コード例 #1
int WangTiles::SimpleCompaction(const TileSet & tileSet,
                                vector< vector<Tile> > & result)
    const int numTiles = tileSet.NumTiles();

    const int numHColors = tileSet.NumHColors();
    const int numVColors = tileSet.NumVColors();
    const int numTilesPerColor = tileSet.NumTilesPerColor();
    // find the best aspect ratio
    const int maxFactor = floor(sqrt(numTiles));

    const int height = numVColors*numVColors;
    const int width = numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColor;

        result = vector< vector<Tile> > (height);

        for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
            result[i] = vector<Tile>(width);

        int i = 0; int j = 0;
        for(int e1 = 0; e1 < numVColors; e1++)
            for(int e3 = 0; e3 < numVColors; e3++)
                for(int e0 = 0; e0 < numHColors; e0++)
                    for(int e2 = 0; e2 < numHColors; e2++)
                        const vector<Tile> & tiles = tileSet.Tiles(e0, e1, e2, e3);

                        for(int k = 0; k < tiles.size(); k++)
                            result[i][j] = tiles[k];


                            if(j >= result[i].size())
                                i++; j = 0;
    // done 
    return 1;
コード例 #2
int WangTiles::OrthogonalCornerCompaction(const TileSet & tileSet,
                                          vector< vector<Tile> > & result)
    const int numHColors = tileSet.NumHColors();
    const int numVColors = tileSet.NumVColors();
    const int numTilesPerColor = tileSet.NumTilesPerColor();
    // find the best aspect ratio
    int numTilesPerColorH = numTilesPerColor;
    int numTilesPerColorV = 1;
    while((numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColorH >
           numVColors*numVColors*numTilesPerColorV) &&
          (numTilesPerColorH%2 == 0))
        numTilesPerColorH /= 2;
        numTilesPerColorV *= 2;

    const int height = numVColors*numVColors*numTilesPerColorV;
    const int width = numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColorH;

        // space allocation for the result
        result = vector< vector<Tile> > (height);

        for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
            result[i] = vector<Tile>(width);

        vector<int> travelHEdges, travelVEdges;
        if(! TravelEdges(0, numHColors-1, travelHEdges)) return 0;
        if(! TravelEdges(0, numVColors-1, travelVEdges)) return 0;

        // put the tiles
        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                int whichVBlock = i/(numVColors*numVColors);
                int whichHBlock = j/(numHColors*numHColors);
                int ec = whichVBlock*numTilesPerColorH + whichHBlock;

                int hIndex0 = j%(numHColors*numHColors);
                int hIndex2 = hIndex0 + 1;
                int vIndex1 = i%(numVColors*numVColors);
                int vIndex3 = vIndex1 + 1;
                int e0 = travelHEdges[hIndex0];
                int e3 = travelVEdges[vIndex1];
                int e2 = travelHEdges[hIndex0];
                int e1 = travelVEdges[vIndex1];

                // assignment
                const vector<Tile> & tiles = tileSet.Tiles(e0, e1, e2, e3);

                if(tiles.size() <= ec)
                    return 0;
                result[i][j] = tiles[ec];
    // done
    return 1;
コード例 #3
// algorithm:
// find the tiling for each center color (i.e. assuming numTilesPerColor is 1)
// and repeat the tiling for multiple numTilesPerColor
int WangTiles::EvenCompaction(const TileSet & tileSet,
                              vector< vector<Tile> > & result)
    //const int numTiles = tileSet.NumTiles();

    const int numHColors = tileSet.NumHColors();
    const int numVColors = tileSet.NumVColors();
    const int numTilesPerColor = tileSet.NumTilesPerColor();

    // error checking
        // illegal input sizes
        return 0;

    // find the best aspect ratio
    int numTilesPerColorH = numTilesPerColor/2;
    int numTilesPerColorV = 2;
        int hFactor = 1;
        int vFactor = 1;
        int numTilesPerColorhv = numTilesPerColor;

            hFactor *= 2; numTilesPerColorhv /= 2;

            vFactor *= 2; numTilesPerColorhv /= 2;

        const int maxFactor = ceil(sqrt(numTilesPerColorhv));
        int factor = 1;

        for(int i = 1; i <= maxFactor; i++)
            if((numTilesPerColorhv%i) == 0) factor = i;

        if( (numVColors*numVColors*vFactor) <
            (numHColors*numHColors*hFactor) )
            factor = numTilesPerColorhv/factor;

        numTilesPerColorH = factor * hFactor;
        numTilesPerColorV = numTilesPerColorhv/factor * vFactor;

    const int height = numVColors*numVColors*numTilesPerColorV;
    const int width = numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColorH;

        // space allocation for the result
        result = vector< vector<Tile> > (height);

        for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
            result[i] = vector<Tile>(width);

        // put the tiles
        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                int ec = i/(numVColors*numVColors)*numTilesPerColorH +

                int e0 = (j/numHColors)%numHColors;
                int e1 = (i/numVColors)%numVColors;
                int e2 = (j%numHColors);
                int e3 = (i%numVColors);

                    // swap e1 and e3
                    int tmp = e1; e1 = e3; e3 = tmp;

                    // swap e0 and e2
                    int tmp = e0; e0 = e2; e2 = tmp;
                // assignment
                const vector<Tile> & tiles = tileSet.Tiles(e0, e1, e2, e3);

                if(tiles.size() <= ec)
                    return 0;
                result[i][j] = tiles[ec];
    // done
    return 1;
コード例 #4
int WangTiles::RandomCompaction(const TileSet & tileSet,
                                vector< vector<Tile> > & result)
    const int numHColors = tileSet.NumHColors();
    const int numVColors = tileSet.NumVColors();
    const int numTilesPerColor = tileSet.NumTilesPerColor();
    // find the best aspect ratio
    int numTilesPerColorH = numTilesPerColor;
    int numTilesPerColorV = 1;
    while((numVColors*numVColors*numTilesPerColorH >
           numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColorV) &&
          (numTilesPerColorH%2 == 0))
        numTilesPerColorH /= 2;
        numTilesPerColorV *= 2;

    const int height = numHColors*numHColors*numTilesPerColorV;
    const int width = numVColors*numVColors*numTilesPerColorH;

        // space allocation for the result
        result = vector< vector<Tile> > (height);

        for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
            result[i] = vector<Tile>(width);

    // do the random assignment
        // build a random permutation
        deque<int> permutation(height*width);

            for(int i = 0; i < permutation.size(); i++)
                permutation[i] = i;

        deque<int> permutationNew;

        while(permutation.size() > 0)
            const int select = rand()%permutation.size();
            permutation[select] = permutation[permutation.size()-1];

        permutation = permutationNew;

        for(int e1 = 0; e1 < numVColors; e1++)
            for(int e3 = 0; e3 < numVColors; e3++)
                for(int e0 = 0; e0 < numHColors; e0++)
                    for(int e2 = 0; e2 < numHColors; e2++)
                        const vector<Tile> & tiles = tileSet.Tiles(e0, e1, e2, e3);
                        for(int k = 0; k < tiles.size(); k++)
                            const int whereToGo = permutation[0];

                            const int row = whereToGo/width;
                            const int col = whereToGo%width;

                            result[row][col] = tiles[k];

    // done
    return 1;