bool MOSEK_SolveWrapper::setup(const LP_Constraints & cstraints) //cstraints <-> constraints { assert(nbParams_ == cstraints.nbParams_); MSK_deletetask(&task); int NUMVAR = cstraints.constraint_mat_.cols(); int NUMCON = cstraints.constraint_mat_.rows(); int NUMANZ = cstraints.constraint_mat_.cols() * cstraints.constraint_mat_.rows(); //DENSE MATRIX MSKrescodee r = MSK_RES_OK; if ( r==MSK_RES_OK ) { // Create the optimization task. r = MSK_maketask(env,NUMCON,NUMVAR,&task); // Directs the log task stream to the 'printstr' function. if ( r==MSK_RES_OK ) MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,printstr); // Give MOSEK an estimate of the size of the input data. //This is done to increase the speed of inputting data. // However, it is optional. if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putmaxnumvar(task,NUMVAR); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putmaxnumcon(task,NUMCON); if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putmaxnumanz(task,NUMANZ); // Append 'NUMCON' empty constraints. The constraints will initially have no bounds. if ( r == MSK_RES_OK ) r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_CON,NUMCON); // Append 'NUMVAR' variables. The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). if ( r == MSK_RES_OK ) r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_VAR,NUMVAR); } this->nbParams_ = NUMVAR; if (cstraints.bminimize_) { r = MSK_putobjsense(task, MSK_OBJECTIVE_SENSE_MINIMIZE); } else { r = MSK_putobjsense(task, MSK_OBJECTIVE_SENSE_MAXIMIZE); } // Optionally add a constant term to the objective. if ( r ==MSK_RES_OK ) r = MSK_putcfix(task,0.0); // Add the objective function if any if (!cstraints.vec_cost_.empty()) { // Set objective for (size_t i = 0; i < cstraints.vec_cost_.size(); ++i) MSK_putcj(task, i, cstraints.vec_cost_[i]); } //Add constraint row by row const Mat & A = cstraints.constraint_mat_; for (int i=0; i<A.rows() && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++i) { std::vector<int> vec_colno(A.cols(), 0); for (int ii=0; ii<A.cols(); ++ii){ vec_colno[ii] = ii; } // Insert a row Vec temp = A.row(i); r = MSK_putavec(task, MSK_ACC_CON, // Input row of A. MSKidxt (i), // Variable row index. vec_colno.size(), // Number of non-zeros in row(i) A. &vec_colno[0], // Pointer to row indexes of row i. (double*); // Pointer to Values of row i. } //Add bound on variables: if (cstraints.vec_bounds_.size() == 1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < NUMVAR; ++i) { if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, // Put bounds on variables. i, // Index of variable. convertSign(cstraints.vec_sign_[0]), // Bound key. cstraints.vec_bounds_[0].first, // Numerical value of lower bound. cstraints.vec_bounds_[0].second); // Numerical value of upper bound. } } else{ for (size_t i = 0; i < NUMVAR; ++i) { // Set the bounds on variable j. // lowerbound <= x_j <= upper bound if (r == MSK_RES_OK) r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_VAR, // Put bounds on variables. i, // Index of variable. convertSign(cstraints.vec_sign_[i]), // Bound key. cstraints.vec_bounds_[i].first, // Numerical value of lower bound. cstraints.vec_bounds_[i].second); // Numerical value of upper bound. // in order to add sparse bounds use: MSK_putboundlist } } // Add bounds on constraint for (size_t i=0; i<NUMCON && r==MSK_RES_OK; ++i) { r = MSK_putbound(task, MSK_ACC_CON, // Put bounds on constraints. i, // Index of constraint. convertSign(cstraints.vec_sign_[i]), // Bound key. -MSK_INFINITY, // Numerical value of lower bound. cstraints.constraint_objective_(i)); // Numerical value of upper bound. } return r == MSK_RES_OK; }
bool OSI_X_SolverWrapper<SOLVERINTERFACE>::setup(const LP_Constraints & cstraints) //cstraints <-> constraints { bool bOk = true; if ( si == NULL ) { return false; } assert(_nbParams == cstraints._nbParams); int NUMVAR = cstraints._constraintMat.cols(); int NUMCON = cstraints._constraintMat.rows(); int NUMANZ = cstraints._constraintMat.cols() * cstraints._constraintMat.rows(); //DENSE MATRIX std::vector<double> col_lb(NUMVAR);//the column lower bounds std::vector<double> col_ub(NUMVAR);//the column upper bounds this->_nbParams = NUMVAR; if (cstraints._bminimize) { si->setObjSense( 1 ); } else { si->setObjSense( -1 ); } const Mat & A = cstraints._constraintMat; //Equality constraint will be handked by two constraintsdue to the API limitation. size_t nbLine = A.rows() + std::count(cstraints._vec_sign.begin(), cstraints._vec_sign.end(), EQ); std::vector<double> row_lb(nbLine);//the row lower bounds std::vector<double> row_ub(nbLine);//the row upper bounds CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = new CoinPackedMatrix(false,0,0); matrix->setDimensions(0, NUMVAR); //-- Add row-wise constraint size_t indexRow = 0; for (int i=0; i < A.rows(); ++i) { Vec temp = A.row(i); CoinPackedVector row; if ( cstraints._vec_sign[i] == EQ || cstraints._vec_sign[i] == LE ) { int coef = 1; for ( int j = 0; j < A.cols() ; j++ ) { row.insert(j, coef *[j]); } row_lb[indexRow] = -1.0 * si->getInfinity(); row_ub[indexRow] = coef * cstraints._Cst_objective(i); matrix->appendRow(row); indexRow++; } if ( cstraints._vec_sign[i] == EQ || cstraints._vec_sign[i] == GE ) { int coef = -1; for ( int j = 0; j < A.cols() ; j++ ) { row.insert(j, coef *[j]); } row_lb[indexRow] = -1.0 * si->getInfinity(); row_ub[indexRow] = coef * cstraints._Cst_objective(i); matrix->appendRow(row); indexRow++; } } //-- Setup bounds if (cstraints._vec_bounds.size() == 1) { // Setup the same bound for all the parameter for (int i=0; i < this->_nbParams; ++i) { col_lb[i] = cstraints._vec_bounds[0].first; col_ub[i] = cstraints._vec_bounds[0].second; } } else { for (int i=0; i < this->_nbParams; ++i) { col_lb[i] = cstraints._vec_bounds[i].first; col_ub[i] = cstraints._vec_bounds[i].second; } } si->loadProblem(*matrix, &col_lb[0], &col_ub[0], cstraints._vec_cost.empty() ? NULL : &cstraints._vec_cost[0], &row_lb[0], &row_ub[0] ); delete matrix; return bOk; }
bool OSI_X_SolverWrapper::setup(const LP_Constraints & cstraints) //cstraints <-> constraints { if ( si == nullptr ) { return false; } assert(nbParams_ == cstraints.nbParams_); const unsigned int NUMVAR = cstraints.constraint_mat_.cols(); std::vector<double> col_lb(NUMVAR), // the column lower bounds col_ub(NUMVAR); // the column upper bounds this->nbParams_ = NUMVAR; si->setObjSense( ((cstraints.bminimize_) ? 1 : -1) ); const Mat & A = cstraints.constraint_mat_; //Equality constraint will be done by two constraints due to the API limitation ( >= & <=). const size_t nbLine = A.rows() + std::count(cstraints.vec_sign_.begin(), cstraints.vec_sign_.end(), LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL); // Define default lower and upper bound to [-inf, inf] std::vector<double> row_lb(nbLine, -si->getInfinity()), // the row lower bounds row_ub(nbLine, si->getInfinity()); // the row upper bounds std::unique_ptr<CoinPackedMatrix> matrix(new CoinPackedMatrix(false,0,0)); matrix->setDimensions(0, NUMVAR); //-- Add row-wise constraint size_t indexRow = 0; for (int i=0; i < A.rows(); ++i) { const Vec temp = A.row(i); CoinPackedVector row; if (cstraints.vec_sign_[i] == LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL || cstraints.vec_sign_[i] == LP_Constraints::LP_LESS_OR_EQUAL) { const int coef = 1; for ( int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j ) { row.insert(j, coef *[j]); } row_ub[indexRow] = coef * cstraints.constraint_objective_(i); matrix->appendRow(row); ++indexRow; } if (cstraints.vec_sign_[i] == LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL || cstraints.vec_sign_[i] == LP_Constraints::LP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL) { const int coef = -1; for ( int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j ) { row.insert(j, coef *[j]); } row_ub[indexRow] = coef * cstraints.constraint_objective_(i); matrix->appendRow(row); ++indexRow; } } //-- Setup bounds for all the parameters if (cstraints.vec_bounds_.size() == 1) { // Setup the same bound for all the parameters std::fill(col_lb.begin(), col_lb.end(), cstraints.vec_bounds_[0].first); std::fill(col_ub.begin(), col_ub.end(), cstraints.vec_bounds_[0].second); } else // each parameter have its own bounds { for (int i=0; i < this->nbParams_; ++i) { col_lb[i] = cstraints.vec_bounds_[i].first; col_ub[i] = cstraints.vec_bounds_[i].second; } } si->loadProblem(*matrix, &col_lb[0], &col_ub[0], cstraints.vec_cost_.empty() ? nullptr : &cstraints.vec_cost_[0], &row_lb[0], &row_ub[0] ); return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { enum { ROBUST_RIGID_REGISTRATION = 0, RIGID_REGISTRATION_ALL_POINTS = 1 }; std::string sSfM_Data_Filename_In, sSfM_Data_Filename_Out; unsigned int rigid_registration_method = RIGID_REGISTRATION_ALL_POINTS; CmdLine cmd; cmd.add(make_option('i', sSfM_Data_Filename_In, "input_file")); cmd.add(make_option('o', sSfM_Data_Filename_Out, "output_file")); cmd.add(make_option('m', rigid_registration_method, "method")); try { if (argc == 1) throw std::string("Invalid command line parameter."); cmd.process(argc, argv); } catch(const std::string& s) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << '\n' << " GPS registration of a SfM Data scene,\n" << "[-i|--input_file] path to the input SfM_Data scene\n" << "[-o|--output_file] path to the output SfM_Data scene\n" << "[-m|--method] method to use for the rigid registration\n" << "\t0 => registration is done using a robust estimation,\n" << "\t1 (default)=> registration is done using all points.\n" << std::endl; std::cerr << s << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (sSfM_Data_Filename_In.empty() || sSfM_Data_Filename_Out.empty()) { std::cerr << "Invalid input or output filename." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // // Load a SfM scene // For each valid view (pose & intrinsic defined) // - iff a GPS position can be parsed // - store corresponding camera pose & GPS position // - Compute the registration between the selected camera poses & GPS positions // Load input SfM_Data scene SfM_Data sfm_data; if (!Load(sfm_data, sSfM_Data_Filename_In, ESfM_Data(ALL))) { std::cerr << "\nThe input SfM_Data file \"" << sSfM_Data_Filename_In << "\" cannot be read." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Init the EXIF reader (will be used for GPS data reading) std::unique_ptr<Exif_IO> exifReader(new Exif_IO_EasyExif); if (!exifReader) { std::cerr << "Cannot instantiate the EXIF metadata reader." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // List corresponding poses (SfM - GPS) std::vector<Vec3> vec_sfm_center, vec_gps_center; for (const auto & view_it : sfm_data.GetViews() ) { if (!sfm_data.IsPoseAndIntrinsicDefined(view_it.second.get())) continue; const std::string view_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sfm_data.s_root_path, view_it.second->s_Img_path); // Try to parse EXIF metada & check existence of EXIF data if (! (exifReader->open( view_filename ) && exifReader->doesHaveExifInfo()) ) continue; // Check existence of GPS coordinates double latitude, longitude, altitude; if ( exifReader->GPSLatitude( &latitude ) && exifReader->GPSLongitude( &longitude ) && exifReader->GPSAltitude( &altitude ) ) { // Add ECEF XYZ position to the GPS position array vec_gps_center.push_back( lla_to_ecef( latitude, longitude, altitude ) ); const openMVG::geometry::Pose3 pose(sfm_data.GetPoseOrDie(view_it.second.get())); vec_sfm_center.push_back( ); } } if ( vec_sfm_center.empty() ) { std::cerr << "No valid corresponding GPS data found for the used views." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::cout << std::endl << "Registration report:\n" << " #corresponding SFM - GPS data: " << vec_sfm_center.size() << "\n" << std::endl; // Export the corresponding poses (for debugging & see the transformation) plyHelper::exportToPly( vec_gps_center, stlplus::create_filespec(stlplus::folder_part(sSfM_Data_Filename_Out), "GPS_position", "ply")); plyHelper::exportToPly( vec_sfm_center, stlplus::create_filespec(stlplus::folder_part(sSfM_Data_Filename_Out), "SFM_position", "ply")); { // Convert positions to the appropriate data container const Mat X_SfM = Eigen::Map<Mat>(vec_sfm_center[0].data(), 3, vec_sfm_center.size()); const Mat X_GPS = Eigen::Map<Mat>(vec_gps_center[0].data(), 3, vec_gps_center.size()); openMVG::geometry::Similarity3 sim; // Compute the registration: // - using a rigid scheme (using all points) // - using a robust scheme (using partial points - robust estimation) switch (rigid_registration_method) { case ROBUST_RIGID_REGISTRATION: { using namespace openMVG::robust; using namespace openMVG::geometry; geometry::kernel::Similarity3_Kernel kernel(X_SfM, X_GPS); const double lmeds_median = LeastMedianOfSquares ( kernel, &sim ); std::cout << "LMeds found a model with an upper bound of: " << sqrt(lmeds_median) << " user units."<< std::endl; // Compute & display fitting errors { const Vec vec_fitting_errors_eigen( geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::ErrorVec(sim, X_SfM, X_GPS).array().sqrt()); std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error using all points (in target coordinate system units):"; minMaxMeanMedian<float>(, + vec_fitting_errors_eigen.rows() ); } // INLIERS only { std::vector<float> vec_fitting_errors; for (Mat::Index i = 0; i < X_SfM.cols(); ++i) { if (geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::Error(sim, X_SfM.col(i), X_GPS.col(i)) < lmeds_median) vec_fitting_errors.push_back((X_GPS.col(i) - sim(X_SfM.col(i))).norm()); } std::cout << "\nFound: " << vec_fitting_errors.size() << " inliers" << " from " << X_SfM.cols() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error using only the fitted inliers (in target coordinate system units):"; minMaxMeanMedian<float>( vec_fitting_errors.begin(), vec_fitting_errors.end() ); } } break; case RIGID_REGISTRATION_ALL_POINTS: { Vec3 t; Mat3 R; double S; if (!openMVG::geometry::FindRTS(X_SfM, X_GPS, &S, &t, &R)) { std::cerr << "Failed to comute the registration" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::cout << "Found transform:\n" << " scale: " << S << "\n" << " rotation:\n" << R << "\n" << " translation: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << t.transpose() << std::endl; // Encode the transformation as a 3D Similarity transformation matrix // S * R * X + t sim = openMVG::geometry::Similarity3(geometry::Pose3(R, -R.transpose()* t/S), S); // Compute & display fitting errors { const Vec vec_fitting_errors_eigen( geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::ErrorVec(sim, X_SfM, X_GPS).array().sqrt()); std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error (in target coordinate system units):"; minMaxMeanMedian<float>(, + vec_fitting_errors_eigen.rows() ); } } break; default: std::cerr << "Unknow rigid registration method" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //-- // Apply the found transformation to the SfM Data Scene //-- openMVG::sfm::ApplySimilarity(sim, sfm_data); } // Export the SfM_Data scene in the expected format if (Save( sfm_data, sSfM_Data_Filename_Out.c_str(), ESfM_Data(ALL))) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { std::cerr << std::endl << "An error occured while trying to save \"" << sSfM_Data_Filename_Out << "\"." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }