コード例 #1
  void ComputeItemRho::RecomputeData(const DataBoxAccess& box) const {

     REQUIRE(l >= 0, "ERROR: l must be >= 0");
     REQUIRE(abs(m) <= l, "ERROR: m must be between the values of -l and l");
     const Tensor<DataMesh> rho_i=box.Get<Tensor<DataMesh> >(mInput);
     REQUIRE(rho_i.Dim() == 3, 
              "ERROR: The Dimension of the Tensor<DataMesh> input must be 3");
     REQUIRE(rho_i.Rank() == 0,
               "ERROR: The Rank of the Tensor<DataMesh> input must be 0");
     const MyVector<DataMesh>& coords=
                           box.Get<MyVector<DataMesh> >("GlobalCoords");
     const Mesh mesh = box.Get<Mesh>("Mesh");

     DataMesh theta(mesh);
     DataMesh phi(mesh); 
     theta = acos(coords[2] / sqrt(coords[0]*coords[0] + 
                coords[1]*coords[1] + coords[2]*coords[2]));
     phi = atan(coords[1] / coords[0]);
     Tensor<DataMesh> SHY(SphericalHarmonicYTDM(l, m, theta, phi, mesh)); 

     mResult.assign(0, "", rho_i()*SHY());  
コード例 #2
void TensorDeterminant(const Tensor<DataMesh>& t, DataMesh& det) {
  ASSERT(t.Rank() == 2, "Not a matrix");
  ASSERT(t.Dim() == 3, "Not 3D");
    = t(0,0) * (t(1,1)*t(2,2) - t(1,2)*t(2,1))
    + t(0,1) * (t(1,2)*t(2,0) - t(1,0)*t(2,2))
    + t(0,2) * (t(1,0)*t(2,1) - t(1,1)*t(2,0));
コード例 #3
void TensorInverse(const Tensor<DataMesh>& t, Tensor<DataMesh>& inv) {
  ASSERT(t.Rank() == 2, "Not a matrix");
  ASSERT(t.Dim() == 3, "Not 3D");
  ASSERT(t.Structure() == inv.Structure(),
	 "Tensors have different structures");
  DataMesh det = t(0,0);
  TensorDeterminant(t, det);

  for(int i=0;i<det.Size();i++) {
    ASSERT(det[i] != 0, "Singular matrix");

  for(TensorIter it(t);it;++it) {
    IPoint ind = t.Structure().Indices(it.Index());
    inv[it] = (t((ind[1]+1)%3,(ind[0]+1)%3) * t((ind[1]+2)%3,(ind[0]+2)%3)
	       - t((ind[1]+1)%3,(ind[0]+2)%3) * t((ind[1]+2)%3,(ind[0]+1)%3))
      / det;