コード例 #1
ファイル: ast.cpp プロジェクト: WooFL/OpenShadingLanguage
/// Return the symbol pointer to the individual field that this
/// structselect represents; also set structid to the ID of the
/// structure type, and fieldid to the field index within the struct.
Symbol *
ASTstructselect::find_fieldsym (int &structid, int &fieldid)
    if (! lvalue()->typespec().is_structure() &&
        ! lvalue()->typespec().is_structure_array()) {
        return NULL;

    ustring structsymname;
    TypeSpec structtype;
    find_structsym (lvalue().get(), structsymname, structtype);

    structid = structtype.structure();
    StructSpec *structspec (structtype.structspec());
    fieldid = -1;
    for (int i = 0;  i < (int)structspec->numfields();  ++i) {
        if (structspec->field(i).name == m_field) {
            fieldid = i;

    if (fieldid < 0) {
        error ("struct type '%s' does not have a member '%s'",
               structspec->name().c_str(), m_field.c_str());
        return NULL;

    const StructSpec::FieldSpec &fieldrec (structspec->field(fieldid));
    ustring fieldsymname = ustring::format ("%s.%s", structsymname.c_str(),
    Symbol *sym = m_compiler->symtab().find (fieldsymname);
    return sym;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ast.cpp プロジェクト: boberfly/gafferDependencies
ASTvariable_declaration::ASTvariable_declaration (OSLCompilerImpl *comp,
                                                  const TypeSpec &type,
                                                  ustring name, ASTNode *init,
                                                  bool isparam, bool ismeta,
                                                  bool isoutput, bool initlist)
    : ASTNode (variable_declaration_node, comp, 0, init, NULL /* meta */),
      m_name(name), m_sym(NULL),
      m_isparam(isparam), m_isoutput(isoutput), m_ismetadata(ismeta),
    m_typespec = type;
    Symbol *f = comp->symtab().clash (name);
    if (f  &&  ! m_ismetadata) {
        std::string e = Strutil::format ("\"%s\" already declared in this scope", name.c_str());
        if (f->node()) {
            std::string filename = OIIO::Filesystem::filename(f->node()->sourcefile().string());
            e += Strutil::format ("\n\t\tprevious declaration was at %s:%d",
                                  filename, f->node()->sourceline());
        if (f->scope() == 0 && f->symtype() == SymTypeFunction && isparam) {
            // special case: only a warning for param to mask global function
            warning ("%s", e.c_str());
        } else {
            error ("%s", e.c_str());
    if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_' && name[2] == '_') {
        error ("\"%s\" : sorry, can't start with three underscores",
    SymType symtype = isparam ? (isoutput ? SymTypeOutputParam : SymTypeParam)
                              : SymTypeLocal;
    // Sneaky debugging aid: a local that starts with "__debug_tmp__"
    // gets declared as a temp. Don't do this on purpose!!!
    if (symtype == SymTypeLocal && Strutil::starts_with (name, "__debug_tmp__"))
        symtype = SymTypeTemp;
    m_sym = new Symbol (name, type, symtype, this);
    if (! m_ismetadata)
        oslcompiler->symtab().insert (m_sym);

    // A struct really makes several subvariables
    if (type.is_structure() || type.is_structure_array()) {
        ASSERT (! m_ismetadata);
        // Add the fields as individual declarations
        m_compiler->add_struct_fields (type.structspec(), m_sym->name(), symtype,
                                       type.is_unsized_array() ? -1 : type.arraylength(),
                                       this, init);