コード例 #1
	FORCEINLINE bool operator()(const TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>& A, const TWeakObjectPtr<AActor>& B) const
		if (XYOnly)
			// I could probably ditch this if branch: (return DistanceCheck || !Ascending)
			// but I'd rather keep things explicit and branch prediction should take care of things anyway since its constant.
			if (Ascending) // We want nearest
				return FVector::DistSquaredXY(A->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation) < FVector::DistSquaredXY(B->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation);
				return FVector::DistSquaredXY(A->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation) > FVector::DistSquaredXY(B->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation);
			if (Ascending) // We want nearest
				return FVector::DistSquared(A->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation) < FVector::DistSquared(B->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation);
				return FVector::DistSquared(A->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation) > FVector::DistSquared(B->GetActorLocation(), SourceLocation);
コード例 #2
/** Tick */
void UFluidSurfaceComponent::TickComponent( float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction )
	Super::TickComponent( DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction );
	LastDeltaTime = DeltaTime;

	float SimStep = 1.f / UpdateRate;
	static float Time = 0.0f;


	/* Only update if checked */
	if( !UpdateComponent )

	/* If this water hasn't been rendered for a while, stop updating */
	if (LastRenderTime > 0 && GetWorld()->TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime > 1)

	Time += DeltaTime;
	if( Time > SimStep )
		Time = 0.0f;
		LatestVerts = !LatestVerts;

		/* Add ripples for actors in the water */
		TArray<struct FOverlapResult> OverlappingActors;

		FCollisionShape CollisionShape;
		CollisionShape.SetBox( FluidBoundingBox.GetExtent( ) );

		/* Find overlapping actors */
		GetWorld()->OverlapMultiByChannel(OverlappingActors, GetComponentLocation(), GetComponentQuat(), ECC_WorldDynamic, CollisionShape, FCollisionQueryParams(false));

		// @todo: handle better

		/* Iterate through found overlapping actors */
		for( int i = 0; i < OverlappingActors.Num( ); i++ )
			TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> Actor = OverlappingActors[ i ].Actor;

			/* Dont care about self and modifiers */
			if( Actor != NULL && !Actor->IsA( AFluidSurfaceActor::StaticClass( ) ) && !Actor->IsA( AFluidSurfaceModifier::StaticClass( ) ) )
				FVector LocalVel = GetWorldToComponent( ).TransformVector( Actor->GetVelocity( ) );
				float HorizVelMag = LocalVel.Size( );

				Pling( Actor->GetActorLocation( ), RippleVelocityFactor * HorizVelMag, Actor->GetSimpleCollisionRadius( ) );

		/* Do test ripple (moving around in a circle) */
		if( GIsEditor && TestRipple )
			TestRippleAng += SimStep * MyU2Rad * TestRippleSpeed;
			FVector WorldRipplePos, LocalRipplePos;

			float RippleRadius = 0.3f * ( FluidXSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing;
			if( FluidGridType == EFluidGridType::FGT_Hexagonal )
				RippleRadius = FMath::Max( RippleRadius, 0.3f * ( FluidYSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing * ROOT3OVER2 );
				RippleRadius = FMath::Max( RippleRadius, 0.3f * ( FluidYSize - 1 ) * FluidGridSpacing );

			LocalRipplePos.X = ( RippleRadius * FMath::Sin( TestRippleAng ) );
			LocalRipplePos.Y = ( RippleRadius * FMath::Cos( TestRippleAng ) );
			LocalRipplePos.Z = 0.f;

			WorldRipplePos = ComponentToWorld.TransformPosition( LocalRipplePos );
			Pling( WorldRipplePos, TestRippleStrength, TestRippleRadius );

		/* Add modifier effects */
		for( int i = 0; i < Modifiers.Num( ); i++ )
			if( Modifiers[ i ] && Modifiers[ i ]->Active )
				Modifiers[ i ]->Update( DeltaTime );

		/* Need to send new dynamic data */
		MarkRenderDynamicDataDirty( );