void PcInfo::dumpOnePoint(const Stage& stage) const { const Schema& schema = stage.getSchema(); PointBuffer data(schema, 1); boost::scoped_ptr<StageSequentialIterator> iter(stage.createSequentialIterator(data)); iter->skip(m_pointNumber); const boost::uint32_t numRead = iter->read(data); if (numRead != 1) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "problem reading point number " << m_pointNumber; throw app_runtime_error(oss.str()); } boost::property_tree::ptree tree = data.toPTree(); std::ostream& ostr = m_outputStream ? *m_outputStream : std::cout; boost::property_tree::ptree output; output.add_child("point", tree.get_child("0")); if (m_useXML) write_xml(ostr, output); else write_json(ostr, tree.get_child("0")); return; }
void PcInfo::dumpQuery(Stage const& stage, IndexedPointBuffer& data) const { boost::char_separator<char> sep(SEPARATORS); tokenizer tokens(m_QueryPoint, sep); std::vector<double> values; for (tokenizer::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) { values.push_back(boost::lexical_cast<double>(*t)); } if (values.size() < 2) throw app_runtime_error("--points must be two or three values"); boost::scoped_ptr<StageSequentialIterator> iter(stage.createSequentialIterator(data)); const boost::uint32_t numRead = iter->read(data); bool is3D(true); if (values.size() < 3) is3D = false; data.build(is3D); Schema const& schema = data.getSchema(); Dimension const& dimX = schema.getDimension("X"); Dimension const& dimY = schema.getDimension("Y"); Dimension const& dimZ = schema.getDimension("Z"); double x = values[0]; double y = values[1]; double z(0.0); if (is3D) z = values[2]; boost::uint32_t count(m_numPointsToWrite); if (!m_numPointsToWrite) count = 1; double d(0.0); std::vector<std::size_t> ids = data.neighbors(x, y, z, d, count); PointBuffer response(data.getSchema(), count); typedef std::vector<std::size_t>::const_iterator Iterator; std::vector<std::size_t>::size_type pos(0); for (Iterator i = ids.begin(); i != ids.end(); ++i) { response.copyPointFast(pos, *i, data); response.setNumPoints(response.getNumPoints() + 1); pos++; } boost::property_tree::ptree tree = response.toPTree(); std::ostream& ostr = m_outputStream ? *m_outputStream : std::cout; boost::property_tree::ptree output; output.add_child("point", tree); if (m_useXML) write_xml(ostr, output); else write_json(ostr, tree); return; }
int Delta::execute() { Options sourceOptions; { sourceOptions.add<std::string>("filename", m_sourceFile); sourceOptions.add<bool>("debug", isDebug()); sourceOptions.add<boost::uint32_t>("verbose", getVerboseLevel()); } Stage* source = AppSupport::makeReader(sourceOptions); source->initialize(); boost::uint32_t totalPointCount(source->getNumPoints()); PointBuffer source_data(source->getSchema(), totalPointCount); StageSequentialIterator* source_iter = source->createSequentialIterator(source_data); boost::uint32_t numRead = source_iter->read(source_data); assert(numRead == source_data.getNumPoints()); delete source_iter; delete source; Options candidateOptions; { candidateOptions.add<std::string>("filename", m_candidateFile); candidateOptions.add<bool>("debug", isDebug()); candidateOptions.add<boost::uint32_t>("verbose", getVerboseLevel()); } Stage* candidate = AppSupport::makeReader(candidateOptions); candidate->initialize(); IndexedPointBuffer candidate_data(candidate->getSchema(), totalPointCount); StageSequentialIterator* candidate_iter = candidate->createSequentialIterator(candidate_data); numRead = candidate_iter->read(candidate_data); assert(numRead == candidate_data.getNumPoints()); delete candidate_iter; if (source_data.getNumPoints() != candidate_data.getNumPoints()) { std::cerr << "Source and candidate files do not have the same point count, testing each source point only!" << std::endl; } // m_summary_x(xd); // m_summary_y(yd); // m_summary_z(zd); if (m_outputFileName.size()) { m_outputStream = FileUtils::createFile(m_outputFileName); } candidate_data.build(m_3d); boost::uint32_t count(std::min(source_data.getNumPoints(), candidate_data.getNumPoints())); boost::scoped_ptr<std::map<Point, Point> > points(cumulatePoints(source_data, candidate_data)); if (m_OutputDetail) { outputDetail(source_data, candidate_data, points.get()); return 0; } std::map<Point, Point>::const_iterator i; for(i = points->begin(); i != points->end(); ++i) { Point const& s = i->first; Point const& c = i->second; double xd = s.x - c.x; double yd = s.y - c.y; double zd = s.z - c.z; m_summary_x(xd); m_summary_y(yd); m_summary_z(zd); } std::string headline("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); std::cout << headline << std::endl; std::cout << " Delta summary for source '" << m_sourceFile << "' and candidate '" << m_candidateFile <<"'" << std::endl; std::cout << headline << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::string thead("----------- --------------- --------------- --------------"); std::cout << thead << std::endl; std::cout << " Dimension X Y Z " << std::endl; std::cout << thead << std::endl; boost::format fmt("%.4f"); double sminx = (boost::accumulators::min)(m_summary_x); double sminy = (boost::accumulators::min)(m_summary_y); double sminz = (boost::accumulators::min)(m_summary_z); double smaxx = (boost::accumulators::max)(m_summary_x); double smaxy = (boost::accumulators::max)(m_summary_y); double smaxz = (boost::accumulators::max)(m_summary_z); double smeanx = (boost::accumulators::mean)(m_summary_x); double smeany = (boost::accumulators::mean)(m_summary_y); double smeanz = (boost::accumulators::mean)(m_summary_z); std::cout << " Min " << fmt % sminx << " " << fmt % sminy << " " << fmt % sminz<<std::endl; std::cout << " Min " << fmt % smaxx << " " << fmt % smaxy << " " << fmt % smaxz<<std::endl; std::cout << " Mean " << fmt % smeanx << " " << fmt % smeany << " " << fmt % smeanz<<std::endl; std::cout << thead << std::endl; return 0; }