コード例 #1
ASTtypecast_expression::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    // FIXME - closures
    typecheck_children (m_typespec);
    TypeSpec t = expr()->typespec();
    if (! assignable (m_typespec, t) &&
        ! (m_typespec.is_int() && t.is_float()) && // (int)float is ok
        ! (m_typespec.is_triple() && t.is_triple()))
        error ("Cannot cast '%s' to '%s'", type_c_str(t),
    return m_typespec;
コード例 #2
ASTassign_expression::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    TypeSpec vt = var()->typecheck ();
    TypeSpec et = expr()->typecheck (vt);

    if (! var()->is_lvalue()) {
        error ("Can't assign via %s to something that isn't an lvalue", opname());
        return TypeSpec();

    ASSERT (m_op == Assign);  // all else handled by binary_op

    // We don't currently support assignment of whole arrays
    if (vt.is_array() || et.is_array()) {
        error ("Can't assign entire arrays");
        return TypeSpec();

    // Special case: ok to assign a literal 0 to a closure to
    // initialize it.
    if (vt.is_closure() && ! et.is_closure() &&
        (et.is_float() || et.is_int()) &&
        expr()->nodetype() == literal_node &&
        ((ASTliteral *)&(*expr()))->floatval() == 0.0f) {
        return TypeSpec(); // it's ok

    // If either argument is a structure, they better both be the same
    // exact kind of structure.
    if (vt.is_structure() || et.is_structure()) {
        int vts = vt.structure(), ets = et.structure();
        if (vts == ets)
            return m_typespec = vt;
        // Otherwise, a structure mismatch
        error ("Cannot assign '%s' to '%s'", type_c_str(et), type_c_str(vt));
        return TypeSpec();

    // Expression must be of a type assignable to the lvalue
    if (! assignable (vt, et)) {
        error ("Cannot assign '%s' to '%s'", type_c_str(et), type_c_str(vt));
        // FIXME - can we print the variable in question?
        return TypeSpec();

    return m_typespec = vt;
コード例 #3
OSLCompilerImpl::compile (const std::string &filename,
                          const std::vector<std::string> &options)
    if (! boost::filesystem::exists (filename)) {
        error (ustring(), 0, "Input file \"%s\" not found", filename.c_str());
        return false;

    std::string stdinclude;

    std::vector<std::string> defines;
    std::vector<std::string> undefines;
    std::vector<std::string> includepaths;
    std::string cppoptions;

    // Determine where the installed shader include directory is, and
    // look for ../shaders/stdosl.h and force it to include.
    std::string program = Sysutil::this_program_path ();
    if (program.size()) {
        boost::filesystem::path path (program);  // our program
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 103600
        path = path.parent_path ();  // now the bin dir of our program
        path = path.parent_path ();  // now the parent dir
        path = path.branch_path ();  // now the bin dir of our program
        path = path.branch_path ();  // now the parent dir
        path = path / "shaders";
        bool found = false;
        if (boost::filesystem::exists (path)) {
            path = path / "stdosl.h";
            if (boost::filesystem::exists (path)) {
                stdinclude = path.string();
                found = true;
        if (! found)
            warning (ustring(filename), 0, "Unable to find \"%s\"",

    m_output_filename.clear ();
    bool preprocess_only = false;
    for (size_t i = 0;  i < options.size();  ++i) {
        if (options[i] == "-v") {
            // verbose mode
            m_verbose = true;
        } else if (options[i] == "-q") {
            // quiet mode
            m_quiet = true;
        } else if (options[i] == "-d") {
            // debug mode
            m_debug = true;
        } else if (options[i] == "-E") {
            preprocess_only = true;
        } else if (options[i] == "-o" && i < options.size()-1) {
            m_output_filename = options[i];
        } else if (options[i] == "-O0") {
            m_optimizelevel = 0;
        } else if (options[i] == "-O" || options[i] == "-O1") {
            m_optimizelevel = 1;
        } else if (options[i] == "-O2") {
            m_optimizelevel = 2;
        } else if (options[i].c_str()[0] == '-' && options[i].size() > 2) {
            // options meant for the preprocessor
            if(options[i].c_str()[1] == 'D')
            else if(options[i].c_str()[1] == 'U')
            else if(options[i].c_str()[1] == 'I')
        } else {
            // something meant for the cpp command
            cppoptions += "\"";
            cppoptions += options[i];
            cppoptions += "\" ";

    std::string preprocess_result;

    if (! preprocess(filename, stdinclude, defines, undefines, includepaths, preprocess_result)) {
    if (! preprocess(filename, stdinclude, cppoptions, preprocess_result)) {
        return false;
    } else if (preprocess_only) {
        std::cout << preprocess_result;
    } else {
        std::istringstream in (preprocess_result);
        oslcompiler = this;

        // Create a lexer, parse the file, delete the lexer
        m_lexer = new oslFlexLexer (&in);
        oslparse ();
        bool parseerr = error_encountered();
        delete m_lexer;

        if (! parseerr) {
            shader()->typecheck ();

        // Print the parse tree if there were no errors
        if (m_debug) {
            symtab().print ();
            if (shader())
                shader()->print (std::cout);

        if (! error_encountered()) {
            shader()->codegen ();
//            add_useparam ();
            track_variable_dependencies ();
            track_variable_lifetimes ();
            check_for_illegal_writes ();
//            if (m_optimizelevel >= 1)
//                coalesce_temporaries ();
        if (! error_encountered()) {
            if (m_output_filename.size() == 0)
                m_output_filename = default_output_filename ();
            write_oso_file (m_output_filename);

        oslcompiler = NULL;

    return ! error_encountered();

struct GlobalTable {
    const char *name;
    TypeSpec type;

static GlobalTable globals[] = {
    { "P", TypeDesc::TypePoint },
    { "I", TypeDesc::TypeVector },
    { "N", TypeDesc::TypeNormal },
    { "Ng", TypeDesc::TypeNormal },
    { "u", TypeDesc::TypeFloat },
    { "v", TypeDesc::TypeFloat },
    { "dPdu", TypeDesc::TypeVector },
    { "dPdv", TypeDesc::TypeVector },
#if 0
    // Light variables -- we don't seem to be on a route to support this
    // kind of light shader, so comment these out for now.
    { "L", TypeDesc::TypeVector },
    { "Cl", TypeDesc::TypeColor },
    { "Ns", TypeDesc::TypeNormal },
    { "Pl", TypeDesc::TypePoint },
    { "Nl", TypeDesc::TypeNormal },
    { "Ps", TypeDesc::TypePoint },
    { "Ci", TypeSpec (TypeDesc::TypeColor, true) },
    { "time", TypeDesc::TypeFloat },
    { "dtime", TypeDesc::TypeFloat },
    { "dPdtime", TypeDesc::TypeVector },
    { NULL }

OSLCompilerImpl::initialize_globals ()
    for (int i = 0;  globals[i].name;  ++i) {
        Symbol *s = new Symbol (ustring(globals[i].name), globals[i].type,
        symtab().insert (s);

OSLCompilerImpl::default_output_filename ()
    if (m_shader && shader_decl())
        return shader_decl()->shadername().string() + ".oso";
    return std::string();

OSLCompilerImpl::write_oso_metadata (const ASTNode *metanode) const
    ASSERT (metanode->nodetype() == ASTNode::variable_declaration_node);
    const ASTvariable_declaration *metavar = static_cast<const ASTvariable_declaration *>(metanode);
    Symbol *metasym = metavar->sym();
    ASSERT (metasym);
    TypeSpec ts = metasym->typespec();
    oso ("%%meta{%s,%s,", ts.string().c_str(), metasym->name().c_str());
    const ASTNode *init = metavar->init().get();
    ASSERT (init);
    if (ts.is_string() && init->nodetype() == ASTNode::literal_node)
        oso ("\"%s\"", ((const ASTliteral *)init)->strval());
    else if (ts.is_int() && init->nodetype() == ASTNode::literal_node)
        oso ("%d", ((const ASTliteral *)init)->intval());
    else if (ts.is_float() && init->nodetype() == ASTNode::literal_node)
        oso ("%.8g", ((const ASTliteral *)init)->floatval());
    // FIXME -- what about type constructors?
    else {
        std::cout << "Error, don't know how to print metadata " 
                  << ts.string() << " with node type " 
                  << init->nodetypename() << "\n";
        ASSERT (0);  // FIXME
    oso ("} ");