コード例 #1
UMovieSceneSection* MovieSceneHelpers::FindSectionAtTime( const TArray<UMovieSceneSection*>& Sections, float Time )
	for( int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < Sections.Num(); ++SectionIndex )
		UMovieSceneSection* Section = Sections[SectionIndex];

		//@todo Sequencer - There can be multiple sections overlapping in time. Returning instantly does not account for that.
		if( Section->IsTimeWithinSection( Time ) && Section->IsActive() )
			return Section;

	return NULL;
コード例 #2
UMovieSceneSection* MovieSceneHelpers::FindNearestSectionAtTime( const TArray<UMovieSceneSection*>& Sections, float Time )
	// Only update the section if the position is within the time span of the section
	// Or if there are no sections at the time, the left closest section to the time
	// Or in the case that Time is before all sections, take the section with the earliest start time
	UMovieSceneSection* ClosestSection = nullptr;
	float ClosestSectionTime = 0.f;
	UMovieSceneSection* EarliestSection = nullptr;
	float EarliestSectionTime = 0.f;
	for( int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < Sections.Num(); ++SectionIndex )
		UMovieSceneSection* Section = Sections[SectionIndex];

		if (Section->IsActive())
			//@todo Sequencer - There can be multiple sections overlapping in time. Returning instantly does not account for that.
			if( Section->IsTimeWithinSection( Time ) )
				return Section;

			float EndTime = Section->GetEndTime();
			if (EndTime < Time)
				float ClosestTime = Time - EndTime;
				if (!ClosestSection || ClosestTime < ClosestSectionTime)
					ClosestSection = Section;
					ClosestSectionTime = ClosestTime;

			float StartTime = Section->GetStartTime();
			if (!EarliestSection || StartTime < EarliestSectionTime)
				EarliestSection = Section;
				EarliestSectionTime = StartTime;

	// if we get here, we are off of any section
	// if ClosestSection, then we take the closest to left of this time
	// else, we take the EarliestSection
	// if that's nullptr, then there are no sections
	return ClosestSection ? ClosestSection : EarliestSection;