コード例 #1
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a Test case for the get() method. 
    *    The test data for this test is :-
    *       1) The first entry is a CollectableString
    *       2) The first entry is a CollectableInt
    *       3) The List has only one entry
    *       4) The List has no entries
    void testGet()
        const int testCount = 4 ;
        const char* prefix = "Verify the get() method for a list when " ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
                     "the first entry is a CollectableString", \
                     "the first entry is a CollectableInt", \
                     "when the list has only one entry", \
                     "when the list is empty" \
        } ; 
        const char* suffix1 = ":- verify return value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = ":- verify the number of entries in the list" ; 
        UtlSList testList ; 
        testList.append(&commonString1) ; 
        testList.append(&commonInt1) ; 
        testList.append(&commonString2) ; 

        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { \
                          &commonString1 , &commonInt1, &commonString2, NULL \
        } ; 
        int entryCount[]  = { 2, 1, 0, 0 } ; 
        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            UtlContainable* actual = testList.get() ; 
            string msg ; 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], actual) ; 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), entryCount[i], (int)testList.entries()) ;
    } //testGet()
コード例 #2
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a Test case to test the destroyAll()
    *    method.
    void testClearAndDestroy()
        const char* prefix  = "test the destroyAll() method " ;

        const char* suffix1 = ":- Verify that all entries are removed" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = ":- The objects are deleted" ;

        UtlContainableTestStub* uStub ;
        UtlContainableTestStub* uStubPtr ;
        uStub = new UtlContainableTestStub(0) ; 
        uStubPtr = new UtlContainableTestStub(1) ;
        emptyList.append(uStub) ;
        emptyList.append(uStubPtr) ;

        emptyList.destroyAll() ;
        int cCountAfter = UtlContainableTestStub::getCount() ; 

        string msg ;
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, suffix1) ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), 0, (int)emptyList.entries()) ; 

        // Since the TestStub has been implemented such that destructor
        // decrements the static counter, to verify that the objects have
        // been deleted, verify that the static counter has been decremented. 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, suffix2) ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), 0, cCountAfter) ;

    } //testClearAndDestroy
コード例 #3
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a Test case to test the destroy() 
    *    method. 
    void testRemoveAndDestroy()
        const char* prefix  = "test the destroy() method " ; 
        UtlContainableTestStub uStub(0) ;
        UtlContainableTestStub* uStubPtr ;
        uStubPtr = new UtlContainableTestStub(1) ;
        commonList.append(&uStub) ;
        commonList.append(uStubPtr) ;
        int cCountBefore = UtlContainableTestStub :: getCount() ; 

        UtlBoolean returnValue = commonList.destroy(uStubPtr) ; 
        UtlContainable* uLast = commonList.last() ; 
        string msg ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify the return value") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg.data(), returnValue) ;
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify that the entry is removed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), (void*)&uStub, (void*)uLast) ; 
        // The CollectableTestStub has been implemented such that a static counter gets decremented
        // for every descruction of an object instance. To verify that the object was destroyed, 
        // verify that the static count went down. 
        int cCountAfter = UtlContainableTestStub :: getCount() ;
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify that the object was deleted") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), cCountBefore -1, cCountAfter) ; 
コード例 #4
ファイル: SmsNotifier.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
OsStatus SmsNotifier::handleAlarm(const OsTime alarmTime,
      const UtlString& callingHost,
      const cAlarmData* alarmData,
      const UtlString& alarmMsg)
   OsStatus retval = OS_FAILED;

   //execute the mail command for each user
   UtlString groupKey(alarmData->getGroupName());
   if (!groupKey.isNull())
      UtlContainable* pContact = mContacts.findValue(&groupKey);
      if (pContact)
         // Process the comma separated list of contacts
         UtlString* contactList = dynamic_cast<UtlString*> (pContact);
         if (!contactList->isNull())
            MailMessage message(mSmsStrFrom, mReplyTo, mSmtpServer);
            UtlTokenizer tokenList(*contactList);

            UtlString entry;
            while (tokenList.next(entry, ","))
               message.To(entry, entry);

            UtlString body;
            UtlString tempStr;

            UtlString sevStr = Os::Logger::instance().priorityName(alarmData->getSeverity());

            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServer: sms body is %s", body.data());


            UtlSList subjectParams;
            UtlString codeStr(alarmData->getCode());
            UtlString titleStr(sevStr);
            assembleMsg(mSmsStrSubject, subjectParams, tempStr);

            // delegate send to separate task so as not to block

   return retval;
コード例 #5
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a  Test case for the isEmpty() method. 
    *     The test data for this test are :-
    *        a) When the list has just been created. 
    *        b) When the list has one entry in it 
    *        c) When the list has multiple entries in it. 
    *        d) When all the entries in a list have been removed using get. 
    *        e) When all the entries in a list have been removed using removeAll()
    void testIsEmpty()
        const int testCount = 5 ; 
        const char* prefix = "Test the isEmpty() method when " ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
                "the list has just been created" , \
                "the list has just one entry in it", \
                "the list has multiple entries in it", \
                "all the list entries have been retreieved using get()", \
                "all the list entries have been retreived using removeAll()" \
        } ;

        UtlSList newList ; 
        UtlSList secondNewList ; 
        UtlSList commonList_Clone ; 

        // first populate a list and then retreive all elements using get
        for (int i = 0 ; i < commonEntriesCount ; i++)
            commonList_Clone.append(commonContainables_Clone[i]) ; 
        for (int j = 0 ; j < commonEntriesCount; j++)
        UtlString uS1 = UtlString("Lone Entry") ; 
        newList.append(&uS1) ; 

        // populate the second list and then clear all entries. 
        secondNewList.append(&uS1) ; 
        UtlInt uI1 = UtlInt(232) ; 
        secondNewList.append(&uI1) ; 
        secondNewList.removeAll() ; 
        UtlSList* testLists[] = { \
                 &emptyList, &newList, &commonList, &commonList_Clone,  &secondNewList \
        } ; 

        bool expectedValue[] = { true, false, false, true, true } ; 
        for (int k = 0 ; k < testCount; k++)
            string msg ; 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, Msgs[k]) ; 
            UtlBoolean actual = testLists[k] -> isEmpty() ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), (UtlBoolean)expectedValue[k], \
                actual) ; 
    } // testIsEmpty
コード例 #6
ファイル: ResourceList.cpp プロジェクト: ClydeFroq/sipxecs
// Generate the partial RLMI list.
// Generate list of ResourceReference's corresponding to the URIs in mResourcesList.
// Returns true if partialList is non-empty.
UtlBoolean ResourceList::genPartialList(UtlSList& partialList)
   UtlSListIterator resourcesItor(mResourcesList);
   ResourceReference* resource;
   UtlBoolean any_found = FALSE;

   // Check the resource list for changed items.
   while ((resource = dynamic_cast <ResourceReference*> (resourcesItor())))
      UtlSListIterator changesItor(mChangesList);
      UtlString* changedRsrc;
      UtlBoolean found = FALSE;

      while ((changedRsrc = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (changesItor())))
         // Send a partial RLMI (only for resources that changed).
         if (strcmp(resource->getUri()->data(), changedRsrc->data()) == 0)
            found = TRUE;
            any_found = TRUE;

      if (found)

   return any_found;
コード例 #7
ファイル: OsConfigDb.cpp プロジェクト: John-Chan/sipXtapi
// Loads a list of strings from the configuration datadase using the 
// designated prefix as the base for the list items.
int OsConfigDb::loadList(const UtlString& rPrefix,
                         UtlSList& rList) const
    OsReadLock lock(mRWMutex);
    int iNumEntries ;
    int rc = 0 ; 
    UtlString key ;
    UtlString value ;
    char cTemp[64] ;

    // Get number of items
    key = rPrefix ;
    key.append(".COUNT") ;    
    if (get(key, iNumEntries) == OS_SUCCESS)
        for (int i = 0; i < iNumEntries; i++)
            sprintf(cTemp, "%d", i+1);
            key = rPrefix ;
            key.append(".") ;
            key.append(cTemp) ;

            if (get(key, value) == OS_SUCCESS)
                rList.append(new UtlString(value)) ;
                rc++ ;

    return rc ;
コード例 #8
ファイル: RegistrationDB.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
RegistrationDB::getUnexpiredContactsFieldsContaining (
   UtlString& substringToMatch,
   const int& timeNow,   
   UtlSList& matchingContactFields ) const
   // Clear the results
   if( m_pFastDB != NULL )
       dbCursor< RegistrationRow > cursor;
       UtlString queryString = "contact like '%" + substringToMatch + "%' and expires>";
       queryString.appendNumber( timeNow );
       dbQuery query;
       query = queryString;

       if ( cursor.select(query) > 0 )
           // Copy all the unexpired contacts into the result list
               UtlString* contactValue = new UtlString(cursor->contact);
               matchingContactFields.append( contactValue );
           } while ( cursor.next() );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_DB, PRI_CRIT, "RegistrationDB::getUnexpiredContactsFieldsContaining failed - no DB");
コード例 #9
ファイル: RegistrationDB.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
RegistrationDB::getUpdatesForRegistrar(dbQuery&  query,
                                       UtlSList& bindings) const
   int numRows = 0;
   if ( m_pFastDB != NULL )
      dbCursor<RegistrationRow> cursor(dbCursorForUpdate);
      numRows = cursor.select(query);
      if (numRows > 0)
         do {
            RegistrationBinding* reg = copyRowToRegistrationBinding(cursor);
         while (cursor.next());
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_DB, PRI_CRIT, "RegistrationDB::getNewUpdatesForRegistrar failed - no DB");
   return numRows;
コード例 #10
    /*!a Test case for the () operator.
    *    The test data for this test is :-
    *       1) The next entry is a UtlString
    *       2) The next entry is a UtlInt
    *       3) The next entry is the last entry
    *       4) All entries have been read
    void testAdvancingOperator()
        struct TestAdvancingOperatorStruct
            const char* testDescription ;
            const UtlContainable* expectedValue ;
        } ;

        const int testCount = 4 ;
        const char* prefix = "Verify the () operator for an iterator when " ;

        const char* suffix1 = " :- verify return value" ;
        const char* suffix2 = " :- verify number of entries in the list" ;

        UtlSList testList ;
        testList.append(&commonString1) ;
        testList.append(&commonInt1) ;
        testList.append(&commonString2) ;
        UtlSListIterator iter(testList) ;

        TestAdvancingOperatorStruct testData[] = { \
            { "the first entry is a UtlString", &commonString1 }, \
            { "the first entry is a UtlInt", &commonInt1 }, \
            { "when the list has only one entry", &commonString2 }, \
            { "when the list is empty", NULL } \
        } ;
        int expectedEntries = 3 ;

        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
             string msg ;
             TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, \
                 testData[i].testDescription, suffix1) ;
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), (void*)testData[i].expectedValue, \
                 (void*)iter()) ;
             TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, testData[i].testDescription, \
             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedEntries, \
                 (int)testList.entries()) ;

        // Test the () operator for an empty list
        UtlSListIterator emptyIter(emptyList) ;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Test the () operator for an empty list iterator" , \
            (void*)NULL, (void*)emptyIter()) ;

    } //testAdvancingOperator()
コード例 #11
ファイル: AlarmServerTest.cpp プロジェクト: astubbs/sipxecs
 void testNewlinesInStrings()
    OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServerTest::testNewlinesInStrings");
    UtlString localhost("localhost");
    UtlString alarmId("MESSAGE_WITH_NEWLINES");
    UtlSList alarmParams;
    UtlString alarmParam("1");
    UtlString alarmParam2 = "\nparam on new line";
    cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
    UtlString actualString;
    UtlString expectedString = "param on new line";
    tail(mAlarmFile, actualString);
    char msg[1000];
    sprintf(msg, "incorrect message was logged: actualString '%s'  expected '%s'", actualString.data(), expectedString.data());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, actualString.contains(expectedString));
コード例 #12
void appendCountItems(UtlSList& list, size_t itemsToAdd)
   size_t item;
   for (item = 0; item < itemsToAdd; item++)
      list.append(new UtlString(string[item]));
コード例 #13
ファイル: AlarmServerTest.cpp プロジェクト: astubbs/sipxecs
 void testParameterSubstitution()
    OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServerTest::testParameterSubstitution");
    UtlString localhost("localhost");
    UtlString alarmId("PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION");
    UtlSList alarmParams;
    UtlString alarmParam("1");
    UtlString alarmParam2 = "2";
    cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
    UtlString actualString;
    UtlString expectedString = "Parameter 2, then parameter 1";
    tail(mAlarmFile, actualString);
    char msg[1000];
    sprintf(msg, "incorrect message was logged: actualString '%s'  expected '%s'", actualString.data(), expectedString.data());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, actualString.contains(expectedString));
コード例 #14
    void setUp()
        commonString1 = UtlString(regularString) ;
        commonString1_clone = UtlString(regularString) ;
        commonString2 = UtlString("") ;
        commonString2_clone = UtlString("") ;
        commonString3 = UtlString(longAlphaNumString) ;
        commonString3_clone = UtlString(longAlphaNumString) ;

        commonInt1 = UtlInt(0) ;
        commonInt1_clone = UtlInt(0) ;
        commonInt2 = UtlInt(INT_MAX) ;
        commonInt2_clone = UtlInt(INT_MAX) ;
        commonInt3 = UtlInt(INT_MIN) ;
        commonInt3_clone = UtlInt(INT_MIN) ;

        commonList.append(&commonString1) ;
        commonContainables[0] = &commonString1 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[0] = &commonString1_clone ;
        commonList.append(&commonInt1) ;
        commonContainables[1] = &commonInt1 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[1] = &commonInt1_clone ;
        commonList.append(&commonInt2) ;
        commonContainables[2] = &commonInt2 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[2] = &commonInt2_clone;
        commonList.append(&commonString2) ;
        commonContainables[3] = &commonString2 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[3] = &commonString2_clone ;
        commonList.append(&commonInt3) ;
        commonContainables[4] = &commonInt3 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[4] = &commonInt3_clone ;
        commonList.append(&commonString3) ;
        commonContainables[5] = &commonString3 ;
        commonContainables_Clone[5] = &commonString3_clone ;
コード例 #15
ファイル: ACDQueue_Linear.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
bool ACDQueue_Linear::buildTargetAgentList(UtlSList& rTargetAgentList, ACDCall* pCallRef)
   ACDAgent* pAgent;
   ACDAgent* pLastAttemptedAgent;

   // Always rebuild the list to get the agents added on the fly

   UtlSListIterator listIterator(mAcdAgentList);
   int numAgents = mAcdAgentList.entries();

   // Iterate through the ACDAgent list, starting after the agent that
   // The ACDCall was last using.  If the end of the list is
   // reached, wrap around to the beginning.  If this LastAttemptedAgent
   // is NULL, start from the head of the list
   pLastAttemptedAgent = pCallRef->getLastAgent();
   if (pLastAttemptedAgent != NULL) {
      // walk the iterator to point after pLastAttemptedAgent
      if (listIterator.findNext(pLastAttemptedAgent) == NULL) {
         // Didn't find pLastAttemptedAgent, start again from the top.

   for(int i=0; i<numAgents; i++) {
      // Check the next agent
      pAgent = dynamic_cast<ACDAgent*>(listIterator());
      if (pAgent == NULL) {
         // We've hit the end of the list start back from the head of the list
         pAgent = dynamic_cast<ACDAgent*>(listIterator());
         if (pAgent == NULL) {
            // All out of agents to try
            return false;

      if (pAgent->isAvailable(true)) {
         // Remember the agent chosen
         OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, gACD_DEBUG, "%s::buildTargetAgentList - agent(%s) is added to the target list",
                       mAcdSchemeString, pAgent->getUriString()->data());
         return true;

   // The whole list was tried, yet no appropriate agents were found.
   return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: SipLine.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
//deep copy of aliases
void SipLine::copyAliases(UtlSList& dest, const UtlSList& source) const
    // Clear dest list
    if (!dest.isEmpty())
        dest.destroyAll() ;
    // Copy maintaining order
    int length = source.entries() ;
    for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
        UtlString* pEntry = (UtlString*) source.at(i) ;
        dest.append(new UtlString(*pEntry)) ;
コード例 #17
     * Test for SListIterator::findNext only at places that could break
     *  - find item not in list
     *  - find items at endpoints
     *  - find items after reseting iterator
    void testFindNextForDummies()
        UtlString fruitData[] = {
            UtlString("apple"),         // 0
            UtlString("orange"),        // 1
            UtlString("banana"),        // 2
            UtlString("apple"),         // 3
            UtlString("banana"),        // 4
            UtlString("apple")          // 5
        int n = sizeof(fruitData) / sizeof(fruitData[0]);

        UtlSList fruit;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

        // nonexistant items
        UtlSListIterator pineapples(fruit);
        UtlString pineapple("pineapple");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Do not find item not in list", pineapples.findNext(&pineapple) == NULL);

        // test items at endpoints
        UtlSListIterator apples(fruit);
        UtlString apple("apple");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find first item", apples.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[0]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find second item", apples.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[3]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find third item", apples.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[5]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find no more items", apples.findNext(&apple) == NULL);

        // test scattered items
        UtlSListIterator bananas(fruit);
        UtlString banana("banana");
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find first item", bananas.findNext(&banana) == &fruitData[2]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find second item", bananas.findNext(&banana) == &fruitData[4]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find no more items", bananas.findNext(&banana) == NULL);

        // test adjustments in iterator
        UtlSListIterator picker(fruit);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find first item", picker.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[0]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find first item again after reset",
            picker.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[0]);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Find second item after initial reset",
            picker.findNext(&apple) == &fruitData[3]);
コード例 #18
ファイル: AlarmServerTest.cpp プロジェクト: astubbs/sipxecs
 void testReservedCharsInParameters()
    OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServerTest::testReservedCharsInParameters");
    UtlString localhost("localhost");
    UtlSList alarmParams;
    UtlString alarmParam("<sample>; \"x=y\"");
    cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
    UtlString actualString;
    UtlString expectedString = "Parameters may contain xml reserved characters e.g. '<sample>; \\\"x=y\\\"'";
    tail(mAlarmFile, actualString);
    char msg[1000];
    sprintf(msg, "incorrect message was logged: actualString '%s'  expected '%s'", actualString.data(), expectedString.data());
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, actualString.contains(expectedString));
コード例 #19
ファイル: ResourceListSet.cpp プロジェクト: edaniels/sipxecs
// Get a list of the user-parts of all resource lists.
void ResourceListSet::getAllResourceLists(UtlSList& list)
   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "ResourceListSet::getAllResourceLists this = %p",

   // Serialize access to the ResourceListSet.
   OsLock lock(mSemaphore);

   // Iterate through the resource lists.
   UtlSListIterator resourceListItor(mResourceLists);
   ResourceList* resourceList;
   while ((resourceList = dynamic_cast <ResourceList*> (resourceListItor())))
      list.append(new UtlString(*resourceList->getUserPart()));
コード例 #20
// Get a list of all Appearance Groups.
void AppearanceGroupSet::getAllAppearanceGroups(UtlSList& list)
    OsSysLog::add(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG,
                  "AppearanceGroupSet::getAllAppearanceGroups this = %p",

    // Serialize access to the AppearanceGroupSet.
    OsLock lock(mSemaphore);

    // Iterate through the Appearance Groups.
    UtlSListIterator appearanceGroupItor(mAppearanceGroups);
    AppearanceGroup* appearanceGroup;
    while ((appearanceGroup = dynamic_cast <AppearanceGroup*> (appearanceGroupItor())))
        list.append(new UtlString(appearanceGroup->getUser()));
コード例 #21
ファイル: SipLineList.cpp プロジェクト: Jaroslav23/sipxtapi
void SipLineList::getLineUris(UtlSList& lineUris) const
   SipLine* pLine = NULL;

   UtlHashMapIterator itor(m_lineMap);
   UtlContainable* pKey = NULL;
   int i = 0;

   while ((pKey = itor()) != NULL)
      pLine = dynamic_cast<SipLine*>(itor.value());
      if (pLine)
         // copy line uri into list
コード例 #22
ファイル: SipLineList.cpp プロジェクト: Jaroslav23/sipxtapi
void SipLineList::getLineCopies(UtlSList& lineList) const
   SipLine* pLine = NULL;

   UtlHashMapIterator itor(m_lineMap);
   UtlContainable* pKey = NULL;
   int i = 0;

   while ((pKey = itor()) != NULL)
      pLine = dynamic_cast<SipLine*>(itor.value());
      if (pLine)
         // copy line into list
         lineList.append(new SipLine(*pLine));
コード例 #23
bool ACDQueue_LongestIdle::buildTargetAgentList(UtlSList& rTargetAgentList, ACDCall* pCallRef)
    // Always rebuild the list to get the agents added on the fly

    // Iterate through the ACDAgent list, starting at the head of the list
    // and find the agent that has been idle the longest.
    for(;;) {
        ACDAgent* pAgent;
        ACDAgent* pLongestIdleAgent = NULL;
        unsigned long maxIdleTime = 0;
        UtlSListIterator listIterator(mAcdAgentList);

        // Find the available agent with the longest idle time
        while ((pAgent = dynamic_cast<ACDAgent*>(listIterator())) != NULL) {
            if (pAgent->isAvailable(false)) {
                if (pAgent->getIdleTime() >= maxIdleTime) {
                    maxIdleTime = pAgent->getIdleTime();
                    pLongestIdleAgent = pAgent;

        if (pLongestIdleAgent == NULL) {
            // None available
            break ;

        // If he is still available, use him.  Otherwise start again.
        if (pLongestIdleAgent->isAvailable(true)) {
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ACD, gACD_DEBUG, "%s::buildTargetAgentList - agent(%s) is added to the target list.  Idle time was %lu seconds",
                          mAcdSchemeString, pLongestIdleAgent->getUriString()->data(),
            return true ;

    // The whole list was tried, yet no appropriate agents were found.
    return false;
コード例 #24
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a test the removeAll() method. 
    *    The test data for this method is 
    *        a) When the list is empty
    *        b) When the list has one entry. 
    *        c) When the list multiple entries
    *        d) When removeAll has been called and entries are added again
    *        d) When the removeAll is called twice on the list. 
    void testClear()
        const int testCount = 5 ; 
        const char* prefix = "Test the removeAll() method when :- " ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "the list is empty", \
               "the list has one entry", \
               "the list has multiple entries", \
               "removeAll() has been called and entries are added again", \
               "removeAll() has already been called", \
        } ; 
        const char* suffix = " :- Verify number of entries after removeAll()"  ;
        UtlSList uSingleList ;
        UtlSList uAddAfterClear ; 
        UtlSList uDoubleClear ; 

        uSingleList.append(&commonString1) ; 
        // call removeAll() on a list and then add entries again. 
        uAddAfterClear.append(&commonInt1) ; 
        uAddAfterClear.append(&commonString1) ; 
        uAddAfterClear.removeAll() ; 
        uAddAfterClear.append(&commonInt2) ; 
        // call removeAll on a list twice. 
        uDoubleClear.append(&commonString3) ; 
        uDoubleClear.append(&commonInt3) ; 
        uDoubleClear.removeAll() ; 
        UtlSList* testLists[] = { \
                     &emptyList, &uSingleList, &commonList, &uAddAfterClear, &uDoubleClear
        } ;
        int expectedEntries[] = { 0 , 0, 0, 1, 0 } ; 

        // since we are not calling removeAll for all the data, do it outside the for loop. 
        emptyList.removeAll() ; 
        uSingleList.removeAll() ; 
        commonList.removeAll() ; 
        // no removeAll() for uAddAfterClear 
        uDoubleClear.removeAll() ; 
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++) 
            string msg ; 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data() , expectedEntries[i], \
                (int)testLists[i]->entries()) ; 
    } //testClear()
コード例 #25
OsStatus CpNotificationRegister::subscribe(CP_NOTIFICATION_TYPE notificationType,
                                           const SipDialog& callbackSipDialog)
   OsStatus result = OS_FAILED;

   UtlInt key((int)notificationType);
   UtlSList* pDialogList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(m_register.findValue(&key));
   if (!pDialogList)
      pDialogList = new UtlSList();
      m_register.insertKeyAndValue(key.clone(), pDialogList);

   if (pDialogList)
      pDialogList->append(new SipDialog(callbackSipDialog));
      result = OS_SUCCESS;

   return result;
コード例 #26
      void stalledMediaStreamDetectionTest_StreamStalled()
         SetFakeReceptionOfPacketsFlag( false );

         const char* message =
           "INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060;x-sipX-pubcontact= SIP/2.0\r\n"
           "Record-Route: <sip:;lr>\r\n"
           "From: \"L3\"<sip:[email protected]>;tag=94bb9480-c0a80065-13c4-50045-20c55bd3-50045\r\n"
           "To: <sip:[email protected]>\r\n"
           "Call-Id: 94bb55a0-c0a80065-13c4-50045-61a3ad3-50045@rjolyscs2.ca.nortel.com\r\n"
           "Cseq: 1 INVITE\r\n"
           "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-sipXecs-8130adee90e0277761fec4ee1c194a56838f~9d6590763d78764b93a42e94dbd6b75a\r\n"
           "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-50045-13890e4e-4f17a229\r\n"
           "Max-Forwards: 19\r\n"
           "Supported: replaces\r\n"
           "User-Agent: LG-Nortel LIP 6812 v1.2.38sp SN/00405A183385\r\n"
           "Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060;x-sipX-nonat>\r\n"
           "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"
           "Content-Length: 301\r\n"
           "Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 14:48:44 GMT\r\n"
           "o=LGEIPP 14595 14595 IN IP4\r\n"
           "s=SIP Call\r\n"
           "c=IN IP4\r\n"
           "t=0 0\r\n"
           "m=audio 23016 RTP/AVP 18 4 0 8 101\r\n"
           "a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000\r\n"
           "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
           "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n"
           "a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\n"
           "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
           "a=fmtp:18 annexb=no\r\n"
           "a=fmtp:101 0-11\r\n"
         SipMessage testMsg(message, strlen(message));

         UtlString rejectReason;
         UtlSList emptyList;
         RouteState routeState( message, emptyList, "" );         

         AuthPlugin::AuthResult result;
         result = pNatTraversalAgent->authorizeAndModify( "id",                             //dummy
                                                          Url("sip:[email protected]:5060"), //dummy
                                                          rejectReason );

         // check auth result
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( result == AuthPlugin::CONTINUE );
         routeState.update( &testMsg );
         pNatTraversalAgent->handleOutputMessage( testMsg, "", 29544 );
         // Mow simulalate the reception of the response
         const char* response = 
         "SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n"
         "From: \"L3\"<sip:[email protected]>;tag=94bb9480-c0a80065-13c4-50045-20c55bd3-50045\r\n"
         "To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=94bf81c0-c0a8010b-13c4-4fc07-650a9211-4fc07\r\n"
         "Call-Id: 94bb55a0-c0a80065-13c4-50045-61a3ad3-50045@rjolyscs2.ca.nortel.com\r\n"
         "Cseq: 1 INVITE\r\n"
         "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-50045-13890e4e-4f17a229;id=1234-3\r\n"
         "Supported: replaces\r\n"
         "Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060>\r\n"
         "Record-Route: <sip:;lr;sipXecs-rs=%2Afrom%7EOTRiYjk0ODAtYzBhODAwNjUtMTNjNC01MDA0NS0yMGM1NWJkMy01MDA0NQ%60%60.ntap%2ACeT%7ENDcuMTM1LjE2Mi4xNDU6Mjk1NDQ7dHJhbnNwb3J0PXVkcA%60%60.ntap%2Aid%7EMTIzNC0z%213d7b53562948991d1cf59dfe7fdaaf24>\r\n"
         "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"
         "Content-Length: 250\r\n"
         "Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 14:48:46 GMT\r\n"
         "o=LGEIPP 12617 12617 IN IP4\r\n"
         "s=SIP Call\r\n"
         "c=IN IP4\r\n"
         "t=0 0\r\n"
         "m=audio 25038 RTP/AVP 4 101\r\n"
         "c=IN IP4\r\n"
         "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n"
         "a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\n"
         "a=fmtp:101 0-11\r\n"
         SipMessage okResp( response, strlen(response) );
         pNatTraversalAgent->handleOutputMessage( okResp, "", 5060 );

         // Mow simulalate the reception of the ACK
         const char* ack = 
            "ACK sip:[email protected]:5060;x-sipX-pubcontact= SIP/2.0\r\n"
            "From: \"L3\"<sip:[email protected]>;tag=94bb9480-c0a80065-13c4-50045-20c55bd3-50045\r\n"
            "To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=94bf81c0-c0a8010b-13c4-4fc07-650a9211-4fc07\r\n"
            "Call-Id: 94bb55a0-c0a80065-13c4-50045-61a3ad3-50045@rjolyscs2.ca.nortel.com\r\n"
            "Cseq: 1 ACK\r\n"
            "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-sipXecs-8130adee90e0277761fec4ee1c194a56838f~9d6590763d78764b93a42e94dbd6b75a\r\n"
            "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-50045-13890e4e-4f17a229\r\n"
            "Max-Forwards: 19\r\n"
            "Supported: replaces\r\n"
            "User-Agent: LG-Nortel LIP 6812 v1.2.38sp SN/00405A183385\r\n"
            "Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060;x-sipX-nonat>\r\n"
            "Content-Length: 0\r\n"
            SipMessage ackRequest( ack, strlen(ack) );
         UtlSList routeList;
         UtlString poppedRoute("<sip:;lr;sipXecs-rs=%2Afrom%7EOTRiYjk0ODAtYzBhODAwNjUtMTNjNC01MDA0NS0yMGM1NWJkMy01MDA0NQ%60%60.ntap%2ACeT%7ENDcuMTM1LjE2Mi4xNDU6Mjk1NDQ7dHJhbnNwb3J0PXVkcA%60%60.ntap%2Aid%7EMTIzNC0z%213d7b53562948991d1cf59dfe7fdaaf24>");
         routeList.append( &poppedRoute );
         RouteState newRouteState( message, routeList, "" );         

         result = pNatTraversalAgent->authorizeAndModify( "id",                             //dummy
                                                          Url("sip:[email protected]:5060"), //dummy
                                                          rejectReason );

         // check auth result
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( result == AuthPlugin::CONTINUE );
         pNatTraversalAgent->handleOutputMessage( ackRequest, "", 29544 );
         // Check that the DialogTracker is still around after 10 seconds.
         CallTracker* pTracker;
         UtlString callId;
         testMsg.getCallIdField( &callId );
         pTracker = pNatTraversalAgent->getCallTrackerFromCallId( callId );   
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pTracker != 0 );
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pTracker->mSessionContextsMap.entries() == 1 ); 
         pTracker = pNatTraversalAgent->getCallTrackerFromCallId( callId );   
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pTracker == 0 );
コード例 #27
// Read and parse the appearance group file and install the appearance groups
// into the AppearanceGroupSet.
OsStatus AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize()
   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize entered");

   int changeDelay = mAppearanceGroupSet->getAppearanceAgent()->getChangeDelay();

   // The status to return.
   OsStatus ret = OS_SUCCESS;

   // No work to be done if file name is not set.
   if (!mFileName.isNull())
      // Initialize Tiny XML document object.
      TiXmlDocument document;
      TiXmlNode* lists_node;
      if (
         // Load the XML into it.
         document.LoadFile(mFileName.data()) &&
         // Find the top element, which should be <appearanceGroups>.
         (lists_node = document.FirstChild("appearanceGroups")) != NULL &&
         lists_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
         UtlSList newGroupList;

         // Find all the <resource> children and add them to the AppearanceGroup.
         for (TiXmlNode* resource_node = 0; (resource_node = lists_node->IterateChildren(
               "resource", resource_node));)
            if (resource_node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
               TiXmlElement* resource_element = resource_node->ToElement();

               // Process each <resource> element.
               bool resource_valid = true;

               // Process the 'uri' attribute.
               const char* uri_attribute = resource_element->Attribute("uri");
               if (!uri_attribute || *uri_attribute == '\0')
                  // URI missing or null.
                  Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_ERR, "AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize "
                     "uri attribute of <resource> was missing or null");
                  resource_valid = false;
                  ret = OS_FAILED;

               if (resource_valid)
                  newGroupList.append(new UtlString(uri_attribute));

         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG,
                       "AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize Done loading file '%s'",
         // For all groups in the current GroupSet, remove them if not in the new list.
         // Since these loops contain a delay and can run for a long time,
         // we have to check gShutdownFlag to abort processing when
         // a shutdown has been requested.
         UtlSList oldGroupList;
         UtlSListIterator oldGroupItor(oldGroupList);
         UtlString* group;
         while (!gShutdownFlag && (group = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (oldGroupItor())))
            UtlSListIterator newGroupItor(newGroupList);
            UtlString* newGroup;
            bool found = false;
            while (!found && (newGroup = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (newGroupItor())))
               if (newGroup->compareTo(*group) == 0)
                  found = true;
            if (!found)
         // For all groups in the new list, add to GroupSet if they are not there.
         UtlSListIterator groupItor(newGroupList);
         while (!gShutdownFlag && (group = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (groupItor())))
            if (!mAppearanceGroupSet->findAppearanceGroup(group->data()))
         // Report error parsing file.
         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_CRIT,
                       "AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize "
                       "Appearance group file '%s' could not be parsed.",
         ret = OS_FAILED;
      // Report that there is no file.
      Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_WARNING,
                    "AppearanceGroupFileReader::initialize No Appearance group file set.");

   return ret;
コード例 #28
ファイル: EmailNotifier.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
OsStatus EmailNotifier::handleAlarm(const OsTime alarmTime,
      const UtlString& callingHost,
      const cAlarmData* alarmData,
      const UtlString& alarmMsg)
   OsStatus retval = OS_FAILED;

   //execute the mail command for each user
   UtlString groupKey(alarmData->getGroupName());
   if (!groupKey.isNull())
      UtlContainable* pContact = mContacts.findValue(&groupKey);
      if (pContact)
         // Process the comma separated list of contacts
         UtlString* contactList = dynamic_cast<UtlString*> (pContact);
         if (!contactList->isNull())
            MailMessage message(mEmailStrFrom, mReplyTo, mSmtpServer);
            UtlTokenizer tokenList(*contactList);

            UtlString entry;
            while (tokenList.next(entry, ","))
               message.To(entry, entry);

            UtlString body;
            UtlString tempStr;

            body = mEmailStrIntro;

            assembleMsg(mEmailStrAlarm, alarmData->getCode(), tempStr);

            assembleMsg(mEmailStrHost, callingHost, tempStr);

            OsDateTime logTime(alarmTime);
            UtlString strTime;
            assembleMsg(mEmailStrTime, strTime, tempStr);

            UtlString sevStr = OsSysLog::priorityName(alarmData->getSeverity());
            assembleMsg(mEmailStrSeverity, sevStr, tempStr);
            assembleMsg(mEmailStrDescription, alarmMsg, tempStr);
            assembleMsg(mEmailStrResolution, alarmData->getResolution(), tempStr);
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServer: email body is %s", body.data());


            UtlSList subjectParams;
            UtlString codeStr(alarmData->getCode());
            UtlString titleStr(alarmData->getShortTitle());
            assembleMsg(mEmailStrSubject, subjectParams, tempStr);

            // delegate send to separate task so as not to block

   return retval;
コード例 #29
ファイル: ACDAudioManager.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
ProvisioningAttrList* ACDAudioManager::Get(ProvisioningAttrList& rRequestAttributes)
   ProvisioningAttrList* pResponse;
   ProvisioningAttrList* pAudioInstance;
   UtlString             name;
   UtlSList*             pAudioList;

   osPrintf("{method} = get\n{object-class} = acd-audio\n");


   // Extract the instance index from the request attributes.
   if (rRequestAttributes.getAttribute(AUDIO_NAME_TAG, name)) {
      // A specific instance has been specified, verify that it exists
      ACDAudio* pAudioRef = getAcdAudioReference(name);
      if (pAudioRef == NULL) {
         // There is no instance.
         pResponse = new ProvisioningAttrList;
         pResponse->setAttribute("method-name", "get");
         pResponse->setAttribute("result-code", ProvisioningAgent::UNKNOWN_OBJECT);
         pResponse->setAttribute("result-text", "Unknown instance");
         return pResponse;

      // Call the instance to get the requested attributes
      pResponse = new ProvisioningAttrList;
      try {
         pAudioRef->getAttributes(rRequestAttributes, pResponse);
      catch (UtlString error) {
         // The request for attributes failed, send back the response
         pResponse->setAttribute("method-name", "get");
         pResponse->setAttribute("result-code", ProvisioningAgent::FAILURE);
         pResponse->setAttribute("result-text", error);
         return pResponse;

      // Send back the response
      pResponse->setAttribute("method-name", "get");
      pResponse->setAttribute("result-code", ProvisioningAgent::SUCCESS);
      pResponse->setAttribute("result-text", "SUCCESS");
      pResponse->setAttribute("object-class", ACD_AUDIO_TAG);
      pResponse->setAttribute(AUDIO_NAME_TAG, name);
      return pResponse;
   else {
      // No specific instance was requested, send back a list of the available instances
      // Find the first instance.
      TiXmlNode* pInstanceNode = findPSInstance(ACD_AUDIO_TAG);
      pAudioList = new UtlSList;

      // Build up a list of instances
      while (pInstanceNode != NULL) {
         // Read the index parameter
         getPSAttribute(pInstanceNode, AUDIO_NAME_TAG, name);

         // Create the list entry
         pAudioInstance = new ProvisioningAttrList;
         pAudioInstance->setAttribute("object-class", ACD_AUDIO_TAG);
         pAudioInstance->setAttribute(AUDIO_NAME_TAG, name);

         // Get the next instance.
         pInstanceNode = pInstanceNode->NextSibling();

      // Send back the response
      pResponse = new ProvisioningAttrList;
      pResponse->setAttribute("method-name", "get");
      pResponse->setAttribute("result-code", ProvisioningAgent::SUCCESS);
      pResponse->setAttribute("result-text", "SUCCESS");
      pResponse->setAttribute("object-class-list", pAudioList);
      return pResponse;
コード例 #30
ファイル: AlarmServerTest.cpp プロジェクト: astubbs/sipxecs
   void testHandleAlarm()
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "AlarmServerTest::testHandleAlarm");

      UtlString localhost("localhost");
      UtlString alarmId("NO_LOG");
      UtlString alarmParam("testing");
      UtlSList alarmParams;
      UtlString oldLastString;
      tail(mAlarmFile, oldLastString);
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "oldLastString %s", oldLastString.data());
      bool rc=cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("handleAlarm('NO_LOG') failed", rc==true);
      UtlString newLastString;
      tail(mAlarmFile, newLastString);
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "newLastString %s", newLastString.data());
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("alarm with 'NO_LOG' was logged", !oldLastString.compareTo(newLastString));

      alarmId = "TEST_LOG";
      alarmParam = "single parameter";
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "Test TEST_LOG");
      cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
      UtlString actualString;
      UtlString expectedString = "This is a test of the log function. Single parameter should be here: single parameter, and that's all that is required";
      tail(mAlarmFile, actualString);
      char msg[1000];
      sprintf(msg, "incorrect message was logged: actualString '%s'  expected '%s'", actualString.data(), expectedString.data());
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, actualString.contains(expectedString));

      // test that non-existant alarm returns false
      alarmId = "NONEXISTANT_ID";
      rc=cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("handleAlarm('NONEXISTANT_ID') did not fail, and should have", rc!=true);

      // test that alarm with min_threshold is only logged after n attempts
      alarmId = "MIN_THRESHOLD";
      alarmParam = "one";
      tail(mAlarmFile, oldLastString);
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "oldLastString %s", oldLastString.data());
      cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
      tail(mAlarmFile, newLastString);
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG, "newLastString %s", newLastString.data());
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("first instance of alarm with 'min_threshold' was logged", !oldLastString.compareTo(newLastString));
      alarmParam = "two";
      cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(localhost, alarmId, alarmParams);
      tail(mAlarmFile, actualString);
      expectedString = "This should only be logged the second time";
      sprintf(msg, "incorrect message was logged: actualString '%s'  expected '%s'", actualString.data(), expectedString.data());
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, actualString.contains(expectedString));
