void ExtrudeMod::BuildPatchFromShape(TimeValue t,ModContext &mc, ObjectState * os, PatchMesh &pmesh) { ShapeObject *shape = (ShapeObject *)os->obj; float amount; int levels,capStart,capEnd,capType; pblock->GetValue(PB_AMOUNT,t,amount,FOREVER); pblock->GetValue(PB_SEGS,t,levels,FOREVER); if (levels<1) levels = 1; pblock->GetValue(PB_CAPSTART,t,capStart,FOREVER); pblock->GetValue(PB_CAPEND,t,capEnd,FOREVER); pblock->GetValue(PB_CAPTYPE,t,capType,FOREVER); BOOL texturing; pblock->GetValue(PB_MAPPING, TimeValue(0), texturing, FOREVER); BOOL genMatIDs; pblock->GetValue(PB_GEN_MATIDS, TimeValue(0), genMatIDs, FOREVER); BOOL useShapeIDs; pblock->GetValue(PB_USE_SHAPEIDS, TimeValue(0), useShapeIDs, FOREVER); BOOL smooth; pblock->GetValue(PB_SMOOTH, TimeValue(0), smooth, FOREVER); LimitValue(amount, -1000000.0f, 1000000.0f); // Get the basic dimension stuff float zSize = (float)fabs(amount); float baseZ = 0.0f; if(amount < 0.0f) baseZ = amount; // If the shape can convert itself to a BezierShape, have it do so! BezierShape bShape; if(shape->CanMakeBezier()) shape->MakeBezier(t, bShape); else { PolyShape pShape; shape->MakePolyShape(t, pShape); bShape = pShape; // UGH -- Convert it from a PolyShape -- not good! } //DebugPrint(_T("Extrude organizing shape\n")); ShapeHierarchy hier; bShape.OrganizeCurves(t, &hier); // Need to flip the reversed polys... bShape.Reverse(hier.reverse); // ...and tell the hierarchy they're no longer reversed! hier.reverse.ClearAll(); // Our shapes are now organized for patch-making -- Let's do the sides! int polys = bShape.splineCount; int poly, knot; int levelVerts = 0, levelVecs = 0, levelPatches = 0, nverts = 0, nvecs = 0, npatches = 0; int TVlevels = levels + 1, levelTVerts = 0, ntverts = 0, ntpatches = 0; BOOL anyClosed = FALSE; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; if(spline->Closed()) anyClosed = TRUE; levelVerts += spline->KnotCount(); levelTVerts += (spline->Segments() + 1); levelVecs += (spline->Segments() * 2); levelPatches += spline->Segments(); } nverts = levelVerts * (levels + 1); npatches = levelPatches * levels; nvecs = (levelVecs * (levels + 1)) + levels * levelVerts * 2 + npatches * 4; if(texturing) { ntverts = levelTVerts * TVlevels; ntpatches = npatches; } pmesh.setNumVerts(nverts); pmesh.setNumVecs(nvecs); pmesh.setNumPatches(npatches); pmesh.setNumTVerts(ntverts); pmesh.setNumTVPatches(ntpatches); // Create the vertices! int vert = 0; int level; Point3 offset1, offset2; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; int knots = spline->KnotCount(); for(level = 0; level <= levels; ++level) { Point3 offset = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, baseZ + (float)level / (float)levels * zSize); if(level == 0) offset1 = offset; else if(level == levels) offset2 = offset; for(knot = 0; knot < knots; ++knot) { Point3 p = spline->GetKnotPoint(knot); pmesh.setVert(vert++, p + offset); } } } assert(vert == nverts); BOOL usePhysUVs = GetUsePhysicalScaleUVs(); // Maybe create the texture vertices if(texturing) { int tvert = 0; int level; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; // Make it a polyline PolyLine pline; spline->MakePolyLine(pline, 10); int knots = spline->KnotCount(); for(level = 0; level < TVlevels; ++level) { float tV = (float)level / (float)(TVlevels - 1); float vScale = usePhysUVs ? amount : 1.0f; int lverts = pline.numPts; int tp = 0; int texPts = spline->Segments() + 1; float cumLen = 0.0f; float totLen = pline.CurveLength(); float uScale = usePhysUVs ? totLen : 1.0f; Point3 prevPt = pline.pts[0].p; int plix = 0; while(tp < texPts) { Point3 &pt = pline[plix].p; cumLen += Length(pt - prevPt); prevPt = pt; if(pline[plix].flags & POLYPT_KNOT) { float tU; if(tp == (texPts - 1)) tU = 1.0f; else tU = cumLen / totLen; pmesh.setTVert(tvert++, UVVert(uScale*tU, vScale*tV, 0.0f)); tp++; } plix = (plix + 1) % pline.numPts; } } } assert(tvert == ntverts); } // Create the vectors! int seg; int vec = 0; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; int segs = spline->Segments(); int knots = spline->KnotCount(); // First, the vectors on each level for(level = 0; level <= levels; ++level) { Point3 offset = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, baseZ + (float)level / (float)levels * zSize); for(seg = 0; seg < segs; ++seg) { int seg2 = (seg + 1) % knots; if(spline->GetLineType(seg) == LTYPE_CURVE) { Point3 p = spline->GetOutVec(seg); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset); p = spline->GetInVec(seg2); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset); } else { Point3 p = spline->InterpBezier3D(seg, 0.333333f); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset); p = spline->InterpBezier3D(seg, 0.666666f); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset); } } } // Now, the vectors between the levels int baseVec = vec; for(level = 0; level < levels; ++level) { Point3 offsetA = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, baseZ + (float)level / (float)levels * zSize); Point3 offsetB = Point3(0.0f, 0.0f, baseZ + (float)(level + 1) / (float)levels * zSize); Point3 offset1 = offsetA + (offsetB - offsetA) * 0.333333333f; Point3 offset2 = offsetA + (offsetB - offsetA) * 0.666666666f; for(knot = 0; knot < knots; ++knot) { Point3 p = spline->GetKnotPoint(knot); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset1); pmesh.setVec(vec++, p + offset2); } } } // Create the patches! int np = 0; int baseVert = 0; int baseVec = 0; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; int knots = spline->KnotCount(); int segs = spline->Segments(); int baseVec1 = baseVec; // Base vector index for this level int baseVec2 = baseVec + segs * 2 * (levels + 1); // Base vector index for between levels for(level = 0; level < levels; ++level) { int sm = 0; BOOL firstSmooth = (spline->GetLineType(0) == LTYPE_CURVE && spline->GetLineType(segs-1) == LTYPE_CURVE && (spline->GetKnotType(0) == KTYPE_AUTO || spline->GetKnotType(0) == KTYPE_BEZIER)) ? TRUE : FALSE; for(seg = 0; seg < segs; ++seg, vec += 4) { int prevseg = (seg + segs - 1) % segs; int seg2 = (seg + 1) % knots; int a,b,c,d,ab,ba,bc,cb,cd,dc,da,ad; MtlID mtl = useShapeIDs ? spline->GetMatID(seg) : 2; a = baseVert + seg; b = baseVert + seg2; c = b + knots; d = a + knots; ab = baseVec1 + seg * 2; ba = ab + 1; bc = baseVec2 + seg2 * 2; cb = bc + 1; cd = ba + (segs * 2); dc = ab + (segs * 2); da = baseVec2 + seg * 2 + 1; ad = da - 1; //DebugPrint(_T("Making patch %d: %d (%d %d) %d (%d %d) %d (%d %d) %d (%d %d)\n"),np, a, ab, ba, b, bc, cb, c, cd, dc, d, da, ad); // If the vertex is not smooth, go to the next group! if(seg > 0 && !(spline->GetLineType(prevseg) == LTYPE_CURVE && spline->GetLineType(seg) == LTYPE_CURVE && (spline->GetKnotType(seg) == KTYPE_AUTO || spline->GetKnotType(seg) == KTYPE_BEZIER))) { sm++; if(sm > 2) sm = 1; } DWORD smoothGroup = 1 << sm; if(seg == segs - 1 && firstSmooth) { smoothGroup |= 1; } pmesh.MakeQuadPatch(np, a, ab, ba, b, bc, cb, c, cd, dc, d, da, ad, vec, vec+1, vec+2, vec+3, smooth ? smoothGroup : 0); pmesh.setPatchMtlIndex(np++, genMatIDs ? mtl : 0); } baseVert += knots; baseVec1 += (segs * 2); baseVec2 += (knots * 2); } baseVert += knots; baseVec += (segs * 2 * (levels + 1) + knots * 2 * levels); } assert(vec == nvecs); assert(np == npatches); // Maybe create the texture patches! if(texturing) { int ntp = 0; int baseTVert = 0; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; int pknots = spline->Segments() + 1; int pverts = pknots * TVlevels; int segs = spline->Segments(); for(level = 0; level < levels; ++level) { for(seg = 0; seg < segs; ++seg) { int prevseg = (seg + segs - 1) % segs; int seg2 = seg + 1; int a,b,c,d; a = baseTVert + seg; b = baseTVert + seg2; c = b + pknots; d = a + pknots; TVPatch &tp = pmesh.getTVPatch(ntp++); tp.setTVerts(a, b, c, d); } baseTVert += pknots; } baseTVert += pknots; } assert(ntp == ntpatches); } // If capping, do it! if(anyClosed && (capStart || capEnd)) { PatchCapInfo capInfo; bShape.MakeCap(t, capInfo); // Build information for capping PatchCapper capper(bShape); if(capStart) { vert = 0; int baseVec = 0; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; PatchCapPoly &capline = capper[poly]; int lverts = spline->KnotCount(); for(int v = 0; v < lverts; ++v) capline.SetVert(v, vert++); // Gives this vert's location in the mesh! vert += lverts * levels; vec = baseVec; int lvecs = spline->Segments() * 2; for(int v = 0; v < lvecs; ++v) capline.SetVec(v, vec++); // Gives this vec's location in the mesh! baseVec += lvecs * (levels + 1) + spline->KnotCount() * levels * 2; } // Create a work matrix for capping Matrix3 mat = TransMatrix(offset1); int oldPatches = pmesh.numPatches; capper.CapPatchMesh(pmesh, capInfo, TRUE, 16, &mat, genMatIDs ? -1 : 0); // If texturing, create the texture patches and vertices if(texturing) MakePatchCapTexture(pmesh, Inverse(mat), oldPatches, pmesh.numPatches, usePhysUVs); } if(capEnd) { int baseVert = 0; int baseVec = 0; for(poly = 0; poly < polys; ++poly) { Spline3D *spline = bShape.splines[poly]; if(!spline->KnotCount()) continue; PatchCapPoly &capline = capper[poly]; int lverts = spline->KnotCount(); int vert = baseVert + lverts * levels; for(int v = 0; v < lverts; ++v) capline.SetVert(v, vert++); // Gives this vert's location in the mesh! baseVert += lverts * (levels + 1); int lvecs = spline->Segments()*2; int vec = baseVec + lvecs * levels; for(int v = 0; v < lvecs; ++v) capline.SetVec(v, vec++); // Gives this vec's location in the mesh! baseVec += lvecs * (levels + 1) + spline->KnotCount() * levels * 2; } // Create a work matrix for grid capping Matrix3 mat = TransMatrix(offset2); int oldPatches = pmesh.numPatches; capper.CapPatchMesh(pmesh, capInfo, FALSE, 16, &mat, genMatIDs ? -1 : 0); // If texturing, create the texture patches and vertices if(texturing) MakePatchCapTexture(pmesh, Inverse(mat), oldPatches, pmesh.numPatches, usePhysUVs); } } //watje new mapping if(texturing) { if (ver < 4) { for (int i = 0; i < pmesh.numPatches; i++) pmesh.patches[i].flags |= PATCH_LINEARMAPPING; } } // Ready the patch representation! if( !pmesh.buildLinkages() ) { assert(0); } pmesh.computeInteriors(); }
bool AlembicCurves::Save(double time, bool bLastFrame) { ESS_PROFILE_FUNC(); //TimeValue ticks = GET_MAX_INTERFACE()->GetTime(); TimeValue ticks = GetTimeValueFromFrame(time); Object *obj = mMaxNode->EvalWorldState(ticks).obj; if(mNumSamples == 0){ bForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks); } else{ bool bNewForever = CheckIfObjIsValidForever(obj, ticks); if(bForever && bNewForever != bForever){ ESS_LOG_INFO( "bForever has changed" ); } } SaveMetaData(mMaxNode, this); // check if the spline is animated if(mNumSamples > 0) { if(bForever) { return true; } } AbcG::OCurvesSchema::Sample curvesSample; std::vector<AbcA::int32_t> nbVertices; std::vector<Point3> vertices; std::vector<float> knotVector; std::vector<Abc::uint16_t> orders; if(obj->ClassID() == EDITABLE_SURF_CLASS_ID){ NURBSSet nurbsSet; BOOL success = GetNURBSSet(obj, ticks, nurbsSet, TRUE); AbcG::CurvePeriodicity cPeriod = AbcG::kNonPeriodic; AbcG::CurveType cType = AbcG::kCubic; AbcG::BasisType cBasis = AbcG::kNoBasis; int n = nurbsSet.GetNumObjects(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ NURBSObject* pObject = nurbsSet.GetNURBSObject((int)i); //NURBSType type = pObject->GetType(); if(!pObject){ continue; } if( pObject->GetKind() == kNURBSCurve ){ NURBSCurve* pNurbsCurve = (NURBSCurve*)pObject; int degree; int numCVs; NURBSCVTab cvs; int numKnots; NURBSKnotTab knots; pNurbsCurve->GetNURBSData(ticks, degree, numCVs, cvs, numKnots, knots); orders.push_back(degree+1); const int cvsCount = cvs.Count(); const int knotCount = knots.Count(); for(int j=0; j<cvs.Count(); j++){ NURBSControlVertex cv = cvs[j]; double x, y, z; cv.GetPosition(ticks, x, y, z); vertices.push_back( Point3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z) ); } nbVertices.push_back(cvsCount); //skip the first and last entry because Maya and XSI use this format for(int j=1; j<knots.Count()-1; j++){ knotVector.push_back((float)knots[j]); } if(i == 0){ if(pNurbsCurve->IsClosed()){ cPeriod = AbcG::kPeriodic; } } else{ if(pNurbsCurve->IsClosed()){ if(cPeriod != AbcG::kPeriodic){ ESS_LOG_WARNING("Mixed curve wrap types not supported."); } } else{ if(cPeriod != AbcG::kNonPeriodic){ ESS_LOG_WARNING("Mixed curve wrap types not supported."); } } } } } curvesSample.setType(cType); curvesSample.setWrap(cPeriod); curvesSample.setBasis(cBasis); } else { BezierShape beziershape; PolyShape polyShape; bool bBezier = false; // Get a pointer to the spline shpae ShapeObject *pShapeObject = NULL; if (obj->IsShapeObject()) { pShapeObject = reinterpret_cast<ShapeObject *>(obj); } else { return false; } // Determine if we are a bezier shape if (pShapeObject->CanMakeBezier()) { pShapeObject->MakeBezier(ticks, beziershape); bBezier = true; } else { pShapeObject->MakePolyShape(ticks, polyShape); bBezier = false; } // Get the control points //std::vector<Point3> inTangents; //std::vector<Point3> outTangents; if (bBezier) { int oldVerticesCount = (int)vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < beziershape.SplineCount(); i += 1) { Spline3D *pSpline = beziershape.GetSpline(i); int knots = pSpline->KnotCount(); for(int ix = 0; ix < knots; ++ix) { Point3 in = pSpline->GetInVec(ix); Point3 p = pSpline->GetKnotPoint(ix); Point3 out = pSpline->GetOutVec(ix); vertices.push_back( p ); //inTangents.push_back( in ); //outTangents.push_back( out ); } int nNumVerticesAdded = (int)vertices.size() - oldVerticesCount; nbVertices.push_back( nNumVerticesAdded ); oldVerticesCount = (int)vertices.size(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < polyShape.numLines; i += 1) { PolyLine &refLine = polyShape.lines[i]; nbVertices.push_back(refLine.numPts); for (int j = 0; j < refLine.numPts; j += 1) { Point3 p = refLine.pts[j].p; vertices.push_back(p); } } } // set the type + wrapping curvesSample.setType(bBezier ? AbcG::kCubic : AbcG::kLinear); curvesSample.setWrap(pShapeObject->CurveClosed(ticks, 0) ? AbcG::kPeriodic : AbcG::kNonPeriodic); curvesSample.setBasis(AbcG::kNoBasis); } if(nbVertices.size() == 0 || vertices.size() == 0){ ESS_LOG_WARNING("No curve data to export."); return false; } const int vertCount = (int)vertices.size(); // prepare the bounding box Abc::Box3d bbox; // allocate the points and normals std::vector<Abc::V3f> posVec(vertCount); Matrix3 wm = mMaxNode->GetObjTMAfterWSM(ticks); for(int i=0;i<vertCount;i++) { posVec[i] = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(vertices[i] ); bbox.extendBy(posVec[i]); // Set the archive bounding box if (mJob) { Point3 worldMaxPoint = wm * vertices[i]; Abc::V3f alembicWorldPoint = ConvertMaxPointToAlembicPoint(worldMaxPoint); mJob->GetArchiveBBox().extendBy(alembicWorldPoint); } } if(knotVector.size() > 0 && orders.size() > 0){ if(!mKnotVectorProperty.valid()){ mKnotVectorProperty = Abc::OFloatArrayProperty(mCurvesSchema.getArbGeomParams(), ".knot_vector", mCurvesSchema.getMetaData(), mJob->GetAnimatedTs() ); } mKnotVectorProperty.set(Abc::FloatArraySample(knotVector)); if(!mOrdersProperty.valid()){ mOrdersProperty = Abc::OUInt16ArrayProperty(mCurvesSchema.getArbGeomParams(), ".orders", mCurvesSchema.getMetaData(), mJob->GetAnimatedTs() ); } mOrdersProperty.set(Abc::UInt16ArraySample(orders)); } // store the bbox curvesSample.setSelfBounds(bbox); mCurvesSchema.getChildBoundsProperty().set(bbox); Abc::Int32ArraySample nbVerticesSample(&nbVertices.front(),nbVertices.size()); curvesSample.setCurvesNumVertices(nbVerticesSample); // allocate for the points and normals Abc::P3fArraySample posSample(&posVec.front(),posVec.size()); curvesSample.setPositions(posSample); mCurvesSchema.set(curvesSample); mNumSamples++; return true; }
void MirrorMod::ModifyObject( TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node) { Matrix3 itm = CompMatrix(t,NULL,&mc); Matrix3 tm = Inverse(itm); Interval iv = FOREVER; int axis, copy; float offset; pblock->GetValue(PB_AXIS,t,axis,iv); pblock->GetValue(PB_COPY,t,copy,iv); pblock->GetValue(PB_OFFSET,t,offset,iv); DWORD oldLevel; BOOL convertedShape = FALSE; BitArray oldFaceSelections; // support for TriObjects if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) { TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj; Mesh &mesh = tobj->GetMesh(); switch (mesh.selLevel) { case MESH_OBJECT: mesh.faceSel.SetAll(); break; case MESH_VERTEX: { for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { if (mesh.vertSel[mesh.faces[i].v[j]]) { mesh.faceSel.Set(i); } } } break; } case MESH_EDGE: { for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { if (mesh.edgeSel[i*3+j]) { mesh.faceSel.Set(i); } } } break; } } oldLevel = mesh.selLevel; mesh.selLevel = MESH_FACE; if (copy) { mesh.CloneFaces(mesh.faceSel); mesh.ClearVSelectionWeights (); } if (axis<3) { for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) { if (mesh.faceSel[i]) mesh.FlipNormal(i); } } } #ifndef NO_PATCHES // support for PatchObjects if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(patchObjectClassID)) { PatchObject *pobj = (PatchObject*)os->obj; PatchMesh &pmesh = pobj->GetPatchMesh(t); switch (pmesh.selLevel) { case PATCH_OBJECT: pmesh.patchSel.SetAll(); break; case PATCH_VERTEX: { for (int i=0; i<pmesh.getNumPatches(); i++) { Patch &p = pmesh.patches[i]; for (int j=0; j<p.type; j++) { if (pmesh.vertSel[p.v[j]]) { pmesh.patchSel.Set(i); break; } } } break; } case PATCH_EDGE: { for (int i=0; i<pmesh.getNumPatches(); i++) { Patch &p = pmesh.patches[i]; for (int j=0; j<p.type; j++) { if (pmesh.edgeSel[p.edge[j]]) { pmesh.patchSel.Set(i); break; } } } break; } } oldLevel = pmesh.selLevel; pmesh.selLevel = PATCH_PATCH; if (copy) pmesh.ClonePatchParts(); // Copy the selected patches if (axis<3) pmesh.FlipPatchNormal(-1); // Flip selected normals } #endif // NO_PATCHES // support for PolyObjects else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(polyObjectClassID)) { PolyObject * pPolyOb = (PolyObject*)os->obj; MNMesh &mesh = pPolyOb->GetMesh(); // Luna task 747 // We don't support specified normals here because it would take special code mesh.ClearSpecifiedNormals (); BitArray faceSelections; mesh.getFaceSel (faceSelections); switch (mesh.selLevel) { case MNM_SL_OBJECT: faceSelections.SetAll(); break; case MNM_SL_VERTEX: { faceSelections.ClearAll (); for (int i=0; i<mesh.FNum(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<mesh.F(i)->deg; j++) { int vertIndex = mesh.F(i)->vtx[j]; if (mesh.V(vertIndex)->GetFlag(MN_SEL)) { faceSelections.Set(i); break; } } } break; } case MNM_SL_EDGE: { faceSelections.ClearAll (); for (int i=0; i<mesh.FNum(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<mesh.F(i)->deg; j++) { int edgeIndex = mesh.F(i)->edg[j]; if (mesh.E(edgeIndex)->GetFlag(MN_SEL)) { faceSelections.Set(i); break; } } } break; } } // preserve the existing selection settings oldLevel = mesh.selLevel; mesh.getFaceSel (oldFaceSelections); // set the face selections mesh.ClearFFlags (MN_SEL); mesh.FaceSelect(faceSelections); mesh.selLevel = MNM_SL_FACE; // copy the selected faces and flip Normal direction as needed if (copy) { mesh.CloneFaces(); mesh.freeVSelectionWeights (); } // Now, note that by PolyMesh rules, we can only flip entire selected elements. // So we broaden our selection to include entire elements that are only partially selected: for (int i=0; i<mesh.numf; i++) { if (mesh.f[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue; if (!mesh.f[i].GetFlag (MN_SEL)) continue; mesh.PaintFaceFlag (i, MN_SEL); } if (axis<3) { for (i=0; i<mesh.FNum(); i++) { if (mesh.F(i)->GetFlag(MN_SEL)) mesh.FlipNormal(i); } if (mesh.GetFlag (MN_MESH_FILLED_IN)) { // We also need to flip edge normals: for (i=0; i<mesh.ENum(); i++) { if (mesh.f[mesh.e[i].f1].GetFlag (MN_SEL)) { int hold = mesh.e[i].v1; mesh.e[i].v1 = mesh.e[i].v2; mesh.e[i].v2 = hold; } } } } } // support for shape objects else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(splineShapeClassID)) { SplineShape *ss = (SplineShape*)os->obj; BezierShape &shape = ss->shape; oldLevel = shape.selLevel; switch (shape.selLevel) { case SHAPE_OBJECT: case SHAPE_VERTEX: shape.selLevel = SHAPE_SPLINE; shape.polySel.SetAll(); break; case SHAPE_SPLINE: case SHAPE_SEGMENT: break; } if (copy) shape.CloneSelectedParts((axis < 3 && splineMethod == SPLINE_REVERSE) ? TRUE : FALSE); } else if(os->obj->SuperClassID() == SHAPE_CLASS_ID) { ShapeObject *so = (ShapeObject *)os->obj; if(so->CanMakeBezier()) { SplineShape *ss = new SplineShape(); so->MakeBezier(t, ss->shape); ss->SetChannelValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM, GetValidity(t) & so->ObjectValidity(t)); os->obj = ss; os->obj->UnlockObject(); convertedShape = TRUE; BezierShape &shape = ss->shape; oldLevel = shape.selLevel; switch (shape.selLevel) { case SHAPE_OBJECT: case SHAPE_VERTEX: shape.selLevel = SHAPE_SPLINE; shape.polySel.SetAll(); break; case SHAPE_SPLINE: case SHAPE_SEGMENT: break; } if (copy) shape.CloneSelectedParts((axis < 3 && splineMethod == SPLINE_REVERSE) ? TRUE : FALSE); } } MirrorDeformer deformer(axis,offset,tm,itm); os->obj->Deform(&deformer, TRUE); // if (axis < 3 && splineMethod == SPLINE_REVERSE) { if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(splineShapeClassID)) { SplineShape *ss = (SplineShape*)os->obj; BezierShape &shape = ss->shape; for (int i = 0; i < shape.bindList.Count(); i++) { int index = 0; int spindex = shape.bindList[i].pointSplineIndex; // Point3 p=shape.splines[spindex]->GetKnot(index).Knot(); if (shape.bindList[i].isEnd) index = shape.splines[spindex]->KnotCount()-1; shape.bindList[i].bindPoint = shape.splines[spindex]->GetKnotPoint(index); shape.bindList[i].segPoint = shape.splines[spindex]->GetKnotPoint(index); } shape.UpdateBindList(TRUE); } else if(os->obj->SuperClassID() == SHAPE_CLASS_ID) { ShapeObject *so = (ShapeObject *)os->obj; if(so->CanMakeBezier()) { SplineShape *ss = new SplineShape(); so->MakeBezier(t, ss->shape); ss->SetChannelValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM, GetValidity(t) & so->ObjectValidity(t)); os->obj = ss; os->obj->UnlockObject(); convertedShape = TRUE; BezierShape &shape = ss->shape; for (int i = 0; i < shape.bindList.Count(); i++) { int index = 0; int spindex = shape.bindList[i].pointSplineIndex; // Point3 p; if (shape.bindList[i].isEnd) index = shape.splines[spindex]->KnotCount()-1; shape.bindList[i].bindPoint = shape.splines[spindex]->GetKnotPoint(index); shape.bindList[i].segPoint = shape.splines[spindex]->GetKnotPoint(index); } shape.UpdateBindList(TRUE); } } } os->obj->UpdateValidity(GEOM_CHAN_NUM,GetValidity(t)); // restore the original selections if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) { TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj; tobj->GetMesh().selLevel = oldLevel; } #ifndef NO_PATCHES else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(patchObjectClassID)) { PatchObject *pobj = (PatchObject*)os->obj; pobj->GetPatchMesh(t).selLevel = oldLevel; } #endif // NO_PATCHES else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(polyObjectClassID)) { PolyObject *pPolyOb = (PolyObject*)os->obj; pPolyOb->GetMesh().selLevel = oldLevel; pPolyOb->GetMesh().dispFlags = 0; switch (oldLevel) { case MNM_SL_VERTEX: pPolyOb->GetMesh().dispFlags = MNDISP_SELVERTS | MNDISP_VERTTICKS; break; case MNM_SL_EDGE: pPolyOb->GetMesh().dispFlags = MNDISP_SELEDGES; break; case MNM_SL_FACE: pPolyOb->GetMesh().dispFlags = MNDISP_SELFACES; break; } pPolyOb->GetMesh().FaceSelect(oldFaceSelections); } else if(os->obj->IsSubClassOf(splineShapeClassID) || convertedShape) { SplineShape *ss = (SplineShape*)os->obj; ss->shape.selLevel = oldLevel; } }