コード例 #1
ファイル: Atomtype.cpp プロジェクト: wesbarnett/tpi
double Atomtype::CalcPE(int frame_i, const Trajectory &trj, const coordinates &rand_xyz, const cubicbox_m256 &box, double vol) const
    float pe = 0.0;
    int atom_i = 0;

    // This performs the exact same calculation after the SIMD section
    // but doing it on 8 atoms at a time using SIMD instructions.

    coordinates8 rand_xyz8(rand_xyz), atom_xyz;
    __m256 r2_8, mask, r6, ri6, pe_tmp;
    __m256 pe_sum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    float result[n] __attribute__((aligned (16)));

    for (; atom_i < this->n-8; atom_i+=8)
        atom_xyz = trj.GetXYZ8(frame_i, this->name, atom_i);
        r2_8 = distance2(atom_xyz, rand_xyz8, box);
        mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(r2_8, rcut2_8, _CMP_LT_OS);
        r6 = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(r2_8, r2_8), r2_8));
        ri6 = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_rcp_ps(r6));
        pe_tmp = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_mul_ps(ri6, _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(c12_8, ri6), c6_8)));
        pe_sum = _mm256_add_ps(pe_tmp, pe_sum);
    _mm256_store_ps(result, pe_sum);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        pe += result[i];


    for (; atom_i < this->n; atom_i++)
        coordinates atom_xyz = trj.GetXYZ(frame_i, this->name, atom_i);
        float r2 = distance2(atom_xyz, rand_xyz, cubicbox(box));
        if (r2 < this->rcut2)
            float ri6 = 1.0/(pow(r2,3));
            pe += ri6*(this->c12*ri6 - this->c6);

    pe += this->n/vol * this->tail_factor;;

    return pe;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Clusters.cpp プロジェクト: wesbarnett/libgmxcpp
void Clusters::do_clustering(int frame, Trajectory &traj, string group, double rcut2)
    coordinates atom_j_vec;
    double r2;
    int atom_counter_i;
    int atom_counter_j;
    int atom_i;
    int atom_j;
    int mol_i;
    int mol_j;
    int c_i;
    int c_j;
    triclinicbox box;

    vector <coordinates> atom_i_vec(atoms_per_mol);

    box = traj.GetBox(frame);

    for (mol_i = 0; mol_i < this->mol_n; mol_i++) 
        c_i = this->index.at(mol_i);

        /* Go ahead and save the atoms from this molecule to a vector so that we
         * don't have to keep accessing it later below. */
        atom_counter_i = mol_i * atoms_per_mol;
        for (atom_i = 0; atom_i < this->atoms_per_mol; atom_i++) 
            atom_i_vec.at(atom_i) = traj.GetXYZ(frame, group, atom_counter_i);

        for (mol_j = 0; mol_j < this->mol_n; mol_j++) 
            c_j = this->index.at(mol_j);

            if (c_i != c_j) 
                /* This compares every atom on the two molecules. If one pair is
                 * within the cutoff range then the two molecules should be
                 * added to the same cluster and no more checking is necessary
                 * for these two molecules. */
                for (atom_i = 0; atom_i < this->atoms_per_mol; atom_i++) 
                    atom_counter_j = mol_j * atoms_per_mol;
                    for (atom_j = 0; atom_j < this->atoms_per_mol; atom_j++) 
                        atom_j_vec = traj.GetXYZ(frame, group, atom_counter_j);
                        r2 = distance2(atom_i_vec.at(atom_i), atom_j_vec, box);

                        if (r2 < rcut2) 
                            add(c_i, c_j);
                            goto nextmol;

