static bool EscapeNakedForwardSlashes(StringBuffer &sb, const CharT *oldChars, size_t oldLen) { for (const CharT *it = oldChars; it < oldChars + oldLen; ++it) { if (*it == '/' && (it == oldChars || it[-1] != '\\')) { /* There's a forward slash that needs escaping. */ if (sb.empty()) { /* This is the first one we've seen, copy everything up to this point. */ if (mozilla::IsSame<CharT, jschar>::value && !sb.ensureTwoByteChars()) return false; if (!sb.reserve(oldLen + 1)) return false; sb.infallibleAppend(oldChars, size_t(it - oldChars)); } if (!sb.append('\\')) return false; } if (!sb.empty() && !sb.append(*it)) return false; } return true; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Test ///// // Test null() and empty() behavior void testEmpty() { StringBuffer s; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.empty()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.null()); s = ""; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.empty() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !s.null() ); }
static bool EscapeRegExpPattern(StringBuffer& sb, const CharT* oldChars, size_t oldLen) { bool inBrackets = false; bool previousCharacterWasBackslash = false; for (const CharT* it = oldChars; it < oldChars + oldLen; ++it) { CharT ch = *it; if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) { if (inBrackets) { if (ch == ']') inBrackets = false; } else if (ch == '/') { // There's a forward slash that needs escaping. if (sb.empty()) { // This is the first char we've seen that needs escaping, // copy everything up to this point. if (!SetupBuffer(sb, oldChars, oldLen, it)) return false; } if (!sb.append('\\')) return false; } else if (ch == '[') { inBrackets = true; } } if (IsLineTerminator(ch)) { // There's LineTerminator that needs escaping. if (sb.empty()) { // This is the first char we've seen that needs escaping, // copy everything up to this point. if (!SetupBuffer(sb, oldChars, oldLen, it)) return false; } if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) { if (!sb.append('\\')) return false; } if (!AppendEscapedLineTerminator(sb, ch)) return false; } else if (!sb.empty()) { if (!sb.append(ch)) return false; } if (previousCharacterWasBackslash) previousCharacterWasBackslash = false; else if (ch == '\\') previousCharacterWasBackslash = true; } return true; }
void calculateRuleForName( const Configuration * cfg, const char * name, const char * uName, const StringVector & wildcardedNamesAndTypes, StringBuffer & rule) { int i; int len; const char * str; const char * keyword; const char * wildcardedName; const char * type; rule.empty(); len = wildcardedNamesAndTypes.length(); for (i = 0; i < len; i+=3) { keyword = wildcardedNamesAndTypes[i+0]; // @optional or @required wildcardedName = wildcardedNamesAndTypes[i+1]; type = wildcardedNamesAndTypes[i+2]; if (Configuration::patternMatch(uName, wildcardedName)) { rule << keyword << " " << uName << " = " << type; return; } } //-------- // We couldn's determine the type from the wildcarded_names_and_types // table. So we fall back to using heuristics to guess a good type. //-------- if (cfg->type("", name) == Configuration::CFG_SCOPE) { rule << uName << " = scope"; } else if (cfg->type("", name) == Configuration::CFG_LIST) { rule << uName << " = list[string]"; } else { str = cfg->lookupString("", name); if (cfg->isBoolean(str)) { rule << uName << " = boolean"; } else if (cfg->isInt(str)) { rule << uName << " = int"; } else if (cfg->isFloat(str)) { rule << uName << " = float"; } else if (cfg->isDurationSeconds(str)) { rule << uName << " = durationSeconds"; } else if (cfg->isDurationMilliseconds(str)) { rule << uName << " = durationMilliseconds"; } else if (cfg->isDurationMicroseconds(str)) { rule << uName << " = durationMicroseconds"; } else if (cfg->isMemorySizeBytes(str)) { rule << uName << " = memorySizeBytes"; } else if (cfg->isMemorySizeKB(str)) { rule << uName << " = memorySizeKB"; } else if (cfg->isMemorySizeMB(str)) { rule << uName << " = memorySizeMB"; } else { rule << uName << " = string"; } } }
void MHSyncItemInfo::setExportedServicesFromString(const char* servicesList) { StringBuffer services(servicesList); if (services.empty() == false) { ArrayList servicesParam; int servicesNum = 0; services.split(servicesParam, ","); servicesNum = servicesParam.size(); for (int i = 0; i < servicesNum; i++) { StringBuffer* serviceParamStr = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(servicesParam.get(i)); if ((serviceParamStr) && (serviceParamStr->empty() == false)) { ArrayList serviceParam; serviceParamStr->split(serviceParam, ":"); if (serviceParam.size() == 2) { StringBuffer* serviceName = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(serviceParam.get(0)); StringBuffer* serviceExportTime = static_cast<StringBuffer *>(serviceParam.get(1)); exportedServices.put(serviceName->c_str(), serviceExportTime->c_str()); } } } } }
StringBuffer MHSyncItemInfo::formatExportedServices() { StringBuffer formattedExportedServices(""); KeyValuePair kvp = exportedServices.front(); while (kvp.null() == false) { StringBuffer serviceName = kvp.getKey(); StringBuffer serviceExportTime = kvp.getValue(); if (serviceName.empty() == false) { StringBuffer formattedService; formattedService.sprintf("%s:%s", serviceName.c_str(), serviceExportTime.c_str()); if (formattedExportedServices.empty() == false) { formattedExportedServices.append(","); } formattedExportedServices.append(formattedService.c_str()); } kvp =; } return formattedExportedServices; }
void testRemoveProperty() { // Write a value into the property file propFile->setPropertyValue("property4", "value4"); propFile->setPropertyValue(" space ", " val space "); propFile->close(); // Remove it int success = propFile->removeProperty("property4"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(success == 0); // Now read back StringBuffer value = propFile->readPropertyValue("property4"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(value.empty()); StringBuffer valueS = propFile->readPropertyValue("space"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(value.empty()); }
static void url_encode_array(StringBuffer &ret, CVarRef varr, std::set<void*> &seen_arrs, CStrRef num_prefix, CStrRef key_prefix, CStrRef key_suffix, CStrRef arg_sep) { void *id = ? (void*)varr.getArrayData() : (void*)varr.getObjectData(); if (!seen_arrs.insert(id).second) { return; // recursive } Array arr = varr.toArray(); for (ArrayIter iter(arr); iter; ++iter) { Variant data = iter.second(); if (data.isNull() || data.isResource()) continue; String key = iter.first(); bool numeric = key.isNumeric(); if ( || { String encoded; if (numeric) { encoded = key; } else { encoded = StringUtil::UrlEncode(key); } StringBuffer new_prefix(key_prefix.size() + num_prefix.size() + encoded.size() + key_suffix.size() + 4); new_prefix += key_prefix; if (numeric) new_prefix += num_prefix; new_prefix += encoded; new_prefix += key_suffix; new_prefix += "%5B"; url_encode_array(ret, data, seen_arrs, String(), new_prefix.detach(), String("%5D", AttachLiteral), arg_sep); } else { if (!ret.empty()) { ret += arg_sep; } ret += key_prefix; if (numeric) { ret += num_prefix; ret += key; } else { ret += StringUtil::UrlEncode(key); } ret += key_suffix; ret += "="; if (data.isInteger() || { ret += String(data.toInt64()); } else if ( { ret += String(data.toDouble()); } else { ret += StringUtil::UrlEncode(data.toString()); } } } }
void flush() { if(!m_buffer.empty()) { m_tool.push_back(new VariableString(m_buffer.c_str())); m_buffer.clear(); } }
static void append_line_no(StringBuffer &sb, const char *text, int &line, const char *color, const char *end, int lineFocus0, int charFocus0, int lineFocus1, int charFocus1, const char **palette = DebuggerClient::DefaultCodeColors) { TRACE(7, "debugger_base:append_line_no\n"); const char *colorLineNo = palette[CodeColorLineNo * 2]; const char *endLineNo = palette[CodeColorLineNo * 2 + 1]; // beginning if (line && sb.empty()) { if (colorLineNo) color_line_no(sb, line, lineFocus0, lineFocus1, colorLineNo); sb.printf(DebuggerClient::LineNoFormat, line); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); } // ending if (text == nullptr) { if (line) { if (colorLineNo) color_line_no(sb, line, lineFocus0, lineFocus1, colorLineNo); sb.append("(END)\n"); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); } return; } if (color) sb.append(color); if (line == 0) { sb.append(text); } else { const char *begin = text; const char *p = begin; for (; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { ++line; sb.append(begin, p - begin); if (color) sb.append(ANSI_COLOR_END); sb.append('\n'); if (colorLineNo) color_line_no(sb, line, lineFocus0, lineFocus1, colorLineNo); sb.printf(DebuggerClient::LineNoFormat, line); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); if (color) sb.append(color); begin = p + 1; } } if (p - begin > 0) { sb.append(begin, p - begin); } } if (end) sb.append(end); }
int HttpUploader::upload(const StringBuffer& luid, InputStream* inputStream) { int status = 0; // safe checks if (!inputStream || !inputStream->getTotalSize()) { LOG.error("upload error: no data to transfer"); return 1; } if (luid.empty() || syncUrl.empty() || sourceURI.empty()) { LOG.error("upload error: some params are not set"); return 2; } StringBuffer fullUrl = composeURL(); URL url(fullUrl.c_str()); HttpConnection* httpConnection = getHttpConnection(); httpConnection->setCompression(false); status = httpConnection->open(url, HttpConnection::MethodPost); if (status) { delete httpConnection; return status; } httpConnection->setKeepAlive(keepalive); httpConnection->setRequestChunkSize(maxRequestChunkSize); // Set headers (use basic auth) HttpAuthentication* auth = new BasicAuthentication(username, password); httpConnection->setAuthentication(auth); setRequestHeaders(luid, *httpConnection, *inputStream); // Send the HTTP request StringOutputStream response; status = httpConnection->request(*inputStream, response); LOG.debug("response returned = %s", response.getString().c_str()); // Manage response headers if (useSessionID) { // Server returns the jsessionId in the Set-Cookie header, can be used for // the subsequent calls of upload(). StringBuffer hdr = httpConnection->getResponseHeader(HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE); sessionID = httpConnection->parseJSessionId(hdr); } httpConnection->close(); delete auth; delete httpConnection; return status; }
void HttpConnection::readResponseHeaders() { WCHAR *wbuffer = new WCHAR[1024]; DWORD ddsize = 1024; StringBuffer headerString; responseHeaders.clear(); BOOL reqDone = HttpQueryInfo(req, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF ,(LPVOID)wbuffer, &ddsize, NULL); if (reqDone == false) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Allocate the necessary buffer. delete [] wbuffer; wbuffer = new WCHAR[ddsize]; reqDone = HttpQueryInfo(req, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF ,(LPVOID)wbuffer, &ddsize, NULL); } } if (reqDone) { headerString.convert(wbuffer); LOG.debug("Response Headers:", headerString.c_str()); ArrayList headers; headerString.split(headers, "\r\n"); StringBuffer *prop; for(ArrayElement* e=headers.front(); e; { prop = dynamic_cast<StringBuffer *>(e); if(prop->empty()) continue; size_t colon = prop->find(":"); if (colon != StringBuffer::npos) { StringBuffer key = prop->substr(0, colon); StringBuffer value = prop->substr(colon+1); responseHeaders.put(key.trim(),value.trim()); if (canBeLogged(key)) { LOG.debug("\t%s : %s", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } else { LOG.debug("\t%s : *****", key.c_str()); } } else { LOG.debug("\t%s", prop->c_str()); } } } else { DWORD err = GetLastError(); const char* msg = createHttpErrorMessage(err); LOG.error("[HttpConnection] Error reading response headers - code %d: %s", err, msg); delete [] msg; } }
time_t MHSyncItemInfo::getExportTimeForService(const char* serviceName) { time_t serviceExportTime = -1; if (serviceName) { StringBuffer exportTimeStr = exportedServices.get(serviceName); if (exportTimeStr.empty() == false) { serviceExportTime = atol(exportTimeStr.c_str()); } } return serviceExportTime; }
char* FolderData::format() { StringBuffer out; out.reserve(150); out = "<Folder>\n"; if (name.length() > 0) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_NAME, name); if (created.length() > 0) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_CREATED, created); if (modified.length() > 0) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_MODIFIED, modified); if (accessed.length() > 0) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_ACCESSED, accessed); StringBuffer attributes; if (isHiddenPresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_HIDDEN, hidden); if (isSystemPresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_SYSTEM, system); if (isArchivedPresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_ARCHIVED, archived); if (isDeletedPresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_DELETE, deleted); if (isWritablePresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_WRITABLE, writable); if (isReadablePresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_READABLE, readable); if (isExecutablePresent) attributes += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_EXECUTABLE, executable); if (!attributes.empty()) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_ATTRIBUTES, attributes); if (role.length() > 0) out += XMLProcessor::makeElement(FOLDER_ROLE, role); if (!(extended.isEmpty())){ for(int i=0; i < extended.size(); i++){ const char* temp = ((FolderExt*)extended.get(i))->format(); out += temp; delete [] temp; } } out += "</Folder>\n"; return stringdup(out.c_str()); }
static void append_line_no(StringBuffer &sb, const char *text, int &line, const char *color, const char *end, const char **palette = DebuggerClient::DefaultCodeColors) { const char *colorLineNo = palette[CodeColorLineNo * 2]; const char *endLineNo = palette[CodeColorLineNo * 2 + 1]; // beginning if (line && sb.empty()) { if (colorLineNo) sb.append(colorLineNo); sb.printf(DebuggerClient::LineNoFormat, line); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); } // ending if (text == NULL) { if (line) { if (colorLineNo) sb.append(colorLineNo); sb.append("(END)\n"); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); } return; } if (color) sb.append(color); if (line == 0) { sb.append(text); } else { const char *begin = text; const char *p = begin; for (; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { sb.append(begin, p - begin); if (end) sb.append(end); sb.append('\n'); if (colorLineNo) sb.append(colorLineNo); sb.printf(DebuggerClient::LineNoFormat, ++line); if (endLineNo) sb.append(endLineNo); if (color) sb.append(color); begin = p + 1; } } if (p - begin > 0) { sb.append(begin, p - begin); } } if (end) sb.append(end); }
void Configuration::mergeNames( const char * scope, const char * localName, StringBuffer & fullyScopedName) { if (scope[0] == '\0') { fullyScopedName = localName; } else if (localName[0] == '\0') { fullyScopedName = scope; } else { fullyScopedName.empty(); fullyScopedName << scope << "." << localName; } }
BOOL CMediaHubSetting::OnInitDialog() { if (!ssconf) return FALSE; bool showAdvanced = true; CString s1; s1.LoadString(IDS_MEDIA_HUB_TITLE); SetWindowText(s1); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); editFolder.SetLimitText (EDIT_TEXT_MAXLENGTH); // load string resources s1.LoadString(IDS_MEDIA_HUB_GROUP_FOLDER_LABEL); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_GROUP_FOLDER, s1); //s1.LoadString(IDS_CURRENT); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_STATIC_FOLDER, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_SELECT_FOLDER); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_BUT_SELECT, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_OK); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_OK, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_CANCEL); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_CANCEL, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_RESET_BUTTON); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_BUT_RESET, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_MEDIA_HUB_EXPLAIN_LABEL); SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_EXPLAIN_LABEL, s1); StringBuffer path = ssconf->getCommonConfig()->getProperty(PROPERTY_MEDIAHUB_PATH); if (path.empty() == false) { return true; } path = getFullMediaHubDefault(); WCHAR* wpath = toWideChar(path.c_str()); s1 = wpath; delete [] wpath; SetDlgItemText(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_EDIT_FOLDER, s1); // disable windows xp theme, otherwise any color setting for groupbox // will be overriden by the theme settings if (((COutlookPluginApp*)AfxGetApp())->hLib){ PFNSETWINDOWTHEME pfnSetWindowTheme = (PFNSETWINDOWTHEME)GetProcAddress(((COutlookPluginApp*)AfxGetApp())->hLib, "SetWindowTheme"); pfnSetWindowTheme (groupFolder.m_hWnd, L" ", L" "); } GetDlgItem(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_BUT_SELECT)->SetFocus(); GetDlgItem(IDC_MEDIA_HUB_BUT_RESET)->EnableWindow(FALSE); return FALSE; }
bool MHLabelsStore::RemoveEntry(MHStoreEntry* entry) { if (entry == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid parameter", __FUNCTION__); return false; } MHLabelInfo* itemInfo = dynamic_cast<MHLabelInfo*>(entry); if (itemInfo == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid parameter", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if (store_status != store_status_initialized) { LOG.error("%s: can't add entry: cache is not initialized", __FUNCTION__); return false; } StringBuffer sql; sql.sprintf(delete_row_id_stmt_fmt, store_name.c_str(), itemInfo->getLuid()); if (sql.empty()) { LOG.error("%s: error formatting delete-entry statement", __FUNCTION__); return false; } //LOG.debug("%s: > SQL exec: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, sql.c_str()); pthread_mutex_lock(&store_access_mutex); int ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL); int changes = sqlite3_changes(db); pthread_mutex_unlock(&store_access_mutex); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOG.error("%s: error executing SQL statement: %s", __FUNCTION__, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return false; } else if (changes == 0) {"%s: cannot remove item %u", __FUNCTION__, itemInfo->getLuid()); return false; } else { cache_items_count = getCount(); cache_items_count--; return true; } }
bool MHLabelsStore::UpdateEntry(MHStoreEntry* entry) { int ret = SQLITE_OK; if (entry == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid parameter", __FUNCTION__); return false; } MHSyncItemInfo* itemInfo = (MHSyncItemInfo*)entry; if (itemInfo == NULL) { LOG.error("%s: invalid parameter", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if (store_status != store_status_initialized) { LOG.error("%s: can't add entry: cache is not initialized", __FUNCTION__); return false; } StringBuffer sql = formatUpdateItemStmt(itemInfo); if (sql.empty()) { LOG.error("%s: error formatting cache update item statement", __FUNCTION__); return false; } //LOG.debug("%s: > SQL exec: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, sql.c_str()); pthread_mutex_lock(&store_access_mutex); ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL); pthread_mutex_unlock(&store_access_mutex); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { LOG.error("%s: error executing SQL statement: %s", __FUNCTION__, sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return false; } return true; }
Cred* CredentialHandler::getClientCredential() { Authentication* auth = NULL; char* credential = NULL; if (strcmp(clientAuthType, AUTH_TYPE_MD5) == 0) { credential = MD5CredentialData(username, password, clientNonce); auth = new Authentication(AUTH_TYPE_MD5, credential); // overwrite the username that for MD5 auth is the same as data auth->setUsername(username); auth->setPassword(password); if (credential) { delete [] credential; credential = NULL; } } else if (strcmp(clientAuthType, AUTH_TYPE_OAUTH) == 0) { OAuth2JsonParser jsonParser; StringBuffer creds = jsonParser.formatOAuth2CredentialData(oauth2Credentials.getAccessToken(), oauth2Credentials.getRefreshToken(), oauth2Credentials.getClientType(), oauth2Credentials.getExpiresIn(), oauth2AccessTokenSetTime); if (creds.empty()) { LOG.error("%s: could not set oauth2 auth credentials for SyncML request", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } auth = new Authentication(AUTH_TYPE_OAUTH, creds.c_str()); auth->setUsername(username); } else if (strcmp(clientAuthType, AUTH_TYPE_RADIUS_PROXY) == 0) { auth = new Authentication(AUTH_TYPE_RADIUS_PROXY, username, "Funambol"); } else { auth = new Authentication(AUTH_TYPE_BASIC, username, password); } Cred* cred = new Cred(auth); deleteAuthentication(&auth); return cred; }
void testSetItemStatus(){ StringBuffer inFile = getTestFileFullPath(TEST_INPUT_DIR, TEST_FILE_NAME1); SyncItem* si = fmss->fakeFillSyncItem(&inFile, true); const WCHAR* wKey = si->getKey(); const char* key = toMultibyte(wKey); fmss->setItemStatus(wKey, 200, "Add"); ArrayList luidToSend = fmss->getLUIDArray(); bool luidPresent = false; for (int i = 0; i < luidToSend.size(); i++){ if( strcmp( ((StringBuffer*)luidToSend.get(i))->c_str(), key) == 0 ){ luidPresent = true; } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(luidPresent); int ret = fmss->endSync(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ret == 0 ); StringBuffer propval = fmss->fakeReadCachePropertyValue(inFile.c_str()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !propval.empty() ); }
int MailMessage::parseHeaders(StringBuffer &rfcHeaders) { ArrayList lines; const StringBuffer *line; StringBuffer strReceived; bool receivedExtracted = false; LOG.debug("parseHeaders START"); // Join header parts using \t or 8 blank StringBuffer joinlinetab("\t"); rfcHeaders.replaceAll(joinlinetab, " "); StringBuffer joinlinespaces(newline); joinlinespaces+=" "; // 8 blanks rfcHeaders.replaceAll(joinlinespaces, " "); rfcHeaders.split(lines, newline); // importance is set to "0" by default. Then there isn't anything modification // in the header, at the end of the loop the importance will be set to "3", default normal importance = "0"; for ( line=(StringBuffer *)lines.front(); line; line=(StringBuffer *) ) { if( *line == "\r" ) break; // The first empty line marks the end of the header section if( line->empty() ){ break; } // Process the headers if( line->ifind(TO) == 0 ){ to = MailMessage::decodeHeader(line->substr(TO_LEN)); } else if( line->ifind(FROM) == 0 ) { from = MailMessage::decodeHeader(line->substr(FROM_LEN)); } else if( line->ifind(CC) == 0 ) { cc = MailMessage::decodeHeader(line->substr(CC_LEN)); } else if( line->ifind(BCC) == 0 ) { bcc = MailMessage::decodeHeader(line->substr(BCC_LEN)); } else if ( line->ifind(DATE) == 0 ) { //subjectParsing = false; if( date.parseRfc822(line->substr(DATE_LEN)) ) { LOG.error("Error parsing date"); return 500; } } else if( line->ifind(SUBJECT) == 0 ) { subject = MailMessage::decodeHeader(line->substr(SUBJECT_LEN)); LOG.debug("SUBJECT: %s", subject.c_str()); } else if( line->ifind(ENCODING) == 0 ) { // it is here for single part only body.setEncoding(line->substr(ENCODING_LEN)); } else if(line->ifind(MIMEVERS) == 0 ) { mimeVersion = line->substr(MIMEVERS_LEN); } else if(line->ifind(MESSAGEID) == 0 ) { messageId = line->substr(MESSAGEID_LEN); } else if(line->ifind(IMPORTANCE) == 0 ) { StringBuffer data = line->substr(IMPORTANCE_LEN); data.lowerCase(); importance = convertImportance(data); } else if(line->ifind(X_PRIORITY) == 0 ) { if (importance == "0") { StringBuffer data = line->substr(X_PRIORITY_LEN); data.lowerCase(); importance = convertXPriority(data); } } else if( line->ifind(MIMETYPE) == 0 ) { StringBuffer sb = getTokenValue(line, MIMETYPE); if (sb.length() > 0) contentType = sb; sb.reset(); sb = getTokenValue(line, "boundary=", false); if (sb.length() > 0) { boundary = sb; } else { body.setCharset(getTokenValue(line, CT_CHARSET)); } /* size_t len = line->find(";") - MIMETYPE_LEN ; contentType = line->substr(MIMETYPE_LEN, len); // Save boundary for multipart size_t begin = line->ifind("boundary="); size_t end = StringBuffer::npos; if( begin != StringBuffer::npos ) { begin += strlen("boundary=\""); end = line->find("\"", begin) ; boundary = line->substr( begin, end-begin ); } else { begin=line->ifind(CT_CHARSET); if( begin != StringBuffer::npos ) { begin += strlen(CT_CHARSET); size_t end = begin; size_t quote = line->find("\"", begin); if (quote != StringBuffer::npos){ begin = quote + 1; end = line->find("\"", begin) ; } else { end = line->find(";", begin) ; if (end == StringBuffer::npos) { end = line->find(" ", begin); } } body.setCharset( line->substr( begin, end-begin ) ); } } */ } else if(line->ifind(RECEIVED) == 0) { if (!receivedExtracted) { strReceived = line->substr(line->rfind(";") ); if (!strReceived.empty()) { received.parseRfc822(strReceived.substr(2)); receivedExtracted = true; } /* while (!strReceived.empty()) { if (received.parseRfc822(strReceived.substr(2)) == 0) { receivedExtracted = true; break; } else { StringBuffer s(line->substr(line->rfind(strReceived.c_str()))); strReceived = line->substr(s.rfind(";")); } } */ } } else { headers.add(*(StringBuffer *)line); } } // If received was not found, copy send date if( received == BasicTime() ){ received = date; } // if the importance is never set we put the importance to 3, normal if (importance == "0") { importance = "3"; } LOG.debug("parseHeaders END"); // FIXME: should check for mandatory headers before return 0 return 0; }
StringBuffer MailMessage::decodeHeader(StringBuffer line) { if (!line || line.empty()) { return line; } size_t startPos = 0; StringBuffer ret; StringBuffer charset; while( (startPos = line.find("=?", startPos)) != StringBuffer::npos) { // Skip the '=?' startPos += 2; // Find the first '?' size_t firstMark = line.find("?", startPos); if (firstMark == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } // Find the second '?' size_t secondMark = line.find("?", firstMark+1); if (secondMark == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } // Find the final '?=' size_t endPos = line.find("?=", secondMark+1); if (endPos == StringBuffer::npos) { LOG.error("Invalid encoded header"); return line; } charset = line.substr(startPos, firstMark - startPos); StringBuffer encoding = line.substr(firstMark+1, secondMark - (firstMark + 1)); StringBuffer text = line.substr(secondMark+1, endPos - (secondMark + 1)); if (encoding.icmp("Q")) { // quoted-printable text.replaceAll("_", " "); char* dec = qp_decode(text); if (startPos >= 2 && ret.length() == 0) { ret += line.substr(0, startPos - 2); } ret += dec; delete [] dec; } else if (encoding.icmp("B")){ // base64 char* dec = new char[text.length()]; int len = b64_decode((void *)dec, text); dec[len]=0; if (startPos >= 2 && ret.length() == 0) { ret += line.substr(0, startPos - 2); } ret += dec; delete [] dec; } startPos = endPos; } if (ret.length() == 0) { ret += line; } WCHAR* wret = toWideChar(ret, charset); ret.set(NULL); char* t = toMultibyte(wret); ret.set(t); if (wret) {delete [] wret;} if (t) {delete [] t;} return ret; }
const int FConnection::startConnection(const StringBuffer& aIAPName) {"Starting new connection..."); LOG.debug("Looking for '%s' IAP name", aIAPName.c_str()); iLastError = KErrNone; StringBuffer errMsg; TCommDbConnPref prefs; prefs.SetDirection(ECommDbConnectionDirectionUnknown); if (aIAPName == "Default") { // // Use the default IAP without prompting the user // prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt); prefs.SetIapId(0); } else if (aIAPName.empty() || aIAPName == "Ask") { // // Prompt user for IAP selection // } else { // // Search for the desired IAP. If not found, will prompt the user. // TInt iapID = GetIAPIDFromName(aIAPName); if (iapID >= 0) { LOG.debug("SetDialogPreference"); prefs.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt); prefs.SetIapId(iapID); } else { LOG.debug("IAP '%s' not found!", aIAPName.c_str()); } } /* * **** TODO: check if we need this! **** In S60 3rd Edition, enabling/disabling the inactivity timer will require the NetworkControl capability, which is only accessed via Symbian partner. */ //#if !defined(__SERIES60_3X__) || defined(__S60_3X_NET_CTRL__) // // Disable inactivity timer, otherwise inactive connection is closed // // within few seconds if there are no activity (e.g sockets) // iConnection.SetOpt(KCOLProvider, KConnDisableTimers, ETrue); //#endif // Opens the connection openConnection(); // Start connection iLastError = iConnection.Start(prefs); if (iLastError != KErrNone) { errMsg.sprintf("FConnection error: unable to start connection (code %d)", iLastError); LOG.debug("Goto retry"); goto retry; } // Save the IAP ID & name of the active connection. // Query the CommDb database for the IAP ID in use. _LIT(KIAPSettingName, "IAP\\Id"); iConnection.GetIntSetting(KIAPSettingName, iIAP); iIAPName = GetIAPNameFromID(iIAP); LOG.debug("Current active IAP ID = %d, name = '%s'", iIAP, iIAPName.c_str()); // // TODO: should we persist the iIAPName in the config, here? // iRetryConnection = 0; return 0; retry: LOG.error("%s", errMsg.c_str()); if (iIAPName.empty() || iIAPName == "Ask") { LOG.debug("Connection error and no IAP stored: don't retry"); return iLastError; } LOG.debug("About to retry..."); if (iRetryConnection < MAX_RETRY_CONNECTION) { iRetryConnection ++;"Retry connection (%d time)...", iRetryConnection); startConnection(iIAPName); } else { LOG.error("FConnection: %d connection failed", iRetryConnection); } return iLastError; }
int HttpConnection::readResponse(OutputStream& os) { char* responseBuffer = NULL; char* zResponseBuffer = NULL; bool writeDataAtOnce = false; DWORD read = 0; int ret = 0; bool inflate = false; #ifdef USE_ZLIB DWORD contentLength = 0; DWORD uncompressedContentLength = 0; DWORD size = 512; if (compression_enabled) { // // get response length // StringBuffer val = getResponseHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); if (val.empty()) { LOG.error("error reading %s from HTTP headers", HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); return StatusInvalidParam; } contentLength = atoi(val.c_str()); if (contentLength <= 0) { LOG.error("error reading %s from HTTP headers: %d", HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, contentLength); return StatusInvalidParam; } // // get response encoding // val = getResponseHeader(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING); if (val.empty()) { LOG.error("error reading %s from HTTP headers", HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING); return StatusInvalidParam; } if (val == "deflate") { inflate = true; } if (inflate) { // // get uncompressed content length // val = getResponseHeader(HTTP_HEADER_UNCOMPRESSED_CONTENT_LENGTH); if (val.empty()) { LOG.error("error reading %s from HTTP headers", HTTP_HEADER_UNCOMPRESSED_CONTENT_LENGTH); return StatusInvalidParam; } uncompressedContentLength = atoi(val.c_str()); if (uncompressedContentLength <= 0) { LOG.error("error reading %s from HTTP headers: %d", HTTP_HEADER_UNCOMPRESSED_CONTENT_LENGTH, uncompressedContentLength); return StatusInvalidParam; } zResponseBuffer = new char[contentLength + 1]; } } #endif // Allocate a block of memory for response read. responseBuffer = new char[responseChunkSize + 1]; memset(responseBuffer, 0, responseChunkSize); int zOffset = 0; // TODO: if enabled to check the connection, sometimes it crashes :( // HttpConnectionTimer* th = new HttpConnectionTimer(&zOffset, req, responseTimeout); // th->start(); do { if (!InternetReadFile(req, (LPVOID)responseBuffer, responseChunkSize, &read)) { ret = StatusReadingError; break; } if (read > 0) { if (inflate) { memcpy(zResponseBuffer + zOffset, responseBuffer, read); zOffset += read; } else { os.write(responseBuffer, read); zOffset += read; fireTransportEvent(read, DATA_RECEIVED); } } } while (read); // th->softTerminate(); delete [] responseBuffer; if (inflate) { uLong uncomprLen = uncompressedContentLength; Bytef* uncompr = new Bytef[uncompressedContentLength + 1]; // // Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. // int err = uncompress(uncompr, &uncomprLen, (Bytef*)zResponseBuffer, contentLength); if (err == Z_OK) { char* response = (char*)uncompr; response[uncompressedContentLength] = 0; os.write(response, uncompressedContentLength); } else { LOG.error("Error in zlib uncompress: %s", zError(err)); ret = StatusInternalError; } delete [] uncompr; } delete [] zResponseBuffer; return ret; }
static void url_encode_array(StringBuffer &ret, CVarRef varr, std::set<void*> &seen_arrs, const String& num_prefix, const String& key_prefix, const String& key_suffix, const String& arg_sep) { void *id = ? (void*)varr.getArrayData() : (void*)varr.getObjectData(); if (!seen_arrs.insert(id).second) { return; // recursive } Array arr; if ( { Object o = varr.toObject(); arr = (o.objectForCall()->isCollection()) ? varr.toArray() : f_get_object_vars(o).toArray(); } else { arr = varr.toArray(); } for (ArrayIter iter(arr); iter; ++iter) { Variant data = iter.second(); if (data.isNull() || data.isResource()) continue; String key = iter.first(); bool numeric = key.isNumeric(); if ( || { String encoded; if (numeric) { encoded = key; } else { encoded = StringUtil::UrlEncode(key); } StringBuffer new_prefix(key_prefix.size() + num_prefix.size() + encoded.size() + key_suffix.size() + 4); new_prefix.append(key_prefix); if (numeric) new_prefix.append(num_prefix); new_prefix.append(encoded); new_prefix.append(key_suffix); new_prefix.append("%5B"); url_encode_array(ret, data, seen_arrs, String(), new_prefix.detach(), String("%5D", CopyString), arg_sep); } else { if (!ret.empty()) { ret.append(arg_sep); } ret.append(key_prefix); if (numeric) { ret.append(num_prefix); ret.append(key); } else { ret.append(StringUtil::UrlEncode(key)); } ret.append(key_suffix); ret.append("="); if (data.isInteger() || { ret.append(String(data.toInt64())); } else if ( { ret.append(String(data.toDouble())); } else { ret.append(StringUtil::UrlEncode(data.toString())); } } } }
static void url_encode_array(StringBuffer &ret, const Variant& varr, std::set<void*> &seen_arrs, const String& num_prefix, const String& key_prefix, const String& key_suffix, const String& arg_sep, bool encode_plus = true) { void *id = varr.isArray() ? (void*)varr.getArrayData() : (void*)varr.getObjectData(); if (!seen_arrs.insert(id).second) { return; // recursive } // Allow multiple non-recursive references to the same array/object SCOPE_EXIT { seen_arrs.erase(id); }; Array arr; if ( { Object o = varr.toObject(); arr = o->isCollection() ? varr.toArray() : HHVM_FN(get_object_vars(o)); } else { arr = varr.toArray(); } for (ArrayIter iter(arr); iter; ++iter) { Variant data = iter.second(); if (data.isNull() || data.isResource()) continue; String key = iter.first(); bool numeric = key.isNumeric(); if (data.isArray() || { String encoded; if (numeric) { encoded = key; } else { encoded = StringUtil::UrlEncode(key, encode_plus); } StringBuffer new_prefix(key_prefix.size() + num_prefix.size() + encoded.size() + key_suffix.size() + 4); new_prefix.append(key_prefix); if (numeric) new_prefix.append(num_prefix); new_prefix.append(encoded); new_prefix.append(key_suffix); new_prefix.append("%5B"); url_encode_array(ret, data, seen_arrs, String(), new_prefix.detach(), String("%5D", CopyString), arg_sep); } else { if (!ret.empty()) { ret.append(arg_sep); } ret.append(key_prefix); if (numeric) { ret.append(num_prefix); ret.append(key); } else { ret.append(StringUtil::UrlEncode(key, encode_plus)); } ret.append(key_suffix); ret.append("="); if (data.isInteger() || { ret.append(String(data.toInt64())); } else if ( { ret.append(String(data.toDouble())); } else { ret.append(StringUtil::UrlEncode(data.toString(), encode_plus)); } } } }
void CPicturesSettings::OnCbnSelchangePicturesComboSynctype() { // Supported data format StringBuffer supportedData; CString ss(" "), ss1; ss1.LoadString(IDS_SUPPORTED_FORMAT); ss.Append(ss1); CString And; And.LoadString(IDS_STRING_AND); StringBuffer and(" "); and.append(ConvertToChar(And)); and.append(" "); StringBuffer data = ssconf->getProperty(PROPERTY_EXTENSION); if (data.empty() == false) { supportedData = ConvertToChar(ss); StringBuffer data = ssconf->getProperty(PROPERTY_EXTENSION); data.upperCase(); supportedData.append(data); int val = supportedData.rfind(",."); if (val != StringBuffer::npos) { supportedData.replace(",.", and.c_str(), val); } supportedData.replaceAll(",.",", "); supportedData.replaceAll(".",""); supportedData.append("."); } CString suppData = supportedData; int index = 0; if (lstSyncType.GetCount() > 1) { index = lstSyncType.GetCurSel(); } else { // Fixed, 1 synctype only, get from config. index = getSyncTypeIndex(ssconf->getSync()); } CString s1; switch (index) { case 0: s1.LoadString(IDS_TWO_WAY_LABEL_PICT_SUMMARY); s1.Append(suppData); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_SYNC_DIRECTION_LABEL, s1); break; case 1: s1.LoadString(IDS_DOWNLOAD_ONLY_LABEL_PICT_SUMMARY); s1.Append(suppData); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_SYNC_DIRECTION_LABEL, s1); break; case 2: s1.LoadString(IDS_UPLOAD_ONLY_LABEL_PICT_SUMMARY); s1.Append(suppData); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_SYNC_DIRECTION_LABEL, s1); break; } }
/* * Resolve the name of a function. If the function already has a name * listed, then it is skipped. Otherwise an intelligent name is guessed to * assign to the function's displayAtom field */ JSAtom *resolveFun(ParseNode *pn, HandleAtom prefix) { JS_ASSERT(pn != NULL && pn->isKind(PNK_FUNCTION)); RootedFunction fun(cx, pn->pn_funbox->function()); StringBuffer buf(cx); this->buf = &buf; /* If the function already has a name, use that */ if (fun->displayAtom() != NULL) { if (prefix == NULL) return fun->displayAtom(); if (!buf.append(prefix) || !buf.append("/") || !buf.append(fun->displayAtom())) return NULL; return buf.finishAtom(); } /* If a prefix is specified, then it is a form of namespace */ if (prefix != NULL && (!buf.append(prefix) || !buf.append("/"))) return NULL; /* Gather all nodes relevant to naming */ ParseNode *toName[MaxParents]; size_t size; ParseNode *assignment = gatherNameable(toName, &size); /* If the function is assigned to something, then that is very relevant */ if (assignment) { if (assignment->isAssignment()) assignment = assignment->pn_left; if (!nameExpression(assignment)) return NULL; } /* * Other than the actual assignment, other relevant nodes to naming are * those in object initializers and then particular nodes marking a * contribution. */ for (int pos = size - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { ParseNode *node = toName[pos]; if (node->isKind(PNK_COLON)) { ParseNode *left = node->pn_left; if (left->isKind(PNK_NAME) || left->isKind(PNK_STRING)) { if (!appendPropertyReference(left->pn_atom)) return NULL; } else if (left->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { if (!appendNumericPropertyReference(left->pn_dval)) return NULL; } } else { /* * Don't have consecutive '<' characters, and also don't start * with a '<' character. */ if (!buf.empty() && *(buf.end() - 1) != '<' && !buf.append("<")) return NULL; } } /* * functions which are "genuinely anonymous" but are contained in some * other namespace are rather considered as "contributing" to the outer * function, so give them a contribution symbol here. */ if (!buf.empty() && *(buf.end() - 1) == '/' && !buf.append("<")) return NULL; if (buf.empty()) return NULL; JSAtom *atom = buf.finishAtom(); if (!atom) return NULL; fun->setGuessedAtom(atom); return atom; }
BOOL CPicturesSettings::OnInitDialog() { if (!ssconf) return FALSE; bool showAdvanced = true; CString s1; s1.LoadString(IDS_PICTURES_DETAILS); SetWindowText(s1); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); editSyncType.SetLimitText(EDIT_TEXT_MAXLENGTH); editFolder.SetLimitText (EDIT_TEXT_MAXLENGTH); // Load the syncmodes in the editbox/dropdown loadSyncModesBox(PICTURE_); // load string resources s1.LoadString(IDS_SYNC_DIRECTION); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_GROUP_DIRECTION, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_PICTURES_FOLDER); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_GROUP_FOLDER, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_SELECT_FOLDER); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_BUT_SELECT, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_OK); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_OK, s1); s1.LoadString(IDS_CANCEL); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_CANCEL, s1); // Sync type lstSyncType.SetCurSel(getSyncTypeIndex(ssconf->getSync())); OnCbnSelchangePicturesComboSynctype(); int id = getPicturesSyncTypeID(ssconf->getSync()); s1.LoadString(id); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_EDIT_SYNCTYPE, s1); // Pictures folder path StringBuffer path = ssconf->getProperty(PROPERTY_MEDIAHUB_PATH); if (path.empty()) { // If empty, set the default path for pictures (shell folder) path = getDefaultMyDocumentsPath(); path.append("\\"); path.append(MEDIA_HUB_DEFAULT_FOLDER); ssconf->setProperty(PROPERTY_MEDIAHUB_PATH, path.c_str()); } WCHAR* wpath = toWideChar(path.c_str()); s1 = wpath; delete [] wpath; SetDlgItemText(IDC_PICTURES_EDIT_FOLDER, s1); butSelectFolder.EnableWindow(FALSE); // disable windows xp theme, otherwise any color setting for groupbox // will be overriden by the theme settings if (((COutlookPluginApp*)AfxGetApp())->hLib){ PFNSETWINDOWTHEME pfnSetWindowTheme = (PFNSETWINDOWTHEME)GetProcAddress(((COutlookPluginApp*)AfxGetApp())->hLib, "SetWindowTheme"); pfnSetWindowTheme (groupDirection.m_hWnd, L" ", L" "); pfnSetWindowTheme (groupFolder.m_hWnd, L" ", L" "); } GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURES_OK)->SetFocus(); return FALSE; }