コード例 #1
ファイル: AlarmRpc.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
bool AlarmRpcGetAlarmCount::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                     UtlSList& params,
                                     void* userData,
                                     XmlRpcResponse& response,
                                     ExecutionStatus& status)
   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
      handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
      UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

      if (1 != params.entries())
         handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
         SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

         if(validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_INFO,
                          "AlarmRpc::getAlarmCount: host %s requested alarm count",

            // Get the count of alarms since last restart
            UtlInt alarm_count;
            alarm_count = UtlInt(cAlarmServer::getInstance()->getAlarmCount());

            // Construct and set the response.
            status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
            result = true;


   return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SipxCommandTest.cpp プロジェクト: chemeris/sipxecs
   void runCommand()
      FileTestContext testContext(TEST_DATA_DIR "commandDef",
            TEST_WORK_DIR "commandDef");

      // copy test files into testContext structure
      UtlString exePath;
      testContext.workingFilePath("goodcommand.sh", exePath);
      chmod(exePath.data(), S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC);

      testContext.setSipxDir(SipXecsService::VarDirType, "var");

      UtlString path;
      SipxCommand* command1;

      testContext.inputFilePath("goodcommand.xml", path);

      CPPUNIT_ASSERT((command1 = SipxCommand::createFromDefinition(path)));

      ASSERT_STR_EQUAL("Good", command1->data());

      UtlSList msgs;
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == msgs.entries());

      OsTask::delay(500); // give task some time to get up and running

      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(true == command1->isRunning());

      OsTask::delay(1000); // give task some time to finish
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(false == command1->isRunning());

      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(3 == msgs.entries());
      ASSERT_STR_EQUAL("stdout.msg-1: goodprocess.sh" , ((UtlString*)msgs.at(0))->data());
      ASSERT_STR_EQUAL("return.code: 11" , ((UtlString*)msgs.at(2))->data());
      delete command1;
      OsTask::delay(1000); // give task some time to shutdown
コード例 #3
void doListOperations()
   UtlSList testList;

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);
   // take the first half off the front
   if (!testList.isEmpty())
      getCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS / 2);

   // take the rest off the end by reference
   if (!testList.isEmpty())
      UtlContainable* lastItem = testList.last();
      delete dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.removeReference(lastItem));

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);

   // search the list for each item by value
   UtlString target;
   int targetIndex;
   for (targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS; targetIndex += 1)
      target = string[targetIndex];
      UtlString* found = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.find(&target));
      if (found)
         externalForSideEffects = found->length();
   // get the object in the middle of the list by index, and remove it by value
      int numberLeft = testList.entries();
      UtlString* middle = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.at((numberLeft / 2)));
      delete dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.remove(middle));

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);

   // iterate over each item in the list
   UtlSListIterator iterate(testList);
   UtlString* item;
   while ((item = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(iterate())))
      externalForSideEffects = item->length();
      delete item;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DialByNameDB.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
DialByNameDB::insertRow ( const Url& contact ) const
    UtlBoolean result = FALSE;

    if ( m_pFastDB != NULL )
        // Fetch the display name
        UtlString identity, displayName, contactString;
        contact.getIdentity( identity );
        contact.getDisplayName( displayName );
        contact.toString( contactString );

        // Make sure that the contact URL is valid and contains
        // a contactIdentity and a contactDisplayName
        if ( !identity.isNull() && !displayName.isNull() )
            UtlSList dtmfStrings;
            getDigitStrings ( displayName, dtmfStrings );
            if ( !dtmfStrings.isEmpty() )
                // Thread Local Storage

                // Search for a matching row before deciding to update or insert
                dbCursor< DialByNameRow > cursor(dbCursorForUpdate);

                DialByNameRow row;

                dbQuery query;
                // Primary Key is identity

                // Purge all existing entries associated with this identity
                if ( cursor.select( query ) > 0 )

                // insert all dtmf combinations for this user
                unsigned int i;
                for (i=0; i<dtmfStrings.entries(); i++)
                    UtlString* digits = (UtlString*)dtmfStrings.at(i);
                    row.np_contact = contactString;
                    row.np_identity = identity;
                    row.np_digits = digits->data();
                    insert (row);
                // Commit rows to memory - multiprocess workaround
    return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a Test case to verify insertAt(size_t, UtlContainable*) for a
    *     list that is not empty.
    *     The test data for this test are
    *     a) Insert any UtlContainable to the 0th location,
    *     b) Insert a UtlInt to a 'mid' location,
    *     c) Insert any UtlString object to a 'mid' location
    *     d) Insert any UtlContainable object to the last location
    void testInsertAt_NonEmptyList()
        const int testCount = 4 ;
        const char* prefix = "Test insert(n, Collectable*) for a list that is not empty; "\
              "where Collectable is "  ;
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "a UtlContainableXXX and n = 0", \
               "a UtlString and n > 0 && n < size", \
               "a UtlInt and n > 0 && n < size", \
               "a UtlContainableXXX where n = size-1" \
        const char* suffix1 = " :- Verify return value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = " :- Verify value is appended"  ; 
        const char* suffix3 = " :- Verify new list size" ;  

        UtlString testFirst("First Entry") ; 
        UtlInt testInt(102) ;
        UtlString testString("Test String") ;
        UtlInt testLast(99999) ; 
        UtlContainable* itemToAdd[] = { &testFirst, &testInt, &testString, &testLast } ;
        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { &testFirst, &testInt, &testString, &testLast} ;
        int insertLocation[] = { 0, 2, 3, commonEntriesCount+3} ;
        int tmpCount = commonEntriesCount ; 
        int expectedEntries[] = {++tmpCount, ++tmpCount, ++tmpCount, ++tmpCount} ; 

        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            UtlContainable* uActual ; 
            string msg ; 
            // comment out for now. Uncomment if implementation returns Collectable
            uActual = commonList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]);
            //verify that the right value is returned.
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], uActual) ;
            //`commonList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]);

            // verify that the value is inserted
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
            uActual = commonList.at(insertLocation[i]) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], uActual) ;
            //verify that the total number of entries has incremented by one. 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix3) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedEntries[i], \
                (int)commonList.entries()) ; 
コード例 #6
 bool UnifiedPresenceChangedMethod::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                      UtlSList& params,
                      void* userData,
                      XmlRpcResponse& response,
                      ExecutionStatus& status)
    status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
    if( params.entries() == 6 )
        // According to set XML-RPC i/f definition:
        //param[0] = XMPP Presence
        //param[1] = Jabber ID;
        //param[2] = SIP AOR;
        //param[3] = SIP State;
        //param[4] = Unified Presence;
        //param[5] = XMPP Status Message;
        UnifiedPresence* pUp = new  UnifiedPresence( ((UtlString*)params.at(2))->data() );
        pUp->setXmppPresence     ( ((UtlString*)params.at(0))->data() );
        pUp->setXmppStatusMessage( ((UtlString*)params.at(5))->data() );
        pUp->setSipState         ( ((UtlString*)params.at(3))->data() );
        pUp->setUnifiedPresence  ( ((UtlString*)params.at(4))->data() );

        UtlString* pAor = new UtlString( ((UtlString*)params.at(2))->data() );
        // make sure that the SIP AOR really has a domain part; if not, add it.
        if( pAor->index('@') == UTL_NOT_FOUND )
           pAor->append( '@' );
           pAor->append( SipRedirectorPresenceRouting::getLocalDomainName() );
        UnifiedPresenceContainer::getInstance()->insert( pAor, pUp );
    UtlString responseString = "ok";
    response.setResponse( &responseString );
    status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SipLine.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
//deep copy of aliases
void SipLine::copyAliases(UtlSList& dest, const UtlSList& source) const
    // Clear dest list
    if (!dest.isEmpty())
        dest.destroyAll() ;
    // Copy maintaining order
    int length = source.entries() ;
    for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
        UtlString* pEntry = (UtlString*) source.at(i) ;
        dest.append(new UtlString(*pEntry)) ;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ConfigRPC.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
   virtual bool execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext, ///< request context
                        UtlSList& params,                         ///< request param list
                        void* userData,                           ///< user data
                        XmlRpcResponse& response,                 ///< request response
                        ExecutionStatus& status
         UtlString* dbName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (dbName && !dbName->isNull())
            OsReadLock lock(*ConfigRPC::spDatabaseLock);
            ConfigRPC* db = ConfigRPC::find(*dbName);

            if (db)
               status = db->mCallback->accessAllowed(requestContext, ConfigRPC_Callback::Version);
               if ( XmlRpcMethod::OK == status )
                  UtlString faultMsg("Access Denied");
                  response.setFault(XmlRpcMethod::FAILED, faultMsg.data());
               UtlString faultMsg;
               faultMsg.append("db lookup failed for '");
               response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::UnregisteredMethod, faultMsg.data());
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
            response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::EmptyParameterValue
                              ,"'dbname' parameter is missing or invalid type"
            status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

         return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
 /*a! This test is more of a sanity check to verify that
 *    the basic append(), entries() and at() methods work as expected.
 *    All future tests will depend heavily on the at() method
 *    and the most common way of having something in the list is
 *    by means of the append() method. 
 void checkSanity_Append_Entries_And_At()
     for (int i = 0 ; i < commonEntriesCount; i++)
         UtlContainable* ucExpected = commonContainables[i] ; 
         UtlContainable* ucActual = commonList.at(i) ; 
         string msg ; 
         char strItr[33] ; 
         sprintf(strItr, "%d", i);
         TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, "Verify that the at(n) method, where n = ", \
             strItr, " ;") ; 
         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), ucExpected, ucActual) ; 
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Verify that the entries() for an empty list returns 0", \
             (int)emptyList.entries(), 0) ; 
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Verify the entries() method for a list", \
             (int)commonList.entries(), commonEntriesCount) ; 
 }// checkSanity_Append_And_At()
コード例 #10
bool ProvisioningAgentXmlRpcAction::execute(const HttpRequestContext&      rContext,
                                            UtlSList&                      rParameters,
                                            void*                          pProvisioningAgentInstance,
                                            XmlRpcResponse&                rResponse,
                                            XmlRpcMethod::ExecutionStatus& rStatus)
   rStatus = XmlRpcMethod::OK;

   // Extract the request argument structure from the head of the SList.
   UtlContainable *pRequestArgs = rParameters.at(0);

   // Verify that a parameter list was given
   if (pRequestArgs != NULL) {
      // Verify that the parameter list is a structure ("UtlHashMap").
      if (UtlString(pRequestArgs->getContainableType()) == "UtlHashMap") {
         // Now call the Provisioning Agent.
         ProvisioningAttrList requestAttributes(dynamic_cast<UtlHashMap*>(pRequestArgs));
         ProvisioningAttrList* pResponseAttributes;
         pResponseAttributes = ((ProvisioningAgent*)pProvisioningAgentInstance)->Action(requestAttributes);

         if (pResponseAttributes == NULL) {
            // Method failure.  Report error back to client
         else {
            // Encode the response

            // and clean up the responsettributes list.
            delete pResponseAttributes;
      else {
         // Missing parameter list.  Report error back to client
   else {
      // Bad parameter list.  Report error back to client

   return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    /*!a! Test case to verify insertAt(size_t, UtlContainable*) for an 
    *     empty list. 
    *     The test data for this test are 
    *     a) Insert a UtlString to the 0th location, 
    *     b) Insert a UtlInt to the 0th location, 
    *     c) Insert any UtlContainable object to a 'non-zero' location
    void testInsertAt_EmptyList()
        const int testCount = 3 ; 
        const char* prefix = "Test insert(n, Collectable*) for an empty list; "\
             "where Collectable is "  ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "a UtlString and n = 0", \
               "a UtlInt and n = 0", \
               "a UtlContainableXXX and n > 0" \
        const char* suffix1 = " :- Verify return value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = " :- Verify value is appended"  ; 

        UtlInt testInt(102) ; 
        UtlString testString("Test String") ; 
        UtlString testNegative("This should not get added") ; 
        UtlContainable* itemToAdd[] = { &testString, &testInt, &testNegative } ; 
        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { &testString, &testInt, NULL} ; 
        int insertLocation[] = { 0, 0, 1} ; 
        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            UtlSList testList ; 
            string msg ; 
            // insertAt now returns void. Retain this block of comment in case 
            // we (I think we should return a Collectable / bool) decide to return
            // a collectable. 

            UtlContainable* result = testList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]); 
            //verify that the right value is returned. 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], result) ;

            testList.insertAt(insertLocation[i], itemToAdd[i]) ; 
            // verify that the value is inserted 
            TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], testList.at(0)) ; 
コード例 #12
ファイル: dmConfig.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
bool AddExtension::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                           UtlSList& params,
                           void* userData,
                           XmlRpcResponse& response,
                           XmlRpcMethod::ExecutionStatus& status)
   bool result = false;
   int totalParams = params.entries();
   if (totalParams > 2)
      result = false;
      UtlString groupName;
      UtlString extension;
      for (int index = 0; index < totalParams; index++)
         UtlContainable *value = params.at(index);
         if (index == 0 || index == 1)
            UtlString paramType(value->getContainableType());
            if (paramType.compareTo("UtlString") == 0)
               if (index == 0)
                  groupName = *((UtlString *)value);
                  extension = *((UtlString *)value);
               result = true;
               result = false;
      if (result)
         SipDialogMonitor* dialogMonitor = (SipDialogMonitor *) userData;
         Url extensionUrl(extension);
         dialogMonitor->addExtension(groupName, extensionUrl);
         status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
         // Construct the response
         UtlString responseText("method call \"addExtension\" successful");
   return true;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ConfigRPC.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
   virtual bool execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext, ///< request context
                        UtlSList& params,                         ///< request param list
                        void* userData,                           ///< user data
                        XmlRpcResponse& response,                 ///< request response
                        ExecutionStatus& status
         UtlString* dbName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (dbName && !dbName->isNull())
            OsReadLock lock(*ConfigRPC::spDatabaseLock);

            // find the dataset registered with this name
            ConfigRPC* db = ConfigRPC::find(*dbName);
            if (db)
               // check with the application to see if this request is authorized on this dataset
               status = db->mCallback->accessAllowed(requestContext, ConfigRPC_Callback::Get);
               if ( XmlRpcMethod::OK == status )
                  // read in the dataset
                  OsConfigDb dataset;
                  OsStatus datasetStatus = db->load(dataset);
                  if ( OS_SUCCESS == datasetStatus )
                     // get the list of names that the request is asking for
                     UtlContainable* secondParam = params.at(1);
                     if ( secondParam )
                        UtlSList* nameList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(secondParam);
                        if (nameList)
                            * Iterate over the requested names
                            * - All must be present or the request is an error
                            * - For each name found, add the name and value to the
                            *   selectedParams hash to be returned in a success response.
                           UtlHashMap selectedParams;
                           UtlSListIterator requestedNames(*nameList);
                           UtlString* requestedName = NULL;
                           bool allNamesFound = true;

                           while (   allNamesFound
                                  && (requestedName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(requestedNames()))
                              UtlString* paramValue = new UtlString();
                              if ( OS_SUCCESS == dataset.get(*requestedName, *paramValue) )
                                 UtlString* paramName  = new UtlString(*requestedName);
                                 // put it into the results
                                 selectedParams.insertKeyAndValue(paramName, paramValue);
                                 allNamesFound = false;
                                 delete paramValue;

                           if (allNamesFound)
                              // all were found - return the name/value pairs
                              // at least one name was not found - return an error.
                              UtlString faultMsg;
                              faultMsg.append("parameter name '");
                              faultMsg.append("' not found");
                              response.setFault(ConfigRPC::nameNotFound, faultMsg.data());
                              status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                           // The second parameter was not a list
                           response.setFault( ConfigRPC::invalidType
                                             ,"namelist parameter is not an array"
                           status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     else // no parameter names specified
                        // return all names
                        UtlHashMap allParams;
                        UtlString  lastKey;
                        OsStatus   iterateStatus;
                        UtlString* paramName;
                        UtlString* paramValue;
                        bool       notEmpty = false;

                        for ( ( paramName  = new UtlString()
                               ,paramValue = new UtlString()
                               ,iterateStatus = dataset.getNext(lastKey, *paramName, *paramValue)
                              OS_SUCCESS == iterateStatus;
                              ( lastKey       = *paramName
                               ,paramName     = new UtlString()
                               ,paramValue    = new UtlString()
                               ,iterateStatus = dataset.getNext(lastKey, *paramName, *paramValue)
                           notEmpty = true; // got at least one parameter
                           // put it into the result array
                           allParams.insertKeyAndValue(paramName, paramValue);
                        // on the final iteration these were not used
                        delete paramName;
                        delete paramValue;

                        if (notEmpty)
                           // there is no way to send a well-formed but empty response,
                           // so a 'get all' on an empty dataset returns a fault.
                           UtlString faultMsg;
                           faultMsg.append("dataset '");
                           faultMsg.append("' has no parameters");
                           response.setFault(ConfigRPC::emptyDataset, faultMsg);
                           status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     UtlString faultMsg("dataset load failed");
                     response.setFault(ConfigRPC::loadFailed, faultMsg);
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                  UtlString faultMsg("Access Denied");
                  response.setFault(XmlRpcMethod::FAILED, faultMsg.data());
               UtlString faultMsg;
               faultMsg.append("db lookup failed for '");
               response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::UnregisteredMethod, faultMsg.data());
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
            response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::EmptyParameterValue
                              ,"'dbname' parameter is missing or invalid type"
            status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

         return true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: ConfigRPC.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
   virtual bool execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext, ///< request context
                        UtlSList& params,                         ///< request param list
                        void* userData,                           ///< user data
                        XmlRpcResponse& response,                 ///< request response
                        ExecutionStatus& status
         UtlString* dbName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (dbName && !dbName->isNull())
            OsReadLock lock(*ConfigRPC::spDatabaseLock);

            ConfigRPC* db = ConfigRPC::find(*dbName);
            if (db)
               status = db->mCallback->accessAllowed(requestContext, ConfigRPC_Callback::Set);
               if ( XmlRpcMethod::OK == status )
                  // read in the dataset
                  OsConfigDb dataset;
                  OsStatus datasetStatus = db->load(dataset);
                  if ( OS_SUCCESS == datasetStatus )
                     // get the list of names that the request is asking for
                     UtlContainable* secondParam = params.at(1);
                     if ( secondParam )
                        UtlHashMap* paramList = dynamic_cast<UtlHashMap*>(secondParam);
                        if (paramList)
                            * Iterate over the requested name/value pairs
                           UtlHashMapIterator params(*paramList);
                           UtlContainable* nextParam = NULL;
                           size_t paramsSet = 0;

                           while (    XmlRpcMethod::OK == status
                                  && (nextParam = params())
                              UtlString* name = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.key());
                              if ( name )
                                 UtlString* value = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.value());
                                 if (value)
                                    dataset.set(*name, *value);
                                    UtlString faultMsg;
                                    faultMsg.append("parameter name '");
                                    faultMsg.append("' value is not a string");
                                    response.setFault(ConfigRPC::invalidType, faultMsg.data());
                                    status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                                 UtlString faultMsg;
                                 faultMsg.append("parameter number ");
                                 char paramIndex[10];
                                 sprintf(paramIndex,"%zu", paramsSet + 1);
                                 faultMsg.append(" name is not a string");
                                 response.setFault(ConfigRPC::invalidType, faultMsg.data());
                                 status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                           if ( XmlRpcMethod::OK == status )
                              if (OS_SUCCESS == db->store(dataset))
                                 UtlInt numberSet(paramList->entries());
                                 response.setFault( ConfigRPC::storeFailed
                                                   ,"error storing dataset"
                                 status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                           // The second parameter was not a list
                           response.setFault( ConfigRPC::invalidType
                                             ,"second parameter is not a struct"
                           status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     else // no parameter names specified
                        // No second parameter
                        response.setFault( ConfigRPC::invalidType
                                          ,"no second parameter of name/value pairs"
                        status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     UtlString faultMsg("dataset load failed");
                     response.setFault(ConfigRPC::loadFailed, faultMsg);
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                  UtlString faultMsg("Access Denied");
                  response.setFault(XmlRpcMethod::FAILED, faultMsg.data());
               UtlString faultMsg;
               faultMsg.append("db lookup failed for '");
               response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::UnregisteredMethod, faultMsg.data());
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
            response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::EmptyParameterValue
                              ,"'dbname' parameter is missing or invalid type"
            status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

         return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: ZoneAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
bool ZoneAdminRpcExec::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                               UtlSList&                 params,
                               void*                     userData,
                               XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                               ExecutionStatus&          status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (2 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_COMMAND, response, status);
            UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));
            SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

            if(validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
               UtlBool   method_result(true);
               UtlString arguments[3];
               OsPath    mWorkingDirectory = ".";
               OsPath    mExec = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LibExecDirType,"sipxzoneadmin");
               UtlString mStdOutFile;
               UtlString mStdErrFile;

               UtlString* pSubCommand = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(1));

               if ( !buildOutputFiles(*pSubCommand, mStdOutFile, mStdErrFile))
                    // Invalid request. Set a Fault.
                    response.setFault(ZoneAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Invalid command");
                    status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                    return result;

               OsPath    mStdOutPath = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdOutFile.data());
               OsPath    mStdErrPath = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdErrFile.data());

               // Pass the argumenst to sipx-zoneadmin.sh
               arguments[0] = "-n";                 // non-interactive
               arguments[1] = pSubCommand->data();  // string "<primary server> -o <secondary server>"

               // Make sure that there is no other instance running.
               if (! duplicateProcess(ZoneAdminExec, response, status))
                  // execute the command and return whether or not the launch was successful.
                  OsProcess* zoneCheck = new OsProcess();

                  // Setup the Standard Output and Standard Error files.
                  OsPath mStdInFile;   // Blank
                  int rc;
                  rc = zoneCheck->setIORedirect(mStdInFile, mStdOutPath, mStdErrPath);

                  // Launch the process but tell the parent to ignore the child's signals (especially on shutdown).
                  // It will let the system handle it to avoid a defunct process.
                  if ( (rc=zoneCheck->launch(mExec, &arguments[0], mWorkingDirectory,
                                   zoneCheck->NormalPriorityClass, FALSE,
                                   TRUE)) // Parent to ignore child signals.
                           == OS_SUCCESS )
                      // Construct and set the response.
                      UtlSList outputPaths;

                      // Add the file resources to Supervisor Process so they can be retrieved
                      FileResource::logFileResource( mStdOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                      FileResource::logFileResource( mStdErrPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                      status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                      result = true;
                  }   // launch
                     // Failed to launch the command, send a fault.
                     response.setFault(ZoneAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Failure to launch command");
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                  delete zoneCheck;
               }  // duplicateProcess
            }  // validcaller
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
         }  // param 1 okay
      }  // param 0 okay
   } //number of parms check

   return result;
コード例 #16
ファイル: ConfigRPC.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
   virtual bool execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext, ///< request context
                        UtlSList& params,                         ///< request param list
                        void* userData,                           ///< user data
                        XmlRpcResponse& response,                 ///< request response
                        ExecutionStatus& status
         UtlString* dbName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (dbName && !dbName->isNull())
            OsReadLock lock(*ConfigRPC::spDatabaseLock);

            ConfigRPC* db = ConfigRPC::find(*dbName);
            if (db)
               status = db->mCallback->accessAllowed(requestContext, ConfigRPC_Callback::Set);
               if ( XmlRpcMethod::OK == status )
                  // read in the dataset
                  OsConfigDb dataset;
                  OsStatus datasetStatus = db->load(dataset);
                  if ( OS_SUCCESS == datasetStatus )
                     // get the list of names that the request is trying to delete
                     UtlContainable* secondParam = params.at(1);
                     if ( secondParam )
                        UtlSList* nameList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(secondParam);
                        if (nameList)
                            * Iterate over the names
                            * - For each name found, delete it from the dataset and count it
                           UtlSListIterator deleteNames(*nameList);
                           UtlString* deleteName = NULL;
                           size_t deleted = 0;

                           while ((deleteName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(deleteNames())))
                              if (OS_SUCCESS == dataset.remove(*deleteName))

                           if (OS_SUCCESS == db->store(dataset))
                              status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                              UtlInt deletedCount(deleted);
                              response.setFault( ConfigRPC::storeFailed
                                                ,"error storing dataset"
                              status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                           // The second parameter was not a list
                           response.setFault( ConfigRPC::invalidType
                                             ,"namelist parameter is not an array"
                           status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     else // No second parameter
                        response.setFault( ConfigRPC::invalidType
                                          ,"no second parameter list of names to delete"
                        status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                     UtlString faultMsg("dataset load failed");
                     response.setFault(ConfigRPC::loadFailed, faultMsg);
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
                  UtlString faultMsg("Access Denied");
                  response.setFault(XmlRpcMethod::FAILED, faultMsg.data());
               UtlString faultMsg;
               faultMsg.append("db lookup failed for '");
               response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::UnregisteredMethod, faultMsg.data());
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
            response.setFault( XmlRpcResponse::EmptyParameterValue
                              ,"'dbname' parameter is missing or invalid type"
            status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

         return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: AlarmRpc.cpp プロジェクト: LordGaav/sipxecs
bool AlarmRpcRaiseAlarm::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                 UtlSList& params,
                                 void* userData,
                                 XmlRpcResponse& response,
                                 ExecutionStatus& status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (params.entries() > 3)
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_ALARM_ID, response, status);
            UtlString* pAlarmId = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(1));

            if (!params.at(2) || !params.at(2)->isInstanceOf(UtlSList::TYPE))
               handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_ALARM_PARAMS, response, status);
               UtlSList* pAlarmParams = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(params.at(2));

               UtlBool method_result(false);
               SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

               if (validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
                  OsSysLog::add(FAC_ALARM, PRI_DEBUG,
                        "AlarmRpc::raiseAlarm: host %s requested alarm '%s'",
                        pCallingHostname->data(), pAlarmId->data() );

                  method_result = cAlarmServer::getInstance()->handleAlarm(*pCallingHostname,
                        *pAlarmId, *pAlarmParams);

                  // Construct and set the response.
                  status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                  result = true;

   return result;
コード例 #18
ファイル: SwAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
bool SwAdminRpcSnapshot::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                 UtlSList&                 params,
                                 void*                     userData,
                                 XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                                 ExecutionStatus&          status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (2 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));
         SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlSList::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_COMMAND, response, status);
            if (validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
               UtlSList* pArgsList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(params.at(1));
               UtlSListIterator argsListIterator( *pArgsList );
               UtlString * pArg;

               // Make sure that there is no other instance running.
               if (! duplicateProcess(SwAdminSnapshot, response, status))
                  UtlBool   method_result(true);
                  UtlString arguments[pArgsList->entries()+2];
                  UtlString subCommand;
                  OsPath    mWorkingDirectory = ".";
                  OsPath    mExec = SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::BinDirType, SwAdminSnapshot);

                  UtlString mStdOutFile(SwAdminSnapshot_cmd);
                  UtlString mStdErrFile(SwAdminSnapshot_cmd);


                  // Construct and set the response.
                  OsPath mStdOutPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdOutFile.data()));
                  OsPath mStdErrPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::LogDirType, mStdErrFile.data()));
                  OsPath processOutPath = OsPath(SipXecsService::Path(SipXecsService::TmpDirType, OUTPUT_FILENAME));

                  for (int i = 0; (pArg = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(argsListIterator())); i++)
                     XmlUnEscape(arguments[i], *pArg);

                  arguments[pArgsList->entries()] = processOutPath.data();
                  arguments[pArgsList->entries()+1] = NULL;

                  // execute the command and return whether or not the launch was successful.
                  OsProcess* swCheck = new OsProcess();

                  // Setup the Standard Output and Standard Error files.
                  OsPath mStdInFile;   // Blank
                  int rc;
                  rc = swCheck->setIORedirect(mStdInFile, mStdOutPath, mStdErrPath);

                  // Launch the process but tell the parent to ignore the child's signals (especially on shutdown).
                  // It will let the system handle it to avoid a defunct process.
                  if ( (rc=swCheck->launch(mExec, &arguments[0], mWorkingDirectory,
                                   swCheck->NormalPriorityClass, FALSE,
                                   TRUE)) // Parent to ignore child signals.
                           == OS_SUCCESS )
                     // Add the file resources to Supervisor Process so they can be retrieved
                     FileResource::logFileResource( mStdOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                     FileResource::logFileResource( mStdErrPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));
                     FileResource::logFileResource( processOutPath, SipxProcessManager::getInstance()->findProcess(SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME));

                     UtlString outputFilename = processOutPath;

                     // Construct and set the response.
                     UtlSList outputPaths;

                     status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                     result = true;
                  } // launch
                     // Failed to launch the command, send a fault.
                     response.setFault(SwAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Failure to launch command");
                     status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

                  delete swCheck;
               }  // duplicateProcess
            }  // validcaller
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
         }  // param 1 okay
      }  // param 0 okay
   } //number of parms check

   return result;
コード例 #19
ファイル: SwAdminRpc.cpp プロジェクト: ATHLSolutions/sipxecs
bool SwAdminRpcExecStatus::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                 UtlSList&                 params,
                                 void*                     userData,
                                 XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                                 ExecutionStatus&          status)

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (2 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));
         SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_COMMAND, response, status);
            if (validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
               UtlString* query = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(1));
               UtlString processName;

               // Make sure that the query is valid
               if (isQueryValid(*query, processName))
                  UtlString stat;

                  if (isProcessActive(processName))
                     stat = PROCESS_RUNNING;
                     stat = PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING;

                  status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;
                  result = true;

               } // wrong Query String
                  // Failed to launch the command, send a fault.
                  response.setFault(SwAdminRpcMethod::FailureToLaunch, "Invalid query");
                  status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
            }  // validcaller
               status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;
         }  // param 1 okay
      }  // param 0 okay
   } //number of parms check

   return result;
コード例 #20
ファイル: FileRpc.cpp プロジェクト: chemeris/sipxecs
bool FileRpcReplaceFile::execute(const HttpRequestContext& requestContext,
                                 UtlSList&                 params,
                                 void*                     userData,
                                 XmlRpcResponse&           response,
                                 ExecutionStatus&          status)

   const int  minPermissions = 0100;
   const int  maxPermissions = 0777;

   bool result = false;
   status = XmlRpcMethod::FAILED;

   if (4 != params.entries())
      handleExtraExecuteParam(name(), response, status);
      if (!params.at(0) || !params.at(0)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
         handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_CALLING_HOST, response, status);
         UtlString* pCallingHostname = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(0));

         if (!params.at(1) || !params.at(1)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
            handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_FILE_NAME, response, status);
            UtlString* pfileName = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(1));

            if (!params.at(2) || !params.at(2)->isInstanceOf(UtlInt::TYPE))
               handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_FILE_PERMISSIONS, response, status);
               UtlInt* pfilePermissions = dynamic_cast<UtlInt*>(params.at(2));
               if (!params.at(3) || !params.at(3)->isInstanceOf(UtlString::TYPE))
                  handleMissingExecuteParam(name(), PARAM_NAME_FILE_DATA, response, status);
                  UtlBool method_result(true);
                  SipxRpc* pSipxRpcImpl = ((SipxRpc *)userData);

                  if(validCaller(requestContext, *pCallingHostname, response, *pSipxRpcImpl, name()))
                     // Check the resource permissions.  To be added when available.
                     FileResource* fileResource =
                     if (!fileResource)
                        UtlString faultMsg;
                        faultMsg.append("File '");
                        faultMsg.append("' not declared as a resource by any sipXecs process");
                        OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_ERR, "FileRpc::replaceFile %s",
                        response.setFault(FileRpcMethod::InvalidParameter, faultMsg);
                     else if (!fileResource->isWriteable())
                        UtlString faultMsg;
                        faultMsg.append("File '");
                        faultMsg.append("' is not writeable (configAccess='read-only')");
                        OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_ERR, "FileRpc::replaceFile %s",
                        response.setFault(FileRpcMethod::InvalidParameter, faultMsg);
                     else if (   ( pfilePermissions->getValue() <= minPermissions )
                              || ( pfilePermissions->getValue() > maxPermissions ))
                        UtlString faultMsg;
                        faultMsg.appendNumber(pfilePermissions->getValue(),"File permissions %04o");
                        faultMsg.appendNumber(minPermissions,"not within valid range (%04o - ");
                        OsSysLog::add(FAC_SUPERVISOR, PRI_ERR, "FileRpc::replaceFile %s",
                        result = false;
                        response.setFault(FileRpcMethod::InvalidParameter, faultMsg);
                        // Write out the file.
                        UtlString* pfileData = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(params.at(3));
                        UtlString faultMsg;
                        if((result=replicateFile(*pfileName,*pfilePermissions,*pfileData,faultMsg )))
                           // Construct and set the response.
                           status = XmlRpcMethod::OK;

                           // Tell anyone who cares that this changed
                           // Replication failed.
                           response.setFault(FileRpcMethod::InvalidParameter, faultMsg);

   return result;
コード例 #21
ファイル: DialByNameDB.cpp プロジェクト: mranga/sipxecs
DialByNameDB::getDigitStrings (
    const UtlString& displayName, 
    UtlSList& rDTMFStrings ) const
    UtlString lowerString = displayName;
    lowerString = lowerString.strip(UtlString::both, '"');
    UtlTokenizer next( lowerString );
    UtlString token;
    UtlSList names;

    // Parse the Display name into a list of names
    // The algorithm for breaking up the string is as follows
    // if the string has > 2 tokens (forget about , separators)
    // create multiple entries in the IMDB for the all combinations
    // so for example
    // John Peter Smith Jr would result in DTMF entries for
    // PeterSmithJrJohn, SmithJrJohnPeter and JrJohnPeterSmith
    // @JC Added - separator for MIT's Avery-Smith example
    while (next.next(token, "\t\n,- ")) 
        names.insert ( new UtlString ( token ) );

    size_t numNames = names.entries();

    if ( numNames > 0 ) 
        UtlString reorderedString;
        unsigned int splitPosition = 1;
            unsigned int i;
            UtlString firstNames;
            for ( i=0; i<splitPosition; i++ ) 
                firstNames += *(UtlString*)names.at(i);

            UtlString lastNames;
            for ( i = splitPosition; i<numNames; i++) 
                lastNames += *(UtlString*)names.at(i);

            // add the new string
            reorderedString = lastNames + firstNames;

            unsigned int len = reorderedString.length();
            // calculate thd DTMF digits for the display name
            // firstly strip all , 's and spaces
            UtlString digitString;
            for ( i = 0; i<len; i++ )
                int offset = (int) ( reorderedString(i) - 'a' );
                // filter out white space and comma separators
                if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < 26) )
                    digitString += digitmap[ offset ];

            rDTMFStrings.insert ( new UtlString (digitString) );

        } while ( splitPosition<numNames );

    // call the desctuctors on all the temp strings
    return TRUE;
コード例 #22
ファイル: UtlSList.cpp プロジェクト: Konnekt/lib-sipx
    void utlTestAppend_Insert(TestInsertOrAppend type)
        int testCount = 2 ; 
        const char* prefix = ""; 
        UtlInt testInt(1234) ;
        UtlString testString("Test String") ;    
        if (type == TEST_APPEND) 
            commonList.append(&testInt) ; 
            commonList.append(&testString) ; 
            prefix = "Test the append(UtlContainable*) method for a non empty list" ;
        else if (type == TEST_INSERT)
            commonList.insert(&testInt) ; 
            commonList.insert(&testString) ; 
            prefix = "Test the insert(UtlContainable*) method for a non empty list" ;
        int expectedCount  = commonEntriesCount + testCount ; 
        UtlContainable* uActual ; 
        UtlContainable* uExpected ; 
        string msg ; 

        // Verify that the number of entries has increased accordingly
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, " :- Verify the number of entries") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedCount, \
            (int)commonList.entries()) ; 

        // Verify that the first entry has still not changed.
        uActual = commonList.at(0) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[0] ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the first entry is not changed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ; 

        // Verify the entry at the previous last position
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the previous last entry is intact") ; 

        // Verify that the number of entries has increased accordingly
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify the number of entries") ;
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedCount, \
           (int)commonList.entries()) ; 

        // Verify that the first entry has still not changed.
        uActual = commonList.at(0) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[0] ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the first entry is not changed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ; 

        // Verify the entry at the previous last position
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the previous last entry is intact") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount-1) ; 
        uExpected = commonContainables[commonEntriesCount-1] ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;

        // Verify that the two new entries are added. 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the Collectable Integer has been added") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount) ; 
        uExpected = &testInt ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;        

        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, \
            " :- Verify that the Collectable String has been added") ; 
        uActual = commonList.at(commonEntriesCount + 1) ; 
        uExpected = &testString ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), uActual, uExpected) ;

    } //testAppend