virtual float getAltitude(int x, int y) { return fixedToFloat(mBlock->getHeight(x,y)); }
bool SceneCullingState::isOccludedByTerrain( SceneObject* object ) const { PROFILE_SCOPE( SceneCullingState_isOccludedByTerrain ); // Don't try to occlude globally bounded objects. if( object->isGlobalBounds() ) return false; const Vector< SceneObject* >& terrains = getSceneManager()->getContainer()->getTerrains(); const U32 numTerrains = terrains.size(); for( U32 terrainIdx = 0; terrainIdx < numTerrains; ++ terrainIdx ) { TerrainBlock* terrain = dynamic_cast< TerrainBlock* >( terrains[ terrainIdx ] ); if( !terrain ) continue; MatrixF terrWorldTransform = terrain->getWorldTransform(); Point3F localCamPos = getCameraState().getViewPosition(); terrWorldTransform.mulP(localCamPos); F32 height; terrain->getHeight( Point2F( localCamPos.x, localCamPos.y ), &height ); bool aboveTerrain = ( height <= localCamPos.z ); // Don't occlude if we're below the terrain. This prevents problems when // looking out from underground bases... if( !aboveTerrain ) continue; const Box3F& oBox = object->getObjBox(); F32 minSide = getMin(oBox.len_x(), oBox.len_y()); if (minSide > 85.0f) continue; const Box3F& rBox = object->getWorldBox(); Point3F ul(rBox.minExtents.x, rBox.minExtents.y, rBox.maxExtents.z); Point3F ur(rBox.minExtents.x, rBox.maxExtents.y, rBox.maxExtents.z); Point3F ll(rBox.maxExtents.x, rBox.minExtents.y, rBox.maxExtents.z); Point3F lr(rBox.maxExtents.x, rBox.maxExtents.y, rBox.maxExtents.z); terrWorldTransform.mulP(ul); terrWorldTransform.mulP(ur); terrWorldTransform.mulP(ll); terrWorldTransform.mulP(lr); Point3F xBaseL0_s = ul - localCamPos; Point3F xBaseL0_e = lr - localCamPos; Point3F xBaseL1_s = ur - localCamPos; Point3F xBaseL1_e = ll - localCamPos; static F32 checkPoints[3] = {0.75, 0.5, 0.25}; RayInfo rinfo; for( U32 i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { Point3F start = (xBaseL0_s * checkPoints[i]) + localCamPos; Point3F end = (xBaseL0_e * checkPoints[i]) + localCamPos; if (terrain->castRay(start, end, &rinfo)) continue; terrain->getHeight(Point2F(start.x, start.y), &height); if ((height <= start.z) == aboveTerrain) continue; start = (xBaseL1_s * checkPoints[i]) + localCamPos; end = (xBaseL1_e * checkPoints[i]) + localCamPos; if (terrain->castRay(start, end, &rinfo)) continue; Point3F test = (start + end) * 0.5; if (terrain->castRay(localCamPos, test, &rinfo) == false) continue; return true; } } return false; }
void blTerrainProxy::lightVector(LightInfo * light) { // Grab our terrain object TerrainBlock* terrain = getObject(); if (!terrain) return; // Get the direction to the light (the inverse of the direction // the light is pointing) Point3F lightDir = -light->getDirection(); lightDir.normalize(); // Get the ratio between the light map pixel and world space (used below) F32 lmTerrRatio = (F32)mTerrainBlockSize / (F32) mLightMapSize; lmTerrRatio *= terrain->getSquareSize(); // Get the terrain position Point3F terrPos( terrain->getTransform().getPosition() ); U32 i = 0; for (U32 y = 0; y < mLightMapSize; y++) { for (U32 x = 0; x < mLightMapSize; x++) { // Get the relative pixel position and scale it // by the ratio between lightmap and world space Point2F pixelPos(x, y); pixelPos *= lmTerrRatio; // Start with a default normal of straight up Point3F normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Try to get the actual normal from the terrain. // Note: this won't change the default normal if // it can't find a normal. terrain->getNormal(pixelPos, &normal); // The terrain lightmap only contains shadows. F32 shadowed = 0.0f; // Get the height at the lightmap pixel's position F32 height = 0.0f; terrain->getHeight(pixelPos, &height); // Calculate the 3D position of the pixel Point3F pixelPos3F(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y, height); // Translate that position by the terrain's transform terrain->getTransform().mulP(pixelPos3F); // Offset slighting along the normal so that we don't // raycast into ourself pixelPos3F += (normal * 0.1f); // Calculate the light's position. // If it is a vector light like the sun (no position // just direction) then translate along that direction // a reasonable distance to get a point sufficiently // far away Point3F lightPos = light->getPosition(); if(light->getType() == LightInfo::Vector) { lightPos = 1000.f * lightDir; lightPos = pixelPos3F + lightPos; } // Cast a ray from the world space position of the lightmap pixel to the light source. // If we hit something then we are in shadow. This allows us to be shadowed by anything // that supports a castRay operation. RayInfo info; if(terrain->getContainer()->castRay(pixelPos3F, lightPos, STATIC_COLLISION_TYPEMASK, &info)) { // Shadow the pixel. shadowed = 1.0f; } // Set the final lightmap color. mLightmap[i++] += ColorF::WHITE * mClampF( 1.0f - shadowed, 0.0f, 1.0f ); } } }