コード例 #1
ファイル: nearPlaneClipper.cpp プロジェクト: rballester/Livre
void NearPlaneClipper::setup( const Matrix4f& projectionMV )
    // get normalized near plane
    Vector4d plane = projectionMV.get_row( 2 ) +
                     projectionMV.get_row( 3 );
    plane *= 1.0 / sqrt( plane.x()*plane.x() +
                         plane.y()*plane.y() +
                         plane.z()*plane.z() );

    _nearPlane = Plane_d( plane.x(), plane.y(), plane.z(), plane.w() );

    // move near plane slightly ahead, so that when we will draw it, it will not be clipped
    _nearPlane.w -= 0.001;
//    _nearPlane.w -= 2.0;
コード例 #2
int addPointAndProjection(SysSBA& sba, vector<Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Point> >& points, int ndi)
    // Define dimensions of the image.
    int maxx = 640;
    int maxy = 480;

    // Project points into nodes.
    for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      double pointnoise = 0.1;
      // Add points into the system, and add noise.
      // Add up to .5 pixels of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      int index = sba.addPoint(temppoint);
      Vector3d proj;
      calculateProj(sba, points[i], ndi, proj);
      // If valid (within the range of the image size), add the stereo 
      // projection to SBA.
      //if (proj.x() > 0 && proj.x() < maxx && proj.y() > 0 && proj.y() < maxy)
        sba.addStereoProj(ndi, index, proj);
    return sba.tracks.size() - points.size();
コード例 #3
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: semiLab/repsnapper
void Model::RotateObject(Shape* shape, TreeObject* object, Vector4d rotate)
  if (!shape)
  Vector3d rot(rotate.x(), rotate.y(), rotate.z());
  shape->Rotate(rot, rotate.w());
コード例 #4
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
 inline bool cullSphere(const Vector4d& center,
                        double radius) const
     return (center.z() - radius > m_nearZ ||
             center.z() + radius < m_farZ  ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[0]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[1]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[2]) < -radius ||
             center.dot(m_planeNormals[3]) < -radius);
コード例 #5
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
// Test a point to see if it lies within the frustum defined by
// planes z=nearZ, z=farZ, and the four side planes with specified
// normals.
static inline bool frustumCull(const Vector4d& curvePoint,
                               double curveBoundingRadius,
                               double nearZ, double farZ,
                               const Vector4d viewFrustumPlaneNormals[])
    return (curvePoint.z() - curveBoundingRadius > nearZ ||
            curvePoint.z() + curveBoundingRadius < farZ  ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[0]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[1]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[2]) < -curveBoundingRadius ||
            curvePoint.dot(viewFrustumPlaneNormals[3]) < -curveBoundingRadius);
コード例 #6
ファイル: World.cpp プロジェクト: etmorgs42/cs1567
// TODO: Needs more testing
double World::dist_to_wall(const Vector4d& origin, const Vector3d& heading) const
	list<double> dists;
	foreach(const Wall& wall, walls) {
		// Direction points p2 -> p1
		Vector2d diff = (wall.p1 - wall.p2);
		Vector2d d0 = diff.normalized();
		Vector2d p0 = wall.p2;
		double tmax = diff.x()/d0.x();

		// Reduce input ray to 2D
		Vector2d d1(origin.x(), origin.z());
		Vector2d p1(heading.x(), heading.z());

		// Build matrix representation
		Matrix<double, 2, 2> a;
		Matrix<double, 2, 1> b;
		a << d0.y(), d0.x(), d1.y(), d1.x();
		b << -p0.y() - p0.x(), -p1.y() - p1.x();

		// Solve
		Matrix<double, 2, 1> res = a.fullPivLu().solve(b);
		if ((a*res).isApprox(b)) {
			// Check our solution is within range
			// Calculate t for each original equation
			double t0, t1;
			t0 = res.x()/d0.x();
			t1 = res.x()/d1.x();

			// t1 is input ray, t0 is wall
			if ((t1 < 0) || (t0 < 0) || (t0 > tmax)) {
				return -1;

			// Valid t, find distance from origin to intersect and return
			return res.x()/res.normalized().x();
		} else {
			// Unsolvable (e.g. no intersection)
			return -1;
コード例 #7
void setupSBA(SysSBA &sys)
    // Create camera parameters.
    frame_common::CamParams cam_params;
    cam_params.fx = 430; // Focal length in x
    cam_params.fy = 430; // Focal length in y
    cam_params.cx = 320; // X position of principal point
    cam_params.cy = 240; // Y position of principal point
    cam_params.tx = 0;   // Baseline (no baseline since this is monocular)

    // Define dimensions of the image.
    int maxx = 640;
    int maxy = 480;

    // Create a plane containing a wall of points.
    int npts_x = 10; // Number of points on the plane in x
    int npts_y = 5;  // Number of points on the plane in y
    double plane_width = 5;     // Width of the plane on which points are positioned (x)
    double plane_height = 2.5;    // Height of the plane on which points are positioned (y)
    double plane_distance = 5; // Distance of the plane from the cameras (z)

    // Vector containing the true point positions.
    vector<Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Point> > points;

    for (int ix = 0; ix < npts_x ; ix++)
      for (int iy = 0; iy < npts_y ; iy++)
        // Create a point on the plane in a grid.
        points.push_back(Point(plane_width/npts_x*(ix+.5), -plane_height/npts_y*(iy+.5), plane_distance, 1.0));
    // Create nodes and add them to the system.
    unsigned int nnodes = 5; // Number of nodes.
    double path_length = 3; // Length of the path the nodes traverse.
    unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
      // Translate in the x direction over the node path.
      Vector4d trans(i/(nnodes-1.0)*path_length, 0, 0, 1);
      // Don't rotate.
      Quaterniond rot(1, 0, 0, 0);
      // Add a new node to the system.
      sys.addNode(trans, rot, cam_params, false);
    // Set the random seed.
    unsigned short seed = (unsigned short)time(NULL);
    double ptscale = 1.0;
    // Add points into the system, and add noise.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      // Add up to .5 points of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += ptscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += ptscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += ptscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
    Vector2d proj;
    // Project points into nodes.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      for (j = 0; j < sys.nodes.size(); j++)
        // Project the point into the node's image coordinate system.
        sys.nodes[j].project2im(proj, points[i]);
        // If valid (within the range of the image size), add the monocular 
        // projection to SBA.
        if (proj.x() > 0 && proj.x() < maxx-1 && proj.y() > 0 && proj.y() < maxy-1)
          sys.addMonoProj(j, i, proj);
          //printf("Adding projection: Node: %d Point: %d Proj: %f %f\n", j, i, proj.x(), proj.y());
    // Add noise to node position.
    double transscale = 1.0;
    double rotscale = 0.2;
    // Don't actually add noise to the first node, since it's fixed.
    for (i = 1; i < sys.nodes.size(); i++)
      Vector4d temptrans = sys.nodes[i].trans;
      Quaterniond tempqrot = sys.nodes[i].qrot;
      // Add error to both translation and rotation.
      temptrans.x() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.y() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.z() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.x() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.y() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.z() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      sys.nodes[i].trans = temptrans;
      sys.nodes[i].qrot = tempqrot;
      // These methods should be called to update the node.
コード例 #8
void setupSBA(SysSBA &sba)
    // Create camera parameters.
    frame_common::CamParams cam_params;
    cam_params.fx = 430; // Focal length in x
    cam_params.fy = 430; // Focal length in y
    cam_params.cx = 320; // X position of principal point
    cam_params.cy = 240; // Y position of principal point
    cam_params.tx = -30; // Baseline (no baseline since this is monocular)

    // Create a plane containing a wall of points.
    Plane plane0, plane1;
    plane0.resize(3, 2, 10, 5);
    plane1 = plane0;
    plane1.translate(0.1, 0.05, 0.0);
    plane1.rotate(PI/4.0, 1, 0, 0);
    plane1.translate(0.0, 0.0, 7.0);
    plane0.rotate(PI/4.0, 1, 0, 0);
    plane0.translate(0.0, 0.0, 7.0);
    //plane1.translate(0.05, 0.0, 0.05);
    // Create nodes and add them to the system.
    unsigned int nnodes = 2; // Number of nodes.
    double path_length = 2; // Length of the path the nodes traverse.

    // Set the random seed.
    unsigned short seed = (unsigned short)time(NULL);
    for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
      // Translate in the x direction over the node path.
      Vector4d trans(i/(nnodes-1.0)*path_length, 0, 0, 1);
#if 0
      if (i >= 0)
	      // perturb a little
	      double tnoise = 0.5;	// meters
	      trans.x() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      trans.y() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      trans.z() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);

      // Don't rotate.
      Quaterniond rot(1, 0, 0, 0);
#if 0
      if (i > 0)
	      // perturb a little
	      double qnoise = 0.1;	// meters
	      rot.x() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      rot.y() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      rot.z() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
      // Add a new node to the system.
      sba.addNode(trans, rot, cam_params, false);
    Vector3d imagenormal(0, 0, 1);
    Matrix3d covar0;
    covar0 << sqrt(imagenormal(0)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(1)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(2));
    Matrix3d covar;
    Quaterniond rotation;
    Matrix3d rotmat;
    // Project points into nodes.
    addPointAndProjection(sba, plane0.points, 0);
    addPointAndProjection(sba, plane1.points, 1);
    int offset = plane0.points.size();
    Vector3d normal0 = sba.nodes[0].qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose()*plane0.normal; 
    Vector3d normal1 = sba.nodes[1].qrot.toRotationMatrix().transpose()*plane1.normal; 
    printf("Normal: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", plane0.normal.x(), plane0.normal.y(), plane0.normal.z(), normal0.x(), normal0.y(), normal0.z());
    printf("Normal: %f %f %f -> %f %f %f\n", plane1.normal.x(), plane1.normal.y(), plane1.normal.z(), normal1.x(), normal1.y(), normal1.z());
    for (int i = 0; i < plane0.points.size(); i++)
      sba.addPointPlaneMatch(0, i, normal0, 1, i+offset, normal1);

      Matrix3d covar;
      covar << 0.1, 0, 0,
                0, 0.1, 0, 
          	0, 0, 0.1;
      sba.setProjCovariance(0, i+offset, covar);
      sba.setProjCovariance(1, i, covar);
    // Add noise to node position.
    double transscale = 1.0;
    double rotscale = 0.1;
    // Don't actually add noise to the first node, since it's fixed.
    for (int i = 1; i < sba.nodes.size(); i++)
      Vector4d temptrans = sba.nodes[i].trans;
      Quaterniond tempqrot = sba.nodes[i].qrot;
      // Add error to both translation and rotation.
      temptrans.x() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.y() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.z() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.x() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.y() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.z() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      sba.nodes[i].trans = temptrans;
      sba.nodes[i].qrot = tempqrot;
      // These methods should be called to update the node.
コード例 #9
void setupSBA(SysSBA &sys)
    // Create camera parameters.
    frame_common::CamParams cam_params;
    cam_params.fx = 430; // Focal length in x
    cam_params.fy = 430; // Focal length in y
    cam_params.cx = 320; // X position of principal point
    cam_params.cy = 240; // Y position of principal point
    cam_params.tx = -30; // Baseline (no baseline since this is monocular)

    // Define dimensions of the image.
    int maxx = 640;
    int maxy = 480;

    // Create a plane containing a wall of points.
    Plane middleplane;
    middleplane.resize(3, 2, 10, 5);
    middleplane.translate(0.0, 0.0, 7.0);
    Plane leftplane;
    leftplane.resize(1, 2, 6, 12);
    //    leftplane.rotate(-PI/4.0, 0, 1, 0);
    leftplane.translate(0, 0, 7.0);
    Plane rightplane;
    rightplane.resize(1, 2, 6, 12);
    //    rightplane.rotate(PI/4.0, 0, 1, 0);
    rightplane.translate(2, 0, 7.0);
    Plane topplane;
    topplane.resize(1, 1.5, 6, 12);
    //    topplane.rotate(PI/4.0, 1, 0, 0);
    topplane.translate(2, 0, 7.0);

    // Vector containing the true point positions.
    rightplane.normal = rightplane.normal; 
    vector<Point, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Point> > points;
    vector<Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > normals;
    points.insert(points.end(), middleplane.points.begin(), middleplane.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), middleplane.points.size(), middleplane.normal);
    points.insert(points.end(), leftplane.points.begin(), leftplane.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), leftplane.points.size(), leftplane.normal);
    points.insert(points.end(), rightplane.points.begin(), rightplane.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), rightplane.points.size(), rightplane.normal);
    points.insert(points.end(), topplane.points.begin(), topplane.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), topplane.points.size(), topplane.normal);
    // Create nodes and add them to the system.
    unsigned int nnodes = 2; // Number of nodes.
    double path_length = 0.5; // Length of the path the nodes traverse.

    // Set the random seed.
    unsigned short seed = (unsigned short)time(NULL);
    unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
      // Translate in the x direction over the node path.
      Vector4d trans(i/(nnodes-1.0)*path_length, 0, 0, 1);
#if 1
      if (i >= 0)
	  // perturb a little
	  double tnoise = 0.5;	// meters
	  trans.x() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	  trans.y() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	  trans.z() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);

      // Don't rotate.
      Quaterniond rot(1, 0, 0, 0);
#if 1
      if (i >= 0)
	  // perturb a little
	  double qnoise = 0.1;	// meters
	  rot.x() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	  rot.y() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	  rot.z() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
      // Add a new node to the system.
      sys.addNode(trans, rot, cam_params, false);
    double pointnoise = 1.0;
    // Add points into the system, and add noise.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      // Add up to .5 points of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
    Vector2d proj2d;
    Vector3d proj, pc, baseline;
    Vector3d imagenormal(0, 0, 1);
    Matrix3d covar0;
    covar0 << sqrt(imagenormal(0)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(1)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(2));
    Matrix3d covar;
    Quaterniond rotation;
    Matrix3d rotmat;
    unsigned int midindex = middleplane.points.size();
    unsigned int leftindex = midindex + leftplane.points.size();
    unsigned int rightindex = leftindex + rightplane.points.size();
    printf("Normal for Middle Plane: [%f %f %f], index %d -> %d\n", middleplane.normal.x(), middleplane.normal.y(), middleplane.normal.z(), 0, midindex-1);
    printf("Normal for Left Plane:   [%f %f %f], index %d -> %d\n", leftplane.normal.x(), leftplane.normal.y(), leftplane.normal.z(), midindex, leftindex-1);
    printf("Normal for Right Plane:  [%f %f %f], index %d -> %d\n", rightplane.normal.x(), rightplane.normal.y(), rightplane.normal.z(), leftindex, rightindex-1);
    // Project points into nodes.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      for (j = 0; j < sys.nodes.size(); j++)
        // Project the point into the node's image coordinate system.
        sys.nodes[j].project2im(proj2d, points[i]);
        // Camera coords for right camera
        baseline << sys.nodes[j].baseline, 0, 0;
        pc = sys.nodes[j].Kcam * (sys.nodes[j].w2n*points[i] - baseline); 
        proj.head<2>() = proj2d;
        proj(2) = pc(0)/pc(2);
        // If valid (within the range of the image size), add the stereo 
        // projection to SBA.
        if (proj.x() > 0 && proj.x() < maxx && proj.y() > 0 && proj.y() < maxy)
          sys.addStereoProj(j, i, proj);
          // Create the covariance matrix: 
          // image plane normal = [0 0 1]
          // wall normal = [0 0 -1]
          // covar = (R)T*[0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 1]*R
          rotation.setFromTwoVectors(imagenormal, normals[i]);
          rotmat = rotation.toRotationMatrix();
          covar = rotmat.transpose()*covar0*rotmat;
	  //          if (!(i % sys.nodes.size() == j))
	  //            sys.setProjCovariance(j, i, covar);
    // Add noise to node position.
    double transscale = 2.0;
    double rotscale = 0.2;
    // Don't actually add noise to the first node, since it's fixed.
    for (i = 1; i < sys.nodes.size(); i++)
      Vector4d temptrans = sys.nodes[i].trans;
      Quaterniond tempqrot = sys.nodes[i].qrot;
      // Add error to both translation and rotation.
      temptrans.x() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.y() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.z() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.x() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.y() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.z() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      sys.nodes[i].trans = temptrans;
      sys.nodes[i].qrot = tempqrot;
      // These methods should be called to update the node.
コード例 #10
void setupSBA(SysSBA &sys)
    // Create camera parameters.
    frame_common::CamParams cam_params;
    cam_params.fx = 430; // Focal length in x
    cam_params.fy = 430; // Focal length in y
    cam_params.cx = 320; // X position of principal point
    cam_params.cy = 240; // Y position of principal point
    cam_params.tx = 0.3; // Baseline 

    // Define dimensions of the image.
    int maxx = 640;
    int maxy = 480;

    // Create a plane containing a wall of points.
    Plane middleplane;
    middleplane.resize(3, 2, 10, 5);
    //middleplane.rotate(PI/4.0, PI/6.0, 1, 0);
    middleplane.rotate(PI/4.0, 1, 0, 1);
    middleplane.translate(0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
    // Create another plane containing a wall of points.
    Plane mp2;
    mp2.resize(3, 2, 10, 5);
    mp2.rotate(0, 0, 0, 1);
    mp2.translate(0.0, 0.0, 4.0);

    // Create another plane containing a wall of points.
    Plane mp3;
    mp3.resize(3, 2, 10, 5);
    mp3.rotate(-PI/4.0, 1, 0, 1);
    mp3.translate(0.0, 0.0, 4.5);

    // Vector containing the true point positions.
    vector<Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > normals;
    points.insert(points.end(), middleplane.points.begin(), middleplane.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), middleplane.points.size(), middleplane.normal);
    points.insert(points.end(), mp2.points.begin(), mp2.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), mp2.points.size(), mp2.normal);
    points.insert(points.end(), mp3.points.begin(), mp3.points.end());
    normals.insert(normals.end(), mp3.points.size(), mp3.normal);
    // Create nodes and add them to the system.
    unsigned int nnodes = 2; // Number of nodes.
    double path_length = 1.0; // Length of the path the nodes traverse.

    // Set the random seed.
    unsigned short seed = (unsigned short)time(NULL);
    unsigned int i = 0;
    Vector3d inormal0 = middleplane.normal;
    Vector3d inormal1 = middleplane.normal;
    Vector3d inormal20 = mp2.normal;
    Vector3d inormal21 = mp2.normal;
    Vector3d inormal30 = mp3.normal;
    Vector3d inormal31 = mp3.normal;
    for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
      // Translate in the x direction over the node path.
      Vector4d trans(i/(nnodes-1.0)*path_length, 0, 0, 1);
#if 1
      if (i >= 2)
	      // perturb a little
	      double tnoise = 0.5;	// meters
	      trans.x() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      trans.y() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      trans.z() += tnoise*(drand48()-0.5);

      // Don't rotate.
      Quaterniond rot(1, 0, 0, 0);
#if 1
      if (i >= 2)
	      // perturb a little
	      double qnoise = 0.1;	// meters
	      rot.x() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      rot.y() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
	      rot.z() += qnoise*(drand48()-0.5);
      // Add a new node to the system.
      sys.addNode(trans, rot, cam_params, false);
      // set normal
      if (i == 0)
	  inormal0 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal0;
	  inormal20 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal20;
	  inormal30 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal30;
	  inormal1 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal1;
	  inormal21 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal21;
	  inormal31 = rot.toRotationMatrix().transpose() * inormal31;
    double pointnoise = 1.0;
    // Add points into the system, and add noise.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      // Add up to .5 points of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
    // Each point gets added twice
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      // Add up to .5 points of noise.
      Vector4d temppoint = points[i];
      temppoint.x() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.y() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temppoint.z() += pointnoise*(drand48() - 0.5);

    Vector2d proj2d, proj2dp;
    Vector3d proj, projp, pc, pcp, baseline, baselinep;
    Vector3d imagenormal(0, 0, 1);
    Matrix3d covar0;
    covar0 << sqrt(imagenormal(0)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(1)), 0, 0, 0, sqrt(imagenormal(2));
    Matrix3d covar;
    Quaterniond rotation;
    Matrix3d rotmat;
    unsigned int midindex = middleplane.points.size();
    printf("Normal for Middle Plane: [%f %f %f], index %d -> %d\n", middleplane.normal.x(), middleplane.normal.y(), middleplane.normal.z(), 0, midindex-1);
    int nn = points.size();

    // Project points into nodes.
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
      int k=i;
      // Project the point into the node's image coordinate system.
      sys.nodes[0].project2im(proj2d, points[k]);
      sys.nodes[1].project2im(proj2dp, points[k]);
      // Camera coords for right camera
      baseline << sys.nodes[0].baseline, 0, 0;
      pc = sys.nodes[0].Kcam * (sys.nodes[0].w2n*points[k] - baseline); 
      proj.head<2>() = proj2d;
      proj(2) = pc(0)/pc(2);
      baseline << sys.nodes[1].baseline, 0, 0;
      pcp = sys.nodes[1].Kcam * (sys.nodes[1].w2n*points[k] - baseline); 
      projp.head<2>() = proj2dp;
      projp(2) = pcp(0)/pcp(2);

      // add noise to projections
      double prnoise = 0.5;	// 0.5 pixels
      proj.head<2>() += Vector2d(prnoise*(drand48() - 0.5),prnoise*(drand48() - 0.5));
      projp.head<2>() += Vector2d(prnoise*(drand48() - 0.5),prnoise*(drand48() - 0.5));

      // If valid (within the range of the image size), add the stereo 
      // projection to SBA.
      if (proj.x() > 0 && proj.x() < maxx && proj.y() > 0 && proj.y() < maxy)
          // add point cloud shape-holding projections to each node
          sys.addStereoProj(0, k, proj);
          sys.addStereoProj(1, k+nn, projp);

#ifdef USE_PP
          // add exact matches
          if (i == 20 || i == 65 || i == 142)
            sys.addStereoProj(1, k, projp);

#ifdef USE_PPL
          // add point-plane matches
	  if (i < midindex)
            sys.addPointPlaneMatch(0, k, inormal0, 1, k+nn, inormal1);
	  else if (i < 2*midindex)
	    sys.addPointPlaneMatch(0, k, inormal20, 1, k+nn, inormal21);
	    sys.addPointPlaneMatch(0, k, inormal30, 1, k+nn, inormal31);
          //          sys.addStereoProj(0, k+nn, projp);
          //          sys.addStereoProj(1, k, proj);

          Matrix3d covar;
          double cv = 0.01;
          covar << cv, 0, 0,
            0, cv, 0, 
            0, 0, cv;
          sys.setProjCovariance(0, k+nn, covar);
          sys.setProjCovariance(1, k, covar);

          cout << "ERROR! point not in view of nodes" << endl;

    // Add noise to node position.
    double transscale = 2.0;
    double rotscale = 0.5;
    // Don't actually add noise to the first node, since it's fixed.
    for (i = 1; i < sys.nodes.size(); i++)
      Vector4d temptrans = sys.nodes[i].trans;
      Quaterniond tempqrot = sys.nodes[i].qrot;
      // Add error to both translation and rotation.
      temptrans.x() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.y() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      temptrans.z() += transscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.x() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.y() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      tempqrot.z() += rotscale*(drand48() - 0.5);
      sys.nodes[i].trans = temptrans;
      sys.nodes[i].qrot = tempqrot;
      // These methods should be called to update the node.
コード例 #11
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
    // Return the GL restart status: true if the last segment of the
    // curve was culled and we need to start a new primitive sequence
    // with glBegin().
    bool renderCubicFaded(bool restartCurve,
                          const Matrix4d& coeff,
                          double t0, double t1,
                          const Vector4f& color,
                          double fadeStart, double fadeRate,
                          double curveBoundingRadius,
                          int depth) const
        const double dt = (t1 - t0) * InvSubdivisionFactor;
        double segmentBoundingRadius = curveBoundingRadius * InvSubdivisionFactor;

            int c = depth % 10;
            glColor4f(SplineColors[c][0], SplineColors[c][1], SplineColors[c][2], 1.0f);

        Vector4d lastP = coeff * Vector4d(1.0, t0, t0 * t0, t0 * t0 * t0);
        double lastOpacity = (t0 - fadeStart) * fadeRate;
        lastOpacity = max(0.0, min(1.0, lastOpacity)); // clamp

        for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= SubdivisionFactor; i++)
            double t = t0 + dt * i;
            Vector4d p = coeff * Vector4d(1.0, t, t * t, t * t * t);
            double opacity = (t - fadeStart) * fadeRate;
            opacity = max(0.0, min(1.0, opacity)); // clamp

            double minDistance = max(-m_viewFrustum.nearZ(), abs(p.z()) - segmentBoundingRadius);

            if (segmentBoundingRadius >= m_subdivisionThreshold * minDistance)
                if (m_viewFrustum.cullSphere(p, segmentBoundingRadius))
                    if (!restartCurve)
                        restartCurve = true;
                    restartCurve = renderCubicFaded(restartCurve,
                                                    coeff, t - dt, t,
                                                    fadeStart, fadeRate,
                                                    depth + 1);
                    int c = depth % 10;
                    glColor4f(SplineColors[c][0], SplineColors[c][1], SplineColors[c][2], i % 2 ? 0.25f : 1.0f);

                if (restartCurve)
                    m_vbuf.vertex(lastP, Vector4f(color.x(), color.y(), color.z(), color.w() * float(lastOpacity)));
                    restartCurve = false;

                m_vbuf.vertex(p, Vector4f(color.x(), color.y(), color.z(), color.w() * float(opacity)));
            lastP = p;
            lastOpacity = opacity;

        return restartCurve;
コード例 #12
ファイル: curveplot.cpp プロジェクト: nisselarsson/Celestia
    // Return the GL restart status: true if the last segment of the
    // curve was culled and we need to start a new primitive sequence
    // with glBegin().
    bool renderCubic(bool restartCurve,
                     const Matrix4d& coeff,
                     double t0, double t1,
                     double curveBoundingRadius,
                     int depth) const
        const double dt = (t1 - t0) * InvSubdivisionFactor;
        double segmentBoundingRadius = curveBoundingRadius * InvSubdivisionFactor;

            int c = depth % 10;
            glColor4f(SplineColors[c][0], SplineColors[c][1], SplineColors[c][2], 1.0f);

        Vector4d lastP = coeff * Vector4d(1.0, t0, t0 * t0, t0 * t0 * t0);

        for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= SubdivisionFactor; i++)
            double t = t0 + dt * i;
            Vector4d p = coeff * Vector4d(1.0, t, t * t, t * t * t);

            double minDistance = max(-m_viewFrustum.nearZ(), abs(p.z()) - segmentBoundingRadius);

            if (segmentBoundingRadius >= m_subdivisionThreshold * minDistance)
                if (m_viewFrustum.cullSphere(p, segmentBoundingRadius))
                    if (!restartCurve)
                        restartCurve = true;
                    restartCurve = renderCubic(restartCurve,
                                               coeff, t - dt, t,
                                               depth + 1);
                    int c = depth % 10;
                    glColor4f(SplineColors[c][0], SplineColors[c][1], SplineColors[c][2], i % 2 ? 0.25f : 1.0f);

                if (restartCurve)
                    restartCurve = false;
            lastP = p;

        return restartCurve;