GraphicComp* ImportCmd::PostDialog () { bool imported = false; GraphicComp* comp = nil; Editor* ed = GetEditor(); Style* style; bool reset_caption = false; if (chooser_ == nil) { style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("subcaption", "Import graphic from file:"); style->attribute("open", "Import"); chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", style); Resource::ref(chooser_); } else { style = chooser_->style(); } while (chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* str = chooser_->selected(); if (str != nil) { NullTerminatedString ns(*str); comp = Import(ns.string()); if (comp != nil) { break; } style->attribute("caption", "Import failed!"); reset_caption = true; } } if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", ""); } return comp; }
Chooser::Chooser(const char* name, const char* prompt) { Style* s = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); s->attribute("name", name); s->attribute("subcaption", prompt); chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", s, nil); Resource::ref(chooser_); style_ = s; Resource::ref(style_); }
void ViewCompCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); if (OnlyOneEditorOf(ed->GetComponent()) && !ReadyToClose(ed)) { return; } Style* style; boolean reset_caption = false; if (chooser_ == nil) { style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", style); Resource::ref(chooser_); char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* domain = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("domain"); domain = (domain == nil) ? "component" : domain; sprintf(buf, "Select a %s to open:", domain); style->attribute("caption", ""); style->attribute("subcaption", buf); } else { style = chooser_->style(); } while (chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* s = chooser_->selected(); NullTerminatedString ns(*s); const char* name = ns.string(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); GraphicComp* comp; if (catalog->Retrieve(name, (Component*&) comp)) { ModifStatusVar* modif = (ModifStatusVar*) ed->GetState( "ModifStatusVar" ); Component* orig = ed->GetComponent(); ed->SetComponent(comp); unidraw->Update(); StateVar* sv = ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); CompNameVar* cnv = (CompNameVar*) sv; if (cnv != nil) cnv->SetComponent(comp); if (modif != nil) modif->SetComponent(comp); if (orig != nil && unidraw->FindAny(orig) == nil) { Component* root = orig->GetRoot(); delete root; } break; } else { style->attribute("caption", "Open failed!"); reset_caption = true; } } if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", ""); } }
MonoKit::MonoKit() { impl_ = new MonoKitImpl(this); Style* s = Session::instance()->style(); for (PropertyData* p = kit_props; p->path != nil; p++) { s->attribute(p->path, p->value, -5); } }
Asker::Asker(const char* name, const char* prompt) { WidgetKit& kit = *WidgetKit::instance(); const LayoutKit& layout = *LayoutKit::instance(); Style* s = new Style(; s->attribute("name", name); editor_ = DialogKit::instance()->field_editor( "", s, new FieldEditorCallback(Asker)( this, &Asker::accept_editor, &Asker::cancel_editor ) ); Glyph* sep = layout.vglue(11, fil, 11); dialog_ = new Dialog( kit.inset_frame( layout.margin( layout.vbox( layout.hbox(kit.label(prompt), layout.hglue()), sep, editor_, sep, layout.hbox( layout.hglue(100, fil, 100), kit.default_button("OK", new AskerCallback(accept)), layout.hglue(9, 0, 9), kit.push_button("Cancel", new AskerCallback(cancel)) ) ), 12, 12 ) ), s ); dialog_->append_input_handler(editor_); dialog_->next_focus(); Resource::ref(dialog_); }
Confirmer::Confirmer(const char* name, const char* prompt) { WidgetKit& kit = *WidgetKit::instance(); const LayoutKit& layout = *LayoutKit::instance(); Style* s = new Style(; s->attribute("name", name); Glyph* sep = layout.hspace(8); dialog_ = new Dialog( kit.outset_frame( layout.margin( layout.vbox( layout.hbox(kit.label(prompt), layout.hglue()), layout.vglue(16, 20, 8), layout.hbox( layout.hglue(30, fil, 0), kit.push_button( "Cancel", new ConfirmerCallback(cancel) ), sep, kit.push_button( "No", new ConfirmerCallback(no) ), sep, kit.push_button( "Yes", new ConfirmerCallback(yes) ) ) ), 12, 12 ) ), s ); Resource::ref(dialog_); }
static void* scons(Object*) { #if HAVE_IV SymChooser* sc = nil; IFGUI const char* caption = "Choose a Variable Name or"; if (ifarg(1)) { caption = gargstr(1); } Style* style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("caption", caption); if (ifarg(2)) { Symbol* sym = hoc_lookup(gargstr(2)); int type = RANGEVAR; if (sym) { type = sym->type; } sc = new SymChooser(new SymDirectory(type), WidgetKit::instance(), style, nil, 1); }else{ sc = new SymChooser(nil, WidgetKit::instance(), style); } Resource::ref(sc); ENDGUI return (void*)sc; #else return (void*)0; #endif /* HAVE_IV */ }
boolean SessionRep::match( const String& arg, const OptionDesc& o, int& i, int argc, char** argv ) { String opt(; if (arg != opt) { if ( == OptionValueAfter) { int n = opt.length(); if (opt == arg.left(n)) { style_->attribute(String(o.path), arg.right(n)); return true; } } return false; } String name, value; extract(arg, o, i, argc, argv, name, value); style_->attribute(name, value); return true; }
void Application::open (DocumentViewer* viewer) { long index = viewer_info(viewer, _viewer); if (index < 0) { index = _viewer->count(); ApplicationViewerInfo info; info._dialogs = new DialogManager(); info._viewer = viewer; info._viewer->ref(); info._viewer->map(); info._window_name = nil; info._icon_name = nil; _viewer->append(info); } ApplicationViewerInfo& info = _viewer->item_ref(index); const char* name = viewer->document()->name(); if (info._window_name == nil || strcmp(info._window_name, name) != 0) { delete info._window_name; delete info._icon_name; if (name != nil) { info._window_name = strcpy(new char[strlen(name) + 1], name); const char* icon_name = strrchr(name, '/'); if (icon_name != nil) { icon_name += 1; } else { icon_name = name; } info._icon_name = strcpy(new char[strlen(name) + 1], name); Style* s = info._viewer->style(); if (s == nil) { s = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); info._viewer->style(s); } s->attribute("name", info._window_name); s->attribute("iconName", info._icon_name); } else { info._window_name = nil; info._icon_name = nil; } } }
void SaveCompCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); ModifStatusVar* modifVar = (ModifStatusVar*)ed->GetState("ModifStatusVar"); CompNameVar* compNameVar = (CompNameVar*) ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); const char* name = (compNameVar == nil) ? nil : compNameVar->GetName(); if (name == nil) { SaveCompAsCmd saveCompAs(ed); saveCompAs.Execute(); } else if (modifVar == nil || modifVar->GetModifStatus()) { Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); Component* comp; if (catalog->Retrieve(name, comp) && catalog->Save(comp, name)) { if (modifVar != nil) modifVar->SetModifStatus(false); unidraw->ClearHistory(comp); } else { char title[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* reason = !Writable(comp) ? "(File not writable.)" : ""; sprintf(title, "Couldn't save! %s", reason); char subtitle[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* domain = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("domain"); domain = (domain == nil) ? "component" : domain; sprintf(subtitle, "Save this %s as:", domain); Style* s = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); s->attribute("caption", title); s->attribute("subcaption", subtitle); s->attribute("open", "Save"); /* BUG: style s is never used!!!! */ SaveCompAsCmd saveCompAs(ed); saveCompAs.Execute(); } } }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { World world("iclass", argc, argv, options, properties); const char* recursive = world.GetAttribute("recursive"); const char* verbose = world.GetAttribute("verbose"); const char* CPlusPlusFiles = world.GetAttribute("CPlusPlusFiles"); ClassBuffer* buffer = new ClassBuffer( strcmp(recursive, "true") == 0, strcmp(verbose, "true") == 0, strcmp(CPlusPlusFiles, "true") == 0 ); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { buffer->Search(argv[i]); } IClass* iclass = new IClass(buffer); ApplicationWindow* window = new ApplicationWindow(iclass); Style* s = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); s->attribute("name", "InterViews class browser"); s->attribute("iconName", "iclass"); window->style(s); window->map(); iclass->Run(); return 0; }
Reporter::Reporter(const char* name, const char* prompt) { WidgetKit& kit = *WidgetKit::instance(); const LayoutKit& layout = *LayoutKit::instance(); Style* s = new Style(; s->attribute("name", name); dialog_ = new Dialog( kit.outset_frame( layout.margin( layout.vbox( layout.hbox(kit.label(prompt), layout.hglue()), layout.vglue(16, 20, 8), layout.hbox( layout.hglue(36, fil, 0), kit.push_button("OK", new ReporterCallback(ok)) ) ), 12, 12 ) ), s ); Resource::ref(dialog_); }
void GraphExportCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); Style* style; boolean reset_caption = false; if (chooser_ == nil) { style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("subcaption", "Export selected graphics to file:"); style->attribute("open", "Export"); const char *formats_svg[] = {"EPS", "idraw EPS", "drawtool", "SVG"}; const char *formats_nosvg[] = {"EPS", "idraw EPS", "drawtool", "dot"}; const char *svg_arg = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("svgexport"); const boolean svg_flag = svg_arg && strcmp(svg_arg, "true")==0; const char **formats = svg_flag ? formats_svg : formats_nosvg; int nformats = (svg_flag ? sizeof(formats_svg) : sizeof(formats_nosvg)) / sizeof(char*); const char *commands_svg[] = {"ghostview %s", "idraw %s", "drawtool %s", "firefox %s"}; const char *commands_nosvg[] = {"ghostview %s", "idraw %s", "drawtool %s", "dot %s"}; const char **commands = svg_flag ? commands_svg : commands_nosvg; chooser_ = new ExportChooser(".", WidgetKit::instance(), style, formats, nformats, commands, nil, true); Resource::ref(chooser_); } else { style = chooser_->style(); } boolean again; while (again = chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* str = chooser_->selected(); if (str != nil) { NullTerminatedString ns(*str); const char* name = ns.string(); style->attribute("caption", " " ); chooser_->twindow()->repair(); chooser_->twindow()->display()->sync(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); boolean ok = true; if (!chooser_->to_printer() && catalog->Exists(name) && catalog->Writable(name)) { char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; sprintf(buf, "\"%s\" already exists,", name); GConfirmDialog* dialog = new GConfirmDialog(buf, "Overwrite?"); Resource::ref(dialog); ok = dialog->post_for(ed->GetWindow()); Resource::unref(dialog); } if (ok) { ed->GetWindow()->cursor(hourglass); chooser_->twindow()->cursor(hourglass); if (Export(ns.string())) { again = false; break; } style->attribute("caption", "Export failed!" ); reset_caption = true; ed->GetWindow()->cursor(arrow); chooser_->twindow()->cursor(arrow); } } } chooser_->unmap(); if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", " " ); } if (!again) ed->GetWindow()->cursor(arrow); return; }
void SaveCompAsCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* domain = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("domain"); domain = (domain == nil) ? "component" : domain; sprintf(buf, "Save this %s as:", domain); boolean reset_caption = false; Style* style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("subcaption", buf); style->attribute("open", "Save"); if (chooser_ == nil) { chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", style); Resource::ref(chooser_); } while (chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* str = chooser_->selected(); NullTerminatedString ns(*str); const char* name = ns.string(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); boolean ok = true; if (catalog->Exists(name) && catalog->Writable(name)) { char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; sprintf(buf, "\"%s\" already exists.", name); ConfirmDialog dialog(buf, "Overwrite?"); ed->InsertDialog(&dialog); char confirmation = dialog.Confirm(); ed->RemoveDialog(&dialog); if (confirmation == 'n') { ok = false; } else if (confirmation != 'y') { break; } } if (ok) { CompNameVar* cnv = (CompNameVar*) ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); const char* oldname = (cnv == nil) ? nil : cnv->GetName(); Component* comp = ed->GetComponent(); if (catalog->Exists(name) && !catalog->Writable(name)) { style->attribute( "caption", "Couldn't save! (File not writable.)" ); } else { if (oldname == nil) { comp = comp->GetRoot(); } else { catalog->Retrieve(oldname, comp); catalog->Forget(comp); } StateVar* sv = ed->GetState("ModifStatusVar"); ModifStatusVar* mv = (ModifStatusVar*) sv; if (catalog->Save(comp, name)) { if (mv != nil) mv->SetModifStatus(false); unidraw->ClearHistory(comp); UpdateCompNameVars(); break; } else { if (mv != nil) mv->Notify(); UpdateCompNameVars(); style->attribute("caption", "Couldn't save!"); reset_caption = true; } } } } if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", ""); } }