コード例 #1
ファイル: blitz_op.hpp プロジェクト: Swagataacharya/TRIQS
  inline void for_cons(const blitz::Array<T,n> & M, bool check_order){
    need_copy = (!(M.isStorageContiguous()));
    if (check_order) for (int i=0; i<n;i++) need_copy = (need_copy || (M.ordering(i)!=i));
    if (need_copy) std::cout<<"WARNING : REF : COPY NEEDED. Performance will be degraded"<<std::endl;
    Mref = (blitz::Array<T,n> *)&M;
    // The copy has the same shape but is ordered like a fortran array
    if (need_copy) {Mcopy.resize(M.shape());Mcopy=M;}
コード例 #2
ファイル: Function.cpp プロジェクト: 183amir/bob.extension
blitz::Array<double,1> bob::example::library::reverse (const blitz::Array<double,1>& array){
  // create new array in the desired shape
  blitz::Array<double,1> retval(array.shape());
  // copy data
  for (int i = 0, j = array.extent(0)-1; i < array.extent(0); ++i, --j){
    retval(j) = array(i);
  // return the copied data
  return retval;
コード例 #3
void bob::math::eig_(const blitz::Array<double,2>& A,
  blitz::Array<std::complex<double>,2>& V,
  blitz::Array<std::complex<double>,1>& D)
  // Size variable
  const int N = A.extent(0);

  // Prepares to call LAPACK function
  // Initialises LAPACK variables
  const char jobvl = 'N'; // Do NOT compute left eigen-vectors
  const char jobvr = 'V'; // Compute right eigen-vectors
  int info = 0;
  const int lda = N;
  const int ldvr = N;
  double VL = 0; // notice we don't compute the left eigen-values
  const int ldvl = 1;

  // Initialises LAPACK arrays
  blitz::Array<double,2> A_lapack = bob::core::array::ccopy(const_cast<blitz::Array<double,2>&>(A).transpose(1,0));

  // temporary arrays to receive LAPACK's eigen-values and eigen-vectors
  blitz::Array<double,1> WR(D.shape()); //real part
  blitz::Array<double,1> WI(D.shape()); //imaginary part
  blitz::Array<double,2> VR(A.shape()); //right eigen-vectors

  // Calls the LAPACK function
  // A/ Queries the optimal size of the working arrays
  const int lwork_query = -1;
  double work_query;
  dgeev_( &jobvl, &jobvr, &N, A_lapack.data(), &lda, WR.data(), WI.data(),
      &VL, &ldvl, VR.data(), &ldvr, &work_query, &lwork_query, &info);

  // B/ Computes the eigenvalue decomposition
  const int lwork = static_cast<int>(work_query);
  boost::shared_array<double> work(new double[lwork]);
  dgeev_( &jobvl, &jobvr, &N, A_lapack.data(), &lda, WR.data(), WI.data(),
      &VL, &ldvl, VR.data(), &ldvr, work.get(), &lwork, &info);

  // Checks info variable
  if (info != 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("the QR algorithm failed to compute all the eigenvalues, and no eigenvectors have been computed.");

  // Copy results back from WR, WI => D
  blitz::real(D) = WR;
  blitz::imag(D) = WI;

  // Copy results back from VR => V, with two rules:
  // 1) If the j-th eigenvalue is real, then v(j) = VR(:,j), the j-th column of
  //    VR.
  // 2) If the j-th and (j+1)-st eigenvalues form a complex conjugate pair,
  // then v(j) = VR(:,j) + i*VR(:,j+1) and v(j+1) = VR(:,j) - i*VR(:,j+1).
  blitz::Range a = blitz::Range::all();
  int i=0;
  while (i<N) {
    if (std::imag(D(i)) == 0.) { //real eigen-value, consume 1
      blitz::real(V(a,i)) = VR(i,a);
      blitz::imag(V(a,i)) = 0.;
    else { //complex eigen-value, consume 2
      blitz::real(V(a,i)) = VR(i,a);
      blitz::imag(V(a,i)) = VR(i+1,a);
      blitz::real(V(a,i+1)) = VR(i,a);
      blitz::imag(V(a,i+1)) = -VR(i+1,a);
      i += 2;
コード例 #4
void bob::math::eigSym_(const blitz::Array<double,2>& A, const blitz::Array<double,2>& B,
  blitz::Array<double,2>& V, blitz::Array<double,1>& D)
  // Size variable
  const int N = A.extent(0);

  // Prepares to call LAPACK function
  // Initialises LAPACK variables
  const int itype = 1;
  const char jobz = 'V'; // Get both the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors
  const char uplo = 'U';
  int info = 0;
  const int lda = N;
  const int ldb = N;

  // Initialises LAPACK arrays
  blitz::Array<double,2> A_blitz_lapack;
  // Tries to use V directly
  blitz::Array<double,2> Vt = V.transpose(1,0);
  const bool V_direct_use = bob::core::array::isCZeroBaseContiguous(Vt);
  if (V_direct_use)
    // Ugly fix for non-const transpose
    A_blitz_lapack = const_cast<blitz::Array<double,2>&>(A).transpose(1,0);
    // Ugly fix for non-const transpose
  double *A_lapack = A_blitz_lapack.data();
  // Ugly fix for non-const transpose
  blitz::Array<double,2> B_blitz_lapack(
  double *B_lapack = B_blitz_lapack.data();
  blitz::Array<double,1> D_blitz_lapack;
  const bool D_direct_use = bob::core::array::isCZeroBaseContiguous(D);
  if (D_direct_use)
  double *D_lapack = D_blitz_lapack.data();

  // Calls the LAPACK function
  // A/ Queries the optimal size of the working arrays
  const int lwork_query = -1;
  double work_query;
  const int liwork_query = -1;
  int iwork_query;
  dsygvd_( &itype, &jobz, &uplo, &N, A_lapack, &lda, B_lapack, &ldb, D_lapack,
    &work_query, &lwork_query, &iwork_query, &liwork_query, &info);
  // B/ Computes the generalized eigenvalue decomposition
  const int lwork = static_cast<int>(work_query);
  boost::shared_array<double> work(new double[lwork]);
  const int liwork = static_cast<int>(iwork_query);
  boost::shared_array<int> iwork(new int[liwork]);
  dsygvd_( &itype, &jobz, &uplo, &N, A_lapack, &lda, B_lapack, &ldb, D_lapack,
    work.get(), &lwork, iwork.get(), &liwork, &info);

  // Checks info variable
  if (info != 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("The LAPACK function 'dsygvd' returned a non-zero value. This might be caused by a non-positive definite B matrix.");

  // Copy singular vectors back to V if required
  if (!V_direct_use)
    V = A_blitz_lapack.transpose(1,0);

  // Copy result back to sigma if required
  if (!D_direct_use)
    D = D_blitz_lapack;