コード例 #1
ファイル: OBB.cpp プロジェクト: Ilikia/naali
float OBB::Distance(const float3 &point) const
    ///\todo This code can be optimized a bit. See Christer Ericson's Real-Time Collision Detection,
    /// p.134.
    float3 closestPoint = ClosestPoint(point);
    return point.Distance(closestPoint);
コード例 #2
float3 SceneInteract::RaycastFurthestIntersect(const float3 &from, const Vector<float3> &to, unsigned layerMask) const
    float3 intersection = float3::nan;
    Scene* scene = framework->Module<UrhoRenderer>()->MainCameraScene();
    GraphicsWorld* world = scene ? scene->Subsystem<GraphicsWorld>().Get() : nullptr;
    if (!world)
        return intersection;

    Ray ray;
    ray.pos = from;

    float furthest = 0.0f;
    for (int i=0, len=to.Size(); i<len; ++i)
        ray.dir = to[i].Sub(from).Normalized();

        // We use raycast all as there might be multiple entities in between 'from' and 'to'
        // and this function should return the closest hit to the 'to' target.
        float maxDistance = from.Distance(to[i]);
        RayQueryResultVector results = world->RaycastAll(ray, layerMask, maxDistance);
        if (!results.Empty())
            // Last result is picked as the results are already ordered by distance.
            RayQueryResult& result = results.Back();
            if (result.t > furthest)
                furthest = result.t;
                intersection = result.pos;
    return intersection;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/MathGeoLib
float Sphere::MaxDistance(const float3 &point) const
	return point.Distance(pos) + r;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/MathGeoLib
/** For reference, see http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=20 . */
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const float3 &a, const float3 &b, const float3 &c)
	Sphere sphere;

	float3 ab = b-a;
	float3 ac = c-a;

	float s, t;
	bool areCollinear = ab.Cross(ac).LengthSq() < 1e-4f; // Manually test that we don't try to fit sphere to three collinear points.
	bool success = !areCollinear && FitSphereThroughPoints(ab, ac, s, t);
	if (!success || Abs(s) > 10000.f || Abs(t) > 10000.f) // If s and t are very far from the triangle, do a manual box fitting for numerical stability.
		float3 minPt = Min(a, b, c);
		float3 maxPt = Max(a, b, c);
		sphere.pos = (minPt + maxPt) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = sphere.pos.Distance(minPt);
	else if (s < 0.f)
		sphere.pos = (a + c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = a.Distance(c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, b.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
	else if (t < 0.f)
		sphere.pos = (a + b) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = a.Distance(b) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, c.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
	else if (s+t > 1.f)
		sphere.pos = (b + c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = b.Distance(c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, a.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
		const float3 center = s*ab + t*ac;
		sphere.pos = a + center;
		// Mathematically, the following would be correct, but it suffers from floating point inaccuracies,
		// since it only tests distance against one point.
		//sphere.r = center.Length();

		// For robustness, take the radius to be the distance to the farthest point (though the distance are all
		// equal).
		sphere.r = Sqrt(Max(sphere.pos.DistanceSq(a), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(b), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(c)));

	// Allow floating point inconsistency and expand the radius by a small epsilon so that the containment tests
	// really contain the points (note that the points must be sufficiently near enough to the origin)
	sphere.r += 2.f * epsilon; // We test against one epsilon, so expand by two epsilons.

	if (!sphere.Contains(a, epsilon) || !sphere.Contains(b, epsilon) || !sphere.Contains(c, epsilon))
		LOGE("Pos: %s, r: %f", sphere.pos.ToString().c_str(), sphere.r);
		LOGE("A: %s, dist: %f", a.ToString().c_str(), a.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("B: %s, dist: %f", b.ToString().c_str(), b.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("C: %s, dist: %f", c.ToString().c_str(), c.Distance(sphere.pos));
	return sphere;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/MathGeoLib
/** For reference, see http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=20 . */
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const float3 &a, const float3 &b, const float3 &c, const float3 &d)
	Sphere sphere;

	float s,t,u;
	const float3 ab = b-a;
	const float3 ac = c-a;
	const float3 ad = d-a;
	bool success = FitSphereThroughPoints(ab, ac, ad, s, t, u);
	if (!success || s < 0.f || t < 0.f || u < 0.f || s+t+u > 1.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c);
		if (!sphere.Contains(d))
			sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,d);
			if (!sphere.Contains(c))
				sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,c,d);
				if (!sphere.Contains(b))
					sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b,c,d);
					sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, a.Distance(sphere.pos) + 1e-3f); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the fourth point.
	/* // Note: Trying to approach the problem like this, like was in the triangle case, is flawed:
	if (s < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, c, d);
	else if (t < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, b, d);
	else if (u < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, b, c);
	else if (s + t + u > 1.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b, c, d); */
	else // The fitted sphere is inside the convex hull of the vertices (a,b,c,d), so it must be optimal.
		const float3 center = s*ab + t*ac + u*ad;

		sphere.pos = a + center;
		// Mathematically, the following would be correct, but it suffers from floating point inaccuracies,
		// since it only tests distance against one point.
		//sphere.r = center.Length();

		// For robustness, take the radius to be the distance to the farthest point (though the distance are all
		// equal).
		sphere.r = Sqrt(Max(sphere.pos.DistanceSq(a), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(b), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(c), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(d)));

		// Allow floating point inconsistency and expand the radius by a small epsilon so that the containment tests
		// really contain the points (note that the points must be sufficiently near enough to the origin)
		sphere.r += 2.f*epsilon; // We test against one epsilon, so expand using 2 epsilons.

	if (!sphere.Contains(a, epsilon) || !sphere.Contains(b, epsilon) || !sphere.Contains(c, epsilon) || !sphere.Contains(d, epsilon))
		LOGE("Pos: %s, r: %f", sphere.pos.ToString().c_str(), sphere.r);
		LOGE("A: %s, dist: %f", a.ToString().c_str(), a.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("B: %s, dist: %f", b.ToString().c_str(), b.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("C: %s, dist: %f", c.ToString().c_str(), c.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("D: %s, dist: %f", d.ToString().c_str(), d.Distance(sphere.pos));

	return sphere;