コード例 #1
ファイル: float3.cpp プロジェクト: chengzg/MathGeoLib
float float3::AngleBetween(const float3 &other) const
	float cosa = Dot(other) / Sqrt(LengthSq() * other.LengthSq());
	if (cosa >= 1.f)
		return 0.f;
	else if (cosa <= -1.f)
		return pi;
		return acos(cosa);
コード例 #2
//	checks point-intersection with sphere (point is relative to owner)
Bool GCollisionObj::IntersectionSpherePoint(float3 Point)
	//	translate so point is local to sphere
	Point += m_Offset;

	//	get dist to point
	float DistSq = Point.LengthSq();

	if ( DistSq > (m_SphereRadius*m_SphereRadius) )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
コード例 #3
ファイル: RigidBody.cpp プロジェクト: realXtend/tundra-urho3d
void RigidBody::ApplyTorqueImpulse(const float3& torqueImpulse)
    // Cannot modify server-authoritative physics object
    if (!HasAuthority())
    // If impulse is very small, do not wake up the body and apply
    if (torqueImpulse.LengthSq() < cTorqueThresholdSq)
    if (!impl->body)
    if (impl->body)
コード例 #4
ファイル: RigidBody.cpp プロジェクト: realXtend/tundra-urho3d
void RigidBody::ApplyImpulse(const float3& impulse, const float3& position)
    // Cannot modify server-authoritative physics object
    if (!HasAuthority())
    // If impulse is very small, do not wake up the body and apply
    if (impulse.LengthSq() < cImpulseThresholdSq)
    if (!impl->body)
    if (impl->body)
        if (position.Equals(float3::zero))
            impl->body->applyImpulse(impulse, position);
コード例 #5
ファイル: float3.cpp プロジェクト: chengzg/MathGeoLib
float3 float3::ProjectTo(const float3 &direction) const
	return direction * this->Dot(direction) / direction.LengthSq();
コード例 #6
ファイル: float4.cpp プロジェクト: zhimaijoy/tundra
float4 float4::ProjectTo3(const float3 &target) const
    return float4(target * Dot(xyz(), target) / target.LengthSq(), w);
コード例 #7
ファイル: AABB.cpp プロジェクト: chengzg/MathGeoLib
bool AABB::IntersectLineAABB_CPP(const float3 &linePos, const float3 &lineDir, float &tNear, float &tFar) const
	assume2(lineDir.IsNormalized(), lineDir, lineDir.LengthSq());
	assume2(tNear <= tFar && "AABB::IntersectLineAABB: User gave a degenerate line as input for the intersection test!", tNear, tFar);
	// The user should have inputted values for tNear and tFar to specify the desired subrange [tNear, tFar] of the line
	// for this intersection test.
	// For a Line-AABB test, pass in
	//    tNear = -FLOAT_INF;
	//    tFar = FLOAT_INF;
	// For a Ray-AABB test, pass in
	//    tNear = 0.f;
	//    tFar = FLOAT_INF;
	// For a LineSegment-AABB test, pass in
	//    tNear = 0.f;
	//    tFar = LineSegment.Length();

	// Test each cardinal plane (X, Y and Z) in turn.
	if (!EqualAbs(lineDir.x, 0.f))
		float recipDir = RecipFast(lineDir.x);
		float t1 = (minPoint.x - linePos.x) * recipDir;
		float t2 = (maxPoint.x - linePos.x) * recipDir;

		// tNear tracks distance to intersect (enter) the AABB.
		// tFar tracks the distance to exit the AABB.
		if (t1 < t2)
			tNear = Max(t1, tNear), tFar = Min(t2, tFar);
		else // Swap t1 and t2.
			tNear = Max(t2, tNear), tFar = Min(t1, tFar);

		if (tNear > tFar)
			return false; // Box is missed since we "exit" before entering it.
	else if (linePos.x < minPoint.x || linePos.x > maxPoint.x)
		return false; // The ray can't possibly enter the box, abort.

	if (!EqualAbs(lineDir.y, 0.f))
		float recipDir = RecipFast(lineDir.y);
		float t1 = (minPoint.y - linePos.y) * recipDir;
		float t2 = (maxPoint.y - linePos.y) * recipDir;

		if (t1 < t2)
			tNear = Max(t1, tNear), tFar = Min(t2, tFar);
		else // Swap t1 and t2.
			tNear = Max(t2, tNear), tFar = Min(t1, tFar);

		if (tNear > tFar)
			return false; // Box is missed since we "exit" before entering it.
	else if (linePos.y < minPoint.y || linePos.y > maxPoint.y)
		return false; // The ray can't possibly enter the box, abort.

	if (!EqualAbs(lineDir.z, 0.f)) // ray is parallel to plane in question
		float recipDir = RecipFast(lineDir.z);
		float t1 = (minPoint.z - linePos.z) * recipDir;
		float t2 = (maxPoint.z - linePos.z) * recipDir;

		if (t1 < t2)
			tNear = Max(t1, tNear), tFar = Min(t2, tFar);
		else // Swap t1 and t2.
			tNear = Max(t2, tNear), tFar = Min(t1, tFar);
	else if (linePos.z < minPoint.z || linePos.z > maxPoint.z)
		return false; // The ray can't possibly enter the box, abort.

	return tNear <= tFar;
コード例 #8
ファイル: float3.cpp プロジェクト: truongascii/MathGeoLib
bool float3::IsPerpendicular(const float3 &other, float epsilonSq) const
	float dot = Dot(other);
	return dot*dot <= epsilonSq * LengthSq() * other.LengthSq();