コード例 #1
  CSparseCholeskyInternal::CSparseCholeskyInternal(const Sparsity& sparsity, int nrhs) :
      LinearSolverInternal(sparsity, nrhs) {
    L_ = 0;
    S_ = 0;

                          "CSparseCholeskyInternal: supplied sparsity must be symmetric, got "
                          << sparsity.dimString() << ".");
コード例 #2
// Constructor
SdpSolverInternal::SdpSolverInternal(const std::vector<Sparsity> &st) : st_(st) {
  addOption("calc_p", OT_BOOLEAN, true,
            "Indicate if the P-part of primal solution should be allocated and calculated. "
            "You may want to avoid calculating this variable for problems with n large, "
            "as is always dense (m x m).");
  addOption("calc_dual", OT_BOOLEAN, true, "Indicate if dual should be allocated and calculated. "
            "You may want to avoid calculating this variable for problems with n large, "
            "as is always dense (m x m).");
  addOption("print_problem", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Print out problem statement for debugging.");

  casadi_assert_message(st_.size()==SDP_STRUCT_NUM, "Problem structure mismatch");

  const Sparsity& A = st_[SDP_STRUCT_A];
  const Sparsity& G = st_[SDP_STRUCT_G];
  const Sparsity& F = st_[SDP_STRUCT_F];

  casadi_assert_message(G==G.transpose(), "SdpSolverInternal: Supplied G sparsity must "
                        "symmetric but got " << G.dimString());

  m_ = G.size1();

  nc_ = A.size1();
  n_ = A.size2();

  casadi_assert_message(F.size1()==m_, "SdpSolverInternal: Supplied F sparsity: number of rows ("
                        << F.size1() <<  ")  must match m (" << m_ << ")");

  casadi_assert_message(F.size2()%n_==0, "SdpSolverInternal: Supplied F sparsity: "
                        "number of columns (" << F.size2()
                        <<  ")  must be an integer multiple of n (" << n_
                        << "), but got remainder " << F.size2()%n_);

  // Input arguments
  input(SDP_SOLVER_G) = DMatrix(G, 0);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_F) = DMatrix(F, 0);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_A) = DMatrix(A, 0);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_C) = DMatrix::zeros(n_);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_LBX) = -DMatrix::inf(n_);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_UBX) = DMatrix::inf(n_);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_LBA) = -DMatrix::inf(nc_);
  input(SDP_SOLVER_UBA) = DMatrix::inf(nc_);

  for (int i=0;i<n_;i++) {
    Sparsity s = input(SDP_SOLVER_F)(ALL, Slice(i*m_, (i+1)*m_)).sparsity();
                          "SdpSolverInternal: Each supplied Fi must be symmetric. "
                          "But got " << s.dimString() <<  " for i = " << i << ".");

  input_.scheme = SCHEME_SDPInput;
  output_.scheme = SCHEME_SDPOutput;
