int w_SpriteBatch_setTexture(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Texture *tex = luax_checktexture(L, 2); t->setTexture(tex); return 0; }
TileSet* TileSet::create(const char* imagePath, float tileWidth, float tileHeight, unsigned int rowCount, unsigned int columnCount) { GP_ASSERT(imagePath); GP_ASSERT(tileWidth > 0 && tileHeight > 0); GP_ASSERT(rowCount > 0 && columnCount > 0); SpriteBatch* batch = SpriteBatch::create(imagePath); batch->getSampler()->setWrapMode(Texture::CLAMP, Texture::CLAMP); batch->getSampler()->setFilterMode(Texture::Filter::NEAREST, Texture::Filter::NEAREST); batch->getStateBlock()->setDepthWrite(false); batch->getStateBlock()->setDepthTest(true); TileSet* tileset = new TileSet(); tileset->_batch = batch; tileset->_tiles = new Vector2[rowCount * columnCount]; memset(tileset->_tiles, -1, sizeof(float) * rowCount * columnCount * 2); tileset->_tileWidth = tileWidth; tileset->_tileHeight = tileHeight; tileset->_rowCount = rowCount; tileset->_columnCount = columnCount; tileset->_width = tileWidth * columnCount; tileset->_height = tileHeight * rowCount; return tileset; }
unsigned int CheckBox::drawImages(Form* form, const Rectangle& clip) { if (!_image) return 0; // Left, v-center. // TODO: Set an alignment for icons. const Rectangle& region = _image->getRegion(); const Theme::UVs& uvs = _image->getUVs(); Vector4 color = _image->getColor(); color.w *= _opacity; Vector2 size; if (_imageSize.isZero()) { size.set(region.width, region.height); } else { size.set(_imageSize); } Vector2 pos(_viewportBounds.x, _viewportBounds.y + _viewportBounds.height * 0.5f - size.y * 0.5f); SpriteBatch* batch = _style->getTheme()->getSpriteBatch(); startBatch(form, batch); batch->draw(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y, uvs.u1, uvs.v1, uvs.u2, uvs.v2, color, _viewportClipBounds); finishBatch(form, batch); return 1; }
int w_SpriteBatch_setg(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); int index = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); Geometry *g = luax_checktype<Geometry>(L, 3, "Geometry", GRAPHICS_GEOMETRY_T); float x = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 4, 0.0f); float y = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 5, 0.0f); float angle = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 6, 0.0f); float sx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 7, 1.0f); float sy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 8, sx); float ox = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 9, 0); float oy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 10, 0); float kx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 11, 0); float ky = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 12, 0); try { t->addg(g, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky, index); } catch (love::Exception &e) { return luaL_error(L, "%s", e.what()); } return 0; }
unsigned int TextBox::drawImages(Form* form, const Rectangle& clip) { Control::State state = getState(); if (_caretImage && (state == ACTIVE || hasFocus())) { // Draw the cursor at its current location. const Rectangle& region = _caretImage->getRegion(); if (!region.isEmpty()) { const Theme::UVs& uvs = _caretImage->getUVs(); Vector4 color = _caretImage->getColor(); color.w *= _opacity; float caretWidth = region.width * _fontSize / region.height; Font* font = getFont(state); unsigned int fontSize = getFontSize(state); Vector2 point; font->getLocationAtIndex(getDisplayedText().c_str(), _textBounds, fontSize, &point, _caretLocation, getTextAlignment(state), true, getTextRightToLeft(state)); SpriteBatch* batch = _style->getTheme()->getSpriteBatch(); startBatch(form, batch); batch->draw(point.x - caretWidth * 0.5f, point.y, caretWidth, fontSize, uvs.u1, uvs.v1, uvs.u2, uvs.v2, color, _viewportClipBounds); finishBatch(form, batch); return 1; } } return 0; }
int w_SpriteBatch_setImage(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Image *image = luax_checktype<Image>(L, 2, "Image", GRAPHICS_IMAGE_T); t->setImage(image); return 0; }
int w_SpriteBatch_setBufferSize(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); int size = (int) luaL_checknumber(L, 2); luax_catchexcept(L, [&]() {t->setBufferSize(size); }); return 0; }
//=====-----=======---------=========---------==========---------=========----------============= void ParticleSet::drawParticles( SpriteBatch& sb, const TexturePtr texture, const Color& color, const int layer, const float sizeFactor, bool doFade ) { for(int i = 0; i <= mHighestLiveIndex; ++i) { if(!mParticles[i].mAlive) { continue; } if (mParticles[i].mLifetime == -1.0f) { Color finalColor( color ); finalColor *= mParticles[i].mAlphaMultiplier; sb.drawQuad(layer, texture, mParticles[i].mPosition + VectorTools::rotateVector(mParticles[i].mOffset, Walaber::degToRad(mParticles[i].mAngleDeg)), Walaber::degToRad(mParticles[i].mAngleDeg), mParticles[i].mSize * sizeFactor, finalColor); } else { Color finalCol = color; if (doFade) finalCol = _getParticleColor(&mParticles[i], color); // color * lerp(0.0f, 1.0f, mParticles[i].mLifetime / mParticles[i].mFadeLength); sb.drawQuad(layer, texture, mParticles[i].mPosition + VectorTools::rotateVector(mParticles[i].mOffset, Walaber::degToRad(mParticles[i].mAngleDeg)), Walaber::degToRad(mParticles[i].mAngleDeg), getParticleSize(i) * sizeFactor, finalCol); } } }
int w_SpriteBatch_setColor(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Color c; if (lua_gettop(L) <= 1) { t->setColor(); return 0; } else if (lua_istable(L, 2)) { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i); c.r = (unsigned char) luaL_checkint(L, -4); c.g = (unsigned char) luaL_checkint(L, -3); c.b = (unsigned char) luaL_checkint(L, -2); c.a = (unsigned char) luaL_optint(L, -1, 255); lua_pop(L, 4); } else { c.r = (unsigned char)luaL_checkint(L, 2); c.g = (unsigned char)luaL_checkint(L, 3); c.b = (unsigned char)luaL_checkint(L, 4); c.a = (unsigned char)luaL_optint(L, 5, 255); } t->setColor(c); return 0; }
void ParticleEmitter::draw (SpriteBatch& spriteBatch,float delta) { accumulator += std::min(delta * 1000, 250.f); if (accumulator < 1) { draw(spriteBatch); return; } int deltaMillis = (int)accumulator; accumulator -= deltaMillis; if (additive) spriteBatch.setBlendFunction(gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_SRC_ALPHA, gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_ONE); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < active.size(); index++) { if (active[index]) { if (updateParticle(index, delta, deltaMillis)) { particles[index]->draw(spriteBatch); } else { active[index] = false; activeCount--; } } } if (additive) spriteBatch.setBlendFunction(gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_SRC_ALPHA, gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); if (delayTimer < delay) { delayTimer += deltaMillis; return; } if (firstUpdate) { firstUpdate = false; addParticle(); } if (durationTimer < duration) durationTimer += deltaMillis; else { if (!continuous || allowCompletionVar) return; restart(); } emissionDelta += deltaMillis; float emissionTime = emission + emissionDiff * emissionValue.getScale(durationTimer / (float)duration); if (emissionTime > 0) { emissionTime = 1000 / emissionTime; if (emissionDelta >= emissionTime) { int emitCount = (int)(emissionDelta / emissionTime); emitCount = std::min(emitCount, maxParticleCount - activeCount); emissionDelta -= emitCount * emissionTime; emissionDelta = std::fmod((float)emissionDelta, emissionTime); addParticles(emitCount); } } if (activeCount < minParticleCount) addParticles(minParticleCount - activeCount); }
int w_SpriteBatch_getImage(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Image *image = t->getImage(); image->retain(); luax_newtype(L, "Image", GRAPHICS_IMAGE_T, (void *)image); return 1; }
void Level::draw(SpriteBatch& spriteBatch) { for (auto& block : m_levelData) { spriteBatch.draw(glm::vec4(block.pos.x, block.pos.y, block.size.x, block.size.y), glm::vec4(0,0,1,1),, 0, m_color); } spriteBatch.draw(glm::vec4(m_finishPoint.pos.x-2.f, m_finishPoint.pos.y-2.f, m_finishPoint.size.x, m_finishPoint.size.y), glm::vec4(0,0,1,1),, 0, ColorRGBA8(20,20,220,255)); }
int w_SpriteBatch_attachAttribute(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); Mesh *m = luax_checktype<Mesh>(L, 3, GRAPHICS_MESH_ID); luax_catchexcept(L, [&](){ t->attachAttribute(name, m); }); return 0; }
void MeshGame::drawSplash(void* param) { clear(CLEAR_COLOR_DEPTH, Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), 1.0f, 0); SpriteBatch* batch = SpriteBatch::create("res/logo_powered_white.png"); batch->start(); batch->draw(this->getWidth() * 0.5f, this->getHeight() * 0.5f, 0.0f, 512.0f, 512.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, Vector4::one(), true); batch->finish(); SAFE_DELETE(batch); }
void SpaceshipGame::drawSplash(void* coookie) { clear(CLEAR_COLOR_DEPTH, Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), 1.0f, 0); SpriteBatch* batch = SpriteBatch::create("res/splash.png"); batch->begin(); batch->draw(Rectangle(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), Rectangle(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), Vector4::one()); batch->end(); SAFE_DELETE(batch); }
void CharacterGame::drawSplash(void* param) { clear(CLEAR_COLOR_DEPTH, Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1), 1.0f, 0); SpriteBatch* batch = SpriteBatch::create("res/logo_powered_white.png"); batch->begin(); batch->draw(getWidth() * 0.5f, getHeight() * 0.5f, 0.0f, 512.0f, 512.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, Vector4::one(), true); batch->end(); SAFE_DELETE(batch); }
void ParticleEmitter::draw (SpriteBatch& spriteBatch) { if (additive) spriteBatch.setBlendFunction(gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_SRC_ALPHA, gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL10::GL_ONE); for (unsigned index = 0; index < active.size(); index++) { if (active[index]) { particles[index]->draw(spriteBatch); } } if (additive) spriteBatch.setBlendFunction(gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_SRC_ALPHA, gdx_cpp::graphics::GL10::GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); }
int w_SpriteBatch_bind(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); try { t->lock(); } catch (love::Exception &e) { return luaL_error(L, "%s", e.what()); } return 0; }
int w_SpriteBatch_add(lua_State * L) { SpriteBatch * t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); float x = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 2, 0.0f); float y = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 0.0f); float angle = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 4, 0.0f); float sx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 5, 1.0f); float sy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 6, sx); float ox = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 7, 0); float oy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 8, 0); t->add(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy); return 0; }
int w_SpriteBatch_addq(lua_State * L) { SpriteBatch * t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Quad * q = luax_checktype<Quad>(L, 2, "Quad", GRAPHICS_QUAD_T); float x = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 0.0f); float y = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 4, 0.0f); float angle = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 5, 0.0f); float sx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 6, 1.0f); float sy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 7, sx); float ox = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 8, 0); float oy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 9, 0); t->addq(q, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy); return 0; }
void NinePatch::draw (SpriteBatch& batch,float x,float y,float width,float height) { float centerColumnX = x; if (patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_LEFT].isValid()) centerColumnX += patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_LEFT].getRegionWidth(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_LEFT].isValid()) centerColumnX += patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_LEFT].getRegionWidth(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].isValid()) // centerColumnX += patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].getRegionWidth(); float rightColumnX = x + width; if (patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_RIGHT].isValid()) rightColumnX -= patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_RIGHT].getRegionWidth(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_RIGHT].isValid()) rightColumnX += patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_RIGHT].getRegionWidth(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].isValid()) // rightColumnX += patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].getRegionWidth(); float middleRowY = y; if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].isValid()) middleRowY += patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].getRegionHeight(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER].isValid()) middleRowY += patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER].getRegionHeight(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].isValid()) // middleRowY += patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].getRegionHeight(); float topRowY = y + height; if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].isValid()) topRowY -= patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].getRegionHeight(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER].isValid()) topRowY -= patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER].getRegionHeight(); else if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].isValid()) // topRowY -= patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].getRegionHeight(); // Bottom row if (patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_LEFT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_LEFT], x, y, centerColumnX - x, middleRowY - y); if (patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_CENTER].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_CENTER], centerColumnX, y, rightColumnX - centerColumnX, middleRowY - y); if (patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_RIGHT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::BOTTOM_RIGHT], rightColumnX, y, x + width - rightColumnX, middleRowY - y); // Middle row if (patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_LEFT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_LEFT], x, middleRowY, centerColumnX - x, topRowY - middleRowY); if (patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_CENTER].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_CENTER], centerColumnX, middleRowY, rightColumnX - centerColumnX, topRowY - middleRowY); if (patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_RIGHT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::MIDDLE_RIGHT], rightColumnX, middleRowY, x + width - rightColumnX, topRowY - middleRowY); // Top row if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::TOP_LEFT], x, topRowY, centerColumnX - x, y + height - topRowY); if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::TOP_CENTER], centerColumnX, topRowY, rightColumnX - centerColumnX, y + height - topRowY); if (patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT].isValid()) batch.draw(patches[(int)Sides::TOP_RIGHT], rightColumnX, topRowY, x + width - rightColumnX, y + height - topRowY); }
virtual void Draw() override { GetGraphicsDevice().Clear(Color4::White); spriteBatch.Begin(BlendState::AlphaBlend); for (int i = 0; i < blipCount; i++) { spriteBatch.Draw(ball, blips[i], scale, origin); } theta += 0.01f; Game::Draw(); spriteBatch.End(); }
int w_SpriteBatch_getTexture(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); Texture *tex = t->getTexture(); // FIXME: big hack right here. if (typeid(*tex) == typeid(Image)) luax_pushtype(L, GRAPHICS_IMAGE_ID, tex); else if (typeid(*tex) == typeid(Canvas)) luax_pushtype(L, GRAPHICS_CANVAS_ID, tex); else return luaL_error(L, "Unable to determine texture type."); return 1; }
void Projectile::draw(SpriteBatch& spriteBatch) { glm::vec4 uv = glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); static GLTexture texture = ResourceManager::getTexture("Textures/PNG/Coal.png"); glm::vec4 posAndSize = glm::vec4(_position.x, _position.y, 30, 30); spriteBatch.draw(posAndSize, uv,, 0.0f, Color4(255, 255, 255, 255)); }
void LoadResource() { GGlobalVarManager->Init(); GFileSys->SetRootPath("../../resource/", true); GShaderManager.LoadFromFile(ShaderDiffuse, "../../assets/shader330.glsl"); GShaderManager.LoadFromFile(ShaderUI, "../../assets/ShaderUI.glsl"); checkGlError("GShaderManager.LoadFromFile"); bitmapFont.LoadFromFile("consolas.bitmapfont"); spriteBatch.Init(128); ModelInstance* model = NULL; model = CreateModel("build_tower003.mesh", "2.png"); model->transform_ = Matrix4f::Transform(Quaternionf::IDENTITY, Vector3f(-1.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); Models.push_back(model); //model = CreateModel("build_house008.mesh", "1.png"); //model->transform_ = Matrix4f::Transform(Quaternionf::IDENTITY, Vector3f(1.5f, 10.0f, 0.0f)); //Models.push_back(model); //model = CreateModel("Box001.mesh", "2.png"); //MatrixTransform(model->transform_, Quaternionf::IDENTITY, Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //Models.push_back(model); }
void SpriteFont::draw(SpriteBatch& batch, const char* s, glm::vec2 position, glm::vec2 scaling, float depth, ColorRGBA8 tint, Justification just /* = Justification::LEFT */) { glm::vec2 tp = position; // Apply justification if (just == Justification::MIDDLE) { tp.x -= measure(s).x * scaling.x / 2; } else if (just == Justification::RIGHT) { tp.x -= measure(s).x * scaling.x; } for (int si = 0; s[si] != 0; si++) { char c = s[si]; if (s[si] == '\n') { tp.y += _fontHeight * scaling.y; tp.x = position.x; } else { // Check for correct glyph int gi = c - _regStart; if (gi < 0 || gi >= _regLength) gi = _regLength; glm::vec4 destRect(tp, _glyphs[gi].size * scaling); batch.draw(destRect, _glyphs[gi].uvRect, _texID, depth, tint); tp.x += _glyphs[gi].size.x * scaling.x; } } }
int w_SpriteBatch_getColor(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); const Color *color = t->getColor(); // getColor returns null if no color is set. if (!color) return 0; lua_pushnumber(L, color->r); lua_pushnumber(L, color->g); lua_pushnumber(L, color->b); lua_pushnumber(L, color->a); return 4; }
int w_SpriteBatch_set(lua_State *L) { SpriteBatch *t = luax_checkspritebatch(L, 1); int index = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); float x = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 3, 0.0f); float y = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 4, 0.0f); float angle = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 5, 0.0f); float sx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 6, 1.0f); float sy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 7, sx); float ox = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 8, 0); float oy = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 9, 0); float kx = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 10, 0); float ky = (float)luaL_optnumber(L, 11, 0); t->add(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky, index); return 0; }
void Level::draw(SpriteBatch& spriteBatch) { for (auto& block : m_levelData) { spriteBatch.draw(glm::vec4(block.pos.x, block.pos.y, block.size.x, block.size.y), glm::vec4(0,0,1,1),, 0, m_color); } }
Sprite* Sprite::create(const char* imagePath, float width, float height, const Rectangle& source, unsigned int frameCount, Effect* effect) { GP_ASSERT(imagePath != NULL); GP_ASSERT(width >= -1 && height >= -1); GP_ASSERT(source.width >= -1 && source.height >= -1); GP_ASSERT(frameCount > 0); SpriteBatch* batch = SpriteBatch::create(imagePath, effect); batch->getSampler()->setWrapMode(Texture::CLAMP, Texture::CLAMP); batch->getSampler()->setFilterMode(Texture::Filter::LINEAR, Texture::Filter::LINEAR); batch->getStateBlock()->setDepthWrite(false); batch->getStateBlock()->setDepthTest(true); unsigned int imageWidth = batch->getSampler()->getTexture()->getWidth(); unsigned int imageHeight = batch->getSampler()->getTexture()->getHeight(); if (width == -1) width = imageWidth; if (height == -1) height = imageHeight; Sprite* sprite = new Sprite(); sprite->_width = width; sprite->_height = height; sprite->_batch = batch; sprite->_frameCount = frameCount; sprite->_frames = new Rectangle[frameCount]; sprite->_frames[0] = source; if (sprite->_frames[0].width == -1.0f) sprite->_frames[0].width = imageWidth; if (sprite->_frames[0].height == -1.0f) sprite->_frames[0].height = imageHeight; return sprite; }