コード例 #1
ファイル: ast.cpp プロジェクト: coopersimon/Compiler
void n_jump_stat::code_gen(status& stat, std::ostream& out)
	if (type == "continue")
		out << "\tb\t" << stat.get_continue_label() << "\n";
	else if (type == "break")
		out << "\tb\t" << stat.get_break_label() << "\n";
	else if (type == "return")
		if (left != NULL)
			left->code_gen(stat, out);
			out << "\tmove\t$v0,$t" << stat.get_register() << "\n";
			out << "\tb\tr" << stat.get_function_name() << "\n";
			out << "\tnop\n";
	else // goto
		out << "\tj\tl_" << type << "\n";

コード例 #2
ファイル: ast.cpp プロジェクト: coopersimon/Compiler
void n_func_def::code_gen(status& stat, std::ostream& out)
	// starting pseudo ops
	stat.change_text_data("text", out);
	out << "\t.globl\t" << stat.get_function_name() << "\n";
	out << "\t.ent\t" << stat.get_function_name() << "\n";
	out << "\t.type\t" << stat.get_function_name() << ", @function\n";
	out << stat.get_function_name() << ":\n";
	// dealing with the stack and frame:
	// status contains the function number and number of variables in the function.
	// function 0 is global, main will probably be function 1 (not really relevant here)
	// we need 8 + (vars*4) space on the stack. All variables assigned 4 bytes for simplicity.

	int stack_space = 8 + stat.size_variables();

	out << "\taddiu\t" << "$sp,$sp,-" << stack_space << "\n"; // stack grows down...
	out << "\tsw\t" << "$fp," << (stack_space - 4) << "($sp)\n"; // store the old fp at the top of the stack
	out << "\taddi\t" << "$fp,$sp," << stack_space << "\n"; // set new fp at the top of the stack frame.
	if (left != NULL)
		left->code_gen(stat, out); // the function body.

	out << "\tmove\t$v0,$zero\n"; // return zero by default
	if (stat.number_returns() > 0)
		out << "r" << stat.get_function_name() << ":\n"; // label to branch to and return

	out << "\tlw\t" << "$fp," << (stack_space - 4) << "($sp)\n"; // restore the old fp
	out << "\taddiu\t" << "$sp,$sp," << stack_space << "\n"; // move the stack back up.

	out << "\tj\t$ra\n"; // return
	out << "\tnop\n";

	out << "\t.end\t" << stat.get_function_name() << "\n\n";
