VectorXd HarmonicGradient(const vector<spring> &springlist, const VectorXd &XY, const double g11, const double g12, const double g22) { VectorXd gradE(XY.size()); for(int i=0;i<gradE.size();i++){ gradE(i)=0; } VectorXd X(XY.size()/2); VectorXd Y(XY.size()/2); X=XY.head(XY.size()/2); Y=XY.tail(XY.size()/2); for(int i=0;i<springlist.size();i++){ int one=springlist[i].one; int two=springlist[i].two; int num=XY.size()/2; double dx=X(one)-(X(two)+springlist[i].wlr); double dy=Y(one)-(Y(two)+springlist[i].wud); double k=springlist[i].k; double L=springlist[i].rlen; double dist=sqrt( g11*dx*dx+ 2*g12*dx*dy+ g22*dy*dy ); double gradx= k*(dist-L)*(g11*dx+g12*dy)/dist; double grady= k*(dist-L)*(g22*dy+g12*dx)/dist; gradE(one) += gradx; gradE(two) -= gradx; gradE(one+num) += grady; gradE(two+num) -= grady; } return gradE; }
double Model::score(const VectorXd& psi) const { ROS_ASSERT(psi.rows() == eweights_.rows() + nweights_.rows()); double val = psi.head(eweights_.rows()).dot(eweights_); val += psi.tail(nweights_.rows()).dot(nweights_); return val; }
void Optimizer::augment_sparse_linear_system(SparseSystem& W, const Properties& prop) { if (prop.method == DOG_LEG) { // We're using the incremental version of Powell's Dog-Leg, so we need // to form the updated gradient. const VectorXd& f_new = W.rhs(); // Augment the running count for the sum-of-squared errors at the current // linearization point. current_SSE_at_linpoint += f_new.squaredNorm(); // Allocate the new gradient vector VectorXd g_new(W.num_cols()); // Compute W^T \cdot f_new VectorXd increment = mul_SparseMatrixTrans_Vector(W, f_new); // Set g_new = (g_old 0)^T + W^T f_new. g_new.head(gradient.size()) = gradient + increment.head(gradient.size()); g_new.tail(W.num_cols() - gradient.size()) = increment.tail( W.num_cols() - gradient.size()); // Cache the new gradient vector gradient = g_new; } // Apply Givens to QR factorize the newly augmented sparse system. for (int i = 0; i < W.num_rows(); i++) { SparseVector new_row = W.get_row(i); function_system._R.add_row_givens(new_row, W.rhs()(i)); } }
bool inBounds(VectorXd state) { Vector2d pos, vel; pos = state.head(2); vel = state.tail(2); if (inside_rectangular_obs(pos, setup_values.x_min, setup_values.x_max, setup_values.x_min, setup_values.x_max) && inside_rectangular_obs(vel, setup_values.v_min, setup_values.v_max, setup_values.v_min, setup_values.v_max)) { return true; } return false; }
void linear::poisson(const VectorXd& lapl, VectorXd& f) { if(stiffp1.size()==0) fill_stiff(); if(mass.size()==0) fill_mass(); VectorXd massl = mass * lapl ; int N=massl.size(); VectorXd massll = massl.tail( N-1 ); VectorXd ff= solver_stiffp1.solve( massll ); f(0) = 0; f.tail(N-1) = ff; // zero mean f = f.array() - f.mean(); return; }
// [[Rcpp::export()]] VectorXd sample_delta_c_Eigen( VectorXd delta, VectorXd tauh, Map<MatrixXd> Lambda_prec, double delta_1_shape, double delta_1_rate, double delta_2_shape, double delta_2_rate, Map<MatrixXd> randg_draws, // all done with rate = 1; Map<MatrixXd> Lambda2 ) { int times = randg_draws.rows(); int k = tauh.size(); MatrixXd scores_mat = Lambda_prec.cwiseProduct(Lambda2); VectorXd scores = scores_mat.colwise().sum(); double rate,delta_old; for(int i = 0; i < times; i++){ delta_old = delta(0); rate = delta_1_rate + 0.5 * (1/delta(0)) *; delta(0) = randg_draws(i,0) / rate; // tauh = cumprod(delta); tauh *= delta(0)/delta_old; // replaces re-calculating cumprod for(int h = 1; h < k-1; h++) { delta_old = delta(h); rate = delta_2_rate + 0.5*(1/delta(h))*tauh.tail(k-h).dot(scores.tail(k-h)); delta(h) = randg_draws(i,h) / rate; // tauh = cumprod(delta); tauh.tail(k-h) *= delta(h)/delta_old; // replaces re-calculating cumprod // Rcout << (tauh - cumprod(delta)).sum() << std::endl; } } return(delta); }
/* Implementation of byfree */ void byfree(VectorXd target_r, VectorXd target_i, VectorXd zetaf_r, VectorXd zetaf_i, VectorXd gammaf, VectorXd& pot_r, VectorXd& pot_i){ /* timeval time1, time2; double ttl1, ttl2, diffl12; gettimeofday(&time1, NULL); ttl1 = (time1.tv_sec * 1000000 + time1.tv_usec); */ int nt = target_r.size(), ns = zetaf_i.size(); MatrixXd dx(nt,ns), dy(nt,ns), dz(nt,ns), F_r(nt,ns-1), F_i(nt,ns-1); VectorXd distr, distr_r(ns-1), distr_i(ns-1); distr = -(gammaf.tail(ns-1) - gammaf.head(ns-1)); for (int k=0; k<ns-1; k++) { double dxnorm = (zetaf_r(k+1) - zetaf_r(k))*(zetaf_r(k+1) - zetaf_r(k)) + (zetaf_i(k+1) - zetaf_i(k))*(zetaf_i(k+1) - zetaf_i(k)); distr_r(k) = (zetaf_r(k+1) - zetaf_r(k))*distr(k)/dxnorm; distr_i(k) = -(zetaf_i(k+1) - zetaf_i(k))*distr(k)/dxnorm; } for (int j=0; j<nt; j++) { for (int k=0; k<ns; k++) { dx(j,k)=(target_r(j)-zetaf_r(k)); dy(j,k)=(target_i(j)-zetaf_i(k)); dz(j,k)=dx(j,k)*dx(j,k)+dy(j,k)*dy(j,k); } } for (int j=0; j<nt; j++) { for (int k=0; k<ns-1; k++) { F_r(j,k) = log(dz(j,k)/dz(j,k+1))/2; F_i(j,k) = atan2((-dx(j,k)*dy(j,k+1)+dy(j,k)*dx(j,k+1)),(dx(j,k)*dx(j,k+1)+dy(j,k)*dy(j,k+1))); } } pot_r = F_r*distr_r - F_i*distr_i; pot_i = F_i*distr_r + F_r*distr_i;; /* gettimeofday(&time2, NULL); ttl2 = (time2.tv_sec * 1000000 + time2.tv_usec); diffl12 = (double)(ttl2 - ttl1)/1000000; printf("Elapsed %f seconds!\n", diffl12); */ return ; }
void addConstraint(const measurement& _meas) { t_managing_ = clock(); assert(_meas.jacobians.size() == _meas.nodes_idx.size()); assert(_meas.error.size() == _meas.dim); n_measurements++; measurements_.push_back(_meas); measurements_.back().location = A_.rows(); // Resize problem A_.conservativeResize(A_.rows() + _meas.dim, A_.cols()); b_.conservativeResize(b_.size() + _meas.dim); A_nodes_.conservativeResize(n_measurements,n_nodes_); // ADD MEASUREMENTS first_ordered_node_ = n_nodes_; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _meas.nodes_idx.size(); j++) { assert(acc_node_permutation_.indices()( ==; int ordered_node =;//acc_permutation_nodes_.indices()(; addSparseBlock(, A_, A_.rows()-_meas.dim,; A_nodes_.coeffRef(A_nodes_.rows()-1, ordered_node) = 1; assert( ==; assert( == _meas.dim); // store minimum ordered node if (first_ordered_node_ > ordered_node) first_ordered_node_ = ordered_node; } // error b_.tail(_meas.dim) = _meas.error; time_managing_ += ((double) clock() - t_managing_) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
void MotionModel::predict_state_and_covariance(VectorXd x_k_k, MatrixXd p_k_k, string type, double std_a, double std_alpha, VectorXd *X_km1_k, MatrixXd *P_km1_k) { size_t x_k_size = x_k_k.size(), p_k_size = p_k_k.rows(); double delta_t = 1, linear_acceleration_noise_covariance, angular_acceleration_noise_covariance; VectorXd Xv_km1_k(18), Pn_diag(6); MatrixXd F = MatrixXd::Identity(18,18), // The camera state size is assumed to be 18 Pn, Q, G; // Camera motion prediction fv(x_k_k.head(18), delta_t, type, std_a, std_alpha, &Xv_km1_k); // Feature prediction (*X_km1_k).resize(x_k_size); // Add the feature points to the state vector after cam motion prediction (*X_km1_k) << Xv_km1_k, x_k_k.tail(x_k_size - 18); // State transition equation derivatives dfv_by_dxv(x_k_k.head(18), delta_t, type, &F); // State noise linear_acceleration_noise_covariance = (std_a * delta_t) * (std_a * delta_t); angular_acceleration_noise_covariance = (std_alpha * delta_t) * (std_alpha * delta_t); Pn_diag << linear_acceleration_noise_covariance, linear_acceleration_noise_covariance, linear_acceleration_noise_covariance, angular_acceleration_noise_covariance, angular_acceleration_noise_covariance, angular_acceleration_noise_covariance; Pn = Pn_diag.asDiagonal(); func_Q(x_k_k.head(18), Pn, delta_t, type, &G, &Q); // P_km1_k resize and update // With the property of symmetry for the covariance matrix, only the Pxx and Pxy // which means the camera state covariance and camera feature points covariance can be calculated (*P_km1_k).resize(p_k_size,p_k_size); (*P_km1_k).block(0,0,18,18) = F * p_k_k.block(0,0,18,18) * F.transpose() + Q; (*P_km1_k).block(0,18,18,p_k_size - 18) = F * p_k_k.block(0,18,18,p_k_size - 18); (*P_km1_k).block(18,0,p_k_size - 18,18) = p_k_k.block(18,0,p_k_size - 18,18) * F.transpose(); (*P_km1_k).block(18,18,p_k_size - 18,p_k_size - 18) = p_k_k.block(18,18,p_k_size - 18,p_k_size - 18); }
void MyWindow::setState(const VectorXd& newState) { mDofVels = newState.tail(mDofVels.size()); mDofs = newState.head(mDofs.size()); }
bool solve(const int mode) { bool batch = (mode !=2 || first_ordered_node_ == 0); bool order = (mode !=0 && n_nodes_ > 1); // BATCH if (batch) { // REORDER if (order) ordering(0); //print_problem(); // SOLVE t_solving_ = clock(); A_.makeCompressed(); solver_.compute(A_); if ( != Success) { std::cout << "decomposition failed" << std::endl; return 0; } x_incr_ = solver_.solve(b_); R_ = solver_.matrixR(); //std::cout << "R" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(R_.cols(), R_.cols()) * R_ << std::endl; time_solving_ += ((double) clock() - t_solving_) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } // INCREMENTAL else { // REORDER SUBPROBLEM ordering(first_ordered_node_); //print_problem(); // SOLVE ORDERED SUBPROBLEM t_solving_= clock(); A_nodes_.makeCompressed(); A_.makeCompressed(); // finding measurements block SparseMatrix<int> measurements_to_initial = A_nodes_.col(first_ordered_node_); // std::cout << "measurements_to_initial " << measurements_to_initial << std::endl; // std::cout << "measurements_to_initial.innerIndexPtr()[measurements_to_initial.outerIndexPtr()[0]] " << measurements_to_initial.innerIndexPtr()[measurements_to_initial.outerIndexPtr()[0]] << std::endl; int first_ordered_measurement = measurements_to_initial.innerIndexPtr()[measurements_to_initial.outerIndexPtr()[0]]; int ordered_measurements = A_.rows() -; int ordered_variables = A_.cols() -; int unordered_variables =; SparseMatrix<double, ColMajor> A_partial = A_.bottomRightCorner(ordered_measurements, ordered_variables); solver_.compute(A_partial); if ( != Success) { std::cout << "decomposition failed" << std::endl; return 0; } //std::cout << "R new" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(A_partial.cols(), A_partial.cols()) * solver_.matrixR() << std::endl; x_incr_.tail(ordered_variables) = solver_.solve(b_.tail(ordered_measurements)); // store new part of R eraseSparseBlock(R_, unordered_variables, unordered_variables, ordered_variables, ordered_variables); //std::cout << "R" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(R_.rows(), R_.rows()) * R_ << std::endl; addSparseBlock(solver_.matrixR(), R_, unordered_variables, unordered_variables); //std::cout << "R" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(R_.rows(), R_.rows()) * R_ << std::endl; R_.makeCompressed(); // solving not ordered subproblem if (unordered_variables > 0) { //std::cout << "--------------------- solving unordered part" << std::endl; SparseMatrix<double, ColMajor> R1 = R_.topLeftCorner(unordered_variables, unordered_variables); //std::cout << "R1" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(R1.rows(), R1.rows()) * R1 << std::endl; SparseMatrix<double, ColMajor> R2 = R_.topRightCorner(unordered_variables, ordered_variables); //std::cout << "R2" << std::endl << MatrixXd::Identity(R2.rows(), R2.rows()) * R2 << std::endl; solver_.compute(R1); if ( != Success) { std::cout << "decomposition failed" << std::endl; return 0; } x_incr_.head(unordered_variables) = solver_.solve(b_.head(unordered_variables) - R2 * x_incr_.tail(ordered_variables)); } } // UNDO ORDERING FOR RESULT PermutationMatrix<Dynamic, Dynamic, int> acc_permutation(A_.cols()); nodePermutation2VariablesPermutation(acc_node_permutation_, acc_permutation); // TODO via pointers x_incr_ = acc_permutation.inverse() * x_incr_; time_solving_ += ((double) clock() - t_solving_) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; return 1; }
MatrixXd SMRFilter::expandingTPS(MatrixXd cx, MatrixXd cy, MatrixXd cz) { log()->get(LogLevel::Info) << "TPS: Reticulating splines...\n"; MatrixXd S = cz; int num_nan_detect(0); int num_nan_replace(0); for (auto outer_col = 0; outer_col < m_numCols; ++outer_col) { for (auto outer_row = 0; outer_row < m_numRows; ++outer_row) { if (!std::isnan(S(outer_row, outer_col))) continue; num_nan_detect++; // Further optimizations are achieved by estimating only the // interpolated surface within a local neighbourhood (e.g. a 7 x 7 // neighbourhood is used in our case) of the cell being filtered. int radius = 3; bool solution = false; while (!solution) { // std::cerr << radius; int cs = Utils::clamp(outer_col-radius, 0, m_numCols-1); int ce = Utils::clamp(outer_col+radius, 0, m_numCols-1); int col_size = ce - cs + 1; int rs = Utils::clamp(outer_row-radius, 0, m_numRows-1); int re = Utils::clamp(outer_row+radius, 0, m_numRows-1); int row_size = re - rs + 1; MatrixXd Xn = cx.block(rs, cs, row_size, col_size); MatrixXd Yn = cy.block(rs, cs, row_size, col_size); MatrixXd Hn = cz.block(rs, cs, row_size, col_size); int nsize = Hn.size(); VectorXd T = VectorXd::Zero(nsize); MatrixXd P = MatrixXd::Zero(nsize, 3); MatrixXd K = MatrixXd::Zero(nsize, nsize); int numK(0); for (auto id = 0; id < Hn.size(); ++id) { double xj = Xn(id); double yj = Yn(id); double zj = Hn(id); if (std::isnan(zj)) continue; numK++; T(id) = zj; P.row(id) << 1, xj, yj; for (auto id2 = 0; id2 < Hn.size(); ++id2) { if (id == id2) continue; double xk = Xn(id2); double yk = Yn(id2); double rsqr = (xj - xk) * (xj - xk) + (yj - yk) * (yj - yk); if (rsqr == 0.0) continue; K(id, id2) = rsqr * std::log10(std::sqrt(rsqr)); } } // if (numK < 20) // continue; MatrixXd A = MatrixXd::Zero(nsize+3, nsize+3); A.block(0,0,nsize,nsize) = K; A.block(0,nsize,nsize,3) = P; A.block(nsize,0,3,nsize) = P.transpose(); VectorXd b = VectorXd::Zero(nsize+3); b.head(nsize) = T; VectorXd x = A.fullPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); Vector3d a = x.tail(3); VectorXd w = x.head(nsize); double sum = 0.0; double xi2 = cx(outer_row, outer_col); double yi2 = cy(outer_row, outer_col); for (auto j = 0; j < nsize; ++j) { double xj = Xn(j); double yj = Yn(j); double rsqr = (xj - xi2) * (xj - xi2) + (yj - yi2) * (yj - yi2); if (rsqr == 0.0) continue; sum += w(j) * rsqr * std::log10(std::sqrt(rsqr)); } double val = a(0) + a(1)*xi2 + a(2)*yi2 + sum; solution = !std::isnan(val); if (!solution) { std::cerr << "..." << radius << std::endl;; ++radius; continue; } S(outer_row, outer_col) = val; num_nan_replace++; // std::cerr << std::endl; // std::cerr << std::fixed; // std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) // << std::left // << "S(" << outer_row << "," << outer_col << "): " // << std::setw(10) // << S(outer_row, outer_col) // // << std::setw(3) // // << "\tz: " // // << std::setw(10) // // << zi // // << std::setw(7) // // << "\tzdiff: " // // << std::setw(5) // // << zi - S(outer_row, outer_col) // // << std::setw(7) // // << "\txdiff: " // // << std::setw(5) // // << xi2 - xi // // << std::setw(7) // // << "\tydiff: " // // << std::setw(5) // // << yi2 - yi // << std::setw(7) // << "\t# pts: " // << std::setw(3) // << nsize // << std::setw(5) // << "\tsum: " // << std::setw(10) // << sum // << std::setw(9) // << "\tw.sum(): " // << std::setw(5) // << w.sum() // << std::setw(6) // << "\txsum: " // << std::setw(5) // << // << std::setw(6) // << "\tysum: " // << std::setw(5) // << // << std::setw(3) // << "\ta: " // << std::setw(8) // << a.transpose() // << std::endl; } } } double frac = static_cast<double>(num_nan_replace); frac /= static_cast<double>(num_nan_detect); log()->get(LogLevel::Info) << "TPS: Filled " << num_nan_replace << " of " << num_nan_detect << " holes (" << frac * 100.0 << "%)\n"; return S; }
double drwnLPSolver::solve() { DRWN_FCN_TIC; const int n = _A.cols(); const int m = _A.rows(); // find feasible starting point if (_x.rows() == 0) { _x = VectorXd::Zero(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (isUnbounded(i)) continue; if (_ub[i] == DRWN_DBL_MAX) { _x[i] = _lb[i] + 1.0; } else if (_lb[i] == -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { _x[i] = _ub[i] - 1.0; } else { _x[i] = 0.5 * (_lb[i] + _ub[i]); } } } // initialize kkt system variables MatrixXd F = MatrixXd::Zero(n + m, n + m); VectorXd g = VectorXd::Zero(n + m); F.block(n, 0, m, n) = _A; F.block(0, n, n, m) = _A.transpose(); // initialize dual variables (if needed) VectorXd nu = VectorXd::Zero(m); // iterate on interior point method double t = t0; while (1) { // determine feasibility const bool bFeasible = ((_b - _A * _x).squaredNorm() < eps); if (!bFeasible) { DRWN_LOG_VERBOSE("...finding feasible point"); } // centering step and update for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < maxiters; iter++) { //! \todo solve with blockwise elimination // construct KKT system, Fx = g // | H A^T | | dx | = | - g | // | A 0 | | w | | b - Ax | for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { F(i, i) = 0.0; if (_ub[i] != DRWN_DBL_MAX) { F(i, i) += 1.0 / ((_ub[i] - _x[i]) * (_ub[i] - _x[i])); } if (_lb[i] != -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { F(i, i) += 1.0 / ((_x[i] - _lb[i]) * (_x[i] - _lb[i])); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { g[i] = - t * _c[i]; if (_ub[i] != DRWN_DBL_MAX) { g[i] += 1.0 / (_x[i] - _ub[i]); } if (_lb[i] != -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { g[i] += 1.0 / (_x[i] - _lb[i]); } } g.tail(m) = _b - _A * _x; // check terminating condition const double r_primal = g.tail(m).squaredNorm(); const double r_dual = (_A.transpose() * nu - g.head(n)).squaredNorm(); //if (!bFeasible && (r_primal + r_dual < drwnLPSolver::eps)) break; if (!bFeasible && (r_primal < drwnLPSolver::eps)) break; // solve KKT system const VectorXd dxnu = F.fullPivLu().solve(g); const double lambda_sqr = g.head(n).dot(dxnu.head(n)); if (bFeasible && (0.5 * lambda_sqr < 1.0e-6)) break; if (bFeasible) { // feasible line search const double f_prev = t * + barrierFunction(_x); const double delta_f = alpha *; double step = 1.0; while (1) { const VectorXd nx = _x + step * dxnu.head(n); if (isWithinBounds(nx)) { const double f = t * + barrierFunction(nx); if (f - f_prev < step * delta_f) { _x = nx; break; } } step *= beta; } } else { // infeasible start line search double step = 1.0; while (1) { const VectorXd nx = _x + step * dxnu.head(n); if (isWithinBounds(nx)) { const VectorXd nnu = (1.0 - step) * nu + step * dxnu.tail(m); const double r = (_A.transpose() * nnu - g.head(n)).squaredNorm() + (_b - _A * nx).squaredNorm(); if (r <= (1.0 - alpha * step) * (r_primal + r_dual)) { _x = nx; nu = nnu; break; } } step *= beta; } } } // check if feasible point was found if (!bFeasible && ((_b - _A * _x).squaredNorm() > eps)) { DRWN_LOG_WARNING("...could not find a feasible point (residual norm is " << (_b - _A * _x).norm() << ")"); DRWN_FCN_TOC; return DRWN_DBL_MAX; } DRWN_LOG_VERBOSE("...objective is " <<; // check stopping criteria if (m < eps * t) break; // update barrier function multiplier t *= mu; } // compute true objective and return DRWN_FCN_TOC; return; }
double drwnSparseLPSolver::solve() { DRWN_FCN_TIC; const int n = _A.cols(); const int m = _A.rows(); // find feasible starting point if (_x.rows() == 0) { _x = VectorXd::Zero(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (isUnbounded(i)) continue; if (_ub[i] == DRWN_DBL_MAX) { _x[i] = _lb[i] + 1.0; } else if (_lb[i] == -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { _x[i] = _ub[i] - 1.0; } else { _x[i] = 0.5 * (_lb[i] + _ub[i]); } } } // initialize kkt system variables SparseMatrix<double> F(n + m, n + m); VectorXd g = VectorXd::Zero(n + m); vector<Eigen::Triplet<double> > entries; entries.reserve(n + 2 * _A.nonZeros()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { entries.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(i, i, 1.0)); } for (int k = 0; k < _A.outerSize(); k++) { for (SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(_A, k); it; ++it) { entries.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(n + it.row(), it.col(), it.value())); entries.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(it.col(), n + it.row(), it.value())); } } F.setFromTriplets(entries.begin(), entries.end()); // initialize dual variables (if needed) VectorXd nu = VectorXd::Zero(m); // iterate on interior point method double t = drwnLPSolver::t0; while (1) { // determine feasibility const bool bFeasible = ((_b - _A * _x).squaredNorm() < drwnLPSolver::eps); if (!bFeasible) { DRWN_LOG_VERBOSE("...finding feasible point"); } // centering step and update for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < drwnLPSolver::maxiters; iter++) { //! \todo solve with blockwise elimination // construct KKT system, Fx = g // | H A^T | | dx | = | - g | // | A 0 | | w | | b - Ax | for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { F.coeffRef(i, i) = 0.0; if (_ub[i] != DRWN_DBL_MAX) { F.coeffRef(i, i) += 1.0 / ((_ub[i] - _x[i]) * (_ub[i] - _x[i])); } if (_lb[i] != -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { F.coeffRef(i, i) += 1.0 / ((_x[i] - _lb[i]) * (_x[i] - _lb[i])); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { g[i] = - t * _c[i]; if (_ub[i] != DRWN_DBL_MAX) { g[i] += 1.0 / (_x[i] - _ub[i]); } if (_lb[i] != -DRWN_DBL_MAX) { g[i] += 1.0 / (_x[i] - _lb[i]); } } g.tail(m) = _b - _A * _x; // check terminating condition const double r_primal = g.tail(m).squaredNorm(); const double r_dual = (_A.transpose() * nu - g.head(n)).squaredNorm(); //if (!bFeasible && (r_primal + r_dual < drwnLPSolver::eps)) break; if (!bFeasible && (r_primal < drwnLPSolver::eps)) break; // solve KKT system SimplicialLDLT<SparseMatrix<double> > chol(F); const VectorXd dxnu = chol.solve(g); const double lambda_sqr = g.head(n).dot(dxnu.head(n)); if (bFeasible && (0.5 * lambda_sqr < 1.0e-6)) break; if (bFeasible) { // feasible line search const double f_prev = t * + barrierFunction(_x); const double delta_f = drwnLPSolver::alpha *; double step = 1.0; while (1) { const VectorXd nx = _x + step * dxnu.head(n); if (isWithinBounds(nx)) { const double f = t * + barrierFunction(nx); if (f - f_prev < step * delta_f) { _x = nx; break; } } step *= drwnLPSolver::beta; } } else { // infeasible start line search DRWN_LOG_DEBUG("...iteration " << iter << ", primal residual " << r_primal << ", dual residual " << r_dual); double step = 1.0; while (1) { const VectorXd nx = _x + step * dxnu.head(n); if (isWithinBounds(nx)) { const VectorXd nnu = (1.0 - step) * nu + step * dxnu.tail(m); const double r = (_A.transpose() * nnu - g.head(n)).squaredNorm() + (_b - _A * nx).squaredNorm(); if (r <= (1.0 - drwnLPSolver::alpha * step) * (r_primal + r_dual)) { _x = nx; nu = nnu; break; } } step *= drwnLPSolver::beta; } } } // check if feasible point was found if (!bFeasible && ((_b - _A * _x).squaredNorm() > drwnLPSolver::eps)) { DRWN_LOG_WARNING("...could not find a feasible point (residual norm is " << (_b - _A * _x).norm() << ")"); DRWN_FCN_TOC; return DRWN_DBL_MAX; } DRWN_LOG_VERBOSE("...objective is " <<; // check stopping criteria if (m < drwnLPSolver::eps * t) break; // update barrier function multiplier t *= drwnLPSolver::mu; } // compute true objective and return DRWN_FCN_TOC; return; }
inline void update_z(VectorXd& z, const MatrixXd& J, const VectorXd& d, int iq) { z = J.rightCols(z.size()-iq) * d.tail(d.size()-iq); }
VectorXd optimum_lorentzian_calc_a1acta3(const VectorXd x, VectorXd y, double H_l, double fc_l, double f_s, double eta, double a3, double b, double alpha, double asym, double gamma_l, const int l, VectorXd V, double step, const double c){ /* function that calculates the lorentzian on a optimized range of frequency. It returns a Vector of same size as the original vector x that contains the lorentzian model. BEWARE: USES build_l_mode_asym_act() ==> Include mode asymetry and effect of activity */ //const double c=20.; double pmin, pmax; long imin, imax; VectorXd m0, x_l; //VectorXd mall(x.size()); if(gamma_l >= 1 && f_s >= 1){ if(l != 0){ pmin=fc_l - c*(l*f_s + gamma_l); pmax=fc_l + c*(l*f_s + gamma_l); } else{ pmin=fc_l - c*gamma_l*2.2; pmax=fc_l + c*gamma_l*2.2; } } if(gamma_l <= 1 && f_s >= 1){ if(l !=0){ pmin=fc_l -c*(l*f_s + 1); pmax=fc_l + c*(l*f_s + 1); } else{ pmin=fc_l - c*2.2; pmax=fc_l + c*2.2; } } if(gamma_l >= 1 && f_s <= 1){ if(l != 0){ pmin=fc_l - c*(l + gamma_l); pmax=fc_l + c*(l + gamma_l); } else{ pmin=fc_l - c*2.2*gamma_l; pmax=fc_l + c*2.2*gamma_l; } } if(gamma_l <= 1 && f_s <= 1){ if(l !=0){ pmin=fc_l - c*(l+1); pmax=fc_l + c*(l+1); } else{ pmin=fc_l -c*2.2; pmax=fc_l +c*2.2; } } // ---------- Handling boundaries ---------- // case when the proposed values lead to (pmax - step) < min(x).... if( (pmax - step) < x.head(1)(0)){ pmax=x.head(1)(0) +c; // bundary = first value of x plus c } // case when the proposed values lead to (pmin + step) >= max(x)... if( (pmin + step) >= x.tail(1)(0)){ pmin=x.tail(1)(0) - c; // bundary = last value of x minus c } imin=floor((pmin-x.head(1)(0))/step); // Here it is assumed that there is a regular grid WITHOUT WHOLES (CANNOT USE a .FILT file) imax=ceil((pmax-x.head(1)(0))/step); if(imin < 0){imin=0;} // ensure that we always stay within the vector x if(imax > x.size()){imax=x.size();} // ensure that we always stay within the vector x if(imax-imin <= 0){ std::cout << "Warning imax -imin <= 0 : imin=" << imin << " imax=" << imax << std::endl; std::cout << " - pmin=" << pmin << " pmax=" << pmax << std::endl; std::cout << " - step=" << step << std::endl; std::cout << " --------" << std::endl; std::cout << " - l=" << l << std::endl; std::cout << " - fc_l=" << fc_l << std::endl; std::cout << " - H_l=" << H_l << std::endl; std::cout << " - gamma_l=" << gamma_l << std::endl; std::cout << " - f_s=" << f_s << std::endl; std::cout << " - eta=" << eta << std::endl; std::cout << " - a3=" << a3 << std::endl; std::cout << " - b=" << b << std::endl; std::cout << " - alpha=" << alpha << std::endl; std::cout << " - asym=" << asym << std::endl; std::cout << " --------" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //std::cout << "xmin=" << x.head(1) << "(microHz)" << std::endl; //std::cout << "xmax=" << x.tail(1) << "(microHz)" << std::endl; //std::cout << "step=" << step << std::endl; //std::cout << "pmin=" << pmin << "(microHz) pmax=" << pmax << "(microHz)" << std::endl; //std::cout << "imin=" << imin << " imax=" << imax << std::endl; //std::cin.ignore(); x_l=x.segment(imin, imax-imin); //m0=build_l_mode(x_l, H_l, fc_l, f_s, a2, a3, gamma_l, l, V); m0=build_l_mode_asym_act(x_l, H_l, fc_l, f_s, eta, a3, b, alpha, asym, gamma_l, l, V); //mall.setZero(); //mall.segment(imin, imax-imin)=m0; y.segment(imin, imax-imin)= y.segment(imin, imax-imin) + m0; return y; }