int main1(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef LOG4CXX InitializePZLOG(); #endif TPZTimer total; total.start(); std::cout << "COMECA O TEMPO"<< std::endl; int dimension = 3; int dim = 2; int maxlevel = 5; int sublevel = 3; int plevel = 1; TPZPairStructMatrix::gNumThreads = 20; int numthreads = 20; // tempo.fNumthreads = numthreads; // alimenta timeTemp com o numero de threads TPZGeoMesh *gmesh = 0; { TPZCompEl::SetgOrder(plevel); TPZAutoPointer<TPZCompMesh> cmesh; if(0) { TPZGenSubStruct sub(dim,maxlevel,sublevel); cmesh = sub.GenerateMesh(); cmesh->SetDimModel(dim); gmesh = cmesh->Reference(); } else { dim = 3; if (1) // Predio Viscoso { int dimension = 3; gmesh = MalhaPredio(); cmesh = new TPZCompMesh(gmesh); cmesh->SetDimModel(3); cmesh->SetDefaultOrder(plevel); cmesh->SetAllCreateFunctionsContinuousWithMem(dimension); InsertViscoElasticity(cmesh); cmesh->AutoBuild(); } else // Cubo Viscoso { int dimension = 3; gmesh = MalhaCubo(); cmesh = new TPZCompMesh(gmesh); cmesh->SetDimModel(3); cmesh->SetDefaultOrder(plevel); cmesh->SetAllCreateFunctionsContinuousWithMem(dimension); InsertViscoElasticityCubo(cmesh); cmesh->AutoBuild(); } } std::cout << "Numero de equacoes " << cmesh->NEquations() << std::endl; int numthread_assemble = 20; int numthread_decompose = 20; TPZAutoPointer<TPZCompMesh> cmeshauto(cmesh); TPZDohrStructMatrix dohrstruct(cmeshauto); dohrstruct.IdentifyExternalConnectIndexes(); std::cout << "Substructuring the mesh\n"; // TPZfTime timetosub; // init of timer //REAL height = Height(gmesh); //int nsubstruct = SubStructure(cmesh, height/2); dohrstruct.SubStructure(16); // tempo.ft0sub = timetosub.ReturnTimeDouble(); // end of timer // std::cout << tempo.ft0sub << std::endl; // sub.SubStructure(); //Teste Skyline /* TPZSkylineStructMatrix skyl(cmesh); TPZFMatrix<REAL> rhsfake(cmesh->NEquations(),1,0); int numsubmesh = cmesh->NElements(); TPZAutoPointer<TPZGuiInterface> fakegui = new TPZGuiInterface; int nel = cmesh->NElements(); for (int iel = 0 ; iel < nel ; iel++) { TPZSubCompMesh *subcompmesh = dynamic_cast<TPZSubCompMesh*>(cmesh->ElementVec()[iel]); if(subcompmesh) { subcompmesh->SetAnalysisSkyline(0,0,fakegui); } } TPZMatrix<REAL> *stiff2 = skyl.CreateAssemble(rhsfake, fakegui,numthread_assemble,numthread_decompose); */ #ifdef LOG4CXX { std::stringstream str; cmesh->Print(str); LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,str.str()); } #endif dohrstruct.SetNumThreads(numthreads); TPZAutoPointer<TPZGuiInterface> gui; TPZFMatrix<STATE> rhs(cmesh->NEquations(),1,0.); TPZMatrix<STATE> *matptr = dohrstruct.Create(); dohrstruct.Assemble(*matptr,rhs,gui,numthread_assemble,numthread_decompose); TPZAutoPointer<TPZMatrix<STATE> > dohr = matptr; TPZAutoPointer<TPZMatrix<STATE> > precond = dohrstruct.Preconditioner(); { std::ofstream out("DohrCerta2.txt"); TPZFMatrix<REAL> Subtract(dohr->Rows(),dohr->Rows()), unitary(dohr->Rows(),dohr->Rows()); unitary.Identity(); TPZFMatrix<REAL> result; dohr->Multiply(unitary, result); result.Print("DohrCerta2", out); } /* #ifdef LOG4CXX { std::ofstream out("DohrErrada.txt"), outRhsCerto("RhsSkyl.txt"), outRhsErrado("RhsDohrmann.txt"); TPZFMatrix<REAL> Subtract(dohr->Rows(),dohr->Rows()), unitary(dohr->Rows(),dohr->Rows()); unitary.Identity(); TPZFMatrix<REAL> result; dohr->Multiply(unitary, result); std::ofstream out2("Dohr_Certa.txt"); result.Print("DohrCerta",out2); for (int i = 0 ; i < dohr->Rows(); i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < dohr->Rows(); j++) { double temp = result(i,j) - stiff2->Get(i,j); if (temp < 1e-10) { temp = 0; } Subtract(i,j) = temp; } } std::stringstream str; result.Print("DohrmannErrada", out); stiff2->Print("Skyl",out); Subtract.Print("Subtract", out); rhsfake.Print("RhsSkyl", outRhsCerto); rhs.Print("RhsDohrmann", outRhsErrado); LOGPZ_DEBUG(logger,str.str()); } #endif */ int neq = dohr->Rows(); TPZFMatrix<STATE> diag(neq,1,0.), produto(neq,1); std::cout << "Numero de equacoes " << neq << std::endl; TPZStepSolver<STATE> pre(precond); pre.SetMultiply(); TPZStepSolver<STATE> cg(dohr); // void SetCG(const int numiterations,const TPZMatrixSolver &pre,const STATE tol,const int FromCurrent); cg.SetCG(500,pre,5.e-6,0); cg.Solve(rhs,diag); diag.Print("diag"); TPZDohrMatrix<STATE,TPZDohrSubstructCondense<STATE> > *dohrptr = dynamic_cast<TPZDohrMatrix<STATE,TPZDohrSubstructCondense<STATE> > *> (dohr.operator->()); if (!dohrptr) { DebugStop(); } dohrptr->AddInternalSolution(diag); TPZMaterial * mat = cmeshauto->FindMaterial(1); int nstate = mat->NStateVariables(); int nscal = 0, nvec = 0; if(nstate ==1) { nscal = 1; } else { nvec = 1; } TPZManVector<std::string> scalnames(nscal),vecnames(nvec); if(nscal == 1) { scalnames[0]="state"; } else { vecnames[0] = "state"; } //cmeshauto->Solution().Print(); std::string postprocessname("ugabuga.vtk"); TPZVTKGraphMesh vtkmesh(cmesh.operator->(),dim,mat,scalnames,vecnames); vtkmesh.SetFileName(postprocessname); vtkmesh.SetResolution(0); int numcases = 1; // Iteracoes de tempo int istep = 0, nsteps = 80; vtkmesh.DrawMesh(numcases); vtkmesh.DrawSolution(istep, 1.); typedef std::list<TPZAutoPointer<TPZDohrSubstructCondense<STATE> > > subtype; const subtype &sublist = dohrptr->SubStructures(); subtype::const_iterator it = sublist.begin(); int subcount=0; while (it != sublist.end()) { TPZFMatrix<STATE> subext,subu; dohrptr->fAssembly->Extract(subcount,diag,subext); (*it)->UGlobal(subext,subu); TPZCompMesh *submesh = SubMesh(cmeshauto, subcount); submesh->LoadSolution(subu); subu.Print(); std::map<int ,TPZMaterial * > materialmap(submesh->MaterialVec()); std::map<int ,TPZMaterial * >::iterator itmat; for (itmat = materialmap.begin(); itmat != materialmap.end() ; itmat++) { TPZMaterial * mat = itmat->second; TPZViscoelastic *vmat = dynamic_cast< TPZViscoelastic *> (mat); if(vmat) { vmat->SetUpdateMem(); } } subcount++; it++; } /* #ifdef LOG4CXX { std::stringstream sout; diag.Print("Resultado do processo iterativo",sout); LOGPZ_INFO(loggernathan,sout.str()) } #endif */ //ViscoElastico vtkmesh.DrawMesh(numcases); vtkmesh.DrawSolution(istep+1, 1.); std::cout << "To seguindo!!!" << std::endl; for (istep = 2 ; istep < nsteps ; istep++) { TPZAutoPointer<TPZGuiInterface> guifake; dohrstruct.Assemble(rhs, guifake); cg.Solve(rhs,diag); dohrptr->AddInternalSolution(diag); // Colocando a solucao na malha typedef std::list<TPZAutoPointer<TPZDohrSubstructCondense<STATE> > > subtype; const subtype &sublist = dohrptr->SubStructures(); subtype::const_iterator it = sublist.begin(); int subcount=0; while (it != sublist.end()) { TPZFMatrix<STATE> subext,subu; dohrptr->fAssembly->Extract(subcount,diag,subext); (*it)->UGlobal(subext,subu); TPZCompMesh *submesh = SubMesh(cmeshauto, subcount); submesh->LoadSolution(subu); subcount++; it++; } vtkmesh.DrawMesh(numcases); vtkmesh.DrawSolution(istep, 1.); } } total.stop(); std::cout << "TEMPO = " << total.seconds() << std::endl; delete gmesh; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { //malha geometrica TPZGeoMesh *firstmesh = new TPZGeoMesh; firstmesh->NodeVec().Resize(3); TPZVec<REAL> coord(2); coord[0] = 0.; coord[1] = 0.; //nos geometricos firstmesh->NodeVec()[0].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); coord[0] = 1.0; firstmesh->NodeVec()[1].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); coord[1] = 1.0; firstmesh->NodeVec()[2].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); // coord[0] = 0.0; // firstmesh->NodeVec()[3].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); TPZVec<int> nodeindexes(3);//triangulo nodeindexes[0] = 0;//local[i] = global[i] , i=0,1,2,3 nodeindexes[1] = 1; nodeindexes[2] = 2; //elementos geometricos TPZGeoElT2d *elq1 = new TPZGeoElT2d(nodeindexes,1,*firstmesh); //orientacao local de um segundo elemento superposto int i,sen;; cout<<"Sentido local antihorario/horario : 0/1 ? "; cin>>sen; cout<<"Entre primeiro no = 0,1,2 : "; cin>>i; if(sen==0) {//direito nodeindexes[0] = (0+i)%3;//local[i] = global[j] , i,j em {0,1,2} nodeindexes[1] = (1+i)%3; nodeindexes[2] = (2+i)%3; } else {//inverso nodeindexes[0] = (0+i)%3;//local[i] = global[j] , i,j em {0,1,2} nodeindexes[1] = (2+i)%3; nodeindexes[2] = (1+i)%3; } /* nodeindexes[0] = 1;//local[i] = global[i] , i=0,1,2,3 nodeindexes[1] = 2; nodeindexes[2] = 3;*/ TPZGeoElT2d *elq2 = new TPZGeoElT2d(nodeindexes,1,*firstmesh);//segundo elemento superposto ao primeiro /* coord[1] = 0.0; coord[0] = 2.0; firstmesh->NodeVec()[4].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); coord[1] = 1.0; firstmesh->NodeVec()[5].Initialize(coord,*firstmesh); nodeindexes[0] = 1;//local[i] = global[i] , i=0,1,2,3 nodeindexes[1] = 4; nodeindexes[2] = 5; nodeindexes[3] = 2; TPZGeoElT2d *elq2 = new TPZGeoElT2d(nodeindexes,1,*firstmesh); */ //Arquivos de saida ofstream outgm1("outgm1.dat"); ofstream outcm1("outcm1.dat"); ofstream outcm2("outcm2.dat"); //montagem de conectividades entre elementos firstmesh->BuildConnectivity(); firstmesh->Print(outgm1); outgm1.flush(); //teste de divisao geometrica : 1 elemento TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> vecsub,vecsub1; elq1->Divide(vecsub);//divide 0 elq2->Divide(vecsub);//divide 1 /* vecsub[2]->Divide(vecsub1);// vecsub1[3]->Divide(vecsub1); vecsub[0]->Divide(vecsub1);//divide 1 vecsub1[2]->Divide(vecsub1); */ firstmesh->Print(outgm1); outgm1.flush(); //malha computacional TPZCompMesh *secondmesh = new TPZCompMesh(firstmesh); //material int matindex = secondmesh->MaterialVec().AllocateNewElement(); TPZFMatrix k(1,1,1.),f(1,1,0.),c(1,2,1.); TPZMat2dLin * mat = new TPZMat2dLin(1); mat->SetMaterial(k,c,f); //mat->SetForcingFunction(force); mat->SetForcingFunction(derivforce); secondmesh->MaterialVec()[matindex] = mat; //CC : condicao de contorno //ordem de interpolacao // TPZCompEl::gOrder = 3; cmesh.SetDefaultOrder(3); //constroe a malha computacional secondmesh->AutoBuild(); secondmesh->InitializeBlock(); secondmesh->ComputeConnectSequence(); secondmesh->Print(outcm1); outcm1.flush(); //Resolucao do sistema TPZFMatrix Rhs(secondmesh->NEquations(),1),Stiff(secondmesh->NEquations(),secondmesh->NEquations()),U; Stiff.Zero(); Rhs.Zero(); secondmesh->Assemble(Stiff,Rhs); Rhs.Print("Rhs teste",outcm2); Stiff.Print("Bloco teste",outcm2); Rhs.Print("Computational Mesh -> fBlock",outcm2); TPZMatrixSolver solver(&Stiff); solver.SetDirect(ELU); solver.Solve(Rhs,U); U.Print("Resultado",outcm2); secondmesh->LoadSolution(U); secondmesh->Solution().Print("Mesh solution ",outcm2); // TPZElementMatrix ek,ef; // secondmesh->ElementVec()[0]->CalcStiff(ek,ef); // ek.fMat->Print(); // ef.fMat->Print(); delete secondmesh; delete firstmesh; return 0; }