Stats<T> BivarStats<T>::estimateDeviation(const std::vector< std::pair<T, T> >& d) const { Stats<T> estats; size_t max( d.size() ); for (size_t i=0; i<max; i++) estats.Add(std::abs(d[i].second - eval(d[i].first))); return estats; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TD i don't think weighted stddev is right... // TD add setw(width) everywhere int main(int argc, char **argv) { clock_t totaltime; // for timing tests // begin counting time totaltime = clock(); try { bool help,nostats=false,plot=false,qplot=false,domin=false,domax=false; bool doKS=false,dobeg=false,doend=false,doseq=false; int i,j,col=1,xcol=-1,fit=0,prec=3,width=0; unsigned int brief=0; double sigout=0.0,min,max,beg,end; string filename,label=string(); ostream *pout; // process command line -------------------------------------------------- help = (argc <= 1); for(i=1; i<argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-') { // && argv[i][1] == '-') string arg(argv[i]); if(arg == string("--help") || arg == string("-h")) help = true; // input else if(arg == string("--col") || arg == string("-c") || arg == string("-y")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); j = atoi(argv[++i]); if(j <= 0) { cout << "Ignore invalid option --col " << j << endl; help = true; } else col = j; } else if(arg == string("--xcol") || arg == string("-x")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); j = atoi(argv[++i]); if(j <= 0) { cout << "Ignore invalid option --xcol " << j << endl; help = true; } else xcol = j; } else if(arg == string("--beg")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); beg = atof(argv[++i]); dobeg = true; } else if(arg == string("--end")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); end = atof(argv[++i]); doend = true; } else if(arg == string("--min")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); min = atof(argv[++i]); domin = true; } else if(arg == string("--max")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); max = atof(argv[++i]); domax = true; } // plots else if(arg == string("--plot")) plot = true; else if(arg == string("--qplot") || arg == string("-q")) qplot = true; // analysis else if(arg == string("--fit") || arg == string("-f")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); fit = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(arg == string("--seq") || arg == string("-s")) { doseq = true; } else if(arg == string("--nostats") || arg == string("-n")) nostats = true; // outputs else if(arg == string("--outliers") || arg == string("--outs") || arg == string("-o")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); sigout = atof(argv[++i]); } else if(arg == string("--prec") || arg == string("-p")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); prec = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(arg == string("--width") || arg == string("-w")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); width = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if(arg == string("--KS")) { doKS = true; } else if(arg.substr(0,7) == string("--brief") || arg.substr(0,2) == string("-b")) { if(arg == string("--brief") || arg == string("-b")) brief |= 1; else if(arg == string("--briefc") || arg == string("-bc")) brief |= 1; else if(arg == string("--briefw") || arg == string("-bw")) brief |= 2; else if(arg == string("--briefr") || arg == string("-br")) brief |= 4; else if(arg == string("--brief2") || arg == string("-b2")) brief |= 8; else cout << "Ignore unknown option: " << arg << endl; } else if(arg == string("--label") || arg == string("-l")) { if(i==argc-1) return BadOption(arg); label = string(argv[++i]); } else { cout << "Ignore unknown option: " << arg << endl; } } else { filename = string(argv[i]); } } if(help) { cout << "Usage: rstats [options] <file>\n" " Compute standard and robust statistics on numbers in one column of <file>.\n" " Options (default):\n" "# input\n" " --col <c> use data in column <c> (1)\n" " --xcol <cx> specify another column, and output 2-sample stats ()\n" " --beg <b> include only data that satisfies x > b\n" " --end <e> include only data that satisfies x < e\n" " --min <lo> include only data that satisfies d > lo\n" " --max <hi> include only data that satisfies d < hi\n" "# plots\n" " --plot generate a stem-and-leaf plot\n" " --qplot generate data for a quantile-quantile plot [write qplot.out]\n" "# analysis\n" " --fit <f> fit a robust polynomial of degree <f> (>0) to data,\n" " using xcol as independent variable, output in rstats.out;\n" " stats that follow are for residuals of fit.\n" " --seq output data, in input order, with sequential stats\n" " --nostats supress total stats output (for fit, seq)\n" "# outputs\n" " --outs <s> explicitly list all data outside s*outlier limits\n" " --prec <p> specify precision of all outputs (" << prec << ")\n" " --width <w> specify width of all outputs (" << width << ")\n" " --KS output the Anderson-Darling statistic (a form of the KS-test),\n" " where AD>0.752 means non-normal\n" " --brief brief output (conventional stats)\n" " (--briefw for wt'ed, --briefr for robust --brief2 for 2-sample)\n" " --label <l> add label l to the (brief,fit,seq) outputs\n" " --help print this and quit\n" ; return -1; } if(fit > 0 && xcol == -1) { cout << "Error: --fit requires --xcol <xcol>\n"; return -1; } // open input file ------------------------------------------------------- istream *pin; // do it this way for Windows... if(!filename.empty()) { pin = new ifstream(filename.c_str()); if(pin->fail()) { cout << "Could not open file " << filename << " .. abort.\n"; return -2; } } else { filename = string("stdin"); pin = &cin; } // 1-line message to screen if(brief) { ; } else { cout << "# rstats for "; if(pin == &cin) cout << "data from stdin"; else cout << "file: " << filename; cout << ", stats (col " << col << ")"; if(xcol > -1) { cout << " and 2-sample stats (x-col " << xcol << ")"; if(fit > 0) { cout << ", fit (" << fit << ")"; if(nostats) cout << " (but no stats)"; } } cout << endl; } // read input file ------------------------------------------------------- const int BUFF_SIZE=1024; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; size_t nd,nxd; double d,xd; string stuff; vector<double> data,wts,xdata; Stats<double> S; Stats<double> cstats; TwoSampleStats<double> TSS; ostringstream oss; nd = nxd = 0; while(pin->getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) { //if(buffer[0] == '#') continue; string line = buffer; stripTrailing(line,'\r'); // remove leading whitespace line = stripLeading(line,string(" ")); // skip comments if(line[0] == '#') continue; // tab separated change(line,"\t"," "); // check that column col is there... if(numWords(line) < col) { nd++; continue; } // pull it out stuff = word(line,col-1); // is it a number? if(!(isScientificString(stuff))) { nd++; continue; } // convert it to double and save it d = asDouble(stuff); if(domin && d <= min) continue; if(domax && d >= max) continue; data.push_back(d); S.Add(d); // do the same for xcol if(xcol > -1) { if(numWords(line) < xcol) { data.pop_back(); nxd++; continue; } stuff = word(line,xcol-1); if(!(isScientificString(stuff))) { data.pop_back(); nxd++; continue; } xd = asDouble(stuff); if(dobeg && xd <= beg) continue; if(doend && xd >= end) continue; TSS.Add(xd, d); xdata.push_back(xd); } data.push_back(d); cstats.Add(d); } // end input loop if(pin != &cin) { ((ifstream *)pin)->close(); delete pin; } // check that input was good if(data.size() < 2) { cout << "Abort: not enough data: " << data.size() << " data read"; if(nd > 0) cout << " [data(col) not found on " << nd << " lines]"; if(nxd > 0) cout << " [data(xcol) not found on " << nxd << " lines]"; cout << "." << endl; return -3; } if(xcol != -1 && xdata.size() == 0) { cout << "Abort: No data found in 'x' column." << endl; return -3; } if(nd > data.size()/2) cout << "Warning: data(col) not found on " << nd << " lines" << endl; if(nxd > xdata.size()/2) cout << "Warning: data(xcol) not found on " << nxd << " lines" << endl; //cout << "Collected " << data.size() << " data.\n" << fixed; //for(i=0; i<data.size(); i++) { // cout << " " << setprecision(prec) << data[i]; // if(xcol > -1) cout << " : " << xdata[i] << " "; // if(!((i+1)%(xcol > -1 ? 4 : 10))) cout << endl; //} cout << endl; // //cout << "Conventional median is " << median(data) << endl; // label used in output oss.str(""); oss << "Data of column " << col; if(xcol != -1) oss << ", x column " << xcol; oss << ", file " << filename; string msg(oss.str()); // process fit ----------------------------------------------------------- if(fit > 0) { vector<double> savedata(data); double *coef,eval,tt,t0; wts.resize(data.size()); coef = new double[fit]; if(!coef) { cout << "Abort: allocate coefficients failed.\n"; return -4; } int iret = Robust::RobustPolyFit(&data[0], &xdata[0], data.size(), fit, &coef[0], &wts[0]); cout << "RobustPolyFit returns " << iret << endl; if(iret == 0) { cout << " Coefficients:" << setprecision(prec); for(i=0; i<fit; i++) { if(fabs(coef[i]) < 0.001) cout << " " << scientific; else cout << " " << fixed; cout << coef[i]; } cout << endl << fixed << setprecision(prec); cout << " Offsets: Y(col " << col << ") " << savedata[0] << " X(col " << xcol << ") " << xdata[0] << endl; // output to file rstats.out pout = new ofstream("rstats.out"); if(pout->fail()) { cout << "Unable to open file rstats.out - output to screen\n"; pout = &cout; } else { cout << "Output polynomial fit to file rstats.out\n"; //cout << " try `plot rstats.out -x 1 -y 2,data,points -y 3,fit,lines" //<< " -y 4,residuals -y2 5,weights --y2range -0.1:1.1 " //<< "-t \"Robust fit (degree " << fit //<< "), output of rstats for file " << filename << "\"`" << endl; cout << "try the command plot rstats.out -x 1 -y 4,residuals " << "-y2 2,data,points -y2 3,fit,lines -xl X -yl Residuals \\\n " << "-y2l \"Data and fit\" -t \"Robust fit (degree " << fit << "), output of rstats for file " << filename << "\"" << endl; } t0 = xdata[0]; *pout << "#Xdata, Data, fit, resid, weight (" << data.size() << " pts):" << fixed << setprecision(prec) << endl; for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) { eval = savedata[0] + coef[0]; tt = xdata[i]-t0; for(j=1; j<fit; j++) { eval += coef[j]*tt; tt *= (xdata[i]-t0); } *pout << fixed << setprecision(prec) << xdata[i] << " " << savedata[i] << " " << eval << " " << data[i] << scientific << " " << wts[i] << endl; } if(pout != &cout) ((ofstream *)pout)->close(); //QSort(&wts[0],wts.size()); //Robust::StemLeafPlot(cout, &wts[0], wts.size(), "weights"); } //cout << endl; delete[] coef; if(nostats) return 0; oss.str(""); oss << "Residuals of fit (deg " << fit << ") col " << col << " vs x col " << xcol << ", file " << filename; msg = oss.str(); } // end if fit // output data with sequential stats ------------------------------------- if(doseq) { cstats.Reset(); cout << "Data and sequential stats ([lab] [xdata] data n ave std)\n"; cout << fixed << setprecision(prec); for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) { cstats.Add(data[i]); if(!label.empty()) cout << label << " "; if(xdata.size()>0) cout << xdata[i] << " "; cout << data[i] << " " << cstats.N() << " " << cstats.Average() << " " << (cstats.N() > 1 ? cstats.StdDev() : 0.0) << endl; } if(nostats) return 0; } // compute robust stats -------------------------------------------------- double median,mad,mest,Q1,Q3,KS; if(xdata.size() > 0) QSort(&data[0],&xdata[0],xdata.size()); else QSort(&data[0],data.size()); Robust::Quartiles(&data[0],data.size(),Q1,Q3); // outlier limit (high) 2.5Q3-1.5Q1 // outlier limit (low ) 2.5Q1-1.5Q3 mad = Robust::MedianAbsoluteDeviation(&data[0],data.size(),median); wts.resize(data.size()); mest = Robust::MEstimate(&data[0], data.size(), median, mad, &wts[0]); cout << "Conventional statistics:\n" << fixed << setprecision(8) << S << endl; if(xcol > -1) cout << "Two-sample statistics:\n" << setprecision(8) << TSS << endl; cout << fixed << setprecision(prec); // output stats ---------------------------------------------------------- if(brief & 1 || brief & 8) cout << "rstats(con):" << (label.empty() ? "" : " "+label) << " N " << setw(prec) << cstats.N() << " Ave " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Average() << " Std " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.StdDev() << " Var " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Variance() << " Min " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Minimum() << " Max " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Maximum() << " P2P " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Maximum()-cstats.Minimum() << endl; else if(brief==0) cout << "Conventional statistics: " << msg << ":\n" << cstats << endl; if(doKS) { KS = ADtest(&data[0],data.size(),cstats.Average(),cstats.StdDev(),false); cout << " KS test = " << setprecision(prec) << KS << endl; } cstats.Reset(); for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) { //cout << "WTD " << i << fixed << setprecision(8) //<< " " << data[i] << " " << wts[i] << endl; cstats.Add(data[i],wts[i]); } if(brief & 2) cout << "rstats(wtd)" << (fit==0 ? "" : "(fit resid)") << ":" << (label.empty() ? "" : " "+label) << " N " << setw(prec) << cstats.N() << " Ave " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Average() << " Std " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.StdDev() << " Var " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Variance() << " Min " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Minimum() << " Max " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Maximum() << " P2P " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Maximum()-cstats.Minimum() << endl; else if(brief==0) cout << "Conventional statistics with robust weighting: " << msg << ":\n" << fixed << setprecision(prec) << cstats << endl; if(xcol > -1) { if(brief & 8) cout << "rstats(2sm)" << ":" << (label.empty() ? "" : " "+label) << " N " << data.size() //<< " VarX " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.VarianceX() //<< " VarY " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.VarianceY() << " Int " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.Intercept() << " Slp " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.Slope() << " +- " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.SigmaSlope() << " CSig " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.SigmaYX() << " Corr " << setprecision(prec) << TSS.Correlation() << endl; else if(brief==0) cout << "Two-sample statistics: " << msg << ":\n" << setprecision(prec) << TSS << endl; } if(brief & 4) cout << "rstats(rob)" << (fit==0 ? "" : "(fit resid)") << ":" << (label.empty() ? "" : " "+label) << " N " << data.size() << " Med " << setw(prec+3) << median << " MAD " << mad << " Min " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Minimum() << " Max " << cstats.Maximum() << " P2P " << setw(prec+3) << cstats.Maximum()-cstats.Minimum() << " Q1 " << setw(prec+3) << Q1 << " Q3 " << setw(prec+3) << Q3 << endl; else if(brief==0) { cout << "Robust statistics: " << msg << ":\n"; cout << " Number = " << data.size() << endl; cout << " Quartiles = " << setw(11) << setprecision(prec) << Q1 << " " << setw(11) << setprecision(prec) << Q3 << endl; cout << " Median = " << setw(11) << setprecision(prec) << median << endl; cout << " MEstimate = " << setw(11) << setprecision(prec) << mest << endl; cout << " MAD = " << setw(11) << setprecision(prec) << mad << endl; } // output stem and leaf plot --------------------------------------------- if(plot) { try { Robust::StemLeafPlot(cout, &data[0], data.size(), msg); } catch(Exception& e) { if(e.getText(0) == string("Invalid input") || e.getText(0) == string("Array has zero range")) { cout << "(No stem and leaf plot; data is trivial)\n"; return 0; } //if(e.getText(0) == string("Array is not sorted")) GPSTK_RETHROW(e); } } // output outliers ------------------------------------------------------- if(sigout) { // TD does this work when ave != 0? double OH = Q3 + sigout*1.5*(Q3-Q1); // normally 2.5*Q3 - 1.5*Q1; double OL = Q1 - sigout*1.5*(Q3-Q1); // normally 2.5*Q1 - 1.5*Q3; vector<int> outhi,outlo; for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) { if(data[i] > OH) outhi.push_back(i); else if(data[i] < OL) outlo.push_back(i); } cout << "There are " << outhi.size()+outlo.size() << " outliers; " << outlo.size() << " low (< " << setprecision(prec) << OL << ") and " << outhi.size() << " high (> " << setprecision(prec) << OH << ")." << endl << " n " << (xdata.size() > 0 ? "x-value" : "") << " value val/outlim" << endl; // NB data and xdata have been sorted together for(j=1,i=0; i<int(outlo.size()); i++,j++) { cout << " OTL " << j << " "; if(xdata.size() > 0) cout << xdata[outlo[i]] << " "; cout << data[outlo[i]] << " " << data[outlo[i]]/OL << endl; } for(i=0; i<int(outhi.size()); i++,j++) { cout << " OTH " << j << " "; if(xdata.size() > 0) cout << xdata[outhi[i]] << " "; cout << data[outhi[i]] << " " << data[outhi[i]]/OH << endl; } } // output quantile plot -------------------------------------------------- if(qplot) { xdata.resize(data.size()); // replace xcol data with quantiles. Robust::QuantilePlot(&data[0],data.size(),&xdata[0]); // output to file rstats.out pout = new ofstream("qplot.out"); if(pout->fail()) { cout << "Unable to open file qplot.out - output to screen\n"; pout = &cout; } else cout << "Output q-q data to file qplot.out (plot column 2 vs 1)\n"; TSS.Reset(); // use TSS to get slope and intercept of q-q fit to line for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) TSS.Add(xdata[i],data[i]); for(i=0; i<int(data.size()); i++) *pout << xdata[i] << " " << data[i] << " " << TSS.Intercept() + TSS.Slope()*xdata[i] << endl; if(pout != &cout) ((ofstream *)pout)->close(); cout << "Q-Q data fit to line yields y-intercept (mean) " << setprecision(3) << TSS.Intercept() << " and slope ( " << TSS.Slope() << endl << " try `plot qplot.out -x 1 -y 2,data -y 3,line,lines" << " -xl quantile -yl data -t \"Quantile plot\"`" << endl; } // finish up - compute and print run time -------------------------------- totaltime = clock()-totaltime; if(brief==0) cout << "rstats timing: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << double(totaltime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " seconds." << endl; return 0; } catch(Exception& e) { cout << "GPSTk Exception : " << e.what(); } catch(std::exception& e) { cout << "standard exception : " << e.what(); } catch (...) { cout << "Unknown error." << endl; } return -1; } // end main()