コード例 #1
 * Compute all constraints given x.
void ActuatorForceTargetFast::
computeConstraintVector(SimTK::State& s, const Vector &x,Vector &c) const
    CMC_TaskSet&  taskSet = _controller->updTaskSet();
    const Set<Actuator>& fSet = _controller->getActuatorSet();

    int nf = fSet.getSize();

    // Now override the actuator forces with computed active force
    // (from static optimization) but also include the passive force
    // contribution of muscles when applying forces to the model
    for(int i=0;i<nf;i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&fSet[i]);
        act->overrideActuation(s, true);
        act->setOverrideActuation(s, x[i]);
    _controller->getModel().getMultibodySystem().realize(s, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration );

    Array<double> &w = taskSet.getWeights();
    Array<double> &aDes = taskSet.getDesiredAccelerations();
    Array<double> &a = taskSet.getAccelerations();

    for(int i=0; i<getNumConstraints(); i++)

    // reset the actuator control 
    for(int i=0;i<fSet.getSize();i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&fSet[i]);
        act->overrideActuation(s, false);

コード例 #2
void ActuatorForceTarget::
computePerformanceVectors(SimTK::State& s, const Vector &aF, Vector &rAccelPerformanceVector, Vector &rForcePerformanceVector)
    const Set<Actuator> &fSet = _controller->getActuatorSet();

    for(int i=0;i<fSet.getSize();i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&fSet[i]);
        act->setOverrideActuation(s, aF[i]);
        act->overrideActuation(s, true);

    _controller->getModel().getMultibodySystem().realize(s, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration );

    CMC_TaskSet& taskSet = _controller->updTaskSet();
    Array<double> &w = taskSet.getWeights();
    Array<double> &aDes = taskSet.getDesiredAccelerations();
    Array<double> &a = taskSet.getAccelerations();

    double sqrtStressTermWeight = sqrt(_stressTermWeight);
    for(int i=0;i<fSet.getSize();i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&fSet[i]);
        rForcePerformanceVector[i] = sqrtStressTermWeight * act->getStress(s);

    int nacc = aDes.getSize();
    for(int i=0;i<nacc;i++) rAccelPerformanceVector[i] = sqrt(w[i]) * (a[i] - aDes[i]);

    // reset the actuator control
    for(int i=0;i<fSet.getSize();i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&fSet[i]);
        act->overrideActuation(s, false);

コード例 #3
 * Record the inverse dynamics forces.
int InverseDynamics::
record(const SimTK::State& s)
    if(!_modelWorkingCopy) return -1;

//cout << "\nInverse Dynamics record() : \n" << endl;
    // Set model Q's and U's
    SimTK::State sWorkingCopy = _modelWorkingCopy->getWorkingState();

    // Set modeling options for Actuators to be overridden
    for(int i=0; i<_forceSet->getSize(); i++) {
        ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&_forceSet->get(i));
        if( act ) {
            act->overrideActuation(sWorkingCopy, true);

    // Having updated the model, at least re-realize Model stage!
    _modelWorkingCopy->getMultibodySystem().realize(sWorkingCopy, SimTK::Stage::Model);


    // Having updated the states, at least realize to velocity!
    _modelWorkingCopy->getMultibodySystem().realize(sWorkingCopy, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);

    int nf = _numCoordinateActuators;
    int nacc = _accelerationIndices.getSize();
    // int nq = _modelWorkingCopy->getNumCoordinates();

//cout << "\nQ= " << s.getQ() << endl;
//cout << "\nU= " << s.getU() << endl;
    // Build linear constraint matrix and constant constraint vector
    SimTK::Vector f(nf), c(nacc);
    f = 0;
    computeAcceleration(sWorkingCopy, &f[0], &_constraintVector[0]);

    for(int j=0; j<nf; j++) {
        f[j] = 1;
        computeAcceleration(sWorkingCopy, &f[0], &c[0]);
        for(int i=0; i<nacc; i++) _constraintMatrix(i,j) = (c[i] - _constraintVector[i]);
        f[j] = 0;

    auto coordinates = _modelWorkingCopy->getCoordinatesInMultibodyTreeOrder();

    for(int i=0; i<nacc; i++) {
        const Coordinate& coord = *coordinates[_accelerationIndices[i]];
        int ind = _statesStore->getStateIndex(coord.getSpeedName(), 0);
        if (ind < 0){
            // get the full coordinate speed state variable path name
            string fullname = coord.getStateVariableNames()[1];
            ind = _statesStore->getStateIndex(fullname, 0);
            if (ind < 0){
                string msg = "InverseDynamics::record(): \n";
                msg += "target motion for coordinate '";
                msg += coord.getName() + "' not found.";
                throw Exception(msg);
        Function& targetFunc = _statesSplineSet.get(ind);
        std::vector<int> firstDerivComponents(1);
        double targetAcceleration = targetFunc.calcDerivative(firstDerivComponents, SimTK::Vector(1, sWorkingCopy.getTime()));
//cout <<  coord.getName() << " t=" << sWorkingCopy.getTime() << "  acc=" << targetAcceleration << " index=" << _accelerationIndices[i] << endl; 
        _constraintVector[i] = targetAcceleration - _constraintVector[i];
    //cout << "NEW Constraint Vector Adjusted = " << endl;

    // NOTE: It destroys the matrices/vectors we pass to it, so we need to pass it copies of performanceMatrix and performanceVector (don't bother making
    // copies of _constraintMatrix/Vector since those are reinitialized each time anyway)
    int info;
    SimTK::Matrix performanceMatrixCopy = _performanceMatrix;
    SimTK::Vector performanceVectorCopy = _performanceVector;
//cout << "performanceMatrixCopy : " << performanceMatrixCopy << endl;
//cout << "performanceVectorCopy : " << performanceVectorCopy << endl;
//cout << "_constraintMatrix : " << _constraintMatrix << endl;
//cout << "_constraintVector : " << _constraintVector << endl;
//cout << "nf=" << nf << "  nacc=" << nacc << endl;
    dgglse_(nf, nf, nacc, &performanceMatrixCopy(0,0), nf, &_constraintMatrix(0,0), nacc, &performanceVectorCopy[0], &_constraintVector[0], &f[0], &_lapackWork[0], _lapackWork.size(), info);

    // Record inverse dynamics forces

//cout << "\n ** f : " << f << endl << endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #4
 * This method is called at the beginning of an analysis so that any
 * necessary initializations may be performed.
 * This method is meant to be called at the beginning of an integration 
 * @param s Current state .
 * @return -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
int StaticOptimization::
begin(SimTK::State& s )
    if(!proceed()) return(0);

    // Make a working copy of the model
    delete _modelWorkingCopy;
    _modelWorkingCopy = _model->clone();

    // Replace model force set with only generalized forces
    if(_model) {
        SimTK::State& sWorkingCopyTemp = _modelWorkingCopy->updWorkingState();
        // Update the _forceSet we'll be computing inverse dynamics for
        if(_ownsForceSet) delete _forceSet;
        if(_useModelForceSet) {
            // Set pointer to model's internal force set
            _forceSet = &_modelWorkingCopy->updForceSet();
            _ownsForceSet = false;
        } else {
            ForceSet& as = _modelWorkingCopy->updForceSet();
            // Keep a copy of forces that are not muscles to restore them back.
            ForceSet* saveForces = as.clone();
            // Generate an force set consisting of a coordinate actuator for every unconstrained degree of freedom
            _forceSet = CoordinateActuator::CreateForceSetOfCoordinateActuatorsForModel(sWorkingCopyTemp,*_modelWorkingCopy,1,false);
            _ownsForceSet = false;
            _numCoordinateActuators = _forceSet->getSize();
            // Copy whatever forces that are not muscles back into the model
            for(int i=0; i<saveForces->getSize(); i++){
                const Force& f=saveForces->get(i);
                if ((dynamic_cast<const Muscle*>(&saveForces->get(i)))==NULL)

        SimTK::State& sWorkingCopy = _modelWorkingCopy->initSystem();
        // Set modeling options for Actuators to be overriden
        for(int i=0; i<_forceSet->getSize(); i++) {
            ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&_forceSet->get(i));
            if( act ) {
                act->overrideActuation(sWorkingCopy, true);

        // Gather indices into speed set corresponding to the unconstrained degrees of freedom 
        // (for which we will set acceleration constraints)
        const CoordinateSet& coordSet = _model->getCoordinateSet();
        for(int i=0; i<coordSet.getSize(); i++) {
            const Coordinate& coord = coordSet.get(i);
            if(!coord.isConstrained(sWorkingCopy)) {
                Array<int> inds = _statesStore->
                    getColumnIndicesForIdentifier(coord.getName()) ;

        int na = _forceSet->getSize();
        int nacc = _accelerationIndices.getSize();

        if(na < nacc) 
            throw(Exception("StaticOptimization: ERROR- over-constrained "
                "system -- need at least as many forces as there are degrees of freedom.\n") );

        _forceReporter.reset(new ForceReporter(_modelWorkingCopy));

        _parameters = 0;





    // RECORD
    int status = 0;
    if(_activationStorage->getSize()<=0) {
        status = record(s);
        const Set<Actuator>& fs = _modelWorkingCopy->getActuators();
        for(int k=0;k<fs.getSize();k++) {
            ScalarActuator* act = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator *>(&fs[k]);
            if (act){
                cout << "Bounds for " << act->getName() << ": "
                    << act->getMinControl() << " to "
                    << act->getMaxControl() << endl;
                std::string msg = getConcreteClassName();
                msg += "::can only process scalar Actuator types.";
                throw Exception(msg);

コード例 #5
/* Solve for the induced accelerations (udot_f) for a Force in the model 
   identified by its name. */
const SimTK::Vector& InducedAccelerationsSolver::solve(const SimTK::State& s,
                const string& forceName,
                bool computeActuatorPotentialOnly,
                SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec>* constraintReactions)
    int nu = _modelCopy.getNumSpeeds();
    double aT = s.getTime();

    SimTK::State& s_solver = _modelCopy.updWorkingState();

    // Just need to set current time and kinematics to determine state of constraints

    // Check the external forces and determine if contact constraints should be applied at this time
    // and turn constraint on if it should be.
    Array<bool> constraintOn = applyContactConstraintAccordingToExternalForces(s_solver);

    // Hang on to a state that has the right flags for contact constraints turned on/off
    // Use this state for the remainder of this step (record)
    s_solver = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realizeTopology();
    // DO NOT recreate the system, will lose location of constraint

    //cout << "Solving for contributor: " << _contributors[c] << endl;
    // Need to be at the dynamics stage to disable a force
    _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
    if(forceName == "total"){
        // Set gravity ON

        //Use same conditions on constraints
        s_solver.updU() = s.getU();
        s_solver.updU() = s.getZ();

        //Make sure all the actuators are on!
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, false);

        // Get to  the point where we can evaluate unilateral constraint conditions
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

        /* *********************************** ERROR CHECKING *******************************
        SimTK::Vec3 pcom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterLocationInGround(s_solver);
        SimTK::Vec3 vcom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterVelocityInGround(s_solver);
        SimTK::Vec3 acom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterAccelerationInGround(s_solver);

        SimTK::Matrix M;
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcM(s_solver, M);
        cout << "mass matrix: " << M << endl;

        SimTK::Inertia sysInertia = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemCentralInertiaInGround(s_solver);
        cout << "system inertia: " << sysInertia << endl;

        SimTK::SpatialVec sysMomentum =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin(s_solver);
        cout << "system momentum: " << sysMomentum << endl;

        const SimTK::Vector &appliedMobilityForces = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMobilityForces(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
        appliedMobilityForces.dump("All Applied Mobility Forces");
        // Get all applied body forces like those from contact
        const SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec>& appliedBodyForces = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getRigidBodyForces(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
        appliedBodyForces.dump("All Applied Body Forces");

        SimTK::Vector ucUdot;
        SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> ucA_GB;
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcAccelerationIgnoringConstraints(s_solver, appliedMobilityForces, appliedBodyForces, ucUdot, ucA_GB) ;
        ucUdot.dump("Udots Ignoring Constraints");
        ucA_GB.dump("Body Accelerations");

        SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> constraintBodyForces(_constraintSet.getSize(), SimTK::SpatialVec(SimTK::Vec3(0)));
        SimTK::Vector constraintMobilityForces(0);

        int nc = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().getNumConstraints();
        for (SimTK::ConstraintIndex cx(0); cx < nc; ++cx) {
            if (!_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().isConstraintDisabled(s_solver, cx)){
                cout << "Constraint " << cx << " enabled!" << endl;
        //int nMults = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().getTotalMultAlloc();

        for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
                _constraintSet[i].calcConstraintForces(s_solver, constraintBodyForces, constraintMobilityForces);
        constraintBodyForces.dump("Constraint Body Forces");
        constraintMobilityForces.dump("Constraint Mobility Forces");
        // ******************************* end ERROR CHECKING *******************************/
        for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
            _replacementConstraints[i].setDisabled(s_solver, !constraintOn[i]);
            // Make sure we stay at Dynamics so each constraint can evaluate its conditions
            _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

        // This should also push changes to defaults for unilateral conditions

    else if(forceName == "gravity"){
        // Set gravity ON
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), false);

        // zero velocity

        // disable other forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getForceSet().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updForceSet()[f].setDisabled(s_solver, true);
    else if(forceName == "velocity"){       
        // Set gravity off
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), true);

        // non-zero velocity
        s_solver.updU() = s.getU();
        // zero actuator forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, true);
        // Set the configuration (gen. coords and speeds) of the model.
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);
    else{ //The rest are actuators      
        // Set gravity OFF
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), true);

        // zero actuator forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, true);

        // zero velocity
        SimTK::Vector U(nu,0.0);
        s_solver.updZ() = s.getZ();
        // light up the one Force who's contribution we are looking for
        int ai = _modelCopy.getForceSet().getIndex(forceName);
            cout << "Force '"<< forceName << "' not found in model '" <<
                _modelCopy.getName() << "'." << endl;
        Force &force = _modelCopy.getForceSet().get(ai);
        force.setDisabled(s_solver, false);

        ScalarActuator *actuator = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&force);
                actuator->overrideActuation(s_solver, true);
                actuator->setOverrideActuation(s_solver, 1.0);

        // Set the configuration (gen. coords and speeds) of the model.
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Model);
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);

    }// End of if to select contributor 

    // cout << "Constraint 0 is of "<< _constraintSet[0].getConcreteClassName() << " and should be " << constraintOn[0] << " and is actually " <<  (_constraintSet[0].isDisabled(s_solver) ? "off" : "on") << endl;
    // cout << "Constraint 1 is of "<< _constraintSet[1].getConcreteClassName() << " and should be " << constraintOn[1] << " and is actually " <<  (_constraintSet[1].isDisabled(s_solver) ? "off" : "on") << endl;

    // After setting the state of the model and applying forces
    // Compute the derivative of the multibody system (speeds and accelerations)
    _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

    // Sanity check that constraints hasn't totally changed the configuration of the model
    // double error = (s.getQ()-s_solver.getQ()).norm();

    // Report reaction forces for debugging
    SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> constraintBodyForces(_constraintSet.getSize());
    SimTK::Vector mobilityForces(0);

    for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
            _constraintSet.get(i).calcConstraintForces(s_solver, constraintBodyForces, mobilityForces);

    return s_solver.getUDot();