コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Alfredof10/C_Space
// void checkIfAtMoonMenu() 
// This method is used to start the game at your home base of the moon
// This can be changed.
int checkIfAtMoonMenu(ship &s,planet &j,planet &e,planet &m,planet &g,planet &M,planet &S,planet &n,planet &p,planet &c)
  int input = 0;

	   cout << "Welcome to the Moon, your home base " << "Planet Description goes here?? Maybe?." << endl << endl;
	   cout << ":::Space News::: " <<  endl;
	   cout << "Planet   " << "Iron" << "\t" << "Price" << "\t" << "Sugar" << "\t" << "Price" << "\t" << "Rice" << "\t" << "Price" << endl;
	  // cout << "Jupiter  " <<  << "\t" << j.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << j.getSugar() << "\t" << j.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << j.getRice() << "\t" << j.getRicePrice() << endl;
	  // cout << "Earth    " << << "\t" << e.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << e.getSugar() << "\t" << e.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << e.getRice() << "\t" << e.getRicePrice() << endl;
	 //  cout << "Ganymede " << g.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << g.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << g.getSugar() << "\t" << g.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << g.getRice() << "\t" << g.getRicePrice() << endl;
	 //  cout << "Mars     " << m.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << m.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << m.getSugar() << "\t" << m.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << m.getRice() << "\t" << m.getRicePrice() << endl;
	 //  cout << "Saturn   " << S.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << S.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << S.getSugar() << "\t" << S.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << S.getRice() << "\t" << S.getRicePrice() << endl;
	 //  cout << "Neptune  " << n.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << n.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << n.getSugar() << "\t" << n.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << n.getRice() << "\t" << n.getRicePrice() << endl;
	//   cout << "Pluto    " << p.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << p.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << p.getSugar() << "\t" << p.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << p.getRice() << "\t" << p.getRicePrice() << endl;
	//   cout << "Ceres    " << c.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << c.getIronQuantityDesired() << "\t" << c.getSugar() << "\t" << c.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << c.getRice() << "\t" << c.getRicePrice() << endl;
	   //cout << "Jupiter" << j.getIronQuantity() << "\t" << j.getIronQuantityDesiredQuantity() << "\t" << j.getSugar() << "\t" << j.getSugarPrice()  << "\t" << j.getRice() << "\t" << j.getRicePrice() << endl;
       cout << endl; 
	  // cout << "\nRice: " << p.getRice() << endl;
	   //cout << "\nFuel: " << p.getFuel() << endl;
	   cout << "1. Check Mail Box: -- Not Functional... " << endl;
	   cout << "2. Repair Ship: -- Not Functional... " << endl;
	   cout << "3. Upgrade Ship: -- Not Functional... " << endl;
	   cout << "4. Pick Up Passengers: -- Not Functional... " << endl;
	   cout << "5. Talk to people listen to space news... -- not functional... " << endl;
	   cout << "6. Leave Space Station... -- This works!" << endl;
	   cout << endl;

	   cout << "You have " << "Rice - " << s.getRice() << " Iron - " << s.getIron() << " Sugar - " << s.getSugar() << endl;
	   cout	<< "SpaceBucks - " << s.getFunds() << " Fuel - " << s.getFuel() << " Cargo Max - " << s.getCARGO_MAX() << endl;
       cout << "What do you want to do?";
       cin >> input;
return input;
コード例 #2
ファイル: planet.cpp プロジェクト: bsansone/C_Space
// added by Soren Haurburg
//void Planet::Shop(int &money, int &fuel, Commodity &shipIron, Commodity &shipSugar, Commodity &shipRice, int CARGO_MAX)
void planet::Shop(ship &s)
//	HANDLE hStdout;
 //   hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 
 //   SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hStdout);
	char pressedKey = '0';
	while(pressedKey != 'E' && pressedKey != 'e')
//	  SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdout, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED);
	  cout << "\n\t\t\tWelcome to " << *planetName << endl;
	  int n=0; for (n=0;n < 24; n++) { printf("\n"); }

	  cout << "\tYou have the follwing..." << endl;
	  cout << "\t\tIron: " << s.getIron() << "Sugar: " << s.getSugar() << "Rice: " << s.getRice() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\tMoney: " << s.getFunds() << "Fuel: " << s.getFuel() << "Cargo Space left: " << s.getCARGO_MAX()-(s.getIron()+s.getRice()+s.getSugar()) << endl; 
	  cout << "\n\tHere are your available actions on planet " << /*planetName*/ "Jupiter" << ":" << endl;

	  if (ironDesiredQuantity>ironQuantity)
            cout << "\n\t\t\t1. "<< *planetName << "will Buy Iron for: " << ((ironDesiredQuantity/ironQuantity) * ironQuantity) << endl;
           cout << "\t\t\t5. " << *planetName << "will sell Iron for: " << ((ironQuantity/ironDesiredQuantity) * ironQuantity) << endl;
	  /*cout << "\n\t\t\t1. Buy Iron for: " << Iron.getBuyValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t2. Buy Sugar for: " << Sugar.getBuyValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t3. Buy Rice for: " << Rice.getBuyValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t4. Buy Fuel for: " << fuelPrice << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t5. Sell Iron for: " << Iron.getSellValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t6. Sell Sugar for: " << Sugar.getSellValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\t7. Sell Rice for: " << Rice.getSellValue() << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\tU. Buy Upgrades" << endl;
	  cout << "\t\t\tE. Exit " << "Planet Name Here";
      cin >> pressedKey;
	   case '1': 	  
	        buyCommodity(s, "Iron");   
	   case '2':
//			buyCommodity(s, Sugar);
	   case '3':
	//		buyCommodity(s, Rice);
       case '4':
	//		buyFuel(s);
	   case '5':
			sellCommodity(s, "Iron");
	   case '6':
	//	    sellCommodity(s, Sugar);
	   case '7':
	//	    sellCommodity(s, Rice);
	   case 'U':
	//		upgradeShip(s);
	   case 'u':
	//		upgradeShip(s);
	   case 'E':
		   //leaving planet
	   case 'e':
		   //leaving planet
			cout << "Please pick one of the available options. " << endl;
	  }// end of switch
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: Alfredof10/C_Space
// int checkIfAtPlanetMenu() 
// This method is used when you get to a planet to generate the buy and sell option
// as of right now the planet.getPlanetName() is giving errors so it is left blank
int checkIfAtPlanetMenu(ship &s,planet &p)
  int input = 0;

	   cout << "Welcome to --Fix Planet Name--... " << "Planet Description goes here?? Maybe?." << endl << endl;
	   cout << "\nIron: " << p.getIronQuantity() << endl;
	   cout << "\nSugar: " << p.getSugarQuantity() << endl;
	   cout << "\nRice: " << p.getRiceQuantity() << endl;
	   cout << "\nFuel: " << p.getFuel() << endl;
	   cout << "1. Buy Iron: " << endl;
	   cout << "2. Buy Sugar: " << endl;
	   cout << "3. Buy Rice: " << endl;
	   cout << "4. Sell Iron: " << endl;
	   cout << "5. Sell Sugar: " << endl;
	   cout << "6. Sell Rice: " << endl;
	   cout << "7. Buy Fuel: " << endl;
	   cout << "8. Exit planet" << endl;
	   cout << "You have " << "Rice - " << s.getRice() << " Iron - " << s.getIron() << " Sugar - " << s.getSugar() << endl;
	   cout	<< "SpaceBucks - " << s.getFunds() << " Fuel - " << s.getFuel() << " Cargo Max - " << s.getCARGO_MAX() << endl;
       cout << "What do you want to do?";
       cin >> input;
return input;