コード例 #1
ファイル: SgAsmBlock.C プロジェクト: lvpw/edg4x-rose
/** Returns true if basic block appears to be a function call.  If the target address is known and is a single value then it is
 * stored in the @p target_va argument, otherwise we store the maximum 64-bit address.  If the return address for the function
 * call is known then it is stored in the @p return_va argument, otherwise @p return_va will contain the maximum 64-bit
 * address. The return address is usually the fall-through address of the basic block.
 * Note: Use this function in preference to SgAsmInstruction::is_function_call() because the latter is intended to be used by
 * the Partitioner before an AST is created and might not be as accurate. */
SgAsmBlock::is_function_call(rose_addr_t &target_va, rose_addr_t &return_va) 
    static const rose_addr_t INVALID_ADDR = (rose_addr_t)(-1);
    target_va = return_va = INVALID_ADDR;;
    if (!is_basic_block())
        return false;
    std::vector<SgAsmInstruction*> insns = SageInterface::querySubTree<SgAsmInstruction>(this);
    assert(!insns.empty()); // basic blocks must have instructions

    // Check that all the successors point to functions entry addresses (other functions or this block's function).  There
    // might be one edge that points to the fall-through address of this block, and that's ok.
    SgAsmFunction *func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(this);
    SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(func);
    std::set<rose_addr_t> callee_vas;
    if (interp) {
        const InstructionMap &imap = interp->get_instruction_map();
        const SgAsmIntegerValuePtrList &successors = get_successors();
        for (SgAsmIntegerValuePtrList::const_iterator si=successors.begin(); si!=successors.end(); ++si) {
            rose_addr_t successor_va = (*si)->get_absolute_value();
            if (SgAsmInstruction *target_insn = imap.get_value_or(successor_va, NULL)) {
                SgAsmFunction *target_func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(target_insn);
                if (successor_va==target_func->get_entry_va()) {
                    callee_vas.insert(successor_va); // branches to a function entry point
                } else if (return_va!=INVALID_ADDR) {
                    target_va = return_va = INVALID_ADDR;
                    return false; // multiple function-local CFG edges that are not this function's entry point
                } else {
                    return_va = successor_va; // possible return address

    // Now for the architecture-dependent determination.  This will not update target_va or return_va if they cannot be
    // determined or are ambiguous; so we must reset them to INVALID_ADDR if we're about to return false.
    bool retval = insns.front()->is_function_call(insns, &target_va, &return_va);
    if (!retval) {
        target_va = return_va = INVALID_ADDR;
    } else if (INVALID_ADDR==target_va && 1==callee_vas.size()) {
        target_va = *callee_vas.begin();
    return retval;
コード例 #2
// see base class
SgAsmX86Instruction::isFunctionCallSlow(const std::vector<SgAsmInstruction*>& insns, rose_addr_t *target, rose_addr_t *return_va)
    if (isFunctionCallFast(insns, target, return_va))
        return true;

    // The following stuff works only if we have a relatively complete AST.
    static const size_t EXECUTION_LIMIT = 10; // max size of basic blocks for expensive analyses
    if (insns.empty())
        return false;
    SgAsmX86Instruction *last = isSgAsmX86Instruction(insns.back());
    if (!last)
        return false;
    SgAsmFunction *func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(last);
    SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(func);

    // Slow method: Emulate the instructions and then look at the EIP and stack.  If the EIP points outside the current
    // function and the top of the stack holds an address of an instruction within the current function, then this must be a
    // function call.
    if (interp && insns.size()<=EXECUTION_LIMIT) {
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics;
        const InstructionMap &imap = interp->get_instruction_map();
        const RegisterDictionary *regdict = RegisterDictionary::dictionary_for_isa(interp);
        SmtSolverPtr solver = SmtSolver::instance(Rose::CommandLine::genericSwitchArgs.smtSolver);
        BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr ops = RiscOperators::instance(regdict, solver);
        const RegisterDescriptor SP = regdict->findLargestRegister(x86_regclass_gpr, x86_gpr_sp);
        DispatcherX86Ptr dispatcher = DispatcherX86::instance(ops, SP.get_nbits());
        SValuePtr orig_esp = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_anySP));
        try {
            for (size_t i=0; i<insns.size(); ++i)
        } catch (const BaseSemantics::Exception &e) {
            return false;

        // If the next instruction address is concrete but does not point to a function entry point, then this is not a call.
        SValuePtr eip = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_anyIP));
        if (eip->is_number()) {
            rose_addr_t target_va = eip->get_number();
            SgAsmFunction *target_func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(imap.get_value_or(target_va, NULL));
            if (!target_func || target_va!=target_func->get_entry_va())
                return false;

        // If nothing was pushed onto the stack, then this isn't a function call.
        const size_t spWidth = dispatcher->REG_anySP.get_nbits();
        SValuePtr esp = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_anySP));
        SValuePtr stack_delta = SValue::promote(ops->add(esp, ops->negate(orig_esp)));
        SValuePtr stack_delta_sign = SValue::promote(ops->extract(stack_delta, spWidth-1, spWidth));
        if (stack_delta_sign->is_number() && 0==stack_delta_sign->get_number())
            return false;

        // If the top of the stack does not contain a concrete value or the top of the stack does not point to an instruction
        // in this basic block's function, then this is not a function call.
        const size_t ipWidth = dispatcher->REG_anyIP.get_nbits();
        SValuePtr top = SValue::promote(ops->readMemory(dispatcher->REG_SS, esp, esp->undefined_(ipWidth), esp->boolean_(true)));
        if (top->is_number()) {
            rose_addr_t va = top->get_number();
            SgAsmFunction *return_func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(imap.get_value_or(va, NULL));
            if (!return_func || return_func!=func) {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

        // Since EIP might point to a function entry address and since the top of the stack contains a pointer to an
        // instruction in this function, we assume that this is a function call.
        if (target && eip->is_number())
            *target = eip->get_number();
        if (return_va && top->is_number())
            *return_va = top->get_number();
        return true;

    // Similar to the above method, but works when all we have is the basic block (e.g., this case gets hit quite a bit from
    // the Partitioner).  Returns true if, after executing the basic block, the top of the stack contains the fall-through
    // address of the basic block. We depend on our caller to figure out if EIP is reasonably a function entry address.
    if (!interp && insns.size()<=EXECUTION_LIMIT) {
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics;
        SmtSolverPtr solver = SmtSolver::instance(Rose::CommandLine::genericSwitchArgs.smtSolver);
        SgAsmX86Instruction *x86insn = isSgAsmX86Instruction(insns.front());
#if 1 // [Robb P. Matzke 2015-03-03]: FIXME[Robb P. Matzke 2015-03-03]: not ready yet; x86-64 semantics still under construction
        if (x86insn->get_addressSize() != x86_insnsize_32)
            return false;
        const RegisterDictionary *regdict = registersForInstructionSize(x86insn->get_addressSize());
        const RegisterDescriptor SP = regdict->findLargestRegister(x86_regclass_gpr, x86_gpr_sp);
        BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr ops = RiscOperators::instance(regdict, solver);
        DispatcherX86Ptr dispatcher = DispatcherX86::instance(ops, SP.get_nbits());
        try {
            for (size_t i=0; i<insns.size(); ++i)
        } catch (const BaseSemantics::Exception &e) {
            return false;

        // Look at the top of the stack
        const size_t ipWidth = dispatcher->REG_anyIP.get_nbits();
        SValuePtr top = SValue::promote(ops->readMemory(dispatcher->REG_SS, ops->readRegister(SP),
        if (top->is_number() && top->get_number() == last->get_address()+last->get_size()) {
            if (target) {
                SValuePtr eip = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_anyIP));
                if (eip->is_number())
                    *target = eip->get_number();
            if (return_va)
                *return_va = top->get_number();
            return true;

    return false;
コード例 #3
// see base class; don't modify target_va or return_va if they are not known
SgAsmM68kInstruction::isFunctionCallSlow(const std::vector<SgAsmInstruction*>& insns, rose_addr_t *target_va,
                                         rose_addr_t *return_va)
    if (isFunctionCallFast(insns, target_va, return_va))
        return true;

    static const size_t EXECUTION_LIMIT = 25; // max size of basic blocks for expensive analyses
    if (insns.empty())
        return false;
    SgAsmM68kInstruction *last = isSgAsmM68kInstruction(insns.back());
    if (!last)
        return false;
    SgAsmFunction *func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(last);
    SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(func);

    // Slow method: Emulate the instructions and then look at the program counter (PC) and stack (A7).  If the PC points
    // outside the current function and the top of the stack holds an address of an instruction within the current function,
    // then this must be a function call.
    if (interp && insns.size()<=EXECUTION_LIMIT) {
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics;
        const InstructionMap &imap = interp->get_instruction_map();
        const RegisterDictionary *regdict = RegisterDictionary::dictionary_for_isa(interp);
        SmtSolverPtr solver = SmtSolver::instance(Rose::CommandLine::genericSwitchArgs.smtSolver);
        BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr ops = RiscOperators::instance(regdict, solver);
        DispatcherM68kPtr dispatcher = DispatcherM68k::instance(ops, 32);
        SValuePtr orig_sp = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_A[7]));
        try {
            for (size_t i=0; i<insns.size(); ++i)
        } catch (const BaseSemantics::Exception &e) {
            return false;

        // If the next instruction address is concrete but does not point to a function entry point, then this is not a call.
        SValuePtr ip = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_PC));
        if (ip->is_number()) {
            rose_addr_t target_va = ip->get_number();
            SgAsmFunction *target_func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(imap.get_value_or(target_va, NULL));
            if (!target_func || target_va!=target_func->get_entry_va())
                return false;

        // If nothing was pushed onto the stack, then this isn't a function call.
        SValuePtr sp = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_A[7]));
        SValuePtr stack_delta = SValue::promote(ops->add(sp, ops->negate(orig_sp)));
        SValuePtr stack_delta_sign = SValue::promote(ops->extract(stack_delta, 31, 32));
        if (stack_delta_sign->is_number() && 0==stack_delta_sign->get_number())
            return false;

        // If the top of the stack does not contain a concrete value or the top of the stack does not point to an instruction
        // in this basic block's function, then this is not a function call.
        SValuePtr top = SValue::promote(ops->readMemory(RegisterDescriptor(), sp, sp->undefined_(32), sp->boolean_(true)));
        if (top->is_number()) {
            rose_addr_t va = top->get_number();
            SgAsmFunction *return_func = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmFunction>(imap.get_value_or(va, NULL));
            if (!return_func || return_func!=func) {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

        // Since the instruction pointer might point to a function entry address and since the top of the stack contains a
        // pointer to an instruction in this function, we assume that this is a function call.
        if (target_va && ip->is_number())
            *target_va = ip->get_number();
        if (return_va && top->is_number())
            *return_va = top->get_number();
        return true;

    // Similar to the above method, but works when all we have is the basic block (e.g., this case gets hit quite a bit from
    // the Partitioner).  Returns true if, after executing the basic block, the top of the stack contains the fall-through
    // address of the basic block. We depend on our caller to figure out if the instruction pointer is reasonably a function
    // entry address.
    if (!interp && insns.size()<=EXECUTION_LIMIT) {
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2;
        using namespace Rose::BinaryAnalysis::InstructionSemantics2::SymbolicSemantics;
        const RegisterDictionary *regdict = RegisterDictionary::dictionary_coldfire_emac();
        SmtSolverPtr solver = SmtSolver::instance(Rose::CommandLine::genericSwitchArgs.smtSolver);
        BaseSemantics::RiscOperatorsPtr ops = RiscOperators::instance(regdict, solver);
        DispatcherM68kPtr dispatcher = DispatcherM68k::instance(ops, 32);
        try {
            for (size_t i=0; i<insns.size(); ++i)
        } catch (const BaseSemantics::Exception &e) {
            return false;

        // Look at the top of the stack
        SValuePtr top = SValue::promote(ops->readMemory(RegisterDescriptor(), ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_A[7]),
        if (top->is_number() && top->get_number() == last->get_address()+last->get_size()) {
            if (target_va) {
                SValuePtr ip = SValue::promote(ops->readRegister(dispatcher->REG_PC));
                if (ip->is_number())
                    *target_va = ip->get_number();
            if (return_va)
                *return_va = top->get_number();
            return true;

    return false;