODETYPE_DEAD_END_DEPRECATED) { // patch legacy type type = NODETYPE_DEAD_END; } } else { WRITE_WARNING("Unknown node type '" + typeS + "' for junction '" + id + "'."); } Position pos = readPosition(attrs, id, ok); NILoader::transformCoordinates(pos, true, myLocation); // the network may have been built with the option "plain.keep-edge-shape" this // makes accurate reconstruction of legacy networks impossible. We ought to warn about this std::string shapeS = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok, false); if (shapeS != "") { PositionVector shape = GeomConvHelper::parseShapeReporting( shapeS, attrs.getObjectType(), id.c_str(), ok, false); shape.push_back_noDoublePos(shape[0]); // need closed shape if (!shape.around(pos) && shape.distance(pos) > 1) { // MAGIC_THRESHOLD // WRITE_WARNING("Junction '" + id + "': distance between pos and shape is " + toString(shape.distance(pos))); mySuspectKeepShape = true; } } NBNode* node = new NBNode(id, pos, type); if (!myNodeCont.insert(node)) { WRITE_ERROR("Problems on adding junction '" + id + "'."); delete node; return; } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addLane(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) { myCurrentLane = new LaneAttrs; bool ok = true; myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_MAXSPEED, "lane", 0, ok, -1); myCurrentLane->depart = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DEPART, 0, 0, ok, false); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE)) { // @deprecated At some time, SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE will be mandatory myCurrentLane->shape = GeomConvHelper::parseShapeReporting(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, "lane", 0, ok), "lane", 0, ok, false); } }
void MSRouteHandler::openRoute(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) { // check whether the id is really necessary if (myVehicleParameter!=0) { // ok, a vehicle is wrapping the route, // we may use this vehicle's id as default myActiveRouteID = "!" + myVehicleParameter->id; // !!! document this } else { bool ok = true; myActiveRouteID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "route", 0, ok, false); if (!ok) { return; } } bool ok = true; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES)) { MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, "route", myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, myActiveRouteID); } myActiveRouteProbability = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PROB, "route", myActiveRouteID.c_str(), ok, DEFAULT_VEH_PROB); myActiveRouteColor = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR) ? RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getString(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR), "route", myActiveRouteID.c_str(), true, ok) : RGBColor::getDefaultColor(); }
bool NIXMLEdgesHandler::setNodes(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // the names and the coordinates of the beginning and the end node // may be found, try bool ok = true; std::string begNodeID = myIsUpdate ? myCurrentEdge->getFromNode()->getID() : ""; std::string endNodeID = myIsUpdate ? myCurrentEdge->getToNode()->getID() : ""; std::string oldBegID = begNodeID; std::string oldEndID = endNodeID; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM)) { begNodeID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, 0, ok); } else if (!myIsUpdate) { WRITE_ERROR("The from-node is not given for edge '" + myCurrentID + "'."); ok = false; } if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TO)) { endNodeID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, 0, ok); } else if (!myIsUpdate) { WRITE_ERROR("The to-node is not given for edge '" + myCurrentID + "'."); ok = false; } if (!ok) { return false; } myFromNode = myNodeCont.retrieve(begNodeID); myToNode = myNodeCont.retrieve(endNodeID); if (myFromNode == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Edge's '" + myCurrentID + "' from-node '" + begNodeID + "' is not known."); } if (myToNode == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Edge's '" + myCurrentID + "' to-node '" + endNodeID + "' is not known."); } if (myFromNode != 0 && myToNode != 0) { if (myIsUpdate && (myFromNode->getID() != oldBegID || myToNode->getID() != oldEndID)) { myShape = PositionVector(); } } return myFromNode != 0 && myToNode != 0; }
void NIXMLEdgesHandler::deleteEdge(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; myCurrentID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } NBEdge* edge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(myCurrentID); if (edge == 0) { WRITE_WARNING("Ignoring tag '" + toString(SUMO_TAG_DELETE) + "' for unknown edge '" + myCurrentID + "'"); return; } myEdgeCont.extract(myDistrictCont, edge, true); }
void MSRouteHandler::openVehicleTypeDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) { if (attrs.setIDFromAttributes("vtypeDistribution", myCurrentVTypeDistributionID)) { myCurrentVTypeDistribution = new RandomDistributor<MSVehicleType*>(); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES)) { bool ok = true; StringTokenizer st(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_VTYPES, "vtypeDistribution", myCurrentVTypeDistributionID.c_str(), ok)); while (st.hasNext()) { std::string vtypeID = st.next(); MSVehicleType *type = MSNet::getInstance()->getVehicleControl().getVType(vtypeID); if (type==0) { throw ProcessError("Unknown vtype '" + vtypeID + "' in distribution '" + myCurrentVTypeDistributionID + "'."); } myCurrentVTypeDistribution->add(type->getDefaultProbability(), type); } } } }
void MSRouteHandler::openRouteDistribution(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) { if (attrs.setIDFromAttributes("routeDistribution", myCurrentRouteDistributionID)) { myCurrentRouteDistribution = new RandomDistributor<const MSRoute*>(); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ROUTES)) { bool ok = true; StringTokenizer st(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ROUTES, "routeDistribution", myCurrentRouteDistributionID.c_str(), ok)); while (st.hasNext()) { std::string routeID = st.next(); const MSRoute *route = MSRoute::dictionary(routeID); if (route==0) { throw ProcessError("Unknown route '" + routeID + "' in distribution '" + myCurrentRouteDistributionID + "'."); } myCurrentRouteDistribution->add(1., route, false); } } } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addJunction(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (id[0] == ':') { // internal node return; } SumoXMLNodeType type = attrs.getNodeType(ok); if (ok) { if (type == NODETYPE_DEAD_END_DEPRECATED) { // patch legacy type type = NODETYPE_DEAD_END; } } else { WRITE_WARNING("Unknown node type for junction '" + id + "'."); } Position pos = readPosition(attrs, id, ok); NILoader::transformCoordinates(pos, true, myLocation); // the network may have non-default edge geometry. // accurate reconstruction of legacy networks is not possible. We ought to warn about this if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE)) { PositionVector shape = attrs.getShapeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok, true); if (shape.size() > 0) { shape.push_back_noDoublePos(shape[0]); // need closed shape if (!shape.around(pos) && shape.distance(pos) > 1) { // MAGIC_THRESHOLD // WRITE_WARNING("Junction '" + id + "': distance between pos and shape is " + toString(shape.distance(pos))); mySuspectKeepShape = true; } } } NBNode* node = new NBNode(id, pos, type); if (!myNodeCont.insert(node)) { WRITE_ERROR("Problems on adding junction '" + id + "'."); delete node; return; } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addPhase(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs, NBLoadedSUMOTLDef* currentTL) { if (!currentTL) { WRITE_ERROR("found phase without tl-logic"); return; } const std::string& id = currentTL->getID(); bool ok = true; std::string state = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, id.c_str(), ok); SUMOTime duration = TIME2STEPS(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, id.c_str(), ok)); if (duration < 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Phase duration for tl-logic '" + id + "/" + currentTL->getProgramID() + "' must be positive."); return; } // if the traffic light is an actuated traffic light, try to get // the minimum and maximum durations //SUMOTime minDuration = attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_MINDURATION, id.c_str(), ok, -1); //SUMOTime maxDuration = attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_MAXDURATION, id.c_str(), ok, -1); if (ok) { currentTL->addPhase(duration, state); } }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addSuccLane(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { if (myCurrentLane == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Found succlane outside succ element"); return; } bool ok = true; Connection conn; std::string laneID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LANE, 0, ok); if (laneID == "SUMO_NO_DESTINATION") { // legacy check // deprecated return; } interpretLaneID(laneID, conn.toEdgeID, conn.toLaneIdx); conn.tlID = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLID, 0, ok, ""); conn.mayDefinitelyPass = false; // (attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_STATE, 0, ok, "") == "M"); if (conn.tlID != "") { conn.tlLinkNo = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX) ? attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, 0, ok) : attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKNO__DEPRECATED, 0, ok); } myCurrentLane->connections.push_back(conn); }
void NIImporter_SUMO::addLane(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (!myCurrentEdge) { WRITE_ERROR("Found lane '" + id + "' not within edge element"); return; } myCurrentLane = new LaneAttrs; if (myCurrentEdge->func == EDGEFUNC_INTERNAL) { return; // skip internal lanes } myCurrentLane->maxSpeed = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, id.c_str(), ok); myCurrentLane->allow = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentLane->disallow = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, id.c_str(), ok, ""); myCurrentLane->width = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_WIDTH); myCurrentLane->offset = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, id.c_str(), ok, (SUMOReal) NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET); myCurrentLane->shape = attrs.getShapeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, id.c_str(), ok, false); // lane coordinates are derived (via lane spread) do not include them in convex boundary NILoader::transformCoordinates(myCurrentLane->shape, false, myLocation); }
void MSRouteHandler::myStartElement (int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { if(oc.getLoadVerbosity()>1) std::cout << "----> MSRouteHandler::myStartElement" << std::endl; switch (element) { case SUMO_TAG_VEHICLE: delete myVehicleParameter; myVehicleParameter = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::parseVehicleAttributes(attrs); if(oc.getLoadVerbosity()>1) std::cout << "[110] MSRouteHandler::myStartElement\n myVehiclePar" "ameter->vtypeid=" << myVehicleParameter->vtypeid << "\n myVehicleParameter->id=" << myVehicleParameter ->id << std::endl; /*TASK * This could be the first place where we can process the * electric or nonelectric characteristics of the vehicles */ if((myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 4)=="elec") ||//DEPRECATED(MANTAIN) (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHelec")||//DEPRECATED(MANTAIN) (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHElec")|| (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 9)=="SHItaElec")|| (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 9)=="SHGerElec")|| (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 3)=="fev")) { //TASK (uprego) This should be safe, but I'm not completely sure myVehicleParameter->vtypeid = DEFAULT_ELECVTYPE_ID; // Electric cars turn green myVehicleParameter->color = HIB_CAR_COLOR_GREEN; } else if((myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 4)=="norm")||//DEPRECATED(MANTAIN) (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHnorm")||//DEPRECATED(MANTAIN) (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHItaNorm")|| (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHGerNorm")|| (myVehicleParameter->id.substr(0, 6)=="SHNorm")) { // Normal cars remain yellow myVehicleParameter->color = HIB_CAR_COLOR_YELLOW_TRY; } else { /* BUSCARLO EN LOS VEHICLES TO TRACK LIST !!! IF ESTA // CREARLE EL VTYPEID ELSE // Default yellow myVehicleParameter->color = HIB_CAR_COLOR_YELLOW_TRY; */ myVehicleParameter->color=HIB_CAR_COLOR_YELLOW_TRY; // TASK TODO FIXME ALERT DANGER DELETEME } break; case SUMO_TAG_PERSON: delete myVehicleParameter; myVehicleParameter = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::parseVehicleAttributes(attrs); myActivePlan = new MSPerson::MSPersonPlan(); break; case SUMO_TAG_RIDE: { const std::string pid = myVehicleParameter->id; bool ok = true; MSEdge* from = 0; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM)) { const std::string fromID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, pid.c_str(), ok); from = MSEdge::dictionary(fromID); if (from == 0) { throw ProcessError("The from edge '" + fromID + "' within a ride of person '" + pid + "' is not known."); } if (!myActivePlan->empty() && &myActivePlan->back()->getDestination() != from) { throw ProcessError("Disconnected plan for person '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "' (" + fromID + "!=" + myActivePlan->back()->getDestination().getID() + ")."); } if (myActivePlan->empty()) { myActivePlan->push_back(new MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Waiting(*from, -1, myVehicleParameter->depart)); } } const std::string toID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, pid.c_str(), ok); MSEdge* to = MSEdge::dictionary(toID); if (to == 0) { throw ProcessError("The to edge '" + toID + "' within a ride of person '" + pid + "' is not known."); } const std::string desc = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LINES, pid.c_str(), ok); StringTokenizer st(desc); myActivePlan->push_back(new MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Driving(*to, st.getVector())); break; } case SUMO_TAG_WALK: { myActiveRoute.clear(); bool ok = true; MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_EDGES, myVehicleParameter->id.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, myActiveRouteID); if (myActiveRoute.empty()) { throw ProcessError("No edges to walk for person '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'."); } if (!myActivePlan->empty() && &myActivePlan->back()->getDestination() != myActiveRoute.front()) { throw ProcessError("Disconnected plan for person '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "' (" + myActiveRoute.front()->getID() + "!=" + myActivePlan->back()->getDestination().getID() + ")."); } if (myActivePlan->empty()) { myActivePlan->push_back(new MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Waiting(*myActiveRoute.front(), -1, myVehicleParameter->depart)); } const SUMOTime duration = attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, 0, ok, -1); const SUMOReal speed = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, 0, ok, -1); myActivePlan->push_back(new MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Walking(myActiveRoute, duration, speed)); myActiveRoute.clear(); break; } case SUMO_TAG_FLOW: delete myVehicleParameter; myVehicleParameter = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::parseFlowAttributes(attrs); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM) && attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TO)) { myActiveRouteID = "!" + myVehicleParameter->id; bool ok = true; MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, myVehicleParameter->id.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, "for vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'"); MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, myVehicleParameter->id.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, "for vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'"); closeRoute(); } break; case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE__DEPRECATED: if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVType) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVType = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_TAG_VTYPE__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated; please use '" + toString(SUMO_TAG_VTYPE) + "'."); } case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE: myCurrentVType = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::beginVTypeParsing(attrs); break; case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION__DEPRECATED: if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVTypeDistribution) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedVTypeDistribution = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated; please use '" + toString(SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION) + "'."); } case SUMO_TAG_VTYPE_DISTRIBUTION: openVehicleTypeDistribution(attrs); break; case SUMO_TAG_ROUTE: openRoute(attrs); break; case SUMO_TAG_ROUTE_DISTRIBUTION: openRouteDistribution(attrs); break; case SUMO_TAG_STOP: addStop(attrs); break; case SUMO_TAG_TRIP__DEPRECATED: case SUMO_TAG_TRIP: { bool ok = true; myVehicleParameter = SUMOVehicleParserHelper::parseVehicleAttributes(attrs); myVehicleParameter->setParameter |= VEHPARS_FORCE_REROUTE; myActiveRouteID = "!" + myVehicleParameter->id; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FROM) || !myVehicleParameter->wasSet(VEHPARS_TAZ_SET)) { MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, myVehicleParameter->id.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, "for vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'"); MSEdge::parseEdgesList(attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TO, myVehicleParameter->id.c_str(), ok), myActiveRoute, "for vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'"); } else { const MSEdge* fromTaz = MSEdge::dictionary(myVehicleParameter->fromTaz + "-source"); if (fromTaz == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Source district '" + myVehicleParameter->fromTaz + "' not known for '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'!"); } else if (fromTaz->getNoFollowing() == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Source district '" + myVehicleParameter->fromTaz + "' has no outgoing edges for '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'!"); } else { myActiveRoute.push_back(fromTaz->getFollower(0)); } } closeRoute(); closeVehicle(); } break; default: break; } // parse embedded vtype information if (myCurrentVType != 0 && element != SUMO_TAG_VTYPE && element != SUMO_TAG_VTYPE__DEPRECATED) { SUMOVehicleParserHelper::parseVTypeEmbedded(*myCurrentVType, element, attrs); return; } }
void NIImporter_OpenDrive::myStartElement(SumoXMLTag element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) throw(ProcessError) { bool ok = true; switch (element) { case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_HEADER: { int majorVersion = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_REVMAJOR, "opendrive header", 0, ok); int minorVersion = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_REVMINOR, "opendrive header", 0, ok); if (majorVersion!=1||minorVersion!=2) { MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->inform("Given openDrive file '" + getFileName() + "' uses version " + toString(majorVersion) + "." + toString(minorVersion) + ";\n Version 1.2 is supported."); } } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_ROAD: { std::string id = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ID) ? attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ID, "road", 0, ok) : attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "road", 0, ok); std::cout << "found edge '" << id << "'" << std::endl; std::string junction = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_JUNCTION, "road", id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal length = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_LENGTH, "road", id.c_str(), ok); myCurrentEdge = OpenDriveEdge(id, junction, length); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_PREDECESSOR: { if (myElementStack.size()>=2&&myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_ROAD) { std::string elementType = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ELEMENTTYPE, "predecessor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); std::string elementID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ELEMENTID, "predecessor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); std::string contactPoint = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CONTACTPOINT) ? attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CONTACTPOINT, "predecessor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) : "end"; addLink(OPENDRIVE_LT_PREDECESSOR, elementType, elementID, contactPoint); } if (myElementStack.size()>=2&&myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LANE||myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_LANE) { // !!! int no = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "predecessor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); OpenDriveLane &l = myCurrentEdge.laneSections[myCurrentEdge.laneSections.size()-1].lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back(); l.predecessor = no; } } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_SUCCESSOR: { if (myElementStack.size()>=2&&myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_ROAD) { std::string elementType = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ELEMENTTYPE, "successor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); std::string elementID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ELEMENTID, "successor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); std::string contactPoint = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CONTACTPOINT) ? attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CONTACTPOINT, "successor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) : "start"; addLink(OPENDRIVE_LT_SUCCESSOR, elementType, elementID, contactPoint); } if (myElementStack.size()>=2&&myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LANE||myElementStack[myElementStack.size()-2]==SUMO_TAG_LANE) { // !!! int no = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "predecessor", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); OpenDriveLane &l = myCurrentEdge.laneSections[myCurrentEdge.laneSections.size()-1].lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].back(); l.successor = no; } } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_GEOMETRY: { SUMOReal length = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_LENGTH, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal s = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_S, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal x = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_X, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal y = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_Y, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal hdg = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_HDG, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); myCurrentEdge.geometries.push_back(OpenDriveGeometry(length, s, x, y, hdg)); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LINE: { std::vector<SUMOReal> vals; addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_LINE, vals); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_SPIRAL: { std::vector<SUMOReal> vals; vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CURVSTART, "spiral", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CURVEND, "spiral", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_SPIRAL, vals); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_ARC: { std::vector<SUMOReal> vals; vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_CURVATURE, "arc", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_ARC, vals); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_POLY3: { std::vector<SUMOReal> vals; vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_A, "poly3", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_B, "poly3", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_C, "poly3", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); vals.push_back(attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_D, "poly3", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok)); addGeometryShape(OPENDRIVE_GT_POLY3, vals); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LANESECTION: { SUMOReal s = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_S, "geometry", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); myCurrentEdge.laneSections.push_back(OpenDriveLaneSection(s)); } break; case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LEFT: case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_CENTER: case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_RIGHT: myCurrentLaneDirection = element; break; case SUMO_TAG_LANE: // !!! case SUMO_TAG_OPENDRIVE_LANE: { std::string type = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_TYPE, "lane", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); int id = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ID) ? attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_ID, "lane", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) : attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "lane", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok); int level = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_LEVEL) ? attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_OPENDRIVE_LEVEL, "lane", myCurrentEdge.id.c_str(), ok) : 0; OpenDriveLaneSection &ls = myCurrentEdge.laneSections[myCurrentEdge.laneSections.size()-1]; ls.lanesByDir[myCurrentLaneDirection].push_back(OpenDriveLane(id, level, type)); } default: break; } myElementStack.push_back(element); }
void NIXMLEdgesHandler::myStartElement(SumoXMLTag element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) throw(ProcessError) { if (element==SUMO_TAG_EDGE) { myIsUpdate = false; bool ok = true; // initialise the edge myCurrentEdge = 0; mySplits.clear(); // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... if (!attrs.setIDFromAttributes("edge", myCurrentID)) { return; } myCurrentEdge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(myCurrentID); // check deprecated (unused) attributes if (!myHaveReportedAboutFunctionDeprecation&&attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FUNCTION)) { MsgHandler::getWarningInstance()->inform("While parsing edge '" + myCurrentID + "': 'function' is deprecated.\n All occurences are ignored."); myHaveReportedAboutFunctionDeprecation = true; } // use default values, first myCurrentSpeed = myTypeCont.getDefaultSpeed(); myCurrentPriority = myTypeCont.getDefaultPriority(); myCurrentLaneNo = myTypeCont.getDefaultNoLanes(); // use values from the edge to overwrite if existing, then if (myCurrentEdge!=0) { myIsUpdate = true; if (!myHaveReportedAboutOverwriting) { MsgHandler::getMessageInstance()->inform("Duplicate edge id occured ('" + myCurrentID + "'); assuming overwriting is wished."); myHaveReportedAboutOverwriting = true; } myCurrentSpeed = myCurrentEdge->getSpeed(); myCurrentPriority = myCurrentEdge->getPriority(); myCurrentLaneNo = myCurrentEdge->getNoLanes(); myCurrentType = myCurrentEdge->getTypeID(); } // check whether a type's values shall be used myCurrentType = ""; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE)) { myCurrentType = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (!myTypeCont.knows(myCurrentType)) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Type '" + myCurrentType + "' used by edge '" + myCurrentID + "' was not defined."); return; } myCurrentSpeed = myTypeCont.getSpeed(myCurrentType); myCurrentPriority = myTypeCont.getPriority(myCurrentType); myCurrentLaneNo = myTypeCont.getNoLanes(myCurrentType); } // speed, priority and the number of lanes have now default values; // try to read the real values from the file if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED)) { myCurrentSpeed = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } if (myOptions.getBool("speed-in-kmh")) { myCurrentSpeed = myCurrentSpeed / (SUMOReal) 3.6; } // try to get the number of lanes if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_NOLANES)) { myCurrentLaneNo = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_NOLANES, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the priority if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY)) { myCurrentPriority = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the shape myShape = tryGetShape(attrs); // and how to spread the lanes if (attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPREADFUNC, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, "")=="center") { myLanesSpread = NBEdge::LANESPREAD_CENTER; } else { myLanesSpread = NBEdge::LANESPREAD_RIGHT; } // try to set the nodes if (!setNodes(attrs)) { // return if this failed return; } // get the length or compute it if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH)) { myLength = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, "edge", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } else { myLength = 0; } /// insert the parsed edge into the edges map if (!ok) { return; } // check whether a previously defined edge shall be overwritten if (myCurrentEdge!=0) { myCurrentEdge->reinit(myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myShape, myLanesSpread); } else { // the edge must be allocated in dependence to whether a shape is given if (myShape.size()==0) { myCurrentEdge = new NBEdge(myCurrentID, myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myLanesSpread); } else { myCurrentEdge = new NBEdge(myCurrentID, myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myShape, myLanesSpread, OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("xml.keep-shape")); } myCurrentEdge->setLoadedLength(myLength); } } if (element==SUMO_TAG_LANE) { if (myCurrentEdge==0) { if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("remove-edges", myCurrentID)) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Additional lane information could not been set - the edge with id '" + myCurrentID + "' is not known."); } return; } bool ok = true; int lane = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, "lane", 0, ok); std::vector<std::string> disallowed, allowed, preferred; SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, "lane", 0, ok, ""), disallowed); SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, "lane", 0, ok, ""), allowed); SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PREFER, "lane", 0, ok, ""), preferred); if (!ok) { return; } if (lane<0) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Missing lane-id in lane definition (edge '" + myCurrentID + "')."); return; } // check whether this lane exists if (lane>=(int) myCurrentEdge->getNoLanes()) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Lane-id is larger than number of lanes (edge '" + myCurrentID + "')."); return; } // set information about allowed / disallowed vehicle classes for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=disallowed.begin(); i!=disallowed.end(); ++i) { myCurrentEdge->disallowVehicleClass(lane, getVehicleClassID(*i)); } for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=allowed.begin(); i!=allowed.end(); ++i) { myCurrentEdge->allowVehicleClass(lane, getVehicleClassID(*i)); } for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=preferred.begin(); i!=preferred.end(); ++i) { myCurrentEdge->preferVehicleClass(lane, getVehicleClassID(*i)); } // set information about later beginning lanes if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FORCE_LENGTH)) { bool ok = true; int forcedLength = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FORCE_LENGTH, "lane", myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); // !!! edge id if (ok) { int nameid = forcedLength; forcedLength = (int)(myCurrentEdge->getGeometry().length() - forcedLength); std::vector<Split>::iterator i; i = find_if(mySplits.begin(), mySplits.end(), split_by_pos_finder((SUMOReal) forcedLength)); if (i==mySplits.end()) { Split e; e.pos = (SUMOReal) forcedLength; e.nameid = nameid; for (unsigned int j=0; j<myCurrentEdge->getNoLanes(); j++) { e.lanes.push_back(j); } mySplits.push_back(e); } i = find_if(mySplits.begin(), mySplits.end(), split_by_pos_finder((SUMOReal) forcedLength)); std::vector<int>::iterator k = find((*i).lanes.begin(), (*i).lanes.end(), lane); if (k!=(*i).lanes.end()) { (*i).lanes.erase(k); } } } } if (element==SUMO_TAG_SPLIT) { bool ok = true; Split e; e.pos = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, "split", 0, ok); std::vector<Split>::iterator i = find_if(mySplits.begin(), mySplits.end(), split_by_pos_finder(e.pos)); if (i!=mySplits.end()) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Edge '" + myCurrentID + "' has already a split at position " + toString(e.pos) + "."); return; } if (e.pos<0) { e.pos = myCurrentEdge->getGeometry().length() - e.pos; } e.nameid = (int)e.pos; if (ok) { if (myCurrentEdge==0) { if (!OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("remove-edges", myCurrentID)) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Additional lane information could not been set - the edge with id '" + myCurrentID + "' is not known."); } return; } if (e.pos<0) { e.pos = myCurrentEdge->getGeometry().length() + e.pos; } std::vector<std::string> lanes; SUMOSAXAttributes::parseStringVector(attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LANES, "split", 0, ok, ""), lanes); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i=lanes.begin(); i!=lanes.end(); ++i) { try { int lane = TplConvert<char>::_2int((*i).c_str()); e.lanes.push_back(lane); } catch (NumberFormatException &) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Error on parsing a split (edge '" + myCurrentID + "')."); } catch (EmptyData &) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Error on parsing a split (edge '" + myCurrentID + "')."); } } if (e.lanes.size()==0) { MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Missing lane information in split of edge '" + myCurrentID + "'."); } else { mySplits.push_back(e); } } } }
void NIXMLEdgesHandler::addEdge(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { myIsUpdate = false; bool ok = true; // initialise the edge myCurrentEdge = 0; mySplits.clear(); // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... myCurrentID = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); if (!ok) { return; } myCurrentEdge = myEdgeCont.retrieve(myCurrentID); // check deprecated (unused) attributes // use default values, first myCurrentSpeed = myTypeCont.getSpeed(""); myCurrentPriority = myTypeCont.getPriority(""); myCurrentLaneNo = myTypeCont.getNumLanes(""); myPermissions = myTypeCont.getPermissions(""); myCurrentWidth = myTypeCont.getWidth(""); myCurrentOffset = NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_OFFSET; myCurrentType = ""; myShape = PositionVector(); myLanesSpread = LANESPREAD_RIGHT; myLength = NBEdge::UNSPECIFIED_LOADED_LENGTH; myCurrentStreetName = ""; myReinitKeepEdgeShape = false; // check whether a type's values shall be used if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE)) { myCurrentType = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); if (!ok) { return; } if (!myTypeCont.knows(myCurrentType)) { WRITE_ERROR("Type '" + myCurrentType + "' used by edge '" + myCurrentID + "' was not defined."); return; } myCurrentSpeed = myTypeCont.getSpeed(myCurrentType); myCurrentPriority = myTypeCont.getPriority(myCurrentType); myCurrentLaneNo = myTypeCont.getNumLanes(myCurrentType); myPermissions = myTypeCont.getPermissions(myCurrentType); myCurrentWidth = myTypeCont.getWidth(myCurrentType); } // use values from the edge to overwrite if existing, then if (myCurrentEdge != 0) { myIsUpdate = true; if (!myHaveReportedAboutOverwriting) { WRITE_MESSAGE("Duplicate edge id occured ('" + myCurrentID + "'); assuming overwriting is wished."); myHaveReportedAboutOverwriting = true; } if (attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_REMOVE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, false)) { myEdgeCont.erase(myDistrictCont, myCurrentEdge); myCurrentEdge = 0; return; } myCurrentSpeed = myCurrentEdge->getSpeed(); myCurrentPriority = myCurrentEdge->getPriority(); myCurrentLaneNo = myCurrentEdge->getNumLanes(); myCurrentType = myCurrentEdge->getTypeID(); myPermissions = myCurrentEdge->getPermissions(); if (!myCurrentEdge->hasDefaultGeometry()) { myShape = myCurrentEdge->getGeometry(); myReinitKeepEdgeShape = true; } myCurrentWidth = myCurrentEdge->getWidth(); myCurrentOffset = myCurrentEdge->getOffset(); myLanesSpread = myCurrentEdge->getLaneSpreadFunction(); if (myCurrentEdge->hasLoadedLength()) { myLength = myCurrentEdge->getLoadedLength(); } myCurrentStreetName = myCurrentEdge->getStreetName(); } // speed, priority and the number of lanes have now default values; // try to read the real values from the file if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED)) { myCurrentSpeed = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SPEED, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } if (myOptions.getBool("speed-in-kmh")) { myCurrentSpeed = myCurrentSpeed / (SUMOReal) 3.6; } // try to get the number of lanes if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_NUMLANES)) { myCurrentLaneNo = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_NUMLANES, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the priority if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY)) { myCurrentPriority = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PRIORITY, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the width if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH)) { myCurrentWidth = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the width if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET)) { myCurrentOffset = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ENDOFFSET, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok); } // try to get the street name myCurrentStreetName = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, myCurrentStreetName); // try to get the allowed/disallowed classes if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW) || attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW)) { std::string allowS = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW) ? attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_ALLOW, "") : ""; std::string disallowS = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW) ? attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_DISALLOW, "") : ""; // XXX matter of interpretation: should updated permissions replace or extend previously set permissions? myPermissions = parseVehicleClasses(allowS, disallowS); } // try to set the nodes if (!setNodes(attrs)) { // return if this failed return; } // try to get the shape myShape = tryGetShape(attrs); // try to get the spread type myLanesSpread = tryGetLaneSpread(attrs); // try to get the length myLength = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LENGTH, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, myLength); // insert the parsed edge into the edges map if (!ok) { return; } // check whether a previously defined edge shall be overwritten if (myCurrentEdge != 0) { myCurrentEdge->reinit(myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myShape, myCurrentWidth, myCurrentOffset, myCurrentStreetName, myLanesSpread, myReinitKeepEdgeShape); } else { // the edge must be allocated in dependence to whether a shape is given if (myShape.size() == 0) { myCurrentEdge = new NBEdge(myCurrentID, myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myCurrentWidth, myCurrentOffset, myCurrentStreetName, myLanesSpread); } else { myCurrentEdge = new NBEdge(myCurrentID, myFromNode, myToNode, myCurrentType, myCurrentSpeed, myCurrentLaneNo, myCurrentPriority, myCurrentWidth, myCurrentOffset, myShape, myCurrentStreetName, myLanesSpread, myKeepEdgeShape); } } myCurrentEdge->setLoadedLength(myLength); myCurrentEdge->setPermissions(myPermissions); }
void PCLoaderXML::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { if (element != SUMO_TAG_POI && element != SUMO_TAG_POLY) { return; } if (element == SUMO_TAG_POI) { bool ok = true; // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); SUMOReal x = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_X, id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal y = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_Y, id.c_str(), ok); std::string type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok, myOptions.getString("type")); if (!ok) { return; } Position pos(x, y); if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) { WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + id + "'."); } // patch the values bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard"); SUMOReal layer = (SUMOReal)myOptions.getInt("layer"); RGBColor color; if (myTypeMap.has(type)) { const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type); id = def.prefix + id; type = def.id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color); discard = def.discard; layer = (SUMOReal)def.layer; } else { id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color")); } layer = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LAYER, id.c_str(), ok, layer); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR)) { color = attrs.getColorReporting(id.c_str(), ok); } SUMOReal angle = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ANGLE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_ANGLE); std::string imgFile = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_IMGFILE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_FILE); if (imgFile != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(imgFile)) { imgFile = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), imgFile); } SUMOReal imgWidth = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_WIDTH, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH); SUMOReal imgHeight = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_HEIGHT, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT); if (!ok) { return; } if (!discard) { bool ignorePrunning = false; if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) { ignorePrunning = true; } PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(id, type, color, pos, layer, angle, imgFile, imgWidth, imgHeight); if (!myCont.insert(id, poi, (int)layer, ignorePrunning)) { WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + id + "' could not be added."); delete poi; } } } if (element == SUMO_TAG_POLY) { bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard"); SUMOReal layer = (SUMOReal)myOptions.getInt("layer"); bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, ""); std::string type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, myOptions.getString("type")); if (!ok) { return; } RGBColor color; if (myTypeMap.has(type)) { const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type); id = def.prefix + id; type = def.id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color); discard = def.discard; layer = (SUMOReal)def.layer; } else { id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color")); } layer = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LAYER, id.c_str(), ok, layer); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR)) { color = attrs.getColorReporting(id.c_str(), ok); } SUMOReal angle = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ANGLE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_ANGLE); std::string imgFile = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_IMGFILE, id.c_str(), ok, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_FILE); if (imgFile != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(imgFile)) { imgFile = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), imgFile); } bool fill = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FILL, id.c_str(), ok, false); if (!ok) { return; } if (!discard) { bool ignorePrunning = false; if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) { ignorePrunning = true; } myCurrentID = id; myCurrentType = type; myCurrentColor = color; myCurrentIgnorePrunning = ignorePrunning; myCurrentLayer = layer; PositionVector pshape = attrs.getShapeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, false); if (!ok) { return; } PositionVector shape; for (PositionVector::ContType::const_iterator i = pshape.begin(); i != pshape.end(); ++i) { Position pos((*i)); if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) { WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for polygon '" + myCurrentID + "'."); } shape.push_back(pos); } Polygon* poly = new Polygon(myCurrentID, myCurrentType, myCurrentColor, shape, fill, layer, angle, imgFile); if (!myCont.insert(myCurrentID, poly, (int)myCurrentLayer, myCurrentIgnorePrunning)) { WRITE_ERROR("Polygon '" + myCurrentID + "' could not be added."); delete poly; } } } }
void MSRouteHandler::addStop(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { bool ok = true; std::string errorSuffix; if (myActiveRouteID != "") { errorSuffix = " in route '" + myActiveRouteID + "'."; } else if (myActivePlan) { errorSuffix = " in person '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'."; } else { errorSuffix = " in vehicle '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "'."; } SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop; // try to parse the assigned bus stop if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_BUS_STOP__DEPRECATED)) { stop.busstop = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_BUS_STOP__DEPRECATED, 0, ok); if (!myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedBusStop) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedBusStop = true; WRITE_WARNING("'bus_stop' is deprecated, please use 'busStop' instead."); } } else { stop.busstop = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_BUS_STOP, 0, ok, ""); } if (stop.busstop != "") { // ok, we have obviously a bus stop MSBusStop* bs = MSNet::getInstance()->getBusStop(stop.busstop); if (bs != 0) { const MSLane& l = bs->getLane(); stop.lane = l.getID(); stop.endPos = bs->getEndLanePosition(); stop.startPos = bs->getBeginLanePosition(); } else { WRITE_ERROR("The bus stop '" + stop.busstop + "' is not known" + errorSuffix); return; } } else { // no, the lane and the position should be given // get the lane stop.lane = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_LANE, 0, ok, ""); if (ok && stop.lane != "") { if (MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane) == 0) { WRITE_ERROR("The lane '" + stop.lane + "' for a stop is not known" + errorSuffix); return; } } else { WRITE_ERROR("A stop must be placed on a bus stop or a lane" + errorSuffix); return; } if (myActivePlan && !myActivePlan->empty() && &myActivePlan->back()->getDestination() != &MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane)->getEdge()) { throw ProcessError("Disconnected plan for person '" + myVehicleParameter->id + "' (" + MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane)->getEdge().getID() + "!=" + myActivePlan->back()->getDestination().getID() + ")."); } stop.endPos = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ENDPOS, 0, ok, MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane)->getLength()); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION)) { WRITE_WARNING("Deprecated attribute 'pos' in description of stop" + errorSuffix); stop.endPos = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_POSITION, 0, ok, stop.endPos); } stop.startPos = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_STARTPOS, 0, ok, stop.endPos - 2 * POSITION_EPS); if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS__DEPRECATED) && !myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedFriendlyPos) { myHaveWarnedAboutDeprecatedFriendlyPos = true; WRITE_WARNING("'" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS__DEPRECATED) + "' is deprecated, use '" + toString(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS) + "' instead."); } bool friendlyPos = attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS__DEPRECATED) ? attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS__DEPRECATED, 0, ok, false) : attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FRIENDLY_POS, 0, ok, false); if (!ok || !checkStopPos(stop.startPos, stop.endPos, MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane)->getLength(), POSITION_EPS, friendlyPos)) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid start or end position for stop" + errorSuffix); return; } } // get the standing duration if (!attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_DURATION) && !attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_UNTIL)) { stop.triggered = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TRIGGERED, 0, ok, true); stop.duration = -1; stop.until = -1; } else { stop.duration = attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_DURATION, 0, ok, -1); stop.until = attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_UNTIL, 0, ok, -1); if (!ok || (stop.duration < 0 && stop.until < 0)) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid duration or end time is given for a stop" + errorSuffix); return; } stop.triggered = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TRIGGERED, 0, ok, false); } stop.parking = attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_PARKING, 0, ok, stop.triggered); if (!ok) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid bool for 'triggered' or 'parking' for stop" + errorSuffix); return; } const std::string idx = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_INDEX, 0, ok, "end"); if (idx == "end") { stop.index = STOP_INDEX_END; } else if (idx == "fit") { stop.index = STOP_INDEX_FIT; } else { stop.index = attrs.getIntReporting(SUMO_ATTR_INDEX, 0, ok); if (!ok || stop.index < 0) { WRITE_ERROR("Invalid 'index' for stop" + errorSuffix); return; } } if (myActiveRouteID != "") { myActiveRouteStops.push_back(stop); } else if (myActivePlan) { myActivePlan->push_back(new MSPerson::MSPersonStage_Waiting(MSLane::dictionary(stop.lane)->getEdge(), stop.duration, stop.until)); } else { myVehicleParameter->stops.push_back(stop); } }
void GUISettingsHandler::myStartElement(SumoXMLTag element, const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs) throw(ProcessError) { bool ok = true; switch (element) { case SUMO_TAG_DELAY: myDelay = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_VALUE, "delay", 0, ok, myDelay); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWPORT: myZoom = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ZOOM, "viewport", 0, ok, myZoom); myXPos = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_X, "viewport", 0, ok, myXPos); myYPos = attrs.getOptSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_Y, "viewport", 0, ok, myYPos); break; case SUMO_TAG_SNAPSHOT: { bool ok = true; std::string file = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_FILE, "snapshot", 0, ok); if (file != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(file)) { file = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), file); } mySnapshots[attrs.getOptSUMOTimeReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TIME, "snapshot", file.c_str(), ok, 0)] = file; } break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_SCHEME: { bool ok = true; mySettings.name = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, 0, 0, ok, mySettings.name); if (gSchemeStorage.contains(mySettings.name)) { mySettings = gSchemeStorage.get(mySettings.name); } } break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_OPENGL: mySettings.antialiase = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("antialiase", toString(mySettings.antialiase)).c_str()); mySettings.dither = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("dither", toString(mySettings.dither)).c_str()); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_BACKGROUND: { bool ok = true; mySettings.backgroundColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("backgroundColor", toString(mySettings.backgroundColor)), "background", 0, true, ok); mySettings.showGrid = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showGrid", toString(mySettings.showGrid)).c_str()); mySettings.gridXSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("gridXSize", toString(mySettings.gridXSize)).c_str()); mySettings.gridYSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("gridYSize", toString(mySettings.gridYSize)).c_str()); } break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_EDGES: { bool ok = true; int laneEdgeMode = TplConvert<char>::_2int(attrs.getStringSecure("laneEdgeMode", "0").c_str()); mySettings.laneShowBorders = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("laneShowBorders", toString(mySettings.laneShowBorders)).c_str()); mySettings.showLinkDecals = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showLinkDecals", toString(mySettings.showLinkDecals)).c_str()); mySettings.showRails = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showRails", toString(mySettings.showRails)).c_str()); mySettings.drawEdgeName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawEdgeName", toString(mySettings.drawEdgeName)).c_str()); mySettings.edgeNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("edgeNameSize", toString(mySettings.edgeNameSize)).c_str()); mySettings.edgeNameColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("edgeNameColor", toString(mySettings.edgeNameColor)), "edges", 0, true, ok); mySettings.drawInternalEdgeName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawInternalEdgeName", toString(mySettings.drawInternalEdgeName)).c_str()); mySettings.internalEdgeNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("internalEdgeNameSize", toString(mySettings.internalEdgeNameSize)).c_str()); mySettings.internalEdgeNameColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("internalEdgeNameColor", toString(mySettings.internalEdgeNameColor)), "edges", 0, true, ok); mySettings.hideConnectors = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("hideConnectors", toString(mySettings.hideConnectors)).c_str()); myCurrentColorer = element; #ifdef HAVE_MESOSIM mySettings.edgeColorer.setActive(laneEdgeMode); #endif mySettings.laneColorer.setActive(laneEdgeMode); } break; case SUMO_TAG_COLORSCHEME: myCurrentScheme = 0; if (myCurrentColorer == SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_EDGES) { myCurrentScheme = mySettings.laneColorer.getSchemeByName(attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, "")); #ifdef HAVE_MESOSIM if (myCurrentScheme == 0) { myCurrentScheme = mySettings.edgeColorer.getSchemeByName(attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, "")); } #endif } if (myCurrentColorer == SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_VEHICLES) { myCurrentScheme = mySettings.vehicleColorer.getSchemeByName(attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, "")); } if (myCurrentScheme && !myCurrentScheme->isFixed()) { bool ok = true; myCurrentScheme->setInterpolated(attrs.getOptBoolReporting(SUMO_ATTR_INTERPOLATED, "colorScheme", 0, ok, false)); myCurrentScheme->clear(); } break; case SUMO_TAG_ENTRY: if (myCurrentScheme) { bool ok = true; std::string colorStr = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_COLOR, "entry", 0, ok); RGBColor color = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(colorStr, "edgeColoring", 0, true, ok); if (myCurrentScheme->isFixed()) { myCurrentScheme->setColor(attrs.getStringSecure(SUMO_ATTR_NAME, ""), color); } else { myCurrentScheme->addColor(color, attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_THRESHOLD, "entry", 0, ok)); } } break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_VEHICLES: mySettings.vehicleColorer.setActive(TplConvert<char>::_2int(attrs.getStringSecure("vehicleMode", "0").c_str())); mySettings.vehicleQuality = TplConvert<char>::_2int(attrs.getStringSecure("vehicleQuality", toString(mySettings.vehicleQuality)).c_str()); mySettings.minVehicleSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("minVehicleSize", toString(mySettings.minVehicleSize)).c_str()); mySettings.vehicleExaggeration = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("vehicleExaggeration", toString(mySettings.vehicleExaggeration)).c_str()); mySettings.showBlinker = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showBlinker", toString(mySettings.showBlinker)).c_str()); mySettings.drawVehicleName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawVehicleName", toString(mySettings.drawVehicleName)).c_str()); mySettings.vehicleNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("vehicleNameSize", toString(mySettings.vehicleNameSize)).c_str()); mySettings.vehicleNameColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("vehicleNameColor", toString(mySettings.vehicleNameColor)), "vehicles", 0, true, ok); myCurrentColorer = element; break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_JUNCTIONS: mySettings.junctionMode = TplConvert<char>::_2int(attrs.getStringSecure("junctionMode", toString(mySettings.junctionMode)).c_str()); mySettings.drawLinkTLIndex = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawLinkTLIndex", toString(mySettings.drawLinkTLIndex)).c_str()); mySettings.drawLinkJunctionIndex = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawLinkJunctionIndex", toString(mySettings.drawLinkJunctionIndex)).c_str()); mySettings.drawJunctionName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawJunctionName", toString(mySettings.drawJunctionName)).c_str()); mySettings.junctionNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("junctionNameSize", toString(mySettings.junctionNameSize)).c_str()); mySettings.junctionNameColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("junctionNameColor", toString(mySettings.junctionNameColor)), "junctions", 0, true, ok); mySettings.showLane2Lane = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showLane2Lane", toString(mySettings.showLane2Lane)).c_str()); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_ADDITIONALS: mySettings.addMode = TplConvert<char>::_2int(attrs.getStringSecure("addMode", toString(mySettings.addMode)).c_str()); mySettings.minAddSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("minAddSize", toString(mySettings.minAddSize)).c_str()); mySettings.addExaggeration = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("addExaggeration", toString(mySettings.addExaggeration)).c_str()); mySettings.drawAddName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawAddName", toString(mySettings.drawAddName)).c_str()); mySettings.addNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("addNameSize", toString(mySettings.addNameSize)).c_str()); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_POIS: mySettings.poiExaggeration = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("poiExaggeration", toString(mySettings.poiExaggeration)).c_str()); mySettings.minPOISize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("minPOISize", toString(mySettings.minPOISize)).c_str()); mySettings.drawPOIName = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("drawPOIName", toString(mySettings.drawPOIName)).c_str()); mySettings.poiNameSize = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("poiNameSize", toString(mySettings.poiNameSize)).c_str()); mySettings.poiNameColor = RGBColor::parseColorReporting(attrs.getStringSecure("poiNameColor", toString(mySettings.poiNameColor)), "pois", 0, true, ok); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_LEGEND: mySettings.showSizeLegend = TplConvert<char>::_2bool(attrs.getStringSecure("showSizeLegend", toString(mySettings.showSizeLegend)).c_str()); break; case SUMO_TAG_VIEWSETTINGS_DECAL: { GUISUMOAbstractView::Decal d; d.filename = attrs.getStringSecure("filename", d.filename); if (d.filename != "" && !FileHelpers::isAbsolute(d.filename)) { d.filename = FileHelpers::getConfigurationRelative(getFileName(), d.filename); } d.centerX = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("centerX", toString(d.centerX)).c_str()); d.centerY = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("centerY", toString(d.centerY)).c_str()); d.width = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("width", toString(d.width)).c_str()); d.height = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("height", toString(d.height)).c_str()); d.rot = TplConvert<char>::_2SUMOReal(attrs.getStringSecure("rotation", toString(d.rot)).c_str()); d.initialised = false; myDecals.push_back(d); } break; } }
void PCLoaderXML::myStartElement(int element, const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs) { if (element != SUMO_TAG_POI && element != SUMO_TAG_POLY) { return; } if (element == SUMO_TAG_POI) { bool ok = true; // get the id, report an error if not given or empty... std::string id = attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, 0, ok); SUMOReal x = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_X, id.c_str(), ok); SUMOReal y = attrs.getSUMORealReporting(SUMO_ATTR_Y, id.c_str(), ok); std::string type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, id.c_str(), ok, ""); if (!ok) { return; } Position pos(x, y); if (!GeoConvHelper::getProcessing().x2cartesian(pos)) { WRITE_WARNING("Unable to project coordinates for POI '" + id + "'."); } // patch the values bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard"); int layer = myOptions.getInt("layer"); RGBColor color; if (myTypeMap.has(type)) { const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type); id = def.prefix + id; type = def.id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color); discard = def.discard; layer = def.layer; } else { id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id; type = myOptions.getString("type"); color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color")); } if (!discard) { bool ignorePrunning = false; if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) { ignorePrunning = true; } PointOfInterest* poi = new PointOfInterest(id, type, pos, color); if (!myCont.insert(id, poi, layer, ignorePrunning)) { WRITE_ERROR("POI '" + id + "' could not been added."); delete poi; } } } if (element == SUMO_TAG_POLY) { bool discard = myOptions.getBool("discard"); int layer = myOptions.getInt("layer"); bool ok = true; std::string id = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_ID, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, ""); std::string type = attrs.getOptStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok, ""); if (!ok) { return; } RGBColor color; if (myTypeMap.has(type)) { const PCTypeMap::TypeDef& def = myTypeMap.get(type); id = def.prefix + id; type = def.id; color = RGBColor::parseColor(def.color); discard = def.discard; layer = def.layer; } else { id = myOptions.getString("prefix") + id; type = myOptions.getString("type"); color = RGBColor::parseColor(myOptions.getString("color")); } if (!discard) { bool ignorePrunning = false; if (OptionsCont::getOptions().isInStringVector("prune.keep-list", id)) { ignorePrunning = true; } myCurrentID = id; myCurrentType = type; myCurrentColor = color; myCurrentIgnorePrunning = ignorePrunning; myCurrentLayer = layer; if (attrs.hasAttribute(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE)) { // @deprecated At some time, no shape definition using characters will be allowed myCharacters(element, attrs.getStringReporting(SUMO_ATTR_SHAPE, myCurrentID.c_str(), ok)); } } } }