コード例 #1
UMovieSceneSection* UMovieSceneSection::SplitSection(float SplitTime)
	if (!IsTimeWithinSection(SplitTime))
		return nullptr;


	if (TryModify())
		float SectionEndTime = GetEndTime();
		// Trim off the right

		// Create a new section
		UMovieSceneTrack* Track = CastChecked<UMovieSceneTrack>(GetOuter());

		UMovieSceneSection* NewSection = DuplicateObject<UMovieSceneSection>(this, Track);


		return NewSection;

	return nullptr;
コード例 #2
void FNameCurveKeyArea::PasteKeys(const FMovieSceneClipboardKeyTrack& KeyTrack, const FMovieSceneClipboardEnvironment& SrcEnvironment, const FSequencerPasteEnvironment& DstEnvironment)
	float PasteAt = DstEnvironment.CardinalTime;

	KeyTrack.IterateKeys([&](const FMovieSceneClipboardKey& Key){
		UMovieSceneSection* Section = GetOwningSection();
		if (!Section)
			return true;

		if (Section->TryModify())
			float Time = PasteAt + Key.GetTime();
			if (Section->GetStartTime() > Time)
			if (Section->GetEndTime() < Time)

			FKeyHandle KeyHandle = Curve.UpdateOrAddKey(Time, Key.GetValue<FName>());
			DstEnvironment.ReportPastedKey(KeyHandle, *this);
		return true;
コード例 #3
UMovieSceneSection* UMovieScenePropertyTrack::FindOrAddSection( float Time )
	// Find a spot for the section so that they are sorted by start time
	for( int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < Sections.Num(); ++SectionIndex )
		UMovieSceneSection* Section = Sections[SectionIndex];

		if( Section->IsTimeWithinSection( Time ) )
			return Section;

		// Check if there are no more sections that would overlap the time 
		if( !Sections.IsValidIndex( SectionIndex+1 ) || Sections[SectionIndex+1]->GetStartTime() > Time )
			// No sections overlap the time
			if( SectionIndex > 0 )
				// Append and grow the previous section
				UMovieSceneSection* PreviousSection = Sections[ SectionIndex ? SectionIndex-1 : 0 ];
				PreviousSection->SetEndTime( Time );
				return PreviousSection;
			else if( Sections.IsValidIndex( SectionIndex+1 ) )
				// Prepend and grow the next section because there are no sections before this one
				UMovieSceneSection* NextSection = Sections[SectionIndex+1];
				NextSection->SetStartTime( Time );
				return NextSection;
				// SectionIndex == 0 
				UMovieSceneSection* PreviousSection = Sections[0];
				if( PreviousSection->GetEndTime() < Time )
					// Append and grow the section
					PreviousSection->SetEndTime( Time );
					// Prepend and grow the section
					PreviousSection->SetStartTime( Time );
				return PreviousSection;


	check( Sections.Num() == 0 );

	// Add a new section that starts and ends at the same time
	UMovieSceneSection* NewSection = CreateNewSection();
	NewSection->SetStartTime( Time );
	NewSection->SetEndTime( Time );

	Sections.Add( NewSection );

	return NewSection;
コード例 #4
void FMoveKeys::OnDrag( const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent, const FVector2D& LocalMousePos, const FTimeToPixel& TimeToPixelConverter, TSharedPtr<FTrackNode> SequencerNode )
	// Convert the delta position to a delta time amount that was moved
	float MouseTime = TimeToPixelConverter.PixelToTime(LocalMousePos.X);
	float SelectedKeyTime = DraggedKey.KeyArea->GetKeyTime(DraggedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue());
	float DistanceMoved = MouseTime - SelectedKeyTime;

	if( DistanceMoved != 0.0f )
		float TimeDelta = DistanceMoved;
		// Snapping
		if ( Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled() )
			bool bSnappedToKeyTime = false;
			if ( Settings->GetSnapKeyTimesToKeys() )
				TArray<float> OutSnapTimes;
				GetKeySnapTimes(OutSnapTimes, SequencerNode);

				TArray<float> InitialTimes;
				for ( FSelectedKey SelectedKey : SelectedKeys )
					InitialTimes.Add(SelectedKey.KeyArea->GetKeyTime(SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue()) + DistanceMoved);
				float OutInitialTime = 0.f;
				float OutSnapTime = 0.f;
				if ( SnapToTimes( InitialTimes, OutSnapTimes, TimeToPixelConverter, OutInitialTime, OutSnapTime ) )
					bSnappedToKeyTime = true;
					TimeDelta = OutSnapTime - (OutInitialTime - DistanceMoved);

			if ( bSnappedToKeyTime == false && Settings->GetSnapKeyTimesToInterval() )
				TimeDelta = Settings->SnapTimeToInterval( MouseTime ) - SelectedKeyTime;

		for( FSelectedKey SelectedKey : SelectedKeys )
			UMovieSceneSection* Section = SelectedKey.Section;

			TSharedPtr<IKeyArea>& KeyArea = SelectedKey.KeyArea;

			// Tell the key area to move the key.  We reset the key index as a result of the move because moving a key can change it's internal index 
			KeyArea->MoveKey( SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue(), TimeDelta );

			// Update the key that moved
			float NewKeyTime = KeyArea->GetKeyTime( SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue() );

			// If the key moves outside of the section resize the section to fit the key
			// @todo Sequencer - Doesn't account for hitting other sections 
			if( NewKeyTime > Section->GetEndTime() )
				Section->SetEndTime( NewKeyTime );
			else if( NewKeyTime < Section->GetStartTime() )
				Section->SetStartTime( NewKeyTime );