コード例 #1
ファイル: Matrix4d.cpp プロジェクト: haymh/cse167_pro5
Vector4d Matrix4d::operator* (Vector4d& other){
	Vector4d result;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		result.set(i, other[0] * m[0][i] + other[1] * m[1][i] + other[2] * m[2][i] + other[3] * m[3][i]);
	return result;
コード例 #2
ColorBank::Colorf ColorBank::colorf(DotPath const &path) const
    if (path.isEmpty()) return Colorf();
    Vector4d clamped = data(path).as<Impl::ColorData>().color;
    clamped = clamped.max(Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 0)).min(Vector4d(1, 1, 1, 1));
    return Colorf(float(clamped.x), float(clamped.y), float(clamped.z), float(clamped.w));
コード例 #3
Vector PickObjectTool::GetWorldCoordinates(BaseDraw* bd, const Matrix4d& m, Float x, Float y, Float z)
	// pick object returns the view-projection matrix. This transforms a point in camera space into clip space.

	Int32		 l, t, r, b, w, h;
	Vector4d pos;
	Vector	 posWorld;

	bd->GetFrame(&l, &t, &r, &b);
	if (l == r || b == t)
		return Vector(0.0);

	w = r - l;
	h = b - t;

	// first, transform the points into clip space
	pos.x = (x - Float(l)) / Float(w);
	pos.y = (y - Float(t)) / Float(h);
	pos.z = z;
	pos.w = 1.0;
	pos = pos * 2.0f - Vector4d(1.0f);
	pos.y = -pos.y;

	// apply the inverse view transform
	Matrix4d im = !m;
	pos = im * pos;

	// convert it into a 3-tupel
	posWorld = bd->GetMg() * GetVector3(pos);

	return posWorld;
コード例 #4
 * operating with 3-vectors here because there are a lot of cross products
double Triangle::intersection(const ray &viewRay)const {
    Vector4d edge1 = p2 - p1;
    Vector4d edge2 = p3 - p1;

    Vector4d h = cross(viewRay.dir, edge2);
    double a = edge1.dot(h);

    if (a > -EPSILON && a < EPSILON)
        return -1 * std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    double f = 1/a;
    Vector4d s = viewRay.orig - p1;
    double u = f * s.dot(h);

    if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
        return -1 * std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    Vector4d q = cross(s, edge1);
    double v = f * q.dot(viewRay.dir);

    if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
        return -1 * std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

    double t = f * edge2.dot(q);

    return t;
コード例 #5
int addPointAndProjection(SysSBA& sba, vector<Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Point> >& points, int ndi)
    // Define dimensions of the image.
    int maxx = 640;
    int maxy = 480;

    // Project points into nodes.
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      double pointnoise = 0.1;
      // Add points into the system, and add noise.
      // Add up to .5 pixels of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      int index = sba.addPoint(temppoint);
      Vector3d proj;
      calculateProj(sba, points[i], ndi, proj);
      // If valid (within the range of the image size), add the stereo 
      // projection to SBA.
      //if (proj.x() > 0 && proj.x() < maxx && proj.y() > 0 && proj.y() < maxy)
        sba.addStereoProj(ndi, index, proj);
    return sba.tracks.size() - points.size();
コード例 #6
ファイル: gc.cpp プロジェクト: rgkoo/slslam
Vector6d gc_pipi_plk( Vector4d pi1, Vector4d pi2){
  Vector6d plk;
  Matrix4d dp = pi1 * pi2.transpose() - pi2 * pi1.transpose();

  plk << dp(0,3), dp(1,3), dp(2,3), - dp(1,2), dp(0,2), - dp(0,1);
  return plk;
コード例 #7
void rigidBodyConstraintParseQuat(const mxArray* pm, Vector4d &quat)
    mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:rigidBodyConstraintParseQuat:BadInputs","The input argument 1 should be a 4x1 double vector");
  if(!(mxGetM(pm) == 4 && mxGetN(pm) == 1))
    mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:rigidBodyConstraintParseQuat:BadInputs","The input argument 1 should be of size 4x1");
  for(int i = 0;i<4;i++)
      mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:rigidBodyConstraintParseQuat:BadInputs","The input argument 1 cannot have entry equal to NaN or Inf");
  double quat_norm = quat.norm();
    mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:rigidBodyConstraintParseQuat:BadInputs","The Input argument 1 must be a nonzero vector");
  quat = quat/quat_norm;
コード例 #8
Vector4d Triangle::normal_vector(const Vector4d &surface) const {
    double u, v;
    std::tie(u, v) = uvCoords(surface);
    Vector4d normal = (1 - u - v) * n1 + u * n2 + v * n3;
    return normal;
コード例 #9
ファイル: run_spa.cpp プロジェクト: jpanikulam/sba
addnode(SysSPA &spa, int n, 
	// node translation
	std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > ntrans,
	// node rotation
	std::vector< Eigen::Vector4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4d> > nqrot,
	// constraint indices
	std::vector< Eigen::Vector2i, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2i> > cind,
	// constraint local translation 
	std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > ctrans,
	// constraint local rotation as quaternion
	std::vector< Eigen::Vector4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4d> > cqrot,
	// constraint covariance
	std::vector< Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> > > cvar)

  Node nd;

  // rotation
  Quaternion<double> frq;
  frq.coeffs() = nqrot[n];
  if (frq.w() <= 0.0) frq.coeffs() = -frq.coeffs();
  nd.qrot = frq.coeffs();

  // translation
  Vector4d v;
  v.head(3) = ntrans[n];
  v(3) = 1.0;
  nd.trans = v;
  nd.setTransform();        // set up world2node transform

  // add to system

  // add in constraints
  for (int i=0; i<(int)ctrans.size(); ++i)
      ConP2 con;
      con.ndr = cind[i].x();
      con.nd1 = cind[i].y();

      if ((con.ndr == n && con.nd1 <= n-1) ||
          (con.nd1 == n && con.ndr <= n-1))
	  con.tmean = ctrans[i];
	  Quaternion<double> qr;
	  qr.coeffs() = cqrot[i];
	  con.qpmean = qr.inverse(); // inverse of the rotation measurement
	  con.prec = cvar[i];       // ??? should this be inverted ???

	  // need a boost for noise-offset system
	  //con.prec.block<3,3>(3,3) *= 10.0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: semiLab/repsnapper
void Model::RotateObject(Shape* shape, TreeObject* object, Vector4d rotate)
  if (!shape)
  Vector3d rot(rotate.x(), rotate.y(), rotate.z());
  shape->Rotate(rot, rotate.w());
コード例 #11
Vector3d transformPoint(Vector3d& point,const MatrixXd& transform)
  Vector4d tmp;
  return tmp.head(3);
コード例 #12
void CSimuVertexRingObj::_computeElasticForcesNew(
	const unsigned int timeid, const bool isStatic, const bool needjacobian)
	//compute the rotation for each vertex
	const bool bRecompRot = (timeid%2 == 1);
	if (timeid<=1 || bRecompRot){ 
		const bool needquat = false;
		updateRotationQuaternionForAllElements(timeid, needquat);
		//use central difference to update the quaternions
		for (int i=0; i<m_nVRingElementCount; i++){
			CVertexRingElement &e = m_pVRingElement[i];
			Vector4d quat = e.m_quat + e.m_quat - e.m_quat0;
			e.m_quat0 = e.m_quat;
			e.m_quat = quat;
			//convert quat to matrix 
			Quaternion *pquat = (Quaternion*)&e.m_quat.x;
			typedef double M33[3][3];

	//call the old alg.
	const int SKIPSTEP = m_nRotationSkipStep;
	m_nRotationSkipStep = INT_MAX-1;
	_computeElasticForces(timeid, isStatic, needjacobian);
	m_nRotationSkipStep = SKIPSTEP;

	//compute forces using the rotation
	Vector3d force;
	double3x3 jacobian, *pjac=NULL;
	const bool FASTSTIFF = (this->m_mtl.getMaterialType()==0);
	if (needjacobian) pjac = &jacobian;
	for (int i=0; i<m_nEdge; i++){
		CSimuEdgeInput& edge = m_pEdge[i];
		const int v0=edge.v0, v1=edge.v1;
		if (bRecompRot){
			//computer averaged rotation of the rod, then save it
			const Quaternion *q0 = (const Quaternion *)(&m_pVRingElement[v0].m_quat);
			const Quaternion *q1 = (const Quaternion *)(&m_pVRingElement[v1].m_quat);
			const Quaternion q = Quaternion::slerp_midpoint(*q0, *q1);
		//apply the rotation for the rod element
		const Vector3d& p0 = m_pVertInfo[v0].m_pos;
		const Vector3d& p1 = m_pVertInfo[v1].m_pos;
		m_pGyrod[i].computeNodalForce(p0, p1, edge.mat, *edge.pMaterial, force, pjac);
		//accumulate the force and stiffness
		if (needjacobian) 
			saveVertSitffMatrixIntoSparseMatrix(v0, v1, *pjac, FASTSTIFF);
コード例 #13
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
 inline bool cullSphere(const Vector4d& center,
                        double radius) const
     return (center.z() - radius > m_nearZ ||
             center.z() + radius < m_farZ  ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[0]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[1]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[2]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[3]) < -radius);
コード例 #14
Vector4d rigidBodyDynamics::mrp2quaternion(Vector3d mrp) const{
	Vector4d dq;
	dq << 8*mrp / (16 + mrp.transpose() * mrp), (16 - mrp.transpose() * mrp) / (16+mrp.transpose() * mrp);
//	std::cout << "MRP: " << mrp.transpose() << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "dq_prenorm: " << dq.transpose() << std::endl;
	dq /=dq.norm();
//	std::cout << "dq_postnorm: " << dq.transpose() << std::endl;

	return dq;
コード例 #15
ファイル: shader.cpp プロジェクト: blargg/ray-based-graphics
double geometric(Vector4d s1, Vector4d n1, Vector4d s2, Vector4d n2) {
    ASSERT(isUnitVector(n1), "assumes the normals are normalized");
    ASSERT(isUnitVector(n2), "assumes the normals are normalized");
    Vector4d segment = s1 - s2;
    Vector4d seg_dir = segment.normalized();
    double cos1 = n1.dot(seg_dir);
    double cos2 = n2.dot(-1 * seg_dir);

    return std::abs(cos1 * cos2) / segment.squaredNorm();
コード例 #16
ファイル: pose.cpp プロジェクト: erik-nelson/berkeley_sfm
// Project a 3D point into this Pose.
Vector2d Pose::ProjectTo2D(const Vector3d& pt3d) {
  Vector4d pt3d_h = Vector4d::Constant(1.0);
  pt3d_h.head(3) = pt3d;

  const Vector4d proj_h = Rt_ * pt3d_h;
  Vector2d proj = proj_h.head(2);
  proj /= proj_h(2);

  return proj;
コード例 #17
ファイル: ProxyCam.cpp プロジェクト: Khrylx/BoxProxy
Vector4d CProxyCamera::intersect(const Vector4d &coord, const Vector4d& abcd) const 
	Vector4d ray = m_center - coord;

	const double A = coord.dot(abcd);
	const double B = ray.dot(abcd);

	if (fabs(B)<1e-8)
		return Vector4d(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
		return coord - A / B * ray;
コード例 #18
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
// Test a point to see if it lies within the frustum defined by
// planes z=nearZ, z=farZ, and the four side planes with specified
// normals.
static inline bool frustumCull(const Vector4d& curvePoint,
                               double curveBoundingRadius,
                               double nearZ, double farZ,
                               const Vector4d viewFrustumPlaneNormals[])
    return (curvePoint.z() - curveBoundingRadius > nearZ ||
            curvePoint.z() + curveBoundingRadius < farZ  ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[0]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[1]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[2]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[3]) < -curveBoundingRadius);
コード例 #19
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
/** Add a new sample to the path. If the sample time is less than the first time,
  * it is added at the end. If it is greater than the last time, it is appended
  * to the path. The sample is ignored if it has a time in between the first and
  * last times of the path.
CurvePlot::addSample(const CurvePlotSample& sample)
    bool addToBack = false;

    if (m_samples.empty() || sample.t > m_samples.back().t)
        addToBack = true;
    else if (sample.t < m_samples.front().t)
        addToBack = false;
        // Sample falls within range of current samples; discard it

    if (addToBack)

    if (m_samples.size() > 1)
        // Calculate a bounding radius for this segment. No point on the curve will
        // be further from the start point than the bounding radius.
        if (addToBack)
            const CurvePlotSample& lastSample = m_samples[m_samples.size() - 2];
            double dt = sample.t - lastSample.t;
            Matrix4d coeff = cubicHermiteCoefficients(zeroExtend(lastSample.position),
                                                      zeroExtend(lastSample.velocity * dt),
                                                      zeroExtend(sample.velocity * dt));
            Vector4d extents = coeff.cwiseAbs() * Vector4d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            m_samples[m_samples.size() - 1].boundingRadius = extents.norm();
            const CurvePlotSample& nextSample = m_samples[1];
            double dt = nextSample.t - sample.t;
            Matrix4d coeff = cubicHermiteCoefficients(zeroExtend(sample.position),
                                                      zeroExtend(sample.velocity * dt),
                                                      zeroExtend(nextSample.velocity * dt));
            Vector4d extents = coeff.cwiseAbs() * Vector4d(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
            m_samples[1].boundingRadius = extents.norm();
コード例 #20
Vector4d rigidBodyDynamics::quaternionFromRot(Matrix3d& R) const{
	Vector4d q;
	double div1, div2, div3, div4;

	double numerical_limit = 1.0e-4;

	if (abs(R.determinant()-1) > numerical_limit ) {
		std::cerr << "R does not have a determinant of +1" << std::endl;
	} else {
		div1 = 0.5*sqrt(1+R(0,0)+R(1,1)+R(2,2));
		div2 = 0.5*sqrt(1+R(0,0)-R(1,1)-R(2,2));
		div3 = 0.5*sqrt(1-R(0,0)-R(1,1)+R(2,2));
		div4 = 0.5*sqrt(1-R(0,0)+R(1,1)-R(2,2));

		//if (div1 > div2 && div1 > div3 && div1 > div4) {
		if (fabs(div1) > numerical_limit) {
			q(3) = div1;
			q(0) = 0.25*(R(1,2)-R(2,1))/q(3);
			q(1) = 0.25*(R(2,0)-R(0,2))/q(3);
			q(2) = 0.25*(R(0,1)-R(1,0))/q(3);
		} else if (fabs(div2) > numerical_limit) {
		//} else if (div2 > div1 && div2 > div3 && div2 > div4) {
			q(0) = div2;
			q(1) = 0.25*(R(0,1)+R(1,0))/q(0);
			q(2) = 0.25*(R(0,2)+R(2,0))/q(0);
			q(3) = 0.25*(R(1,2)+R(2,1))/q(0);
		} else if (fabs(div3) > numerical_limit) {
		//} else if (div3 > div1 && div3 > div2 && div3 > div4) {
			q(2) = div3;
			q(0) = 0.25*(R(0,2)+R(2,0))/q(2);
			q(1) = 0.25*(R(1,2)+R(2,1))/q(2);
			q(3) = 0.25*(R(0,1)-R(1,0))/q(2);
		//} else {
		} else if (fabs(div4) > numerical_limit) {
			q(1) = div4;
			q(0) = 0.25*(R(0,1)+R(1,0))/q(1);
			q(2) = 0.25*(R(1,2)+R(2,1))/q(1);
			q(3) = 0.25*(R(2,0)-R(0,2))/q(1);
		} else {
			std::cerr << "quaternionFromRot didn't convert: [" << div1 << ", " << div2 << ", " << div3 << ", " << div4 << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "Rotation Matrix: " << R << std::endl;
	if (q(3) < 0) {
		q *= -1;
	q /=q.norm();

	return q;
コード例 #21
Vector4d rigidBodyDynamics::quaternionMultiplication(Vector4d& q1, Vector4d& q2) const {
	//q1 \mult q2
	Matrix4d qm;
	Vector4d result;
	qm << 	q1(3),	q1(2),	-q1(1),	q1(0),
			-q1(2),	q1(3),	q1(0),	q1(1),
			q1(1),	-q1(0),	q1(3),	q1(2),
			-q1(0),	-q1(1),	-q1(2),	q1(3);

	result = qm*q2;
	result /= result.norm();

	return result;
コード例 #22
ファイル: testQuatmex.cpp プロジェクト: AkshayBabbar/drake
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
  if(nrhs != 5)
    mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:testQuatmex:BadInputs","Usage [r,dr,e,ed,quat,dquat,q3,dq3,w,dw] = testQuatmex(q1,q2,axis,u,v)");
  Vector4d q1;
  Vector4d q2;
  Vector4d r = quatDiff(q1,q2);
  Matrix<double,4,8> dr = dquatDiff(q1,q2);

  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,1,mxREAL);
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,8,mxREAL);

  Vector3d axis;
  double e = quatDiffAxisInvar(q1,q2,axis);
  Matrix<double,1,11> de = dquatDiffAxisInvar(q1,q2,axis);
  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(e);
  plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,11,mxREAL);

  Vector3d u,v;
  Vector4d quat;
  Matrix<double,4,6> dquat;

  Vector4d q3 = quatProduct(q1,q2);
  Matrix<double,4,8> dq3 = dquatProduct(q1,q2);

  plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,1,mxREAL);
  plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4,8,mxREAL);

  Vector3d w = quatRotateVec(q1,u);
  Matrix<double,3,7> dw = dquatRotateVec(q1,u);

  plhs[6] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3,1,mxREAL);
  plhs[7] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3,7,mxREAL);
コード例 #23
ファイル: drakeGeometryUtil.cpp プロジェクト: ElFeo/drake
Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 4, 1> rpy2quat(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& rpy)
  auto rpy_2 = (rpy / 2.0).array();
  auto s = rpy_2.sin();
  auto c = rpy_2.cos();

  Vector4d q;
  q << c(0)*c(1)*c(2) + s(0)*s(1)*s(2),
        s(0)*c(1)*c(2) - c(0)*s(1)*s(2),
        c(0)*s(1)*c(2) + s(0)*c(1)*s(2),
        c(0)*c(1)*s(2) - s(0)*s(1)*c(2);

  q /= q.norm() + std::numeric_limits<typename Derived::Scalar>::epsilon();
  return q;
コード例 #24
ファイル: gc.cpp プロジェクト: rgkoo/slslam
Vector6d gc_aid_to_av(Vector4d aid) {

  Vector6d av;
  Vector3d aa = aid.head(3);
  double d = 1.0 / aid(3);
  Matrix3d R = gc_Rodriguez(aa);
  av.head(3) = R.col(2) * d;
  av.tail(3) = R.col(0);

//  Vector6d av;
//  double a = aid[0];
//  double b = aid[1];
//  double g = aid[2];
//  double t = aid[3];
//  double s1 = sin(a);
//  double c1 = cos(a);
//  double s2 = sin(b);
//  double c2 = cos(b);
//  double s3 = sin(g);
//  double c3 = cos(g);
//  Matrix3d R;
//  R <<
//      c2 * c3,   s1 * s2 * c3 - c1 * s3,   c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * s3,
//      c2 * s3,   s1 * s2 * s3 + c1 * c3,   c1 * s2 * s3 - s1 * c3,
//      -s2,                  s1 * c2,                  c1 * c2;
//  double d = 1.0 / t;
//  av.head(3) = -R.col(2) * d;
//  av.tail(3) = R.col(1);

  return av;
コード例 #25
ファイル: gc.cpp プロジェクト: rgkoo/slslam
Vector6d gc_asd_to_av(Vector4d asd) {
  Vector6d av;

  Vector3d aa = asd.head(3);

  // double d_inv = asd(3);

  // double sig_d_inv = (1.0 - exp(-asd(3))) / (2.0 * (1.0 + exp(-asd(3))));

  // double sig_d_inv = -log(1.0/asd(3) - 1.0);
  // double sig_d_inv = log( (2.0 * asd(3) + 1.0) / (1.0 - 2.0*asd(3)) );
  // double sig_d_inv = atan(asd(3)) / 2.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0) / 2.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0);

  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0) * 1.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = tan(4.0 * asd(3));
  double sig_d_inv = log(asd(3));
  // cout << "sig_d_inv = " << sig_d_inv << endl;

  // double sig_d_inv = cos(asd(3)) / sin(asd(3));

  // double sig_d_inv = sin(asd(3)) / cos(asd(3));
  // double sig_d_inv = sin(asd(3)) / cos(asd(3));

  Matrix3d R = gc_Rodriguez(aa);

  // av.head(3) = R.col(2) / sig_d_inv;
  av.head(3) = R.col(2) * sig_d_inv;
  av.tail(3) = R.col(0);

  return av;
コード例 #26
// 6. Total measurement update
void Ekf::measurementUpdateDecaWave(Vector4d z){
  // Determine h and H
  Vector4d h;
  h = hDecaWave(state_, DecaWaveBeaconLoc_, DecaWaveOffset_);
  Matrix46 H;
  H = HDecaWave(state_, DecaWaveBeaconLoc_, DecaWaveOffset_);
  // Find Kalman Gain
  // First check if any z values are -1 (i.e. a bad measurement). If so, make
  // the corresponding entry in RDecaWave_ very high for this iteration. This
  // effectively cancels out any influence by that measurement on the update.
  Matrix4d RDecaWaveTemp;
  for (int i = 0; i < z.rows(); i++) {
    if (z(i) < 0) {
      RDecaWaveTemp(i,i) = 1e20;
    else {
      RDecaWaveTemp(i,i) = RDecaWave_(i,i);
  // Now go on to calculate the Kalman gain with the new R value.
  Matrix64 K;
  K = KDecaWave(cov_, H, RDecaWaveTemp);
  // Find new state
  state_ = stateUpdateDecaWave(state_, K, z, h);
  // Find new covariance
  cov_ = covUpdateDecaWave(cov_, K, H);
  cov_ = zeroOutBiasXYThetaCov(cov_);

コード例 #27
std::tuple<double, double> Triangle::uvCoords(const Vector4d &point) const {
    Vector4d edge1 = p2 - p1;
    Vector4d edge2 = p3 - p1;

    Vector4d h = cross(trueNormal, edge2);
    double a = edge1.dot(h);

    double f = 1/a;
    Vector4d s = point - p1;
    double u = f * s.dot(h);

    Vector4d q = cross(s, edge1);
    double v = f * q.dot(trueNormal);

    return std::make_tuple(u, v);
コード例 #28
void rigidBodyDynamics::setState(VectorXd x, Vector4d q) {
	_r = x.segment<3>(0);
	_v = x.segment<3>(3);
	_a = x.segment<3>(6);
	_w = x.segment<3>(9);
	_qref = q / q.norm();
コード例 #29
bool Rotation3::FromQuaternion(const Vector4d& quat) {
  if (fabs(quat.norm() - 1.0) > 1e-6) {
    std::cout << "Rotation3::FromQuaternion: invalid quaternion" << std::endl;
    return false;
  quat_ = quat;
  return true;
コード例 #30
ClothoidPtr ClothoidFitter::getCurveWithZeroCurvature(double param) const
    Matrix<double, 5, 5> lhs;
    Matrix<double, 5, 1> rhs;

    Vector4d constraint;
    constraint << 6 * param, 2, 0, 0; // second derivative of ax^3+bx^2+cx+d is 6ax+2b

    //For constrained least squares,
    //lhs is now [A^T A    C]
    //           [ C^T     0]
    lhs << _getLhs(_totalLength),   constraint,
           constraint.transpose(),  0;
    rhs << _rhs, 0;

    Vector4d abcd = (lhs.inverse() * rhs).head<4>();
    return getClothoidWithParams(abcd);