コード例 #1
TVector3 CalculateScatVec(TVector3 Incoming ,TVector3 ScatLab){
      //What is quicker passing in same value each time or defining value here each time?
      zprime = income.Unit();
      yprime = zlab.Cross(-income);
      yprime = yprime.Unit();
      xprime = yprime.Cross(zprime);    
      xprime = xprime.Unit();
      RotM[0][0] = xlab.Dot(xprime) ;
      RotM[0][1] = xlab.Dot(yprime);
      RotM[0][2] = xlab.Dot(zprime);
      RotM[1][0] = ylab.Dot(xprime);
      RotM[1][1] = ylab.Dot(yprime) ;
      RotM[1][2] = ylab.Dot(zprime) ;
      RotM[2][0] = zlab.Dot(xprime);
      RotM[2][1] = zlab.Dot(yprime);
      RotM[2][2] = zlab.Dot(zprime);
      TVector3 ScatNuc;
      ScatNuc(0) = (RotM[0][0]*ScatLab(0) +  RotM[1][0]*ScatLab(1) + RotM[2][0]*ScatLab(2) );
      ScatNuc(1) = (RotM[0][1]*ScatLab(0) +  RotM[1][1]*ScatLab(1) + RotM[2][1]*ScatLab(2) );
      ScatNuc(2) = (RotM[0][2]*ScatLab(0) +  RotM[1][2]*ScatLab(1) + RotM[2][2]*ScatLab(2) );
      //std::cout << zprime(0) << " " << zprime(1) << " " << zprime(2) <<std::endl;
      return ScatNuc;
コード例 #2
//plane class constructor
Plane::Plane(TVector3 nT){
  //Use TVector3 to find an orthogonal vector and a second vector orthogonal to the first and nT
  v1 = nT.Orthogonal();  v2 = nT.Cross(v1);

  //Normalize, checking for 0 length axes
  if ((v1(0) == 0) && (v1(1) == 0) && (v1(2) == 0)){  v1(0) = 0;    v1(1) = 0;    v1(2) = 0; }
  else { mag1 = v1.Mag();   v1(0) = v1(0)/mag1;    v1(1) = v1(1)/mag1;    v1(2) = v1(2)/mag1; } 
  if ((v2(0) == 0) && (v2(1) == 0) && (v2(2) == 0)){  v2(0) = 0;    v2(1) = 0;    v2(2) = 0; } 
  else { mag2 = v2.Mag();   v2(0) = v2(0)/mag2;    v2(1) = v2(1)/mag2;    v2(2) = v2(2)/mag2; }
}//end plane constructor
コード例 #3
ファイル: MakeTree_2012.c プロジェクト: nfilipov/cvs-code
// Calculates theta and phi in HX frame
pair<double, double> GetAngles_HX( TLorentzVector a,  TLorentzVector b) {
	TLorentzVector c = a+b;                   // JPsi momentum in lab frame
	TVector3 bv = c.BoostVector();
	TLorentzVector p1(0., 0.,  1380., 1380.); // beam momentum in lab frame
	TLorentzVector p2(0., 0., -1380., 1380.); // beam momentum in lab frame
	TVector3 beam1 = p1.Vect().Unit();        // beam direction in JPsi rest frame
	TVector3 beam2 = p2.Vect().Unit();        // beam direction in JPsi rest frame

	TVector3 Z = c.Vect().Unit();             // JPsi direction in lab frame
	TVector3 Y = beam1.Cross( beam2 ).Unit(); // the production plane normal
	TVector3 X = Y.Cross(Z).Unit();           // completes the right-handed coordinate

	a.Boost(-bv);                             // muon+ momentum in JPsi rest frame
	TVector3 mu(a.Vect().Dot(X), a.Vect().Dot(Y), a.Vect().Dot(Z)); // transform to new coordinate
	pair<double, double> angles;
	angles.first = mu.Theta();
	angles.second = mu.Phi()>0. ? mu.Phi() : mu.Phi()+2.*TMath::Pi();
	return angles;
コード例 #4
ファイル: polGen.C プロジェクト: cferraio/Polarization
void polGen(double rapdilepton_min = 1,
		double rapdilepton_max = 1,
		double pTdilepton_min = 1,
		double pTdilepton_max = 1,
		double mass_signal_peak  =  1,
		double mass_signal_sigma =  1,
		double n_sigmas_signal = 1,
		int n_events = 50000,
		double f_BG = 0.5,
		double lambda_theta_sig=1,
		double lambda_phi_sig=1,
		double lambda_thetaphi_sig=1,
		double lambda_theta_bkg=1,
		double lambda_phi_bkg=1,
		double lambda_thetaphi_bkg=1,
		int frameSig=1,//CS...1, HX...2, PX...3
		int frameBkg=1,//CS...1, HX...2, PX...3
		int nGen=1,
		Char_t *dirstruct = "ToyDirectory_Default"

	char frameSigName[200];
	char frameBkgName[200];

	if(frameSig==2) HX_is_natural_sig=true; if(frameSig==3) PX_is_natural_sig=true; //else CS is the natural frame by default
	if(frameBkg==2) HX_is_natural_bkg=true; if(frameBkg==3) PX_is_natural_bkg=true; //else CS is the natural frame by default

	cout<<"Number of Events to be generated ........... "<<n_events<<endl;
	cout<<"pT min ..................................... "<<pTdilepton_min<<endl;
	cout<<"pT max ..................................... "<<pTdilepton_max<<endl;
	cout<<"Rapidity min ............................... "<<rapdilepton_min<<endl;
	cout<<"Rapidity max ............................... "<<rapdilepton_max<<endl;
	cout<<"Background Fraction ........................ "<<f_BG<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_theta Signal ............... "<<lambda_theta_sig<<" , in the "<<frameSigName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_phi Signal ................. "<<lambda_phi_sig<<" , in the "<<frameSigName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_thetaphi Signal ............ "<<lambda_thetaphi_sig<<" , in the "<<frameSigName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_theta Background............ "<<lambda_theta_bkg<<" , in the "<<frameBkgName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_phi Background ............. "<<lambda_phi_bkg<<" , in the "<<frameBkgName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Injected lambda_thetaphi Background ........ "<<lambda_thetaphi_bkg<<" , in the "<<frameBkgName<<" frame"<<endl;
	cout<<"Number of Generation ....................... "<<nGen<<endl;
	cout<<"Directory Structure of Output .............. "<<dirstruct<<endl;

	double mass_min = mass_signal_peak - n_sigmas_signal*mass_signal_sigma;
	double mass_max = mass_signal_peak + n_sigmas_signal*mass_signal_sigma;

	char outfilename [500];


  delete gRandom;
  gRandom = new TRandom3(0);

  TF1* pT_distr = new TF1("pT_distr",func_pT_gen,pTdilepton_min,pTdilepton_max,0);
  TF1* rap_distr = new TF1("rap_distr",func_rap_gen,rapdilepton_min,rapdilepton_max,0);

  TFile* hfileout = new TFile(outfilename, "RECREATE", "genData");
  TTree* genData = new TTree("genData","genData");

  // Structure of output ntuple

  TLorentzVector* lepP = new TLorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);
  TLorentzVector* lepN = new TLorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.);

  double costh_CS;  genData->Branch("costh_CS",     &costh_CS,     "costh_CS/D");
  double phi_CS;    genData->Branch("phi_CS",       &phi_CS,       "phi_CS/D"  );
  double phith_CS;  genData->Branch("phith_CS",     &phith_CS,     "phith_CS/D");

  double costh_HX;  genData->Branch("costh_HX",     &costh_HX,     "costh_HX/D");
  double phi_HX;    genData->Branch("phi_HX",       &phi_HX,       "phi_HX/D"  );
  double phith_HX;  genData->Branch("phith_HX",     &phith_HX,     "phith_HX/D");

  double costh_PX;  genData->Branch("costh_PX",     &costh_PX,     "costh_PX/D");
  double phi_PX;    genData->Branch("phi_PX",       &phi_PX,       "phi_PX/D"  );
  double phith_PX;  genData->Branch("phith_PX",     &phith_PX,     "phith_PX/D");

  double cosalpha;  genData->Branch("cosalpha",     &cosalpha,     "cosalpha/D");

  double pT;        genData->Branch("pT",           &pT,           "pT/D"  );
  double rap;       genData->Branch("rap",          &rap,          "rap/D" );
  double mass;      genData->Branch("mass",         &mass,         "mass/D");

  double deltaHXCS; genData->Branch("deltaHXCS",    &deltaHXCS,    "deltaHXCS/D");

  int isBG;         genData->Branch("isBG",         &isBG,         "isBG/I");

  // extremes and binning of lambda_gen extraction histos
  const double l_min = -1;
  const double l_max =  1;
  const double l_step_1D = 0.02;

  TH1D* h_costh2_CS = new TH1D( "h_costh2_CS", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_cos2ph_CS = new TH1D( "h_cos2ph_CS", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_sin2thcosph_CS = new TH1D( "h_sin2thcosph_CS", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );

  TH1D* h_costh2_HX = new TH1D( "h_costh2_HX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_cos2ph_HX = new TH1D( "h_cos2ph_HX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_sin2thcosph_HX = new TH1D( "h_sin2thcosph_HX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );

  TH1D* h_costh2_PX = new TH1D( "h_costh2_PX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_cos2ph_PX = new TH1D( "h_cos2ph_PX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );
  TH1D* h_sin2thcosph_PX = new TH1D( "h_sin2thcosph_PX", "", int((l_max-l_min)/l_step_1D), l_min, l_max );

  double costh2;
  double cos2ph;
  double sin2thcosph;
  double Phi;

  const int n_step = n_events/5;
  int n_step_=1;

  cout << endl;
  cout << "Generating " << n_events << " dilepton events"<< endl;
  cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << "Progress: "<<endl;

/////////////////// CYCLE OF EVENTS ////////////////////////
  for(int i_event = 1; i_event <= n_events; i_event++){

	    if (i_event%n_step == 0) {cout << n_step_*20 <<" % "<<endl; n_step_++;}

	    // generation of dilepton in the pp event in the pp CM

    // mass

    isBG = 0;

    if ( gRandom->Uniform() < f_BG ) { mass = gRandom->Uniform(mass_min, mass_max); isBG = 1; }
                                        else { do { mass = gRandom->Gaus(mass_signal_peak, mass_signal_sigma); }
                                               while ( mass < mass_min || mass > mass_max ); }

    // pT:

    pT = pT_distr->GetRandom();

    // pL:

    double rap_sign = gRandom->Uniform(-1., 1.); rap_sign /= TMath::Abs(rap_sign);
    rap = rap_distr->GetRandom() * rap_sign;
    double mT = sqrt( mass*mass + pT*pT );
    double pL1 = 0.5 *mT * exp(rap);
    double pL2 = - 0.5 *mT * exp(-rap);
    double pL = pL1 + pL2;

    // Phi:

    double Phi = 2. * gPI * gRandom->Uniform(1.);

    // 4-vector:

    TLorentzVector dilepton;
    dilepton.SetXYZM( pT * cos(Phi) , pT * sin(Phi), pL, mass );

    // generation of polarization (generic reference frame)

    double lambda_theta    = lambda_theta_sig;
    double lambda_phi      = lambda_phi_sig;
    double lambda_thetaphi = lambda_thetaphi_sig;
    bool HX_is_natural = HX_is_natural_sig;
    bool PX_is_natural = PX_is_natural_sig;

    if ( isBG ) {
       lambda_theta    = lambda_theta_bkg;
       lambda_phi      = lambda_phi_bkg;
       lambda_thetaphi = lambda_thetaphi_bkg;
       HX_is_natural = HX_is_natural_bkg;
       PX_is_natural = PX_is_natural_bkg;

    double costhphidistr_max = 1. + TMath::Abs(lambda_phi) + TMath::Abs(lambda_thetaphi);
    double costhphidistr_rnd;
    double costhphidistr;
    double costh_gen;
    double sinth_gen;
    double phi_gen;

    if ( lambda_theta > 0. ) costhphidistr_max += lambda_theta;

    do { costh_gen = -1. + 2. * gRandom->Uniform(1.);
         phi_gen   = 2. * gPI * gRandom->Uniform(1.);
         sinth_gen = sqrt( 1. - costh_gen*costh_gen );
         costhphidistr_rnd = costhphidistr_max * gRandom->Uniform(1.);
         costhphidistr = 1. + lambda_theta    * costh_gen*costh_gen
                            + lambda_phi      * sinth_gen*sinth_gen * cos(2.*phi_gen)
                            + lambda_thetaphi * 2.* sinth_gen*costh_gen * cos(phi_gen);
       } while ( costhphidistr_rnd > costhphidistr );

    // lepton momentum in the dilepton rest frame:

    double p_lepton_DILEP = sqrt( 0.25*mass*mass - Mlepton*Mlepton );

    TLorentzVector lepton_DILEP;

    lepton_DILEP.SetXYZM( p_lepton_DILEP * sinth_gen * cos(phi_gen),
                          p_lepton_DILEP * sinth_gen * sin(phi_gen),
                          p_lepton_DILEP * costh_gen,
                          Mlepton );

    // reference directions to calculate angles:

    TVector3 lab_to_dilep = -dilepton.BoostVector();

    TLorentzVector beam1_DILEP = beam1_LAB;
    beam1_DILEP.Boost(lab_to_dilep);         // beam1 in the dilepton rest frame
    TLorentzVector beam2_DILEP = beam2_LAB;
    beam2_DILEP.Boost(lab_to_dilep);         // beam2 in the dilepton rest frame

    TVector3 beam1_direction     = beam1_DILEP.Vect().Unit();
    TVector3 beam2_direction     = beam2_DILEP.Vect().Unit();
    TVector3 dilep_direction     = dilepton.Vect().Unit();
    TVector3 beam1_beam2_bisect  = ( beam1_direction - beam2_direction ).Unit();

    deltaHXCS = dilep_direction.Angle(beam1_beam2_bisect) * 180./gPI;

    // all polarization frames have the same Y axis = the normal to the plane formed by
    // the directions of the colliding hadrons

    TVector3 Yaxis = ( beam1_direction.Cross( beam2_direction ) ).Unit();

    // flip of y axis with rapidity

    if ( rap < 0 ) Yaxis = - Yaxis;

    TVector3 perpendicular_to_beam = ( beam1_beam2_bisect.Cross( Yaxis ) ).Unit();

    // step 1: transform (rotation) lepton momentum components from generation frame
    // to the frame with x,y,z axes as in the laboratory

    TVector3 oldZaxis = beam1_beam2_bisect;
    if ( HX_is_natural ) oldZaxis = dilep_direction;
    if ( PX_is_natural ) oldZaxis = perpendicular_to_beam;

    TVector3 oldYaxis = Yaxis;
    TVector3 oldXaxis = oldYaxis.Cross(oldZaxis);

    TRotation rotation;
    rotation.RotateAxes(oldXaxis, oldYaxis, oldZaxis);
                     // transforms coordinates from the "old" frame to the "xyz" frame

    TLorentzVector lepton_DILEP_xyz = lepton_DILEP;

                     // lepton_DILEP_xyz is the lepton in the dilepton rest frame
                     // wrt to the lab axes

    // lepton 4-vectors in the LAB frame:

    TVector3 dilep_to_lab = dilepton.BoostVector();

    *lepP = lepton_DILEP_xyz;

    // CS frame

    TVector3 newZaxis = beam1_beam2_bisect;
    TVector3 newYaxis = Yaxis;
    TVector3 newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

    rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );
    rotation.Invert();  // transforms coordinates from the "xyz" frame to the new frame

    TVector3 lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP_xyz.Vect();


    costh_CS = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();

    phi_CS = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;

    if ( costh_CS < 0. ) phith_CS = phi_CS - 135.;
    if ( costh_CS > 0. ) phith_CS = phi_CS - 45.;

    if ( phith_CS < -180. ) phith_CS = 360. + phith_CS;

    // HELICITY frame

    newZaxis = dilep_direction;
    newYaxis = Yaxis;
    newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

    rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

    lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP_xyz.Vect();


    costh_HX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();

    phi_HX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;

    if ( costh_HX < 0. ) phith_HX = phi_HX - 135.;
    if ( costh_HX > 0. ) phith_HX = phi_HX - 45.;

    if ( phith_HX < -180. ) phith_HX = 360. + phith_HX;


    newZaxis = perpendicular_to_beam;
    newYaxis = Yaxis;
    newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

    rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

    lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP_xyz.Vect();


    costh_PX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();

    phi_PX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;

    if ( costh_PX < 0. ) phith_PX = phi_PX - 135.;
    if ( costh_PX > 0. ) phith_PX = phi_PX - 45.;

    if ( phith_PX < -180. ) phith_PX = 360. + phith_PX;

    // invariant polarization angle

    cosalpha = sqrt( 1. - pow(costh_PX, 2.) ) * sin( lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() );

////// Filling Histograms of costh2, cos2ph and sin2thcosph for the extraction of the actual generated polarization

    if ( !isBG ){
	    Phi = phi_CS/180. * gPI ;
	    cos2ph = cos(2.*Phi);
	    sin2thcosph= sin(2.*acos(costh_CS))*cos(Phi);
	    h_costh2_CS->Fill( costh2 );
	    h_cos2ph_CS->Fill( cos2ph );
	    h_sin2thcosph_CS->Fill( sin2thcosph );

	    Phi = phi_HX/180. * gPI ;
	    cos2ph = cos(2.*Phi);
	    sin2thcosph= sin(2.*acos(costh_HX))*cos(Phi);
	    h_costh2_HX->Fill( costh2 );
	    h_cos2ph_HX->Fill( cos2ph );
	    h_sin2thcosph_HX->Fill( sin2thcosph );

	    Phi = phi_PX/180. * gPI ;
	    cos2ph = cos(2.*Phi);
	    sin2thcosph= sin(2.*acos(costh_PX))*cos(Phi);
	    h_costh2_PX->Fill( costh2 );
	    h_cos2ph_PX->Fill( cos2ph );
	    h_sin2thcosph_PX->Fill( sin2thcosph );

//  filling of the ntuple:


  } // end of external loop (generated events)

  cout << endl;

  double lamth_CS;
  double lamph_CS;
  double lamtp_CS;
  lamth_CS = (1. - 3. * costh2 ) / ( costh2 - 3./5. );
  lamph_CS = cos2ph * (3. + lamth_CS);
  lamtp_CS = sin2thcosph * 5./4. * (3. + lamth_CS);

  double lamth_HX;
  double lamph_HX;
  double lamtp_HX;
  lamth_HX = (1. - 3. * costh2 ) / ( costh2 - 3./5. );
  lamph_HX = cos2ph * (3. + lamth_HX);
  lamtp_HX = sin2thcosph * 5./4. * (3. + lamth_HX);

  double lamth_PX;
  double lamph_PX;
  double lamtp_PX;
  lamth_PX = (1. - 3. * costh2 ) / ( costh2 - 3./5. );
  lamph_PX = cos2ph * (3. + lamth_PX);
  lamtp_PX = sin2thcosph * 5./4. * (3. + lamth_PX);

  char resfilename[200];
  TFile* GenResultFile = new TFile(resfilename, "RECREATE", "GenResultFile");

  TTree* GenResults = new TTree("GenResults","GenResults");
  GenResults->Branch("lthCS",         &lamth_CS,         "lthCS/D");
  GenResults->Branch("lphCS",         &lamph_CS,         "lphCS/D");
  GenResults->Branch("ltpCS",         &lamtp_CS,         "ltpCS/D");
  GenResults->Branch("lthHX",         &lamth_HX,         "lthHX/D");
  GenResults->Branch("lphHX",         &lamph_HX,         "lphHX/D");
  GenResults->Branch("ltpHX",         &lamtp_HX,         "ltpHX/D");
  GenResults->Branch("lthPX",         &lamth_PX,         "lthPX/D");
  GenResults->Branch("lphPX",         &lamph_PX,         "lphPX/D");
  GenResults->Branch("ltpPX",         &lamtp_PX,         "ltpPX/D");




} // end of main
コード例 #5
ファイル: calcPol.C プロジェクト: hwoehri/UserCode
// calculation of decay angular parameters
void calcPol(TLorentzVector muplus_LAB,
	     TLorentzVector muminus_LAB){
  TLorentzVector qqbar_LAB = muplus_LAB + muminus_LAB;
  Double_t rapidity = qqbar_LAB.Rapidity();

  // boost beams and positive muon into the q-qbar rest frame:
  TVector3 LAB_to_QQBAR = -qqbar_LAB.BoostVector();

  TLorentzVector beam1_QQBAR = eff::beam1_LAB;
  beam1_QQBAR.Boost( LAB_to_QQBAR );

  TLorentzVector beam2_QQBAR = eff::beam2_LAB;
  beam2_QQBAR.Boost( LAB_to_QQBAR );

  TLorentzVector muplus_QQBAR = muplus_LAB;
  muplus_QQBAR.Boost( LAB_to_QQBAR );

  // reference directions in the Jpsi rest frame:

  TVector3 beam1_direction     = beam1_QQBAR.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 beam2_direction     = beam2_QQBAR.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 qqbar_direction     = qqbar_LAB.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 beam1_beam2_bisect  = ( beam1_direction - beam2_direction ).Unit();

  // all polarization frames have the same Y axis = the normal to the plane formed by
  // the directions of the colliding hadrons
  TVector3 Yaxis = ( beam1_direction.Cross( beam2_direction ) ).Unit();
  if ( rapidity < 0. ) Yaxis = -Yaxis; //H: added (5 Dec 2010)

  // CS frame

  TVector3 newZaxis = beam1_beam2_bisect;
  TVector3 newYaxis = Yaxis;
  TVector3 newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  TRotation rotation;
  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );
  rotation.Invert();   // transforms coordinates from the "xyz" system
  // to the "new" (rotated) system having the polarization axis
  // as z axis

  TVector3 muplus_QQBAR_rotated(muplus_QQBAR.Vect());
  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::CS] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::CS] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::CS] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::CS] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::CS]= 360. + thisPhi[eff::CS];      // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //  thisPhi[eff::CS] += 180.; //H: don't add anything...

  // HELICITY frame

  newZaxis = qqbar_direction;
  newYaxis = Yaxis;
  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated = muplus_QQBAR.Vect();

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::HX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::HX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::HX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::HX] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::HX] = 360. + thisPhi[eff::HX]; // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //thisPhi[eff::HX] += 180.;//H: don't add anything...
  // GJ1 frame

  newZaxis = beam1_direction;
  newYaxis = Yaxis;
  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated = muplus_QQBAR.Vect();

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::GJ1] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::GJ1] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::GJ1] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::GJ1] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::GJ1] = 360. + thisPhi[eff::GJ1]; // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //thisPhi[eff::GJ1] += 180.;//H: don't add anything...

  // GJ2 frame

  newZaxis = beam2_direction;
  newYaxis = Yaxis;
  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated = muplus_QQBAR.Vect();

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::GJ2] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::GJ2] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::GJ2] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::GJ2] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::GJ2] = 360. + thisPhi[eff::GJ2]; // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //thisPhi[eff::GJ2] += 180.;//H: don't add anything...
  // sGJ frame (symmetrized GJ)

  newZaxis = beam1_direction; if( rapidity < 0. ) newZaxis = beam2_direction;
  newYaxis = Yaxis;

  // try to swith the following line on or off
  //if( rapidity < 0. ) newYaxis = -Yaxis;

  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated = muplus_QQBAR.Vect();

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::sGJ] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::sGJ] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::sGJ] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::sGJ] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::sGJ] = 360. + thisPhi[eff::sGJ]; // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //thisPhi[eff::sGJ] += 180.;//H: don't add anything...

  // PHX frame ("perpendicular helicity frame" - z axis perpendicular
  // to the CS axis)

  newZaxis = newZaxis = ( beam1_beam2_bisect.Cross( Yaxis ) ).Unit();
  newYaxis = Yaxis;
  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated = muplus_QQBAR.Vect();

  muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Transform( rotation );

  thisCosTh[eff::PHX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.CosTheta();

  thisPhi_rad[eff::PHX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi();
  thisPhi[eff::PHX] = muplus_QQBAR_rotated.Phi() * 180. / TMath::Pi();
  //if ( thisPhi[eff::PHX] < 0. ) thisPhi[eff::PHX] = 360. + thisPhi[eff::PHX]; // phi defined in degrees from 0 to 360
  //thisPhi[eff::PHX] += 180.;//H: don't add anything...
コード例 #6
void pgsAnalysis::Loop()

double tHrec, tZ1m, tZ2m, tcosthetaStar, tPhi, tPhi1, tcostheta1, tcostheta2,tHrec_constr,tZ1m_constr, tZ2m_constr;
string ttype;
hists->Branch("Hrec", &tHrec);
hists->Branch("Z1m", &tZ1m);
hists->Branch("Z2m", &tZ2m);
hists->Branch("costhetaStar", &tcosthetaStar);
hists->Branch("Phi", &tPhi);
hists->Branch("Phi1", &tPhi1);
hists->Branch("costheta1", &tcostheta1);
hists->Branch("costheta2", &tcostheta2);
hists->Branch("type", &ttype);

//event type!!
int eeee, xxxx, eexx, xxee;

double Zmass = 91.19;
double vZmass;
if (pairing == 0){
	vZmass = 91.19;
	vZmass = 45.;
		TVectorT<double> elSum(4);
		TVectorT<double> muSum(4);

	//electrons array
	vector<int> el; int elC = 0;
	//muons array
	vector<int> mu;	int muC = 0;
	//antielectrons array
	vector<int> antiel;	int antielC = 0;
	//antimuons array
	vector<int> antimu;	int antimuC = 0;

	vector<TVector3> leptons;

	TVector3 lep1,lep2,lep3,lep4;
	TVector3 Za, Zb, Zc, Zd, H;

	int lCounter = 0;
	int totaLlCounter = 0;
	int goodEventCounter = 0;
	int histCounter = 0;

	if (fChain == 0) return;

	int nentries = n;

// 	cout << " nentries are "<<nentries<<endl;

	Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
	for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
	Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
	if (ientry < 0) break;
	nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
	// if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;

		lCounter = 0;
		eeee = 0;
		xxxx = 0;
		eexx = 0;
		xxee = 0;

		//particles identified by type, ntrk
		for (int inst = 0; inst < npart; inst++){	// inst from "instance" on the scan tree
// 			cout<< " instance "<< inst <<endl;
// 			cout<< pT[inst]<< endl;
			//fill el mu vectors
			if ( typ[inst] == 1 && ntrk[inst] == -1){
			if ( typ[inst] == 1 && ntrk[inst] == 1){
			if ( typ[inst] == 2 && ntrk[inst] == -1){
			if ( typ[inst] == 2 && ntrk[inst] == 1){
			if ( (typ[inst] == 4 && jmas[inst] > 10. )|| (typ[inst] == 6 && pT[inst] > 10. )){
				lCounter = 0; //dont count the event

		}//end instance loop (particles in an event

// 		cout<< "leptons in the event are "<< lCounter<<endl;
// 		if (lCounter == 4) { 

		fillFlag = false;

		// If else if loops reconstructing the particles according to the type 4e,4mu, 2e2mu
		if (el.size() == 1 && mu.size() == 1 && antiel.size() == 1 && antimu.size() == 1){ //2e2m

			lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[0]], eta[el[0]]	, phi[el[0]]);			//set up of lepton four-vectors
			lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[0]], eta[antiel[0]]	, phi[antiel[0]]);
			lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[0]], eta[mu[0]]	, phi[mu[0]]);
			lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[0]], eta[antimu[0]]	, phi[antimu[0]]);

			Za = lep1 + lep2;
			Zb = lep3 + lep4;

			mZ1 = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2());	// reconstruct z masses 
			mZ2 = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2());

			//select leading Z
			if(mZ1 > mZ2) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZ1); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZ2); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());eexx++;}	//to set the highest mass the z
			else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZ1); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZ2); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());xxee++;}


		fillFlag = true;

		else if (el.size() == 2 && mu.size() == 0  && antiel.size() == 2 && antimu.size() == 0){ //4e

			lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[0]], eta[el[0]]	, phi[el[0]]);	
			lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[0]], eta[antiel[0]]	, phi[antiel[0]]);
			lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[1]], eta[el[1]]	, phi[el[1]]);	
			lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[1]], eta[antiel[1]]	, phi[antiel[1]]);

			Za = lep1 + lep2;
			Zb = lep3 + lep4;
			Zc = lep1 + lep4;
			Zd = lep3 + lep2;

			double mZa = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2());
			double mZb = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2());
			double mZc = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zc.Mag2());
			double mZd = sqrt(pow(lep2.Mag()+lep3.Mag(),2)-Zd.Mag2());

			double s1a;
			double s1b;
			double s2a;
			double s2b;
			if ( pairing == 0){
			s1a = pow(mZa-vZmass,2) + pow(mZb-Zmass,2);
			s1b = pow(mZa-Zmass,2) + pow(mZb-vZmass,2);
			s2a = pow(mZc-vZmass,2) + pow(mZd-Zmass,2);
			s2b = pow(mZc-Zmass,2) + pow(mZd-vZmass,2);
			s1a = fabs(mZb-Zmass);
			s1b = fabs(mZa-Zmass);
			s2a = fabs(mZd-Zmass);
			s2b = fabs(mZc-Zmass);

			elSum[0] = s1a;
			elSum[1] = s1b;
			elSum[2] = s2a;
			elSum[3] = s2b;

			int min = TMath::LocMin(4, &elSum[0]);

			if( (min == 0 || min == 1) ){
				if(mZa > mZb) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());}	//to set the highest mass the z
				else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());}
			else if( (min == 2 || min == 3) ){
				if(mZc > mZd) { Z1.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z2.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());}	//to set the highest mass the z
				else { Z2.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z1.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());}

		fillFlag = true;

		else if(el.size() == 0 && mu.size() == 2  && antiel.size() == 0 && antimu.size() == 2 )  { //4m

			lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[0]], eta[mu[0]]	, phi[mu[0]]);	
			lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[0]], eta[antimu[0]]	, phi[antimu[0]]);
			lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[1]], eta[mu[1]]	, phi[mu[1]]);	
			lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[1]], eta[antimu[1]]	, phi[antimu[1]]);

			Za = lep1 + lep2;
			Zb = lep3 + lep4;
			Zc = lep1 + lep4;
			Zd = lep3 + lep2;

			double mZa = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2());
			double mZb = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2());
			double mZc = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zc.Mag2());
			double mZd = sqrt(pow(lep2.Mag()+lep3.Mag(),2)-Zd.Mag2());

			double s1a;
			double s1b;
			double s2a;
			double s2b;
			if ( pairing == 0){
			s1a = pow(mZa-vZmass,2) + pow(mZb-Zmass,2);
			s1b = pow(mZa-Zmass,2) + pow(mZb-vZmass,2);
			s2a = pow(mZc-vZmass,2) + pow(mZd-Zmass,2);
			s2b = pow(mZc-Zmass,2) + pow(mZd-vZmass,2);
			s1a = fabs(mZb-Zmass);
			s1b = fabs(mZa-Zmass);
			s2a = fabs(mZd-Zmass);
			s2b = fabs(mZc-Zmass);

			muSum[0] = s1a;
			muSum[1] = s1b;
			muSum[2] = s2a;
			muSum[3] = s2b;

			int min = TMath::LocMin(4, &muSum[0]);

			if( (min == 0 || min == 1) ){
				if(mZa > mZb) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());}	//to set the highest mass the z
				else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());}
			else if( (min == 2 || min == 3) ){
				if(mZc > mZd) { Z1.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z2.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());}	//to set the highest mass the z
				else { Z2.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z1.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());}

		fillFlag = true;

		if ( fillFlag == true && goodEventCounter < 25001) {	//if it fullfills the specs then fill and find angles

			rec_H = Z1 + Z2;
			double Hmass = rec_H.M();
			tHrec = Hmass;
// 			cout<<tHrec<<endl;

			double Z1mass = Z1.M();
			tZ1m = Z1mass;
			double Z2mass = Z2.M();
			tZ2m = Z2mass;
			double ptlepp1 = lep_plus1.Pt();
			double ptlepm1 = lep_min1.Pt();
			double ptlepp2 = lep_plus2.Pt();
			double ptlepm2 = lep_min2.Pt();
			double dR1 = sqrt(pow(fabs(lep_min1.Eta() - lep_plus1.Eta()),2)+pow(fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1)),2));
			double dR2 = sqrt(pow(fabs(lep_min2.Eta() - lep_plus2.Eta()),2)+pow(fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2)),2));

// 			if ( /*Hmass<120 || Hmass>130 || */Z1mass < 49 || Z1mass>107 || Z2mass < 12 || Z2mass> 115 ){continue;}	//constrains		
			//filling the simple histogram values
			h_Z1_m -> Fill(Z1.M());
			h_Z1_E -> Fill(Z1.E());
			h_Z1_Pt -> Fill(Z1.Pt());
			h_Z1_eta -> Fill(Z1.Eta());
			h_Z1_phi -> Fill(Z1.Phi());
			h_Z2_m -> Fill(Z2.M());
			h_Z2_E -> Fill(Z2.E());
			h_Z2_Pt -> Fill(Z2.Pt());
			h_Z2_eta -> Fill(Z2.Eta());
			h_Z2_phi -> Fill(Z2.Phi());
			h_rec_H_m	-> Fill(Hmass);
			h_rec_H_E	-> Fill(rec_H.E());
			h_rec_H_Pt	-> Fill(rec_H.Pt());
			h_rec_H_eta	-> Fill(rec_H.Eta());
			h_rec_H_phi	-> Fill(rec_H.Phi());	

			h_lep_plus1_E	-> Fill(lep_plus1.E());
			h_lep_plus1_Pt	-> Fill(ptlepp1);
			h_lep_plus1_eta	-> Fill(lep_plus1.Eta());
			h_lep_plus1_phi	-> Fill(lep_plus1.Phi());

			h_lep_min1_E	-> Fill(lep_min1.E());
			h_lep_min1_Pt	-> Fill(ptlepm1);
			h_lep_min1_eta	-> Fill(lep_min1.Eta());
			h_lep_min1_phi	-> Fill(lep_min1.Phi());

			h_lep_plus2_E	-> Fill(lep_plus2.E());
			h_lep_plus2_Pt	-> Fill(ptlepp2);
			h_lep_plus2_eta	-> Fill(lep_plus2.Eta());
			h_lep_plus2_phi	-> Fill(lep_plus2.Phi());

			h_lep_min2_E	-> Fill(lep_min2.E());
			h_lep_min2_Pt	-> Fill(ptlepm2);
			h_lep_min2_eta	-> Fill(lep_min2.Eta());
			h_lep_min2_phi	-> Fill(lep_min2.Phi());	

		//reconstructing the two lepton pairs Lorentz vectors
		lpair1 = lep_plus1 + lep_min1;
		lpair2 = lep_plus2 + lep_min2;

		//constructing 3-vectors in the lab frame
		lep_plus1_lab 	= lep_plus1.Vect();
		lep_plus2_lab 	= lep_plus2.Vect();	//.Vect() gives 3 vector from 4vector
		lep_min1_lab 	= lep_min1.Vect();	
		lep_min2_lab 	= lep_min2.Vect();
		lpair1_lab 	= lep_plus1_lab.Cross(lep_min1_lab);	
		lpair2_lab 	= lep_plus2_lab.Cross(lep_min2_lab);

// 		cout << " pt of lepton pair1 on rest frame is: "<< lpair1.Perp()<<endl;

	   	//Filling up Histograms with angles defined in the lab frame
		h_angle_lab_pair1 -> Fill(lep_plus1_lab.Angle(lep_min1_lab));
		h_angle_lab_pair2 -> Fill(lep_plus2_lab.Angle(lep_min2_lab));

       		//Filling up histograms with variables from articles
       		h_angle_lab_deleta1	-> Fill(fabs(lep_min1.Eta() - lep_plus1.Eta()));
       		h_angle_lab_delphi1	-> Fill(fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1)));
       		h_angle_lab_deleta2	-> Fill(fabs(lep_min2.Eta() - lep_plus2.Eta()));
       		h_angle_lab_delphi2	-> Fill(fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2)));

	   	//Looking at the Higgs rest frame
	   	TVector3 boost_rH 	= -rec_H.BoostVector(); //NOTE the minus sign! WHY - sign???
	   	TVector3 boost_rZ1	= -Z1.BoostVector();
	   	TVector3 boost_rZ2	= -Z2.BoostVector();	
	   	Higgs_rest	= rec_H;
	   	Z1_rH		= Z1;
	   	Z2_rH		= Z2;
	   	lep_p1_rH	= lep_plus1;	//
	   	lep_m1_rH	= lep_min1;
	   	lep_p2_rH	= lep_plus2;
	   	lep_m2_rH	= lep_min2;
	   	lep_p1_rZ1	= lep_plus1;
	   	lep_m2_rZ2	= lep_min2;
	   	lep_p2_rZ2	= lep_plus2;
	   	lep_m1_rZ1	= lep_min1;

	   	//Boosting vectors to the Higgs rest frame

	   	//Boosting leptons to Z rest frames

	   	//Setting 3Vectors in Higgs rest frame
	   	Z3_1_rH		= Z1_rH.Vect();
	   	Z3_2_rH		= Z2_rH.Vect();
	   	lep3_plus1_rH 	= lep_p1_rH.Vect();
	   	lep3_min1_rH	= lep_m1_rH.Vect();
	   	lep3_plus2_rH 	= lep_p2_rH.Vect();
	   	lep3_min2_rH	= lep_m2_rH.Vect();
		TVector3 Z3_1plane_rH 	= lep3_plus1_rH.Cross(lep3_min1_rH);	//wrong?
	   	TVector3 Z3_2plane_rH 	= lep3_plus2_rH.Cross(lep3_min2_rH);

	   	//Setting 3Vectors in Z1/Z2 rest frame
	   	lep3_plus1_rZ1	= lep_p1_rZ1.Vect();
	   	lep3_plus2_rZ2	= lep_p2_rZ2.Vect();
	   	lep3_min1_rZ1	= lep_m1_rZ1.Vect();
	   	lep3_min2_rZ2	= lep_m2_rZ2.Vect();

	   	//Filling up histogram for the phi angle distribution

		//pairnoume ta monadiaia dianysmata twn kathetwn pediwn, prwta ypologizoume to metro tous, meta eswteriko ginomeno, meta tokso tou costheta tous
		double metro1 = sqrt((pow(Z3_1plane_rH.X(),2))+(pow(Z3_1plane_rH.Y(),2))+(pow(Z3_1plane_rH.Z(),2)));
		double metro2 = sqrt((pow(Z3_2plane_rH.X(),2))+(pow(Z3_2plane_rH.Y(),2))+(pow(Z3_2plane_rH.Z(),2)));
		TVector3 Z3_1plane_rH_un = Z3_1plane_rH.Unit();
		TVector3 Z3_2plane_rH_un = Z3_2plane_rH.Unit();

		TVector3 drtPlane = Z3_1plane_rH_un.Cross(Z3_2plane_rH_un);
		double phi = acos(-Z3_1plane_rH_un.Dot(Z3_2plane_rH_un))*(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata))/fabs(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata));

		h_angle_rH_phi	-> Fill( phi );
		tPhi = phi;		

		//****Phi one angle , same procedure as before. Now the plane is the first Z boson vector with beam axis, so they form a plane, phi1 is angle between this plane and the Z1 plane (apo to decay twn 2 leptoniwn)
		TVector3 niScatter_un = (beamAxis.Cross(Z3_1_rH)).Unit();
		TVector3 drtPlane2 = Z3_1plane_rH_un.Cross(niScatter_un);
		double phiOne = acos(Z3_1plane_rH_un.Dot(niScatter_un))*(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata2))/fabs(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata2));
		h_angle_rH_phiOne	-> Fill( phiOne );
		tPhi1 = phiOne;

	   	//Filling up histogram for theta* angle: Z1/Z2 with Higgs boost vector
	   	h_angle_rH_thetaZ2	-> Fill(Z3_2_rH.CosTheta());
		double cosThetaStar = Z3_1_rH.CosTheta();
		h_angle_rH_thetaZ1	-> Fill(cosThetaStar);
		tcosthetaStar = cosThetaStar;

		//  boosting the z to the other z frame
		TLorentzVector Z_1_rZ2 = Z1;
		TVector3 Z3_1_rZ2 = Z_1_rZ2.Vect();
		TLorentzVector Z_2_rZ1 = Z2;
		TVector3 Z3_2_rZ1 = Z_2_rZ1.Vect();
		double cosTheta1 = cos(lep3_min1_rZ1.Angle(-Z3_2_rZ1));
		double cosTheta2 = cos(lep3_min2_rZ2.Angle(-Z3_1_rZ2));
	   	h_angle_rZ1_lp1Z1	-> Fill(cos(lep3_plus1_rZ1.Angle(-Z3_2_rZ1)));	
	   	h_angle_rZ1_lm1Z1	-> Fill(cosTheta1);	// theta1
	   	h_angle_rZ2_lp2Z2	-> Fill(cos(lep3_plus2_rZ2.Angle(-Z3_1_rZ2)));	
	   	h_angle_rZ2_lm2Z2	-> Fill(cosTheta2);	// theta2
		tcostheta1 = cosTheta1;
		tcostheta2 = cosTheta2;	

       		h_angle_rH_delphi1	-> Fill(fabs(lep_p1_rH.DeltaPhi(lep_m1_rH)));
		h_angle_rH_delphi2	-> Fill(fabs(lep_p2_rH.DeltaPhi(lep_m2_rH)));

		h_mZ1mZ2		-> Fill(Z1.M(),Z2.M());
		h_mVsPtZ1		-> Fill(Z1.M(),Z1.Pt());

		h_delphi1VsPtZ1_lab	-> Fill(Z1.Pt(),fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1)));
		h_delphi2VsPtZ2_lab	-> Fill(Z2.Pt(),fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2)));

		if (eexx ==1){ttype = "eexx";}
		else if(xxee ==1){ttype = "xxee";}
		else if(eeee ==1){ttype = "eeee";}
		else if(xxxx ==1){ttype = "xxxx";}
		}	//end if fill

		////////////// fill out the decay type

	// filling the TTree

	}//end entries loop (events)

	//some regular reports
	cout<<" good events are "<<goodEventCounter<<endl;
	cout<<" we see % "<< (double) goodEventCounter/n <<endl;

	cout<<" histogram fills are "<<histCounter<<endl;
// 	cout<<" we see % "<< (double) goodEventCounter/n <<endl;

}//end loop void
コード例 #7
void figureOutpiover2(int ptBin, double ptCutLo, double ptCutHi, int massBin, double mCutLo, double mCutHi, int etaBin, double etaCutLo, double etaCutHi) {

    //OPTIONS AND CUTS------------
    bool useBlueBeam = false;
    bool useYellowBeam = true;
    double PI = 3.14159265359;

    if (useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam) {
        cout << "using both beams" << endl;
    if (useBlueBeam && !useYellowBeam) {
        cout << "using blue beam" << endl;
    if (!useBlueBeam && useYellowBeam) {
        cout << "using yellow beam" << endl;

     double ptCutLo = 4;
     double ptCutHi = 10;
     double mCutLo = .4;
     double mCutHi = 1;
     double etaCutLo = -1.4;
     double etaCutHi = 1.4;
    //double phiCutLo = -.5;
    //double phiCutHi = .5;


    cout << "\n";
    cout << " loading of pionPair library done" << endl;

    //TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/all2012dataAll.root");
    //TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOutputWithinRad/allWithRadcut.root");
    TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOutAllDataTry1/allDataTry1.root");

    pionPair* pair1 = new pionPair();
    TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("pionPairTree");
    pairTree->SetBranchAddress("pionPair", &pair1);


    //event variable histograms
    TH1D* hInvarM    = new TH1D("invarM","invarM",80,0,2);
    TH1D* hEtaTot	   = new TH1D("etaTot","etaTot",60,-1.5,1.5);
    TH1D* hPhiR      = new TH1D("hPhiR","hPhiR",60,-4,4);
    TH1D* hPhiS      = new TH1D("hPhiS","hPhiS",60,-4,4);
    TH1D* hPhiSR     = new TH1D("hPhiSR","hPhiSR",60,-4,4);
    TH1D* hTheta     = new TH1D("hTheta","hTheta",30,-0.85,4);
    TH1D* hCosTheta  = new TH1D("hCosTheta","hCosTheta",80,-1,1);
    TH1D* hZ         = new TH1D("hZ","hZ",80,0,1);
    TH1D* hPtot      = new TH1D("hPtot","hPtot",80,0,20);
    TH1D* hPtTOT     = new TH1D("hPt","hPt",80,0,15);

    //histos for asym analysis
    double histMin = -PI;
    double histMax =  PI;
    const int binNumber = 16;

    TH1D * hNumberUp   = new TH1D("hNumberUp","hNumberUp",binNumber,histMin,histMax);
    TH1D * hNumberDown = new TH1D("hNumberDown","hNumberDown",binNumber,histMin,histMax);

    TH1D * hDiff  = new TH1D("hNumberSum","hNumberSum",binNumber,histMin,histMax);
    TH1D * hAut = new TH1D("Aut","Aut",binNumber,histMin,histMax);


    ifstream polFile;

    map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_Y;
    map<int, double> polErrOfFill_Y;

    map<int, double> polarizationOfFill_B;
    map<int, double> polErrOfFill_B;

    int    fill;
    int    beamE;
    int    startT;
    string plusminus;

    double pAvrgBlue;
    double pErrAvrgBlue;

    double pInitialBlue;
    double pErrInitialBlue;
    double dPdTBlue;
    double dPdTErrBlue;

    double pAvrgYellow;
    double pErrAvrgYellow;

    double pInitialYellow;
    double pErrInitialYellow;
    double dPdTYellow;
    double dPdTErrYellow;

    string header;

    for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
        polFile >> header;

    while (!polFile.eof())

        polFile >> fill;
        polFile >> beamE;
        polFile >> startT;

        polFile >> pAvrgBlue;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> pErrAvrgBlue;

        polFile >> pInitialBlue;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> pErrInitialBlue;

        polFile >> dPdTBlue;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> dPdTErrBlue;

        polFile >> pAvrgYellow;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> pErrAvrgYellow;

        polFile >> pInitialYellow;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> pErrInitialYellow;

        polFile >> dPdTYellow;
        polFile >> plusminus;
        polFile >> dPdTErrYellow;

        polarizationOfFill_B[fill] = pAvrgBlue/100.;
        polErrOfFill_B[fill] = pErrAvrgBlue/100.;

        polarizationOfFill_Y[fill] = pAvrgYellow/100.;
        polErrOfFill_Y[fill] = pErrAvrgYellow/100.;


    double avgPolOfBinUp[binNumber];
    double polOfBinSumUp[binNumber];

    double avgPerrorOfBinUp[binNumber];
    double pErrorOfBinUp[binNumber];

    double avgPolOfBinDown[binNumber];
    double polOfBinSumDown[binNumber];

    double avgPerrorOfBinDown[binNumber];
    double pErrorOfBinDown[binNumber];

    for (int i=0; i<binNumber; i++)
        avgPolOfBinUp[i] = 0;
        polOfBinSumUp[i] = 0;

        avgPerrorOfBinUp[i] = 0;
        pErrorOfBinUp[i] = 0;

        avgPolOfBinDown[i] = 0;
        polOfBinSumDown[i] = 0;

        avgPerrorOfBinDown[i] = 0;
        pErrorOfBinDown[i] = 0;


    //   ======================================================================
    //START ANALYSIS==============================================================
    //   ======================================================================

    cout << pairTree->GetEntries() << endl;

    cout << "\n";
    cout << "<----STARTING ANALYSIS---->" << endl;
    cout << "\n";

    double blueFillNo;
    double yellowFillNo;

    int bin;

    TLorentzVector sum;
    TLorentzVector sumY;
    TLorentzVector sumB;

    TRandom3 r;

    int totalPairsFinal = 0;

    for (int iPair = 0; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++)
        if (iPair%10000 == 0) {
            cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;
        //cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;

        //if (iPair == 80000){break;}


        if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3))

            bool triggerFired = false;
            bool fromKaon = false;

            StTriggerId trigId = pair1->triggerIds();

            if (trigId.isTrigger(370601) || trigId.isTrigger(370611) || trigId.isTrigger(370621))
                triggerFired = true;

            if (trigId.isTrigger(370501) || trigId.isTrigger(370511) || trigId.isTrigger(370522) || trigId.isTrigger(370531))
                triggerFired = true;

            if (pair1->invarientMass() > .4921 && pair1->invarientMass() < .4990)
                fromKaon = true;

            if (triggerFired)

                blueFillNo   = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(1); //1 = blue beam
                yellowFillNo = pair1->runInfo().beamFillNumber(0); //0 = yellow beam

                //cout << blueFillNo << "  " << yellowFillNo << endl;

                if (polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo] == 0 || polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo] == 0)


                TVector3 spinVec;

                sum = pair1->piPlusLV() + pair1->piMinusLV();
                sumB = sum; //blue beam.

                //yellow beam must rotate around y axis by pi so the eta cut can be the same for both beams.
                sumY = sum;

                double randomSpin = r.Uniform(0, 1);

                int randomSpinBit;

                if (randomSpin >=0 && randomSpin <0.25)  {
                    randomSpinBit = 5;
                if (randomSpin >=0.25 && randomSpin <0.5) {
                    randomSpinBit = 6;
                if (randomSpin >=0.5 && randomSpin <0.75) {
                    randomSpinBit = 9;
                if (randomSpin >=0.75 && randomSpin <1.0) {
                    randomSpinBit = 10;

                //CHECK CUTS
                if (sumB.Pt() > ptCutLo && sumB.Pt() < ptCutHi && sumB.M() > mCutLo && sumB.M() < mCutHi && sumB.Eta() > etaCutLo && sumB.Eta() < etaCutHi && useBlueBeam == true)

                    //BLUE BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 9 and 10
                    if (pair1->spinBit() == 9 || pair1->spinBit() == 10)
                        bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b'));

                        polOfBinSumUp[bin] += polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo];
                        pErrorOfBinUp[bin] += polErrOfFill_B[blueFillNo];

                    //BLUE BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bin 5 and 6
                    if (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 6)
                        bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(pair1->phiSR('b'));

                        polOfBinSumDown[bin] += polarizationOfFill_B[blueFillNo];
                        pErrorOfBinDown[bin] += polErrOfFill_B[blueFillNo];

                }//end blue cuts

                TVector3 Pa;
                Pa.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);   //blue is unpolarized beam

                TVector3 Pb;
                Pb.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1);  //yellow is polarized beam

                if (sumY.Pt()>ptCutLo && sumY.Pt() < ptCutHi && sumY.M() > mCutLo && sumY.M() < mCutHi && sumY.Eta() > etaCutLo && sumY.Eta() < etaCutHi && useYellowBeam == true)

                    //YELLOW BEAM SPIN UP: spin bin 6 and 10
                    //if (pair1->spinBit() == 6 || pair1->spinBit() == 10)
                    if (randomSpinBit == 6 || randomSpinBit == 10)



                        spinVec.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0);

                        TVector3 Ph = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() + pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();
                        TVector3 Rh  = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() - pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();

                        double cosPhi_S = -Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Unit() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Unit();

                        double cosPhi_R = Ph.Unit().Cross(Pb).Unit() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Unit();

                        double sinPhi_S = Ph.Cross(spinVec) * Pb.Unit() / (Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Mag() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Mag());

                        double sinPhi_R = Pb.Cross(Rh) * Ph.Unit() / (Ph.Unit().Cross(Pb).Mag() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Mag());

                        double sinPhi_S_R = sinPhi_S*cosPhi_R - cosPhi_S*sinPhi_R;

                        double cosPhi_S_R = cosPhi_S*cosPhi_R + sinPhi_S*sinPhi_R;

                        double phi_S_R;

                        if (cosPhi_S_R >= 0)
                            phi_S_R = asin(sinPhi_S_R);
                        else if (cosPhi_S_R < 0)

                            if (sinPhi_S_R >= 0)
                                phi_S_R = TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);
                            if (sinPhi_S_R < 0)
                                phi_S_R = -TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);


                        //cout <<  "phisr = " << phi_S_R << endl;

                        bin = hNumberUp->FindBin(phi_S_R);

                        polOfBinSumUp[bin] += polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo];
                        pErrorOfBinUp[bin] += polErrOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo];
                    //YELLOW BEAM SPIN DOWN: spin bit 5 and 9
                    if (randomSpinBit == 5 || randomSpinBit == 9)


                        spinVec.SetXYZ(0, -1, 0);

                        TVector3 Ph = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() + pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();
                        TVector3 Rh  = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() - pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();

                        double cosPhi_S = -Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Unit() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Unit();

                        double cosPhi_R = Ph.Unit().Cross(Pa).Unit() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Unit();

                        double sinPhi_S = Ph.Cross(spinVec) * Pb.Unit() / (Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Mag() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Mag());

                        double sinPhi_R = Pa.Cross(Rh) * Ph.Unit() / (Ph.Unit().Cross(Pa).Mag() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Mag());

                        double sinPhi_S_R = sinPhi_S*cosPhi_R - cosPhi_S*sinPhi_R;

                        double cosPhi_S_R = cosPhi_S*cosPhi_R + sinPhi_S*sinPhi_R;

                        double phi_S_R;

                        if (cosPhi_S_R >= 0)
                            phi_S_R = asin(sinPhi_S_R);
                        else if (cosPhi_S_R < 0)

                            if (sinPhi_S_R >= 0)
                                phi_S_R = TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);
                            if (sinPhi_S_R < 0)
                                phi_S_R = -TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);


                        //	cout <<  "phisr = " << phi_S_R << endl;

                        bin = hNumberDown->FindBin(phi_S_R);

                        polOfBinSumDown[bin] += polarizationOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo];
                        pErrorOfBinDown[bin] += polErrOfFill_Y[yellowFillNo];
                }//end yellow cuts

            }//end triger check
        }//end radius check
    }//end pairTree loop

    cout << "\n";
    cout << "<----CALCULATING ASYMMETRY---->" << endl;
    cout << "\n";
    for (int ibin=1; ibin<=binNumber; ibin++)

        if (ibin <= binNumber*0.5)
            double nUp   = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin);
            double nUpPi = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin+binNumber*0.5);

            double nDown   = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin);
            double nDownPi = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin+binNumber*0.5);

            cout << nUp << "  " << nUpPi << "  " << nDown << "  " << nDownPi << "  "  << endl;

            int binIndexPi = ibin+binNumber*0.5;

            double avgPolA = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi])/(nUp+nDownPi);
            double avgPolB = (polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUpPi+nDown);

            double realAvgPol = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi);

            double nUp   = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin);
            double nUpPi = hNumberUp->GetBinContent(ibin-binNumber*0.5);

            double nDown   = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin);
            double nDownPi = hNumberDown->GetBinContent(ibin-binNumber*0.5);

            int binIndexPi = ibin-binNumber*0.5;

            cout << nUp << "  " << nUpPi << "  " << nDown << "  " << nDownPi << "  "  << endl;

            double avgPolA = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi])/(nUp+nDownPi);
            double avgPolB = (polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUpPi+nDown);

            double realAvgPol = (polOfBinSumUp[ibin]+polOfBinSumDown[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumUp[binIndexPi]+polOfBinSumDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi);

            double realAvgPolE = (pErrorOfBinUp[ibin]+pErrorOfBinDown[binIndexPi]+pErrorOfBinUp[binIndexPi]+pErrorOfBinDown[ibin])/(nUp+nUpPi+nDown+nDownPi);


        cout << avgPolA << "   " << avgPolB << endl;

        hDiff->SetBinContent(ibin, sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - sqrt(nDown*nUpPi));

        //hAut->SetBinContent(ibin, (1/avgPolA * sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - 1/avgPolB * sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) / (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) + sqrt(nDown*nUpPi))    );

        hAut->SetBinContent(ibin, 1/realAvgPol * (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) - sqrt(nDown*nUpPi)) / (sqrt(nUp*nDownPi) + sqrt(nDown*nUpPi))    );

        if (realAvgPol*pow(sqrt(nUp*nDownPi)+sqrt(nDown*nUpPi), 2) != 0)

            double a = sqrt(nUp*nDownPi);
            double b = sqrt(nUpPi*nDown);

            double firstTerm = realAvgPol**2 * (nUpPi*nDown*(nUp+nDownPi) + nDownPi*nUp*(nUpPi+nDown));

            //double secondTerm = ((nUp*nDownPi)**2 +(nUpPi*nDown)**2 - 2*nUp*nDown*nUpPi*nDownPi)*realAvgPolE**2;

            double secondTerm = 0;

            double binError = 1/realAvgPol**2 * 1/(a+b)**2 * sqrt(firstTerm + secondTerm);

            double binError = 0.01;
            cout << "bin " << ibin << " Has problem with error" << endl;

        hAut->SetBinError(ibin, binError);

    }//end Asym calc




    TCanvas* cNup = new TCanvas();

    TCanvas* cNdown = new TCanvas();

    TCanvas* cAut = new TCanvas();

    TF1* fitFunc = new TF1("fitFunc","[0]*sin(x)+[1]",-PI,PI);

    hAut->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi_{S} - #phi_{R}");

    char title[150];
    sprintf(title, "%.1f < P_{T}^{#pi^{+}#pi^{-}} < %.1f  %.1f < M_{inv}^{#pi^{+}#pi^{-}} < %.1f  %.1f < #eta^{#pi^{+}#pi^{-}} < %.1f", ptCutLo, ptCutHi, mCutLo, mCutHi, etaCutLo, etaCutHi);



    stringstream pt;
    stringstream eta;
    stringstream mass;

    string part1 = "_ptBin";
    string part2 = "_massBin";
    string part3 = "_etaBin";

    string ptBinStr;
    string etaBinStr;
    string massBinStr;

    pt << ptBin;

    eta << etaBin;

    mass << massBin;

    if (ptBin == 9) {
        ptBinStr = "All";
    else {
        ptBinStr = pt.str();

    if (massBin == 9) {
        massBinStr = "All";
    else {
        massBinStr = mass.str();

    if (etaBin == 9) {
        etaBinStr = "All";
    else {
        etaBinStr = eta.str();

    cout << "total pairs " << totalPairsFinal << endl;

    string outFileName = "./resultsTesting/piover2issue"+part1+ptBinStr+part2+massBinStr+part3+etaBinStr+".root";
    TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName.c_str(),"Recreate");

    cout << "---WRITING FILE---" << endl;

    cout << "---END---" << endl;
コード例 #8
ファイル: testRotation.C プロジェクト: keithdlandry/2012IFF
void testRotation(){

	cout << "\n";
	cout << " loading of pionPair library done" << endl;
	TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOutputAll/all_0.root");

	pionPair* pair1 = new pionPair();
	TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("pionPairTree");
	pairTree->SetBranchAddress("pionPair", &pair1);

	for (int iPair = 0; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++)
		if (iPair%10000 == 0) {cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;}
		//cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;
		//if (iPair == 661){continue;}
		TVector3 spinVec;
		if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3))
			int spinB = pair1->spinBit();
			if (spinB == 5 || spinB == 9) //yelow down
				spinVec.SetXYZ(0, -1, 0);
			if (spinB == 6 || spinB == 10) //yellow up
				spinVec.SetXYZ(0, 1, 0);
			if (spinB == 5 || spinB == 6 || spinB == 9 || spinB == 10)
				TVector3 Ph = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() + pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();
				TVector3 Rh  = pair1->piPlusLV().Vect() - pair1->piMinusLV().Vect();
				TVector3 Pa;
				Pa.SetXYZ(0, 0, 1);   //blue is unpolarized beam
				TVector3 Pb;
				Pb.SetXYZ(0, 0, -1);  //yellow is polarized beam
			//	cout << Ph << endl;
			//	cout << Rh << endl;
			//	cout << Pa << endl;
			//	cout << Pb << endl;
				//cout << "\n";
				//cout << Ph.Unit().Cross(Pa) << endl;
				//cout << Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh) << endl;
				double cosPhi_S = Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Unit() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Unit();
				double cosPhi_R = Ph.Unit().Cross(Pa).Unit() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Unit();
				double sinPhi_S = Ph.Cross(spinVec) * Pb.Unit() / (Pb.Unit().Cross(Ph).Mag() * Pb.Unit().Cross(spinVec).Mag());
				double sinPhi_R = Pa.Cross(Rh) * Ph.Unit() / (Ph.Unit().Cross(Pa).Mag() * Ph.Unit().Cross(Rh).Mag());
				double sinPhi_S_R = sinPhi_S*cosPhi_R - cosPhi_S*sinPhi_R;
				double cosPhi_S_R = cosPhi_S*cosPhi_R + sinPhi_S*sinPhi_R;
				double phi_S_R;
				if (cosPhi_S_R >= 0)
					phi_S_R = asin(sinPhi_S_R);
				else if (cosPhi_S_R < 0)
					if (sinPhi_S_R >= 0)
						phi_S_R = TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);
					if (sinPhi_S_R < 0)
						phi_S_R = -TMath::Pi() - asin(sinPhi_S_R);
				cout << "regular Phi_SR = " << pair1->phiSR('y') << "   rotated Phi_SR = " << phi_S_R << endl;
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_allEvt.C プロジェクト: 12345ieee/cmg-cmssw
void test_allEvt::ComputeAllVarPietro(TLorentzVector lepP,TLorentzVector lepN){
  // Preliminary definitions:

  const double pbeam = 7000.; // exact number irrelevant as long as pbeam >> Mprot
  const double Mprot = 0.9382720;
  const double Mlepton = 0.10566;  // (muon)
  const double gPI = TMath::Pi();
  const double Ebeam = sqrt( pbeam*pbeam + Mprot*Mprot );
  TLorentzVector beam1_LAB( 0., 0., pbeam, Ebeam );
  TLorentzVector beam2_LAB( 0., 0., -pbeam, Ebeam );

  // assuming that we have a TTree "data" (data ntuple) containing the 4-vectors lepP and lepN of lepton and antilepton

  // event by event (in some loop over dilepton events in the data ntuple):

  // data->GetEvent( i_event );

  // double lepP_pT  = lepP->Pt();
  // double lepN_pT  = lepN->Pt();

  // double lepP_eta = lepP->PseudoRapidity();
  // double lepN_eta = lepN->PseudoRapidity();

  // dilepton 4-vector:

  TLorentzVector dilepton = lepP + lepN;
  double pT   = dilepton.Pt();
  double rap  = dilepton.Rapidity();
  double mass = dilepton.M();

  // calculation of decay angles in three polarization frames

  // reference directions to calculate angles:

  TVector3 lab_to_dilep = -dilepton.BoostVector();

  TLorentzVector beam1_DILEP = beam1_LAB;
  beam1_DILEP.Boost(lab_to_dilep);         // beam1 in the dilepton rest frame
  TLorentzVector beam2_DILEP = beam2_LAB;
  beam2_DILEP.Boost(lab_to_dilep);         // beam2 in the dilepton rest frame

  TVector3 beam1_direction     = beam1_DILEP.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 beam2_direction     = beam2_DILEP.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 dilep_direction     = dilepton.Vect().Unit();
  TVector3 beam1_beam2_bisect  = ( beam1_direction - beam2_direction ).Unit();

  // all polarization frames have the same Y axis = the normal to the plane formed by
  // the directions of the colliding hadrons:

  TVector3 Yaxis = ( beam1_direction.Cross( beam2_direction ) ).Unit();

  // flip of y axis with rapidity:

  if ( rap < 0. ) Yaxis = - Yaxis;

  TVector3 perpendicular_to_beam = ( beam1_beam2_bisect.Cross( Yaxis ) ).Unit();

  // positive lepton in the dilepton rest frame:

  TLorentzVector lepton_DILEP = lepP;

  // CS frame angles:

  TVector3 newZaxis = beam1_beam2_bisect;
  TVector3 newYaxis = Yaxis;
  TVector3 newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  TRotation rotation;
  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );
  rotation.Invert();  // transforms coordinates from the "xyz" frame to the new frame
  TVector3 lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP.Vect();

  /* double */ costh_CS = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();
  /* double */ phi_CS   = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;
  double phith_CS;
  if ( costh_CS < 0. ) phith_CS = phi_CS - 135.;
  if ( costh_CS > 0. ) phith_CS = phi_CS - 45.;
  if ( phith_CS < -180. ) phith_CS = 360. + phith_CS;
  phi_CS   = phi_CS / 180. * gPI;

  // HELICITY frame angles:

  newZaxis = dilep_direction;
  newYaxis = Yaxis;
  newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );
  lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP.Vect();

  /* double */ costh_HX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();
  /* double */ phi_HX   = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;
  double phith_HX;
  if ( costh_HX < 0. ) phith_HX = phi_HX - 135.;
  if ( costh_HX > 0. ) phith_HX = phi_HX - 45.;
  if ( phith_HX < -180. ) phith_HX = 360. + phith_HX;
  phi_HX   = phi_HX / 180. * gPI;

  // // PERPENDICULAR HELICITY frame angles:

  // newZaxis = perpendicular_to_beam;
  // newYaxis = Yaxis;
  // newXaxis = newYaxis.Cross( newZaxis );

  // rotation.SetToIdentity();
  // rotation.RotateAxes( newXaxis, newYaxis, newZaxis );
  // rotation.Invert();
  // lepton_DILEP_rotated = lepton_DILEP.Vect();
  // lepton_DILEP_rotated.Transform(rotation);

  // double costh_PX = lepton_DILEP_rotated.CosTheta();
  // double phi_PX   = lepton_DILEP_rotated.Phi() * 180. / gPI;
  // double phith_PX;
  // if ( costh_PX < 0. ) phith_PX = phi_PX - 135.;
  // if ( costh_PX > 0. ) phith_PX = phi_PX - 45.;
  // if ( phith_PX < -180. ) phith_PX = 360. + phith_PX;
  // phi_PX   = phi_PX / 180. * gPI;
